Great warships

Chapter 663 Development of Gwadar Port

Chapter 663 Development of Gwadar Port

The waters of the Gulf of Aden have never been calm. In the past, there would be sporadic pirates. In the past one or two years, the pirates have become more and more powerful.

Anyway, it was relatively poor there. Once you go out to be a pirate and get a few votes, you may be able to eat and drink spicy food for the rest of your life. , refused to take the risk.

It is the place where most merchant ships come and go. Pirates have ample opportunities to rob and destroy the shipping lanes, which will eventually arouse the resentment of the whole world, and all countries have dispatched navies to escort them.

Now, the problem of pirates is in front of the East.

Qin Tao settled Nicholas and went to the Yellow Tower, where there was already a heated discussion.

"Now, our navy has grown stronger, so we must protect our routes..."

"No, no country has sent escort warships yet. If we appear there, others may think that we are showing off our force. Now, we still have to keep a low profile."

"Low-key? That's letting others bully! What is our mission? It is to protect our motherland and people. Now, the people need us, and the motherland needs us!"

In the midst of these discussions, Qin Tao opened the door, saw a group of leaders sitting on top with serious expressions, and saw the officers below who were arguing.

"Leaders, I am a shipbuilder. It seems inappropriate to participate in this kind of meeting?" Qin Tao said to the people on the rostrum.

"You are not only a shipbuilder, you also build airplanes and rockets. We are not surprised that one day your Mingzhou Group will build tanks." The leader on the stage said: "In terms of foreign relations, you are also very good. Skill, so I called you here this time because I want to hear what you think."

"Leaders, then I have to say, if there is something wrong, don't mind."

"Let's talk, with Leader Wu here, are you still afraid that the big guy will put on small shoes for you?"

"Our navy, since its establishment, has been wandering around the door. This opportunity is very good. We can take advantage of this opportunity to train our navy's ocean-going combat capabilities, meet challenges at the door of the house, and go to the door of the other party. These are two different ways of fighting, and I prefer the latter, even if I come back in the end, at least it is someone else's house that was smashed."

His introduction immediately won the support of the crowd.

"That's right, Mr. Qin is right!"

"We are long overdue to sail the four oceans!"

"Our navy can't always shrink in front of our house!"

"However, if we go out, there will always be some flies buzzing around, saying that we are growing stronger and are threatened by others. This time, we are going to escort and protect our cargo ship. This reason is justified." Qin Tao continued: "Moreover, our Gwadar Port has been established, and our warships can dock there for repairs at any time."

At the beginning, Mingzhou Group participated in the construction of Gwadar Port, which cost a lot of money. Many people think that Mingzhou Group has money to burn, but now, everyone knows that Mingzhou Group has more strategic interests in doing so. consider.

Now, Gwadar Port is in use!
If you go to escort, you will definitely send a comprehensive supply ship. However, if you are still at sea and cannot be effectively repaired, you don’t need it now. If you really need it, you can go to Gwadar Port at any time!

"Our warships, we send three ships at a time, two destroyers and one comprehensive supply ship, every six months is a cycle, so that in a few years, our navy will be able to take turns, and our ocean-going navigation capabilities will be greatly improved. "Qin Tao said: "When you need it in the future, the navy will become the most powerful fist!"

"Boss Qin is right, but as long as we send warships over there, someone will definitely slander us." A leader above said.

"Then let's take others to go together." Qin Tao said: "I was chatting with Nikolai just now, if the navy side nods, I can pull Nikolai over, and the old man will escort him What else can other countries say? If we save a ship from another country at sea, they have to thank us."

"That's right, Mr. Qin is right. We can't go out alone. We have to bring in more countries to participate. Internationally, it's best to pass a special agreement. In this way, we will be justified." Wu Shengli for the first time Open your mouth.

"If the big guy has no objections, I'll go back and talk to Nicholas to see his opinion. We were planning to drink." Qin Tao said.

"Wait, Mr. Qin, don't worry, if we want to send warships there, which warship do you think is more suitable?"

"Boss Qin doesn't need to worry about this. If we want to send, we will send No. 168 there, just to go through the test of the ocean." Some people couldn't hold back anymore.

