Great warships

Chapter 661 Three White Swans

Chapter 661 Three White Swans

"Old Lin, you can have fun, even if it costs [-] million dollars, you can still make money." Wu Shengli said with a smile: "It's hard to find this kind of plane with a lantern! Before our stealth bomber is successfully developed , This kind of aircraft is our strategic killer!"

This sentence is not wrong. Now the largest domestic aircraft is the H-160, with a maximum takeoff weight of [-] to [-] tons and a range of [-] to [-] kilometers. It is still subsonic. In front of the Tu-[-], there is no sense of existence at all.

The latter has a maximum take-off weight of 275 tons, a range of more than 1 kilometers, and can fly to a speed of Mach 2. This is a real strategic bomber.

Even the data of Tu-22M is only half of that of Tu-160.

A Su-5000 worth 27 million U.S. dollars has to be bought, and a Tu-160 worth [-] million U.S. dollars is definitely a bargain!

"Our navy has no idea?" Qin Tao looked at Wu Shengli: "Then sell it to the Air Force."

"That's right, sell it to the Air Force, our navy can't snatch them."

"Mr. Lin, our Mingzhou Group has one more request."

"Okay, you kid is taking this opportunity to kill us. Tell me, what are your demands? As long as it's not too much, we can agree. By the way, we can't ask for money, [-] million It's enough for us to hurt, but there can't be more."

"Our domestic J-32 is about to go into mass production. It just so happens that our Mingzhou Group plans to set up a special engine production plant. Therefore, we also need to discuss with the Air Force. In our production plant, we will introduce turbofan [-]. Production technology, synchronous production of turbofan [-] engines. Otherwise, it is estimated that the production capacity of this engine will not be able to meet our needs."

At the beginning, the R79 technology introduction was participated by the Air Force, and the Mingzhou Group did not have that much strength and technology, so it was handed over to the 624 Institute and other research institutes for development. Now, the stealth machine is ready for mass production. The production of engines must also keep up, so, simply take advantage of this opportunity to produce imported projects and domestic projects together!
"Of course there is no problem." Mr. Lin nodded immediately: "Now, although our turbofan [-] has been developed, none of the engine factories has the strength to mass-produce it, and they have to spend a lot of money to improve the production line. If your Mingzhou Group can produce it, it will be a time for rapid development and improvement for our domestic aviation industry!"

Hearing what Mr. Lin said, Qin Tao was a little puzzled: "But, our Mingzhou Group is a private enterprise!"

"What's wrong with private enterprises? We have to let private enterprises join in and compete together, so that other enterprises can feel the pressure and work harder!" Mr. Lin said: "In my opinion, just buy technology directly. In this way, 624 When the research unit can get a large sum of money, it just happens to be invested in the improvement of turbofan [-], and it doesn’t need to be much, how about [-] million?”

"Mr. Lin, when did you learn how to do business?" Qin Tao was a little helpless.

"I didn't learn it from you."

Even if this matter is settled, Zhao Ling will be in charge of the specific operation of the aero-engine factory next, and she is also very happy. She is going to do a bigger business, and she must do it well!

"Have you thought about the plan for the golden cicada to escape?" Wu Shengli asked.

"Well, these three bombers must have flown back directly. From Ermao, they first flew to the western airport in our country, and then a fire broke out there."


"That's right, the three planes will all be burnt into wreckage. It's too horrible to look at." Qin Tao said, "As for the mastermind behind it, let's just strongly condemn it. Old Maozi and the Americans will surely bite dogs."

"Well, this plan is the most suitable. However, in the next period of time, this bomber unit will train at night, just like the former Tu-22M bomber unit."

"The training is still early, and we have to modify it first. After these planes come back, the avionics and attack equipment have been dismantled, and we have to replace them with our own equipment." Qin Tao said: "At the same time, we officially announced our stealth bomber program."

"That's right, since Taozi has already made arrangements, we don't need to worry about it!" Elder Lin nodded with satisfaction: "Next, let's just wait."

"Just wait, I have to run, and then I have to go to Priluki to do some work, and I have to take the An-225 with me. The air force has to reimburse us for the round-trip cost of this plane. "

"An-225?" Everyone was stunned: "Boss Qin, there's no need to mobilize the crowd like that, right?"

"No need?" Qin Tao sneered: "One Tu-160 needs 54 tons of fuel to fill up, and three planes is 160 tons. I have to bring a few tank trucks to pump out the oil in the tank and transfer it to Go inside the -160, tell me, besides the An-225, what other aircraft can transport so many things there?"

