Great warships

Chapter 669

At the banquet, the atmosphere was still very lively.

"With this kind of aircraft that can disappear without a trace in front of the radar, it will be much easier for us to perform various tasks in the future." Someone walked towards Qin Tao and said with a smile: "When the early warning aircraft is purchased from you, the composition will be even more complex." After a strong formation, we can make this aircraft play a huge role!"

"Everyone has to be careful, some people will be jealous, and maybe they will use various means to try to destroy these fighters."

"They don't have this ability. We will arrange these aircrafts in special field airports. Usually, no one will find them. When needed, they will be dragged out of the hangar and onto the highway runway. How do we protect Dongfeng-3 If so, how will we protect these planes.”

Qin Tao nodded.

Even if the U.S. military is stationed here, it is impossible to come into contact with the J-31A fighter. Qin Tao completely trusts the people in front of him, because this fighter, like the Dongfeng-3, is a strategic killer!
Some people should be fidgeting, but it's useless. It's a normal arms sale for our own side, and the Americans can't say anything.

"I heard that these fighters are carrier-based?" At this moment, someone spoke again.

"Yes, what we are currently mature is the carrier-based aircraft. The land-based version is being tested, and the vertical take-off and landing version is under development."

Generally speaking, the land-based version is developed first, and then changed to the ship-based version when necessary. However, the research and development of this stealth aircraft of Dongfang did not follow the usual path. The first thing to do was the ship-based version. Why, it probably has something to do with Mingzhou Group being a shipbuilder.

Transforming the carrier-based version into a land-based version is actually to simplify the design. After all, the land-based version does not need the powerful landing gear of the carrier-based aircraft, nor does it need any moisture-proof treatment, etc. The weight is reduced and the performance will be better. outstanding.

Qin Tao thought that the other party was not satisfied with the performance of the aircraft, and continued: "When the second batch is delivered, we should be able to provide you with a land-based version."

"No, no, that's not what I mean." The other party shook his head again and again: "I mean, since it is a carrier-based aircraft, it would be too wasteful if we only deploy it on land. Should we purchase an aircraft carrier?"

The way of thinking of the big dog is really different from others!In order not to waste a barrel of high-grade gasoline, buy a high-performance sports car, and in order not to waste the shipboard performance of these fighters, why buy an aircraft carrier?
In the past, Qin Tao didn't fool the Saudi aircraft carrier, because the country's equipment was all Western goods, and it would be good to be able to use aircraft to open up the market. In terms of warships, people would definitely look down on their own.

Besides, Saudi Arabia is a traditional land-based country with a huge land area. Although both sides are adjacent to the sea, they are all narrow and long sea areas. Their own land-based fighter jets can fly there at any time, and there is no need for an aircraft carrier at all.

Other countries don't have aircraft carriers because they don't have money. Big dogs definitely don't because of money. They really don't need it.

In later generations, because Egypt also has two Mistrals, the big dogs feel psychologically unbalanced, so they want to buy an aircraft carrier. However, their first choice is also a drone carrier. After all, the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft is too complicated and dangerous. If the sex is too high, they will not take too much risk.

Old friend Salman spoke up.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, if we can have an aircraft carrier, we can better protect our maritime rights and interests, and it will be more convenient to carry out tasks."

Only then did Qin Tao react.

They must have made various plans to protect the safety of these fighters. Once they encounter threats in the future, they will dispatch this stealth fighter. Like Dongfeng-3, it is enough to deter the enemy.

However, no one can predict the future. Mossad has a very high reputation. If it is not done well, these fighters will be destroyed. Saudi Arabia needs other means to protect these fighters.

The aircraft carrier is obviously safer. No matter how powerful the opponent is, it is impossible to go on the aircraft carrier to carry out all kinds of damage. Moreover, the aircraft carrier can be maneuvered. They can operate the aircraft carrier to move to any place, such as the south of the Red Sea. Drive to the north at night to launch an attack, and they can even drive to the Mediterranean Sea. Anyway, it is just a matter of crossing the Suez Canal, which is no different from leaving the door of the house.

Because of the introduction of J-31A, they have new ideas, and Mingzhou Group will also usher in an order for a new aircraft carrier!
"If you need it, our Mingzhou Group certainly welcomes it. Detailed design will take time. Now we can talk about the basic data. The first is the tonnage. You plan to ask for a light aircraft carrier of [-] tons and a medium-sized aircraft carrier of [-] tons. An aircraft carrier, or a large aircraft carrier of more than [-] tons?"