Qin Tao smiled: "Let's cherish our own broom, I think our star diplomatic ship is pretty good."

"That warship is long out of date!"

"It's more than enough to fight pirates. It has two hangars and can accommodate two helicopters, which is enough." Qin Tao said: "On the frigate, we can send 054 there, anyway, this warship is also exported. And , large displacement, more comfortable.”

The star warship is No. 112. When it was built, it was placed with high hopes and called the first ship in China. However, under the halo of various new warships, especially the first 052C, this warship has been overshadowed. Empty.

However, in terms of foreign visits, No. 112 has made some achievements.

Not to mention, in recent years, for example, in 96, No. 112 arrived at the base of the Damao Pacific Fleet to participate in the 300th anniversary commemoration of the founding of the Damao Navy. In February 97, No. 2, together with several warships, visited Hawaii and San Diego, Acapulco in Mexico, Callao in Peru and Valparaiso in Chile.

Now, continuing to send the No. 112 warship to the past is already a sledgehammer. The special air defense destroyer 052C is too ostentatious.

"Boss Qin is right, then let's form a formation like this! Boss Qin, go and check Da Mao's tone now." Leader Wu said.

The general policy of the action was finalized, Qin Tao came back to see Nicholas, and the two talked about it while drinking.

"Qin, you should know that our navy is short of funds recently, and the warships don't even have fuel to go to sea. If you want to cruise in the waters of the Gulf of Aden, or for a long time, I'm afraid you don't have the funds." Nigu Pulling is a bit difficult.

It's not that they don't want to come out for activities, they have long wanted to restore their former glory, but they have no money!

Although Nicholas came out of the Pacific Fleet, when he reached a higher position, he had to consider more things. For the Da Mao Navy, the first thing to ensure is the operation of the Northern Fleet, especially recently, they The cruise of the Kuznetsov is being prepared, and all the funds have been given to the Northern Fleet. Now, if they want the Pacific Fleet to go south to fight pirates, they don't have the funds!

"You have to raise funds." Qin Tao said: "The army always needs to eat. As for the warships to burn oil, you can dispatch Type 956. This kind of warships burn boilers, which is the most economical. You only need one 956. Adding a supply ship is enough. Aren’t you gradually restoring your former glory? Fighting pirates now is your best chance.”

Nicholas had distress on his face: "Qin, of course I know this is a good opportunity, but isn't it just your proverb that a penny beats a hero?"

"Nicolas, as long as you join in the fight against pirates, you will soon be rich."

Money soon?Nicholas looked at Qin Tao in surprise: "Qin, what will happen?"

"You rely on mountains to eat mountains, and rely on water to eat water. You rely on the Arctic Ocean, so of course you have to plan for the Arctic Ocean." Qin Tao said: "The weather will be warmer soon. If the Suez Canal is blocked, then our country is huge. If there is a large transport fleet, we will consider taking the Arctic route, and we will hire your icebreakers when the time comes."

Is the Suez Canal blocked?

Nicholas felt his heart beating, of course he knew what it meant!
Qin Tao had already mentioned to him the matter of the North Pole route, and he had considered it for a long time. This is indeed a good opportunity to make a fortune. If the North Pole route is opened up, even if they don’t charge tolls, they only need to charge the toll for the route. There are also a lot of expenses for stopping at several ports for rest and so on!
You must know that the trade between the East and Europe is very frequent, and a large number of cargo ships sail on this long route. If they all take the Arctic route, then they will send it!

Da Mao has long wanted to develop the Arctic shipping route, but after the problem with the icebreaker natural gas ship in the South Kimchi State last time, many ship owners gave up their thoughts. Although it was a problem with the South Kimchi State icebreaker, it had nothing to do with them, but , is still daunting.

Now, the East is finally about to act.

"Okay, I'll go back and report to Moscow. I think Moscow will agree!" Nicholas was very happy: "Qin, if this project can be successful, it will be the best proof that we can turn war into friendship!"

Nicholas came to the east to eliminate the misunderstanding. Now, if the two parties reach an intention to cooperate further, the misunderstanding will naturally be eliminated.

