Great warships

Chapter 662

Chapter 662
The bombers took off.

Qin Tao breathed a sigh of relief, it was much easier than expected, the three Tu-160s were finally in his hands!

Next, there is only the last step left: the golden cicada shelling.

It's already night in the East, and it's time for Zhang Zhongshuo's show again. Now, this show is very popular, and the ratings are almost as close as the focus interview.

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, I am very glad that we meet again. Today's program is called Zhang Zhong said stealth bomber. The one who entered our studio is Mr. Zhou Guozhen, a designer from a well-known domestic bomber development unit. Come tell us about the development of the bomber, and our stealth bomber program."

At this time, I don’t know how many people are watching in front of the TV. Not only in China, the TV signal is also broadcast to many countries simultaneously. When I heard this statement, I don’t know how many people were surprised.

What, the stealth bomber project of the Orientals?
When did the Orientals have a stealth bomber?

"Hello everyone, let me first introduce to you the current H-16 in our country. Everyone knows that this bomber is an improvement from the Tu-[-]. It is already quite old, but is it still good? I I want to tell everyone that our veterans are still very powerful, and at present, our H-[-] has been updated and will have more powerful attack capabilities."

The sound is still there, but the screen has switched to Hong Liu's picture.

"You can find that compared with the previous H-[-], this H-[-] does not have a transparent nose compartment, and a special large-scale multifunctional radar is installed there, which can detect targets two to three hundred kilometers away at sea, and then use the At the same time, it can also mount other cruise missiles to carry out long-distance precision attacks. At the same time, in the engine nacelles on both sides of it, we stuffed brand-new engines, so that its With more powerful power, low fuel consumption and long range, our H-[-]K has been reborn and has become a sharp weapon for long-range precision strikes."

"Okay, that's the end of our introduction of the bomber [-]K. After all, this is not our main content today. Next, you can introduce us to the stealth bomber project." Zhang Zhong continued.

"Okay, host, everyone knows that the era of air combat has entered the era of stealth aircraft. Without stealth aircraft, there will be no power to fight back on the future battlefield." Zhou Guozhen said: "Stealth aircraft will not appear. On the radar screen, it can approach silently and then launch an attack. It can be said that the target under attack does not know where the attack came from until it is hit."

"This is the advantage of being a substitute." Zhang Zhong interjected.

"That's right, Daicha, in front of stealth machines, all non-stealth machines are ants, just like the best anti-tank weapon is the tank itself, the best way to deal with stealth machines is to have stealth machines ourselves, let's We can't find each other, and the other party can't find us. In the end, it becomes a battle within visual range, and it returns to the essence. The same is true for bombers. We noticed that the United States announced their stealth bomber ten years ago. The sci-fi level of the stealth bomber is beyond our imagination. At that time, many media were saying that the United States had obtained alien technology."

"Yes, ten years ago, when I was still in school, I also saw photos of the B-2 stealth bomber. At that time, I was thinking, how could this thing fly, and how to control the flight." Zhang Zhong said.

The screen switched to the photo of the B-2 stealth plane again.

"This layout has no horizontal tail and vertical tail, and the fuselage, cockpit, airborne equipment and all loads are integrated into the wing. The whole aircraft is like a flying wing, which can also be called a wing body. The ultimate fusion." Zhou Guozhen introduced: "The first advantage of this layout is the strong stealth performance. It is precisely because of this layout that a bomber with a wingspan of more than 50 meters has a radar reflection area and a small Like the F-117, it's hard to do with other layouts."

"The second advantage is excellent aerodynamic efficiency. The aircraft with flying wing layout has a high lift-to-drag ratio when flying at subsonic speeds. This layout is the closest to the concept of a full-lift body, that is to say, almost every square meter The entire area is used to provide lift. It cancels the vertical tail and horizontal tail fuselage of the traditional aircraft. It greatly reduces the resistance during flight. Simply put, it is more fuel-efficient, can fly farther, and carry more weapons."

"Mr. Zhou, you have mentioned so many advantages, so what are the disadvantages of this layout?" Zhang Zhong continued to ask.