If it is only to solve the problem of availability, a light aircraft carrier of [-] tons can be used to make do with it. However, with the bold characteristics of a big dog, it will definitely feel that [-] tons is too small, and a large aircraft carrier of more than [-] tons. It's too big for them, so considering various factors, the [-]-ton aircraft carrier should be more suitable for them.

"We want a ship of about [-] tons, which is slightly larger than the one in the football country." Salman said. Obviously, they have discussed it in advance, and this time it is not just a casual talk.

"Okay, no problem, what takeoff and landing method do you plan to use?" Qin Tao continued to ask.

"I heard that you have developed an electromagnetic catapult. Can you equip us with an electromagnetic catapult on the aircraft carrier and use it to prevent landing?" Salman continued to ask.

Over the years, Dongfang has developed aircraft carrier technology. White gas, without a doubt, is an electromagnetic catapult.

This kind of technology has matured, and Zhang Zhong said that it has been introduced in the program. Of course, the specific technical details must be kept secret, and it must be misleading.

It's no problem to install electromagnetic catapults for them, and you don't have to worry about being seen through by the Americans, but Qin Tao, the boss, has to think about customers.

"This method is of course no problem. The overall layout is similar to that of the Charles de Gaulle. There is no problem for us. However, if you want to use this method, it means that your pilots have to undergo training for catapult takeoff and interception landing. "Qin Tao said: "During the take-off stage of the ejection, the pilot has to bear a strong overload. Even the U.S. military pilots have passed out during the ejection. It is even more dangerous during the landing stage, and there is a slight deviation. It could be a tragic accident.”

The atmosphere in the banquet hall became cold, and everyone was thinking about what Qin Tao said.

The aircraft carrier is the most powerful combat machine, but at the same time, the aircraft carrier is also very dangerous. Even the Americans who have operated the aircraft carrier for decades will occasionally make mistakes, resulting in some accidental casualties. If they use this method of take-off and landing ,Will there be any danger?

However, if this is not the case, how can it be used?

"President Qin, can you give us some advice?" Salman asked.

"Aborted landing is the most dangerous. It would be much more convenient to switch to vertical landing." Qin Tao said: "The aircraft we developed is one aircraft with three types, and there is also a vertical take-off and landing model. If you order A batch of such aircraft can make landing of carrier-based aircraft very easy."

Originally, the aircraft carrier was requested based on the carrier-based aircraft. Now that the aircraft carrier has the idea, it is not impossible for the big dog to buy the carrier-based aircraft again.

When a fighter jet flies to the mothership at a speed of two to three hundred kilometers per hour and then hits the deck, it is a combination of courage and technology. However, if it is replaced by a vertical landing, it is much simpler. Many countries with aircraft carriers, All of them are sea harriers, and I haven't heard of any major accidents.

Everyone thought about this plan, and it seemed to be really good.

So far, the carrier-based and land-based models of the three types of J-31A have sold well, but no one cares about the vertical take-off and landing model. Give it a go!
That's what Qin Tao came up with.

In fact, in desert areas, vertical take-off and landing is not easy to use. During take-off and landing, yellow sand may fill the sky and even be sucked into the engine. When the Americans wanted to rescue the hostages, they were stopped by the bad weather. , However, if it is not deployed on land, but placed on a warship, it will be much easier.

"As for the way to take off, you can also choose to take off with a ski jump. The overall layout is closer to the British Invincible-class aircraft carrier, but because of the large displacement, we can make a jump deck on the left and leave a parking space on the right. According to the displacement of [-] tons, it is no problem to operate twenty or thirty carrier-based aircraft." Qin Tao said: "Of course, the specific choice is in your hands."

What he said is of course the design plan for the Queen-class aircraft carrier.

The ski-jump take-off scheme was pioneered by the British. At that time, it was only for operating carrier-based aircraft on small aircraft carriers. It was carried forward in the hands of Lao Maozi, and heavy fighter jets could take off by ski-jumping.

When the British wanted to restore their former glory and build a more advanced 35-ton Queen-class aircraft carrier, they had a variety of considerations, and finally used the best ski-jump take-off and vertical landing scheme to operate the F-[-] vertical take-off and landing.

Although the displacement of the Queen class is more than 6 tons, if you look at the deck, the bow side is not wide. A [-]-ton aircraft carrier can also be designed in this way. aircraft parking area.

