Great warships

Chapter 668 If you have a fighter plane, you must also have an early warning plane

Chapter 668 If you have a fighter plane, you must also have an early warning plane

"This confrontation exercise has further demonstrated the powerful advantages of stealth aircraft!" In the conference room, Salman said excitedly: "After taking off and retracting the landing gear, no radar will detect the existence of this aircraft. Keeping the radio silent throughout the entire process, this aircraft can carry out covert operations. It is really strong. We gave this aircraft an A+ rating, and we decided to increase the total number of orders to more than [-]. Of course, if It would be even better if we could set up a production line here!"

"Your Excellency Salman, you have only seen the advantages of the stealth aircraft, but you have not seen its disadvantages." The American consultant who got off the early warning aircraft said: "If the stealth aircraft wants to know the location of the target, it must be turned on." Its own radar is like an assassin at night with a flashlight turned on. It is meaningless at all. If you want the stealth function to have combat capabilities, you must have strong information capabilities, just like ours. Stealthy F-3s guided by E-117s, as they did in the Gulf War."

This sentence is not wrong. The power of stealth aircraft lies in its silence. If you turn on your own radar, it is tantamount to exposing your own existence. Therefore, a professional attack aircraft like the F-117 does not even have a machine installed at all. Carried radar, relying entirely on passive monitoring means to fight.

"so what?"

"If you want to operate this kind of fighter, you have to integrate it into the existing combat system, and you need to install our NATO standard Link 4 data link. Let us do this work, and you will be satisfied."

After this confrontation exercise, the Typhoon fighter was completely defeated, and they had no way to continue to recommend the Typhoon fighter. However, they had a new plan: such a powerful stealth fighter made them very excited, so they also wanted to get in touch with this kind of stealth fighter. Fighter, they have to study the technology used on this fighter, they have to find a way to counter it.

When only Americans had stealth machines, they could proudly show off to the world and prove their strength, but now, the Orientals also have them, and they have to face the troubles caused by stealth machines.

Hearing what the American consultant said, Qin Tao shook his head: "This is not acceptable. I think it is most appropriate to follow the new plan we proposed."

Of course, Salman also knew what Qin Tao meant, and he nodded immediately: "Yes, according to the new plan, we purchase early warning aircraft from the East and form a formation with these J-31A fighters. This is the best."

new plan?

The face of the American adviser changed: "This is inappropriate. For a country, all air defense systems should operate in a coordinated manner. It is dangerous for you to separate the fighter planes from the East from the entire system."

"You don't have to worry about this, do you?" Qin Tao glanced at the other party: "If you really want to help, then let us step on the E-3 early warning aircraft and let us upgrade it so that this early warning aircraft is compatible with ours. fighter planes to communicate."

"How is that possible, there are our secrets on it!"

"There are secrets on your early warning aircraft, but not on our J-31A fighter jets? Apart from customers, our fighter jets must not fall into the hands of a third party." Qin Tao said: "Otherwise, we have reason to suspect that the third party It will steal our secrets and use them on third-party domestic projects."

The face of the American consultant turned red, this is a slap in the face.

The people in front of him actually laughed at their own side, and even mocked their own side for stealing the technology of this kind of fighter plane, isn't this a joke?The United States is the world's No. [-] in technology. How can it be interested in the backward technology of other countries?
"Your Excellency Salman, this comparative test has been successfully concluded, should our meeting be over?" Qin Tao said: "Next, we should celebrate."

This approach of trying to get rid of the American consultant made the other party very angry, but he rolled his eyes and thought of something: "Your fighter jet is an international joint project for the purpose of promoting it to the international market, so, Can we buy it too?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "If you plan to buy one or two to study the above technology, forget it."

"No, we didn't mean that!" The other party blushed.

"That's what I bought. Anyway, you are rich and not short of money. How about ordering now? For the sake of Saudi Arabia, I will give you the same price as Saudi Arabia, without considering the factor of inflation, but you have to pay the full price now. payment."

The American adviser fell silent.

