Great warships

Chapter 681 Displaying our most advanced equipment

Chapter 681 Displaying our most advanced equipment

Even if it is the Air Force, it is flying in the sky, and the leaders are watching from the ground, and the Second Artillery is no exception. Only the Navy, and the equipment of the Navy, requires the leaders to go to sea to inspect it.

Now, the navy is unable to display its advanced weapons, so it is entirely possible to use this reason to ask the superiors for approval, and to set up a sea-level arrangement, which will be even more spectacular!

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, it is beneficial to have Mr. Qin come to the meeting. Mr. Qin is too powerful and can always come up with some good ideas!
"That's right, we have an aircraft carrier and an Aegis battleship. It's time for us to invite our superiors to inspect our equipment at sea!" Wu Shengli nodded: "This opportunity must be seized, but let's go on and talk about our equipment." The land formation! Mr. Qin, what better way do you have?"

"Then I'll be blunt." Qin Tao said: "Of course what we want to show is a big killer. How about taking out our navy's anti-ship ballistic missiles in the first phalanx?"

"President Qin, you probably don't know that the technology of this missile is very difficult. Up to now, our relevant units are still developing it, and it has not been officially equipped with our army."

This sentence is a euphemism. Qin Tao builds warships. Doesn't he know what weapons the warships can be equipped with now?
Mr. Qin was just so overjoyed, spitting, and forgetting a lot of things.

"Yes, the research and development cycle of this weapon is very long, but, everyone, we have already tested it in 96, and now it is 99, shouldn't we come up with it? If we can't get it out, I'm afraid it will Was it a joke?"

Weapons of this level must be cherished, and cannot be taken out until the critical time. Therefore, if they have not been displayed before, they are still in a state of high secrecy and must not be displayed. It is not worth it for a false name. But it was made public in 96. If you don’t show it now, people will be suspicious. Is this thing equipped with troops?

The big guys didn't think about this level, and they were all moved by Qin Tao's statement at this time. The big guys think about problems from different angles, and the decisions they form are also different. At this time, Qin Tao's remarks Let everyone nod their heads.

"That's right, Boss Qin is right."

"It's just that if it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. Can we still change it?"

"Of course we can." Qin Tao said, "Since we want to show off, we have to show off the most advanced weapons and equipment. In this regard, I have two ideas."

Regardless of whether the big guy adopts it or not, let's talk about it first.

"First of all, the first one is an anti-ship ballistic missile that can use our ship-borne vertical launcher. The emergence of this kind of missile means that our navy's ships can carry this kind of missile. In our vertical launch silo, multiple pieces, the long-range strike capability is top-notch."

"Ship hanging hair?" Everyone was convinced by Qin Tao's brain hole.

Generally speaking, ballistic missiles are thick and large. Take the domestic Julang-1 and Julang-2 as examples, the diameters are about 1.34 meters and 2 meters respectively. When it develops into Julang-3, the diameter It has even been extended to 2.2 meters, and a special launcher is required to launch this missile.

However, Qin Tao said that it will be launched in a vertical silo. The current domestic vertical launch device still uses the revolver modified from Lao Maozi's Riff-M, or more vividly, it is honeycomb coal. The only change is There is no need to turn it, each cover can be opened, and the diameter of its launch tube is only about 0.6 meters, it is impossible to insert sea-based anti-ship ballistic missiles.

"That's right. At present, our relevant units are developing a new generation of vertical launching devices with a common cold and hot frame. The maximum diameter of this vertical launching device is 0.85 meters. Therefore, our domestic relevant agencies can completely target this launching device. Developing an anti-ship ballistic missile for ship-mounted vertical launch, of course, is smaller in size and has a shorter range, but the distance of 1000 meters should not be a problem."

Technological breakthroughs come little by little, and cannot be achieved overnight.

At present, the 052C that is in production is still using briquettes, while the 054 is using chocolate blocks, one kind of cold launch, and one kind of hot launch. The relevant domestic institutions have already started pre-research. More advanced cold and hot hair hanging device.This device is more advanced, even surpassing the MK41 vertical launch device in the United States!

The principle of this method is Concentric Canister Launcher (CCL for short). The advantage of the thermal launching device is that the missile can be ignited directly and take off faster. However, when launching in the launching tube, it is necessary to design a complex exhaust duct , otherwise the high temperature gas has no place to vent.

The concentrically arranged inner and outer double cylinder structure can solve this problem. The inner cylinder is still the storage and launch container of the missile, and the annular space between the inner cylinder and the outer cylinder forms a flame exhaust path. In this way, the launcher does not need to design a special common The gas channel can be directly discharged from the channel between the inner and outer barrels after being deflected by the hemispherical bottom cover at the bottom of the inner barrel.

However, the circular one is still a waste of space. Therefore, according to Qin Tao's proposal, the inner cylinder is still circular, but the outer cylinder is designed as a rectangle, which is convenient for arrangement and has a larger space for exhausting smoke. At the same time, this This arrangement is also convenient to accommodate more missiles.

The service of the Navy's 052C has solved the imminent problem of regional air defense. However, this kind of warship is still flawed: it only carries the Red Flag [-] type of missile. This kind of missile is very suitable for long-distance targets, but it is somewhat short-range. It is a waste, and due to the large body of the projectile, the maneuverability is definitely not as good as that of the small missile.

Therefore, after the development of a hot and cold launcher, not only can be stuffed into the Red Flag IX, but also the Red Flag-16 can be stuffed in, and two bombs can be stuffed in the way of one hole and two bombs. Among the rectangular launchers, the layout of the missiles can be along the diagonal, which is the longest. This is why the rectangular launcher is more advanced than the barrel launcher, and the space it can use will be larger.