"They don't even have fuel there?"

"Even if there is no fuel, there must be a tanker truck?"

"I still have to bring enough things." Qin Tao said: "You can't just catch me blind when the time comes. You won't go with me."

"That's right, Mr. Qin is right, we have to support it!"

Originally, it was to coordinate the die forging press, but unexpectedly, so many things would happen again!
It was March of 98. Qin Tao took his own group's special plane to Priluki. In the base, the commander of the bomber unit stood at the cabin door of the special plane to welcome Qin Tao and his party.

"President Qin, welcome to Priluki, we have received instructions to deliver you three White Swans." Osipov said: "The superior also instructed us to dismantle bombing and navigation equipment..."

"Your Excellency Osipov, do you have any pilots here who want to go on a business trip?" Qin Tao interrupted Osipov: "Help us fly the plane from here to our country, and everyone will get two thousand dollars Travel allowance."

Fly a trip, two thousand dollars!

As soon as these words came out, the entire base erupted in an instant.

Since the collapse of the Red Empire, there have been fewer and fewer flying missions in their base. Since 94, they have almost been grounded, and they can't fly once a year!Now, just being able to fly once is enough to make them excited, and there is also a subsidy of two thousand dollars!

"Don't worry, I will definitely pick out excellent pilots for you." Osipov said excitedly.

"Okay, I believe you, here is a deposit, one thousand per person, you will hand it over to the pilot, and the rest will be paid after the mission is completed." Qin Tao said, took a big envelope from Xu Zhengyang, and handed it to the pilot. Osipov.

Don't look at the picture-160 is huge, but the avionics equipment is advanced, only four people can drive it, three planes are twelve people, and the deposit is 1 US dollars. Twenty thousand!
Osipov looked at the contents inside, a little astonished.

"Mr. Osipov, you have worked hard too." Qin Tao said: "The rest is a little bit of our Mingzhou Group's heart."

Osipov was overjoyed immediately, Mr. Qin of Mingzhou Group was really generous!This matter was originally arranged by the superiors, and they were only responsible for cooperating. Mr. Qin has given so many benefits, so of course they must cooperate properly.

"Thank you, President Qin. Next, let's discuss the issue of handover." Osipov said: "We use the takeoff line as the handover point. When we drag the plane onto the takeoff line, you will be in charge. We were in charge before." ,how?"

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "Listen to you."

"President Qin, please rest assured about the status of the plane. Although our plane has not flown for several years, it is well maintained." Osipov continued to say enthusiastically.

"We're not worried, it's your pilots who are here to fly anyway." Qin Tao joked.

Osipov's face was a little embarrassed, and he couldn't answer these words.

"By the way, Mr. Qin, our airport is out of gas." Osipov said.

In the impression of the outside world, Ermao is a country that lacks energy, and it mainly relies on the energy provided by Da Mao to live. Therefore, when they continue to owe Da Mao's energy bills, they are forced to use bombers such as Tu-160 and Tu-95. Refunded, sold at a super low price.

In fact, there is not a lot of energy in Ermao. Their oil reserves are 49 billion barrels, ranking seventh in the world, and their natural gas reserves exceed 7 trillion cubic meters. This reserve is second only to Damao and Mao in Europe. Norway.

However, for a country that only knows how to live on its laurels, it will not start to mine. Although they have abundant energy reserves, they have not exploited them. The domestic crude oil production is only 7.4 barrels per day, and 70.00% of the energy needs import.

Because they do not produce it themselves, it is inconvenient to use oil in the country, and their army does not have crude oil to use!
The bomber has no crude oil, so it can only lie down.

I held a good card in my hand, but I played a bad one in the end!Qin Tao was also emotional, but a tattered Ermao is a good Ermao, otherwise how could he get a big guy like Tu-160?
"Don't worry about this. Our plane has more than 100 tons of fuel, which can be pumped into the bomber that needs to take off." Qin Tao said.

"Oh, that's really great!" Osipov looked over and saw a fuel tank truck rumbled out of the An-225's warehouse: "President Qin, you don't need to bring a fuel tank truck over here , We have tank trucks here, but we don’t have drivers.”

Qin Tao was afraid that the oil tanker would be sold by them as well. It turned out that there was still one, but it couldn't be used anymore.

"Let's use ours. In case your fuel tank truck breaks down, we don't have spare parts to repair it." Qin Tao said.