"Mr. Qin, we hope that you can design both options for us to choose." Salman said, "We know that this will require more design fees. Don't worry about this. We will decide how much you quote. How much to pay."

Rich and powerful, such a big dog is so rich!

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then, our second design department will send someone to contact you to discuss the specific design plan. At the same time, I will also contact the country. If possible, invite you to come At our wasteland village base, experience the take-off and landing training on our trainer aircraft, which will allow you to make a better choice."

Go to the wasteland village base and experience the takeoff and landing of an aircraft carrier!The United States will never give this kind of treatment. Only their hard-core allies, such as the United Kingdom, will select some pilots to go to the US aircraft carrier base for training.

Dongfang is really interesting, Qin is always our good friend!

Salman raised the juice in his hand: "Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

Huangdi Village is Dongfang's carrier-based aircraft pilot training base. Outsiders were originally not allowed to enter, but Qin Tao made it clear that he used the trainer aircraft to experience takeoff and landing, and it was not about contacting other aircraft. It was related to an aircraft carrier. For export, the Navy will definitely support it.

The banquet was finally over. After leaving the magnificent building, there were waves of heat outside. Qin Tao got into the car and returned to his residence.

"President Qin, our naval formation is conducting a drill. It is planned to come over after the drill is completed. According to the pre-plan, shouldn't you go up and have a look?" Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao while driving.

"That's right, that's for sure." Qin Tao said, "Let's go home and board the first ship of Zhonghua."

"China's first ship? Which one is it?" Xu Zhengyang was a little confused.After all, in this era, the halo above 112's head does not exist at all.

"It's No. 112." Qin Tao said, "This warship is the beginning of our navy's modernization."

Xu Zhengyang nodded: "Okay, then let's go to No. 112. I will arrange it immediately."

Today, Qin Tao and the big dogs are talking about big things. An order for an aircraft carrier is a big deal in any shipyard, but for Qin Tao, it is already commonplace. Mingzhou Group can build There is more than one aircraft carrier.The construction period is short, the quality is good, and the payment methods are diversified. It is the favorite of all customers!

In Xu Zhengyang's eyes, this matter is not as important as Qin Tao's next itinerary.

Still, he had to say a few final words.

"Mr. Qin, our navy's aircraft carrier bidding will begin soon. Does our second design department have the energy to design two aircraft carriers of different styles for Saudi Arabia at the same time?"

"It's just a sketch, not a detailed drawing. Just use the previous one to modify the deck." Qin Tao said: "Even if we still have a friendly price, a design drawing costs 2000 million, which is 4000 million. In recent years, the depreciation of the dollar has not At least, I think it is normal to ask for 6000 million, or even 8000 million, and we have to earn this money."

The navy's aircraft carrier project is finally about to usher in the bidding. Qin Tao is [-]% sure that he will get it. This big guy is the one who makes him act the most.

"President Qin, if Saudi Arabia also places an order, can our shipyard start building two ships at the same time?" Xu Zhengyang continued to remind.

"Of course it's no problem. The big deal is to open up a space in the berth on the side where the natural gas ship is built." Qin Tao said: "Anyway, it's for foreign trade, and it's not for personal use. The confidentiality level can be lowered by one level. It is built on a floating dock, with a capacity of [-] tons."

That's how things were arranged.

The next day, in the southern waters of the motherland, on the blue sea, a helicopter roared and flew.

On the plane, Xu Zhengyang was still introducing the situation to Qin Tao.

The countries along the Anxi Bay mainly export oil by sea. Tankers with tens of thousands of tons and hundreds of thousands of tons of crude oil set sail from here. After leaving Anxi Bay, they are divided into several roads. To reach East Asia, one goes west, takes the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, and then reaches Europe through the Mediterranean Sea.If the hull is too large to pass through the Suez Canal, it can only detour to the southern tip of Africa.

At the same time, there are also a large number of cargo ships from Europe and East Asia, transporting various industrial and agricultural products to Anxi Bay, and there are ships directly from Europe to Asia. These ships are very numerous on the sea. Anyone who takes the Suez Canal will inevitably through the Gulf of Aden.

The Gulf of Aden, which is like a trumpet mouth, is becoming more and more dangerous.

Pirates are unscrupulous and can use all kinds of weapons, from AK rifles to bazookas. They are the greatest threat to merchant ships. However, merchant ships cannot have the same weapons. This is the result of various considerations.