Now, hearing what Nicholas said, Qin Tao also nodded in agreement: "Of course, even if we have some friction, but those are trivial matters. In the current international environment, we still focus on cooperation. Even if our Mingzhou Group suffered some losses."

Nicholas raised his glass: "Qin, let's forget about those unpleasant things! Come on, cheers!"

Gwadar port.

Once, it was just a rural scene, except for some old villages and farmland, there was nothing.

Now, here is already a bustling modern port.

Ships dock here, and some directly load and unload goods here. On the port, there are many port machines like a forest. On the road next to the port, there are still many vehicles transporting containers.

Some vehicles will directly pass through the entire north and south of Pakistan, and then enter the territory of China, and transport the containers directly by land.

Although the railway and oil pipeline have not yet started, this project has been demonstrated several times and can be started at any time.

"President Qin, this is the port hospital built with your assistance. Now, everyone in the entire Gwadar area will choose to come here for medical treatment if they are sick, and even other nearby areas will come here. The technology of this hospital is already advanced. The top level of the entire Pakistan." Rahim accompanied Qin Tao to visit the entire port area, and when he came to the hospital, he was very excited.

"Businessmen from other countries come to us just to get wealth from us, only China, our eternal friend, is to really help us develop and benefit our people." After Rahim finished speaking, he pointed to the School: "Faqu'er Public Middle School and Gwadar Vocational Technical School are training various talents for us. The education level in Gwadar is already among the best in the country."

"By the way, I remember when I first came here, there was a child who was bitten by a poisonous snake, named... Habiba, is he okay now?"

Hearing Qin Tao mention the child, Raheem became even more excited.

"Mr. Qin, your memory is really good! Habiba is now studying sailors at the Gwadar Vocational Technical School. His ideal is to be a sailor and sail across the world's oceans to see what the outside world is like. like."

This vocational technical school is to train all kinds of talents in the port. Whether it is foreign trade, port transportation and port machinery operation, or sailors, they are all their main subjects.

When Qin Tao came to this vocational and technical school, he saw the scene in full swing. On the school's spacious playground, there was a lot of voices, and various sports events were unfolding.

"This is the spring sports meeting." Rahim introduced.

At this moment, there was a bang, and the sound of the starting gun sounded. On the track of the [-]-meter race, eight team members were running wildly. Among them, a young boy ran the fastest, and the cheerleaders on the side were still shouting.

"Habiba, come on, Habiba, come on!"

"Men's 100m final, No.1, Habiba! No.2..."

Soon, the radio sounded.

Qin Tao was very interested: "Can I give them awards?"

"Of course. They will be very honored."

On the rostrum, Habiba stood on the highest podium for the champions. Below, several people came over and began to present awards to them.

Habiba's eyes were fixed on the person who came to present the award to him, and a few seconds later, he jumped down excitedly: "President Qin, are you President Qin? You are my savior, I Here you..."

As he said that, Habiba was about to kneel down to Qin Tao. Qin Tao quickly grabbed him and asked curiously, "Do you speak Chinese?"

Habiba spoke fluent Chinese, which surprised Qin Tao.

"Yes, in school, we will set up a Chinese major, and all of us will study hard. Now, we have no problem communicating in Chinese, but we are still a little unskilled in writing. After all, square characters are too difficult to write. "

The West has alphabetic characters, you just need to memorize those letters and spell them. The East has ideographic characters, each character is almost different, and it is very difficult to write. Therefore, like learning other foreign languages, you should learn to speak first and then master it later. Write.

Qin Tao nodded. He is very satisfied with the opening of courses on oriental culture. This is part of cultural export. No matter where his aid goes, he must teach the local people to speak oriental and write square characters, teaching them the long and splendid oriental In this way, it is very important to establish a yearning for the East in their hearts.

Look at those domestic professors who brag about Western democracy in class every day. They have been infiltrated by Western culture. It’s fine to worship foreign countries, but they still want to brainwash students. Our new generation is different from them. , growing up in the rising new era, how could they be fooled by them.

"Go up, I will give you awards." Qin Tao said.

"Well, Mr. Qin, can you come to my house for dinner tonight? My grandfather has been thinking about you all the time."