Several people walked while talking, and finally walked into the hangar.

The huge Tu-160 docked there quietly.

Its nose is slender, somewhat like a Concorde airliner, with a narrow glass cockpit on the nose, and the driving experience is similar to that of an airliner. However, from the back of the cockpit, you can see the side strip structure, which extends backwards , forming a wing box, which perfectly combines variable-sweep wing and wing-body fusion.

The four engines are hoisted in the two engine nacelles below, extending backwards to the tail, and the cross-shaped tail is retracted upwards, forming a perfect structure. The whole aircraft looks like a flying white swan.

This is the most advanced strategic bomber in the era of the Red Empire!

Its layout is very similar to that of the B-1B, but it is a lot bigger, and its take-off weight is also much higher. At this time, standing in front of this plane, Qin Tao's imagination was running wild.

At the beginning, he never thought of this idea, because he knew it was impossible to get this kind of thing, but Er Mao took the initiative to send it over!Until the moment the plane finally took off, he couldn't believe it was real, it was like a dream.

"Isn't the plane beautiful?" Osipov asked.

"Yes, it's very beautiful." Qin Tao said: "In the future, we will use it to launch space vehicles, and it will be even more beautiful!"

"Boss Qin, do you really use it as a civilian tool?" Osipov asked.

"Yes." Qin Tao said: "If this aircraft was born 20 years earlier, it must be the best strategic bomber, but now, the times have changed. Without stealth performance, it will not be able to survive on the future battlefield."

"Are you already developing a stealth bomber?"

"The U.S. B-2 bomber showed up publicly ten years ago, and it is already ready for actual combat. In this regard, we are already one step behind, but I believe we can catch up." Qin Tao didn't answer directly, but the meaning of this sentence was very clear.

"President Qin, your development is beyond our imagination!"

"These are the effects of reform. Your country is also reforming. I wish you success. In the future, you can develop like us." After saying this, Qin Tao thought of something, and continued: "Of course Yes, I also welcome you to live in the East, our Mingzhou Group has a large number of foreign workers, and they all live well."

Osipov shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, I have no such plan for the time being."

"If your pilots and ground crews have such an idea, I will welcome it very much. After all, our Mingzhou Group does not have pilots, so we have to hire them from you. Pilots are the favored ones, and their annual salary is at least one hundred thousand dollars. "

One hundred thousand dollars!Osipov felt that he was going to be tempted.

At the beginning, after the collapse of the Red Empire, the 184th regiment that stayed here was required to swear allegiance to Ermao. However, most of them were big hairy people, and a large number of them walked away, and the remaining one-third That's all, these people haven't flown much in recent years, and there are only three or five crews that can take off. If they leave, their heavy bomber regiment will be completely disbanded!
Osipov had a bitter smile on his face: "Boss Qin, you can't spread these words, otherwise, I might become a poor commander."

"I'm sorry, I just saw that everyone's life is not good, so I made this request. It's my fault." Qin Tao's attitude is kind, and he knows that these words will always be leaked. Completely uneasy.

This is what he wants.

As the sun went down, the first plane was finally topped up.

"Everyone has worked hard today, let's toast!" Qin Tao raised his glass and said to everyone present.

"Cheers, thank you President Qin for your hospitality!" Makagang said: "Next, we should activate the auxiliary power unit. The cabin is very humid, so we need to turn on the air conditioner first to dry it all out."

"Everyone is an experienced technician, and I will leave the follow-up processing of this plane to you." Qin Tao said: "Everyone has worked hard, and I will give you another red envelope before we leave!"

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

Everyone is excited.

"After dinner, let's work overnight!"

The incentive of money was great, and that very night, the bomber's auxiliary power unit was fired up.

However, just an hour after starting the engine, a group of uninvited guests drove over in a Volga sedan.

"Stop, stop, who gave you permission to start the engine?"

"We just activated the auxiliary power unit."

"No, absolutely not. After starting the auxiliary power unit, the engine can be started. After starting the engine, these white swans may fly away. Without the permission of our customs, the engine cannot be started!" Strynikov said.

"It's none of your business!"

"They're here to find fault!"

"Shoot those who deserve to be beaten!"

I don't know who yelled, and the maintenance and ground staff who drank too much vodka picked up the things around them: wrenches, crowbars, hammers, fire extinguishers...