All ports refuse to allow merchant ships carrying weapons to dock. Before they reach their destination, they have to throw away their weapons. Saying that a certain crew member has a motive and may shoot other crew members, the internal harm is greater than the external one.

Soon, Qin Tao saw three warships on the sea in the distance, and he couldn't help feeling: "Our warships are really good!"

"President Qin, your evaluation is really high." Xu Zhengyang said: "In China, few people can praise this kind of warship. In their eyes, there is no four-sided phased array radar and vertical launch system. , it is not considered an advanced warship.”

"Not all tasks require four-sided radar and vertical launch missiles. Although the performance of 112 and 113 is not very advanced, they are the first destroyers independently developed by us beyond the limitations of Soviet warships. The crystallization of hard work and sweat."

This is the second-generation destroyer. Due to the use of a large number of western equipment, the performance has been improved to a higher level. However, it has also experienced many twists and turns during the development. The older generation of warship designers can make the warship look like this , is already very rare.

The warships built by the Mingzhou Group are more advanced because of Qin Tao, a traverser. If Qin Tao was also a person of this era, he would never have invented so many advanced warships, and the old shipbuilders had to be the main force .

At this time, Xu Zhengyang was also very emotional when he heard Qin Tao's words.

The helicopter landed perfectly, and when Qin Tao stepped off the cabin, he saw pairs of adoring eyes.

"President Qin, welcome to our formation inspection!" Du Yu walked up excitedly and shook hands with Qin Tao.

"I am also very honored to participate in this exercise." Qin Tao said: "You have worked hard all the way here."

"It's not hard, this is our task."

After the helicopter dropped off the crew, he left again. Qin Tao looked thoughtfully at the wide aft deck of the warship and at the two helicopter hangars.

"President Qin, what do you think of our warship?"

"It is very suitable for carrying out this mission."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"Because it has two hangars." Qin Tao said: "It can carry two ship-borne helicopters. Helicopters are very important in the next operation."

"President Qin, this is the first time we have performed this kind of mission. Tell us about it." Du Yu said, "You have been traveling around all these years, and your experience will definitely be richer."

They were the first batch to carry out the mission. Even Lao Maozi's warship agreed to go together, but they were still a long way behind. They had to hit the jackpot and there must be no accidents.

Ever since they received the task, they started to discuss it, but they knew in their hearts that their abilities were still insufficient, and Boss Qin was more experienced!Now, with President Qin's introduction, it is much more convenient for them to practice on the road.

"I don't have much experience. It's the first time for us to do this kind of mission. However, we can discuss it. Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang." Qin Tao was very humble. He looked at the empty flight deck: "We Let’s just talk about it on paper here.”

In an instant, a large group of officers surrounded them, not only the officers on No. 112, but also the officers on No. 538, and those on No. 887. Several of them came.

"First of all, we only have three warships, and it is impossible to be the personal bodyguards of merchant ships. Therefore, we must first gather various merchant ships in the outer sea area, and everyone will gather and act together." Qin Tao said.

Everyone nodded. It would be exhausting to be a bodyguard for every ship!
"Secondly, we try our best to pass during the daytime. Among our three warships, No. 538 takes the lead, No. 887 is at the end of the formation, and No. 112 is the most mobile. As a maneuvering force, it sails on the left side of the formation. , sailing on the right side of the formation when returning."

No. 538 frigate is the latest star warship built by Mingzhou Group, but because it is a frigate, it only uses four diesel engines as power, and its maximum speed is only a few dozen knots. Although No. 112 seems to be lagging behind, it uses gas turbine power, which has a fast speed increase and a high top speed. Because of excess power, the maximum speed of destroyer No. 112 can even reach 32 knots. Therefore, it is most suitable as a mobile protection force.

Everyone nodded repeatedly. They thought of various plans along the way, but none of them were as perfect as Mr. Qin.

"President Qin, we have brought a group of elites from the Marine Corps this time. Can we deploy a few soldiers on each merchant ship?" an officer asked.

"If it's our merchant ship, and if you are not afraid of trouble, it's okay to do this. However, I don't think it makes much sense. We just need to be more vigilant and expel the pirates in time after we find them."

"Our merchant ship?" Du Yu caught on to this sentence.

"Yes, since we are going, we must display the spirit of internationalism. It is nothing to escort our ships. Merchant ships from all over the world can join our escort formation." Qin Tao said.

"Yes, this is the best opportunity to enhance our international influence!"

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