"The disadvantage is that the difficulty of its control is greatly increased. In the past, if a rudder surface failed, there was still a chance to save it. For example, our Flying Leopard bomber had a rudder that flew off during the test flight. In the end, the pilot flew the plane back by relying on the thrust difference of the engines on both sides. If this situation were placed on the flying wing layout, it would be completely hopeless. As long as one of the rudder surfaces is damaged, it will crash. , because every rudder surface of it is irreplaceable."

"Mr. Zhou, what we are most curious about is that this plane does not have a vertical tail, so how does it turn? Is it also due to the difference in thrust?"

"Of course not. The control of this kind of aircraft is all done by the eight rudder surfaces at the rear. Specifically, if the aircraft wants to turn to one side, the rudder surface on one side will be opened, increasing the The resistance of one side of the wing. In this case, the rudder surface acts as a rudder. If the upper and lower pieces of the rudder surface are combined to deflect in one direction, one side goes up and the other side goes down, it acts as the main wing and auxiliary The function of the wings controls the sideways rotation of the aircraft. If the rudder surfaces on both sides of the aircraft are opened at the same time, it acts as a speedbrake.”

"Then this must require precise control?"

"Yes, as long as the calculation is slightly wrong, the plane may be destroyed. In fact, the flying wing layout is not the first of the B-2. During World War II, the German HO-299 bomber already had a flying wing layout. It's a pity that the flight control system at that time was too weak to support the stable flight of this kind of aircraft."

"Mr. Zhou, is it because you have been studying this project for a long time that you are so familiar with the flying wing layout?"

"Yes." Zhou Guozhen said: "When we saw the B-2 bomber, we knew we had to work hard to catch up. In the past ten years, we have blown through countless wind tunnels and conducted a lot of experiments on computers. We also started to develop our own stealth bomber, in order to protect the sky of our motherland, this is the mission of our military workers! Internally, this project is called Project [-].”

"Project 2000, does it mean that it will be able to fly into the sky in [-]?"

"Well, the project is still in a state of confidentiality, and we can't say it yet, but we all know that just this year, the carrier-based version of the J-31A fighter developed and produced by our country has begun to enter the mass production stage. For users, it is said that our domestic navy has also taken a fancy to it and officially named it the J-32 carrier-based aircraft. Now that this type of aircraft has come out, our bombers will certainly not disappoint everyone. Unknowingly, we The country's aviation industry has entered the second level in the world."

Speaking of the second in the world, many people will not be convinced. A country that did not have a third-generation aircraft ten years ago, and is looking for suitable fighter jets all over the world, and a country that is still mass-producing Su-27 as the main force, how can you just say yourself? Has entered the world's second level?
However, if you look at the whole world, apart from the East, there is no second country that is developing stealth aircraft.


There are still problems!

This J-31A was developed by Mingzhou Group, and it uses the method of international cooperation. What's the matter with Dongfang people?This is how they put gold on their faces!
There are various theories, but the news that the East already has a stealth bomber has begun to spread around the world.

For places that are not dangerous, use the six-k bomber, and for places that are dangerous, use stealth bombers, that's enough.

Tu-160?There are only three in total, and there is still a lack of various parts and components. Even if the Orientals have this kind of bomber, what can they use it for?It is definitely not for military use. The Mingzhou Group is playing a lot of tricks now. If they want to engage in spaceflight, they really do it. Now they want to engage in air-launched spacecraft, which is also possible.

In the darkness, three bombers landed at Hotan Base.

Makagan stepped off the plane and looked at the land in the night.

"Come on, we have finally come to the East!" Makagan said excitedly: "This is really a good place!"

"Everyone, welcome to come, please go to the canteen of the base to have a meal." The people who came to receive them were already waiting on the apron.

"Is there any wine in your cafeteria?" Makagang asked.

"Everyone, because you have to fly tomorrow, so you can't drink too much, and each person can only have one drink at most."

"Okay, let's have a drink then." Makagan nodded.

After entering the cafeteria, they all opened their eyes wide.

All kinds of delicacies are placed on the counter. This is in the form of a buffet, but there are too many types of food, right?Fresh prawns, crabs, this is an inland area!There are also various meats, vegetables, and fruits.

"These, can we all eat?"

"Of course, this is the standard pilot restaurant."

"Can your pilots eat this kind of food every day?"

"That's right. The country spends a lot of money to train pilots, and they pay attention to the reasonable combination of meals. Only in this way can the pilots be in the best physical condition and have the best energy to meet challenges."