Only one car came to the customs, and there were only three or four people. How could they stand up to the greetings of so many people!They all screamed and were knocked down to the ground, and then, the crowd who enjoyed the beating smashed the Volga car by the way.

Qin Tao had already stayed at the guest house at the base. In the middle of the night, he was woken up by Xu Zhengyang. Hearing about this incident, he was a little speechless.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have invited them to drink. These guys, after drinking, they would make trouble!

"Hmph, you planes will never be authorized by the customs!" Strelnikov said harshly.

When Qin Tao arrived, the badly smashed vodka car had already driven away, leaving only shards of glass and a few puddles of blood on the floor.

"Boss Qin, they wanted to stop us from inspecting the plane, but we beat them away!" Makagang came to claim credit.

Seeing this guy's serious face, Qin Tao was also speechless. Are you guys doing this a disservice?Without customs inspection, we can't fly away!Now that you have beaten them away, I am afraid they will never come again. This kind of thing may be delayed for a year or so, and if the delay continues, the project may be delayed.

The customs officers came here for no other purpose than to get some benefits. Qin Tao was already ready, but he didn't expect the other party to come in such a hurry. He rushed here impatiently before taking off.

Now, the two sides have conflicts, how will it end?

Doing business in this kind of place, you have to be prepared to pay an extra fee at any time!Qin Tao felt emotional in his heart, and looked at Osipov who hurried over.

"What, did you do it?" Osipov asked.

"Yeah, we just activated the auxiliary power unit to dehumidify the interior, and the people from the customs came over and asked us to stop working. These people really deserve a beating!" Makagan said.

Osipov's face was dark and uncertain.

"Osipov, don't worry, I'll go to Kiev and I'll take care of this with a few more bucks."

Osipov shook his head: "No, Mr. Qin, we provoked this matter, and we will solve it!"

You solve it?

Qin Tao thought of something and found this matter interesting: "This matter can't be solved without [-] US dollars. If you solve it, the money will be given to you. Our Mingzhou Group never treats us badly. people."

"Huh, their customs are usually arrogant, we have long been tired of it." Osipov said: "It used to be peaceful, but now, if they dare to play tricks..."

Osipov's eyes were full of murderous intent.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

The three Tu-160 bombers are placed at the end of the runway. They have completed all preparations before takeoff and can be delivered at any time. According to the plan, they will be dragged here, and it is time for handover procedures.

"Report, we have called for the eighth time, and the customs personnel have not come yet!" An orderly said to Osipov.

"Hmph, since they won't come, let's invite them!" Osipov said, "Everyone who has nothing to do in the base, come with me!"

As a result, more than a dozen Katz cars rumbled into motion, and hundreds of base personnel climbed up, all of them murderous.

Customs dare to spoil their good deeds?Absolutely not!

Seeing such a large group of people go out, Xu Zhengyang said with some concern: "Boss Qin, will they fight?"

"It has nothing to do with us if we start a fight, we just need to watch the excitement." Qin Tao said, "This is their internal dispute."

Those guys at the customs can’t get enough to feed them. I don’t know how many moths they will have to toss. This time, the people of the Air Force went to the customs to trouble them and teach them a lesson. Let those people know, don’t go too far!

"Will that have any impact on our future activities?"


Qin Tao looked around, Ermao didn't seem to have any good things here, and it's not certain whether he will come or not in the future!Ermao's girl is pretty good, how about setting up a marriage agency in the future?Forget it, there is no need for the Mingzhou Group to do this.

Qin Tao was waiting quietly. When the sun had set in the west, a plane landed on the runway. A large number of high-ranking officials got off the plane. They were wearing beautiful uniforms and big-brimmed hats with embroidered The gold thread is still used, which is golden in the sun.

"Qin, I'm very sorry to keep you waiting." Chumakov, the leader, said, "I brought these people here to participate in the bomber's take-off ceremony."

"Is there anyone from customs?" Qin Tao asked.

"Customs? What's wrong?"

"Without their authorization documents, our plane cannot take off," Qin Tao said.

"That's easy to talk about," Chumakov babbled with a senior executive, and the senior official picked up his cell phone to make calls.

"Within 10 minutes, all customs clearance procedures must be completed!"

This senior official was vigorous and resolute.

However, just after he finished the call, the team had already returned.

A guy with a bruised nose and a swollen face got out of the car. When he saw this high-ranking official, he was about to cry immediately, but was interrupted.

"Since you're here, hurry up and complete the exit procedures!"

(End of this chapter)

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