"it is good."

That night, Qin Tao came to Kadir's house. The once dilapidated country mud house has now been replaced by a brand new three-room brick and tile house.

The old Kadir was sitting in the yard, mending a fishing net. When he saw Qin Tao and his party coming in, he was so surprised that he stood up from his chair.

"Grandpa, I invited Mr. Qin here!" Habiba said excitedly, "Grandpa, Mr. Qin came to see you specially!"

"President Qin? It really is you, me, on behalf of the whole village, thank you for your kindness to us..."

"Old man, don't kneel, I can't afford it." Qin Tao hurriedly supported the old man: "If you want to thank me, why don't you invite me to have a meal at your house? I'm hungry all the way gone."

"Okay, okay." Kadir shouted inside: "Eldest wife, second wife, hurry up, prepare dinner for our distinguished guests! Take out our best food from the refrigerator!"

After speaking, Kadir looked at Qin Tao again: "Mr. Qin, come in first and have a cup of milk tea. Our dinner will be served soon."

Although it is impolite to look at other people's wives, Qin Tao took a few extra glances. The first wife is about the same age as Kadir, but the second wife is obviously much younger.

It seems that when the family has money, they start to enjoy it.

"Is this house newly built?" Qin Tao asked.

"Yes, after the port was established, several of my sons worked on the port. They quickly saved a sum of money, built a house in the village each, and raised money to build this house for me. I Living here is very comfortable, if you hadn't come here to help build Gwadar Port, we would not have such a good life!" Thinking of these, Kadir was very emotional.

The village where the second wife lived was very poor, so he took the initiative to marry, and he also had an extra wife. It was very comfortable to have two women to take care of him.

"Life will be better in the future. After the railway and oil pipeline are built, the number of ships docked here will be more than ten times that of the current one." Qin Tao said: "This place will be more prosperous, and eventually it will become like Singapore. International metropolis."

At the beginning, Singapore wanted to snatch Gwadar Port from Mingzhou Group, but it was thwarted by Qin Tao. Now, Gwadar Port is booming, and many freighters that originally docked in Singapore will stop at Gwadar Port. itch.

In the future, when railways and oil pipelines are connected, containers and the like destined for the Middle East will be able to travel by railway, not to mention transiting through Singapore, they will just wait to eat dirt.

Qin Tao is full of confidence in the future.

Here is a chess piece he once arranged, and now, this chess piece has begun to play a huge role!
There was still some waiting time for the naval formation to set sail. He was the first to come to the front station. Qin Tao looked around him and found that he was still alone. Zhao Ling was busy with the next engine factory and did not follow him.

This night, Kadir was very happy. After that, he would brag to the other village chiefs every day that Mr. Qin had dinner at my house!None of you have this chance!

After wandering around here, Qin Tao came to the port.

According to the original agreement, the port was operated by Mingzhou Group, and the person in charge of the port was Wang Lei sent by Mingzhou Group.

Wang Lei joined Mingzhou Group five years ago. He was the person in charge of a certain port before. After he joined, he was sent to Gwadar Port and became the leader here. He is also conscientious and must do his best here. .

The office building is not high, but the location is very good. You can overlook the entire port from here. Qin Tao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the bustling port, and was silent for a while.

Wang Lei waited quietly behind, until Qin Tao turned around, he said: "President Qin, next, please allow me to report to you the specific situation of the port."

Qin Tao nodded: "OK."

After the report, Wang Lei continued: "Next, I will report to you the arrangements we have made to welcome the arrival of the motherland's fleet."

"President Qin, what instructions do you have for our arrangements?"

"You are all doing very well." Qin Tao said, "I just want to make a request."

"President Qin, please speak." Wang Lei quickly took out his pen.

However, after Qin Tao finished speaking, Wang Lei had some doubts: "Mr. Qin, what you said is beyond the scope of our port's authority, right?"

"No, this is very important. With the development of Gwadar Port, there will always be some people who will be jealous and greedy. We must use various means to protect the safety of our investment." Qin Tao said: "Once there is a sign, Just nip it in the bud."

(End of this chapter)

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