Makagang felt that tears were about to come down. Isn't this Dongfang's treatment too good?
It's fine to drink, there are many things in it, you won't be able to eat them after you leave, so eat more!

They were carrying trays full of them.

"The treatment here is so good, I decided to stay and become a pilot for Mingzhou Group!"

"I have to go back, I have a wife and children."

"You can take over your wife and children, the conditions here are much better than our Ermao's!"

While eating, everyone exchanged plans for the next step, when suddenly there were sharp sirens, noisy footsteps and shouts from outside.

How is this going?

Several people put down their food, looked outside, and then saw the flames appearing on the tarmac in the distance.

"Is the plane on fire?"

"No, it's our white swan!"

Makagang's face changed drastically, and he was the first to rush out, followed by the others, running to the tarmac.

The raging fire is burning. Although the fire trucks have tried their best to spray it, it is meaningless. Looking at the plane, there is no possibility of repairing it, and it is burned to a skeleton!

"How could this be?" Makagan murmured, "How could this be?"

"Everyone, the reason for this fire is very strange, I hope you can accept the investigation." An officer at the scene said.

Weird, investigate?

Makagang reacted: "No, we didn't do this, it has nothing to do with us!"

"That's right, we still hope to continue flying this kind of aircraft. How could we deliberately do this kind of trick?"

"Where is President Qin? We are hired by President Qin, we want to see President Qin!"

"Boss Qin will come over tomorrow, please don't worry, we just want you to accept the investigation, and we don't mean that you must do it. Here, the food is delicious, and the daily allowance is also routinely distributed."

These few people calmed down a little bit, they had food and money to earn, that was enough, otherwise what else could they ask for?

Moreover, this matter is really strange.

The fire here was noticed by many people, and the next day, the news spread around the world.

The Tu-160 purchased by Mingzhou Group caught fire within an hour after landing.

All three planes were burned!
There must be a conspiracy behind this!

Qin always came back the next afternoon, his face was very ugly, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"I have heard reports that three planes caught fire at the same time, and burned from the position of the fuel tank at the same time. Even if our fire truck arrived in the shortest time, the fire could not be controlled. Our Mingzhou Group lost [-] million yuan US dollars! It has caused a major blow to our space launch project!" Qin Tao said in a low tone, looking at the pilots present: "Everyone, I beg you, if you know anything inside, please tell me!"

"Boss Qin, we don't know!"

"Boss Qin, we didn't do it!"

Ermao's pilots shook their heads.

"We're still counting on continuing to fly here and making more money."

"Yeah, we've all made plans to stay."

"I didn't say that you did it, I just wanted to ask if you knew the inside story." Qin Tao said.


Everyone pondered for a moment, and finally, someone spoke.

"Da Mao is very disgusted with this project of selling bombers. In all likelihood, Da Mao did it!"

"That's right, in the past few days, some big hairy people approached me and wanted me to help, but I sternly refused. I want to be a pilot. If the plane breaks down, I have to die, and I can't Harm your companions!"

"It must have been done by Big Hair!"

These people finally came up with an affirmative answer.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's ask Da Mao for justice!"

Wait, something is wrong!

Makagan reacted.

It's one thing for them to talk behind their backs here, but if they are allowed to testify, do you still want to live a good life in the future?The KGB is famous for its assassinations.

"Boss Qin, you can't do this. Us, what can we do in the future!" Makagang's voice was filled with tears.

"Don't worry, Mingzhou Group will protect you."

The protection of Mingzhou Group?What's the meaning?Will they all have to stay in Mingzhou Group in the future?
In front of the burning wreckage of the plane, Qin Tao faced the camera and began to complain.

"Today, I am very angry. Even though our Mingzhou Group has repeatedly emphasized that these aircraft are for civilian purposes, we were still murdered by the conspirators behind them!" Qin Tao's face was very ugly: "These weapons and equipment have been dismantled. The bombers, which have no combat potential at all, were installed with special devices, and they were all burned down in the end, and our Mingzhou Group lost [-] million U.S. dollars!"

"President Qin, do you know who did it?" the reporter at the scene asked eagerly.

"At present, we don't have any evidence, so we can't say it clearly."