It is still possible for other countries to buy it. Is it possible for Americans to buy it?The most advanced fighter jets in the world are in the hands of the United States. They bought them only to go back to study the technology, indicating that their JSF encountered problems during the research process!
For some unknown reason, this news was leaked, and some countries that originally had confidence in the JSF also began to doubt whether their choice was correct.

Some were originally neutral, and now there is no hesitation. It is better to buy Eastern fighters. In the first battle in Saudi Arabia, the advantages of stealth aircraft have been shown. In future air battles, without stealth aircraft, they can only be beaten!
Orders will follow the results of this test, and now, Qin Tao has drawn a successful conclusion to this arms sale.

That night, the celebration banquet was held again, this time in a different location, to the most powerful place, and there were many important people as companions.

Delano finally showed up, and many people wanted to meet this man who piloted a fighter jet.

"Wild dog, how did you lock the target?" A Saudi Air Force officer asked Delano curiously.

The J-31A did not turn on the radar twice, so the two sides were actually on the same starting line. However, Delano was able to detect the opponent first and lock the target on both occasions, which made them very curious. How did this happen?
How did you do it?Of course it is using the data link!A few years ago, the East has already cracked the Link 4 data link, but it has not been exposed, so the West has not modified it. This time, Delano has been using the data link to clearly know the location of the Typhoon fighter. It is clearer than using an early warning aircraft, knowing yourself and the enemy, and you are sure to win.

Therefore, it is a matter of minutes for the J-31A fighters exported from the East to be integrated into the Western command and combat system. However, due to various circumstances, we still have to keep this secret. Now this J-31A is going to fly back. , even if you stay here, just block the data link function directly through the operation interface.

Now, when asked how he did it, Delano looked proud: "Of course it was discovered visually. The best tactic for stealth aircraft is to fight with the information support of early warning aircraft, but now there is no such condition, and I also I can only use my own eyes, it’s not like you brag, my eyes can see fighter jets fifty kilometers away, which is better than radar.”

Actually rely on the eyes?The air force officer gave a thumbs up in admiration.

"Qin, when this type of fighter jet enters service in large numbers, we really need a modern early warning aircraft. I wonder if you can provide us with relevant equipment?" Salman said.

"Of course no problem." Qin Tao nodded immediately: "At present, our Air Police 2000 has been in service. Compared with the E-3 early warning aircraft that uses flat-panel slot radar antennas, we use phased array radar technology, which is more advanced than the US-made The early warning aircraft is a generation ahead, you can deploy our fighter planes and early warning aircraft in the base in the north, which is convenient for operation, but you also have to be vigilant and guard against sneak attacks."

That country in the Middle East can do anything. Back then, it ran for thousands of miles and attacked the Usirak nuclear reactor in Yilak. Now, if a stealth machine is installed here, the other party may also be regarded as a thorn in the side. A thorn in the flesh, forcibly flying over and bombing?You can't speculate on the other party with ordinary people's thinking, that country is lawless.

"Yeah, we still have to guard against sneak attacks." Salman frowned: "However, how can we guard against the other party?"

"You can purchase anti-aircraft missiles from our country." Qin Tao said: "For example, the Hongqi-16 missile, the main force of our navy, also has a land-based model. This missile has a very good strike effect on ultra-low-altitude targets. You completely You can equip your own army."

To protect the air base, you cannot rely on Patriots, because their opponents also understand this kind of anti-aircraft missile and can effectively carry out electronic suppression. Therefore, Qin Tao recommended Hongqi-16.
The original model of this missile is an imitation of Lao Maozi's Shi Jili. The technology has no secret model at all. Therefore, it can be used domestically and exported. Anyway, the domestic improvement of Hongqi-16 continues continuously. Older models are already on the list for export.This kind of medium-range missile is mainly used to guard against ultra-low-altitude sneak attacks, which is also the most likely method used by potential enemies at present.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Salman thought about it seriously.

The domestically produced Hongqi-16 is not yet possible to be exported. It is the most cutting-edge weapon of the army, but there is still Kaishan in the country. If you feel that the range of the Hongqi-1 is not enough, then the other party will consider purchasing the Kaishan-[-] missile.