Can't tell?Everyone's eyes are shining, so there is speculation!They can make up their minds about who did it, and soon they made a judgment, and then, based on their own speculation, reported it, especially those who feared that the world would not be chaotic. The cause and effect of the incident were reported, and even a lot of inside information was unearthed.

When the news spread, the whole world once again became a sensation.

That same day, Moscow responded.

"We are indeed opposed to Ermao's export of the Tu-160 bomber to Dongfang, but we can guarantee that we are not sabotaging it secretly. This must be promoted by a third party secretly, and we will definitely investigate to the end!"

Moscow not only issued a statement, but also sent a delegation, led by Nikolai, to fly directly to the capital to meet President Qin who had just arrived in the capital.

"Nicholas, my good friend, I never thought that you would come to the East for this matter."

"Yes, Qin, I have accepted many people's entrustments to explain it to you. After all, we have the closest relationship. I can assure you that we did not do this."

"Who did that?"

"Americans, the Americans saw that the relationship between us is very good, so they deliberately provoked it. Didn't you find that the attitude of the Americans in this matter is very strange? You will get strategic bombers, and the Americans did not object !"

"We are civilian."

"Technology for civilian use can also serve military use." Nicholas said: "Qin, we are not children anymore, and these claims are all to fool others. You have developed an air-launched spacecraft, which can become an air-launched spacecraft at any time." Shoot ballistic missiles, don't you?"

"If you have to say that, then I can't help it."

"Qin, you must trust us."

"Nicolas, I believe in you, but I don't trust those guys. Those guys might even deceive you."

Nicholas was taken aback for a moment, and finally said nothing else.

"However, this matter will pass in the end. We don't have definite evidence, so we can only suffer from this dumb loss. Alas." Qin Tao sighed.

Nicholas also sighed: "Yes, you are indeed at a disadvantage. However, in order to express sincerity, Moscow has decided to start negotiations on natural gas pipelines with the East in the near future."

The oil pipeline has been laid, and now, a large amount of fuel oil is transported to China through the pipeline every day, and the domestic economic development does not need to consider the energy issue for the time being.

Next, it's gas.

"Okay, of course we welcome this project." Qin Tao said: "We can provide two options, one is the east route, which is the same as the oil pipeline, and the other is the west route, from Burqin and other places in the northwest of our country. Natural gas pipeline. In contrast, the latter is more beneficial to you, because the pipeline built in your country is shorter."

Generally speaking, everyone knows that the northeast is bordered by Lao Maozi. In fact, in the northwest of our country, that is, where the rooster's butt is, there are also two counties that border Lao Maozi.So, the natural gas pipeline can take over from there as well.

Anyway, the country is going to carry out the west-east gas pipeline, and it happens to be connected to the domestic pipeline.

"Qin, what do you think of coming from the grassland?"

"Grassland? Nicholas, as long as we don't have water in our heads, how can we, as buyers, agree to pass through the grassland." Qin Tao said: "We are old friends, so we should speak more directly. When passing through the grassland, It is good for you, you can pull the little brother there and let him make money, but what use is it for us? The grassland will have the confidence to challenge us in the future, and if the money is short, we will increase the transit fee. We have to pinch it Sternly, if someone wants to hit our economic development, they will destroy the grassland and blow up a few sections of the pipeline, and we will stare blankly. I know this is not what you mean, it is a trick your superiors want to play, However, we won't play with them. Anyway, our Mingzhou Group is a shipbuilder, especially the first-class natural gas ship."

Nicholas nodded: "Qin, I understand what you mean."

"We look forward to continuing to cooperate in the energy field, but don't take us for fools." Qin Tao said, "It's not like we can only buy natural gas from Damao." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he smiled: "Okay, business Now that we're done talking, shall we have a few drinks next?"

Nicholas also nodded: "Qin, I'm here this time, and I want to visit for a few more days, especially the Aegis battleship built by your Mingzhou Shipyard. I want to see it."

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult. The Navy has just placed the second batch of orders. Our hull has not been welded yet. There is nothing to see. The only ship built is the elite of the Navy. It is inconvenient for various training. visit."

"President Qin, there is an emergency." At this moment, Xu Zhengyang interrupted the communication between the two: "A cargo ship of our country was attacked by pirates at sea!"

(End of this chapter)

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