"Let's talk about the early warning aircraft first." Salman thought for a while, and decided to give up the project first, after all, the early warning aircraft is the most important: "Are you willing to export a strategic early warning aircraft of the KJ-2000 level to us? "

"Of course we can, but we don't have a suitable airframe platform. If you fly a few Boeing 737s over there, we can improve them at any time." Qin Tao said: "If the United States stops converting civil aviation airliners to military use, then we Only medium-sized platforms can be used, and our domestic Yun-[-] can be used as the body platform of medium-sized early warning aircraft."

As long as you first overcome the radar technology of the early warning aircraft, and then transform it, it will be much easier. The Navy’s carrier-based early warning aircraft has already begun to develop. At the same time, the balance beam Air Police 2000 and the large plate are one level lower than the Air Police 200. The Air Police 500 is already under development.

If there is financial support from Saudi Arabia, this early warning aircraft can be developed faster. Anyway, with a simple modification, it can be exported at a lower level, and there is no need to worry about leaks. If it can be sold, the high research and development funds can still be obtained. Pay back.

"Luck eight?"

"That's right, it's an aircraft about the size of a C-130 transport aircraft." Qin Tao said, "It's completely developed by ourselves and will not be interfered by the outside world."

C-130?When hearing this suggestion, a high-ranking official present said, "Then we can just fly a few C-130s over there for modification. This is a military aircraft, and it belongs to us. There is no problem with the modification."

Obviously, they still don't trust Eastern aircraft, especially transport aircraft.In contrast, the C-130 is much better. This is a world-renowned jack-of-all-trades transport aircraft!
"Of course, you can go to the east for inspection at any time. If you are sure you want to purchase, you should also visit our Air Police-2000 early warning aircraft." Qin Tao said.

Anyway, the secret of the AWACS is only known when it is performing a mission. Going up just to see the AWACS on the ground, there is no problem, and the other party will be attracted by the modern interior layout, and may place an order on the spot.

If Saudi Arabia purchased four, the profit would be enough for the Air Force to build eight more!

This investment is all made by the Air Force, so the Navy will not get involved.

"By the way, I heard that you proposed to the United Nations to ask international organizations to escort the Gulf of Aden. This plan was rejected by the typhoon flyer today." Another official said.

There is no possibility of the typhoon exiting, and some people are angry!

Qin Tao also felt a little emotional: "Since they vetoed it, forget it, our formation should have arrived soon, and the formation of the Damao Navy, we will come to sea together to fight against pirates and maintain our maritime transportation routes."

Fighting against pirates is not aimed at others. This reason is very fair.

In the far east, the first convoy fleet has set sail. On the way, they will conduct anti-piracy exercises.

The main force of the fleet is, of course, the 112 guided missile destroyer. If there were no follow-up warships built by the Mingzhou Group, the 112 should have become the star ship of the East. Finalized for service, No. 052 has faded out of the field of vision of military fans.

But this time, as it led a team to carry out the mission, it once again received much attention.

Two LM2500 gas turbines give it a strong heart. Even if domestic gas turbines can already be manufactured for ships, LM2500 gas turbines are still outstanding in terms of performance in all aspects.

Compared with the previous 051 destroyer, its hull is fuller and has better seaworthiness, but if you look at the superstructure of the hull, it should be criticized.

The superstructure is very messy. The front end is the ancestral anti-submarine rocket depth bomb launcher, and the back is the double-mounted [-]mm naval gun imported from France. Backwards is the second deck platform.

This second deck made many people criticize and say that this design is too backward. In fact, at that time, this design was still very popular. Designed on the second deck.

This design is also impossible, because the eight-barrel Sidewinder anti-aircraft missile device on the second deck must have a suitable range of fire. If the base is not raised, it is easy to be blocked by naval guns when firing forward. Don't compare it to a vertically launched missile, that's not fair.

Although a lot of technology has been introduced, the 112 destroyer still has a lot of laggards. The anti-aircraft missiles only have the Sea Sidewinder with a range of more than ten kilometers. It is not clear how effective this close-in defense gun will be in close-range interception operations.

At this time, on the bridge, Captain Du Yu was in high spirits. Even though it was lagging behind the latest destroyer, their warship was a diplomatic star ship that had visited many countries. The task, and even being selected as the flagship, they must execute the task perfectly!

Du Yu's resume is very special.

Generally speaking, captains are majors in navigation, while Du Yu is a major in electromechanical. So far, he is also the first person to change from an electromechanical captain to a captain.

At the beginning, Du Yu graduated from the Naval Academy of Engineering with a major in gas power management and was assigned to destroyer No. 112. After all, there are not many people who understand gas turbine power!He did a good job and soon became the electromechanical chief. After a drill, Du Yu introduced the new equipment to his superiors brilliantly, and the answers were fluent.Afterwards, a leader of the detachment said: "Du Yu has an overall vision, and he is a good captain!"

Du Yu immediately regained his energy, and a few years later, he attended the vice-captain training class of the Naval Arms Command Academy, graduated with the best grades in the class, and became the vice-captain of No. 112.

With the rapid expansion of the navy, the original captain of the No. 112 destroyer was transferred to the 052B destroyer as the captain, so Du Yu was promoted to become the captain.

Du Yu, who is in his thirties, has become the pride of the Navy through his struggles. He is even more confident that he will be the captain of the 30C destroyer in a short time!

Thinking of this, he looked to the side. The bow of the 054 frigate No. 538 was breaking through the waves and moving forward.

The Type 054 frigate has already started laying dumplings, and Mingzhou Group’s berth cannot be built, so the construction task is also assigned to other shipyards. This No. 538 was built by Huating Shipyard, and Mingzhou Group sent technicians Jointly supervised by representatives of the Navy, it has the same construction quality as Minnesota Shipyard.

Since the displacement of 054 is also close to [-] tons, the two warships seem to be about the same size, but if you look at their appearance, they are a generation behind.

The 054 frigate is more modern. Its hull superstructure is tilted inward, forming a good stealth shape. The vertical launch unit at the bow is even more enviable. Although 112 is the flagship, if you really encounter something at sea If it is a threat, I am afraid that No. 538 will be needed to provide protection. After all, the Hongqi-16 missile above has a range of forty kilometers.

On the other side of the formation is the huge Type 903 comprehensive supply ship No. 887.

This comprehensive supply ship is a product of Mingzhou Group.

At that time, Mr. Qin of Mingzhou Group obtained a semi-finished product of a comprehensive supply ship from Lao Maozi, brought it back for refitting, and learned all the above technologies at the same time. Based on these technologies, Mingzhou Group launched a new ship. A comprehensive supply ship of the first generation, named Type 903 by the Navy.

Compared with other supply ships, its displacement is not large, only more than 2 tons. However, its performance is more advanced, and it can carry out supply operations through horizontal, vertical, vertical and sideways. It has two sides, three directions and four directions. The simultaneous supply capability of the station can complete the task of fleet supply in more complex situations.

Although the displacement is not very large, it is best to carry out the current task and form an ocean-going formation accompanied by destroyers and frigates.

Moreover, it is not only a supply ship, but also has complete medical facilities on it. It can perform daily diagnosis and surgery, and there is a special ICU ward on it.Of course, long-term hospitalization here is not suitable, but it can implement early treatment at sea, and then transfer patients to the rear for treatment by helicopter according to the situation.

Du Yu knew that on the surface, this mission was to escort and fight against pirates. In fact, it was to train the troops. Through the escort missions in turn, the navy will be equipped with ocean-going combat capabilities. This mission is very important. Their first formation, absolutely Can't make any mistakes!
"I heard that Mr. Qin is currently in the Middle East. I don't know if he has time to come to guide our formation, let alone which warship he will take." Just as Du Yu was thinking, someone beside him began to discuss in a low voice.

"It must be our No. 112, we are the flagship."

"That's not necessarily the case. Our No. 112 was not built by Mingzhou Group. He might go to No. 538 or even No. 887."

(End of this chapter)

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