Of course, in the future, when the Hongqi-16 becomes a polished bomb, or there are more advanced short-range missiles, there may be four bombs in one pit, and the firepower density will be greater. An advanced cruiser, no, [-] tons Destroyers can mix and match various missiles, making it easier to perform missions.

Among the mixed missiles, of course, there can also be such anti-ship ballistic missiles!
The diameter of the launching device is 850 mm, and a special anti-ship ballistic missile can be tailored!Qin Tao has actually mentioned this proposal before. I don’t know if the navy has arranged it, maybe it’s because of funding issues?

Qin Tao was wondering in his heart.

"To counterattack the enemy's fleet at sea, a distance of 1000 meters is indeed enough. Our relevant units are pre-researching this work." Wu Shengli nodded: "Is there a second method?"

"If the first type is displayed, we will show it with our launch tube." Qin Tao continued to talk about his idea: "If it is the second type, we will only display the missile. After all, the second type of missile The appearance will definitely shock the world."


Everyone has gotten used to Qin Tao's way of thinking. Hearing what Qin Tao said at this moment, some people came to their senses: "Mr. Qin, are you talking about the hypersonic aircraft flying Qian Xuesen's trajectory?"

"That's right!" Qin Tao said excitedly: "The biggest feature of this missile is that its warhead is different. Its warhead is a prolate streamlined body. It can glide and fly in the atmosphere, and the opponent cannot intercept it at all. What the hell, fuck you, you have to fuck in front of our waverider gliding aircraft."

These words were a bit vulgar, and Zhao Ling frowned in the back. However, everyone present did not say anything. After all, this statement has long been made public. It was first uploaded from a certain military forum, and was later given to Zhang Zhong. Quoted, now everyone knows.

"President Qin, we are also researching this kind of anti-ship ballistic missile, but the same, it has not been developed yet." A leader said: "The projects you mentioned are very good, and... these should be considered Our navy, or should it be counted as the Second Artillery?"

These ballistic missiles are beyond the scope of the navy.

It is not carried on the navy's equipment, even if the navy's, such as submarine-launched ballistic missiles, if it is displayed publicly, it must be in the sequence of the second artillery. This kind of anti-ship ballistic missile is now a brand new equipment , there is nothing to say for now.

"Whoever it is, let's report it first. If it can be mixed into the equipment of the Second Artillery, wouldn't we have another weapon to display?"

Use the quota of the Second Artillery Corps to display the navy's weapons and equipment. The benefits are not in vain.

Although the quota has been allocated, there must be more applicants from each military branch, and then the superiors will screen them.

The navy reported it, the superiors selected it, and finally assigned it to the Second Artillery. If this is successful, it will be a very interesting thing.

Everyone smiled when they thought of this.

These were all things that the big guy didn't expect, and it was beneficial to ask Qin Tao to come over to give advice. At this time, the big guys felt that they had gained a lot.Of course, I don't know if this kind of equipment that has not been finalized can be selected by the leader, and it may be scolded, but just scold it, everyone, bear with it.

"Boss Qin, go on."

"There is nothing new in the future." Qin Tao said: "Then it is the turn of anti-ship missiles. Our Eagle-12 missiles must occupy a phalanx."

The first two have not yet been finalized, but the Eagle Strike-12 is different.

When the glory-class cruiser was refitted back then, the research and development of the Eagle-12 had not yet been completed, so after the old Maozi's anti-ship missiles were removed on both sides, some empty boxes were placed on it.

One or two years later, the YJ-12 was successfully developed, and it was also tested in an exercise. The successful development of this missile brought a sharp long sword to the navy, which can be unsheathed at any time!
For a long time, the Eastern Navy can only rely on the Eagle-81 anti-ship missile. This anti-ship missile with a range of 84 kilometers caused a sensation at the ceremony in 120, and was surprised by a group of Western military attaches. , Later, it was replaced with a small turbojet engine, and the range was increased to 802 kilometers. It was exported under the number of C[-] missile, and it became one of the few advanced equipment.

Later, the Navy had the Eagle Strike 83 and the Eagle Strike-62. However, these anti-ship missiles are subsonic after all, and the range is not far enough, so they can only be used for temporary emergencies.

It was not until the appearance of the Eagle Strike-12 that the Navy finally had a killer.

This is the first supersonic anti-ship missile developed in China on the basis of absorbing Sunburn missile technology. Compared with previous missiles, its biggest feature is that it has the ability to fly at supersonic speed.

From the appearance point of view, this missile is more slender, more similar to the shape of an air-to-air missile, and it is very smooth. At the same time, it also uses a special X-shaped four-inlet layout. It is very simple. The air-to-air missiles of later generations, such as Meteor, also use this layout. Its advantage is that the structure is simple and the air intake efficiency is high, but the air intake efficiency drops rapidly at high angles of attack. When will you know the shock cone? The air intake is just opposite.

Compared with Lao Maozi's anti-ship missiles, this one is more mature. With a similar size, its range has been increased to [-] kilometers. It is currently the most important long-range strike weapon for the navy and a standard configuration for the new generation of destroyers.

This anti-ship missile is definitely going to be unveiled, and it will definitely be selected.

Therefore, Qin Tao simply mentioned this kind of missile, and then everyone nodded. After passing it, they started to talk about the next one.

"The next step is our YJ-18 anti-ship missile," Qin Tao said.

"Wait!" Wu Shengli was a little confused: "Taozi, where did you get the YJ-18 missile?"

Did you remember wrongly, among our current weapons and equipment, only the Eagle-12 starts with a ten.

This is a mouthful, and Qin Tao is also a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I forgot that the navy has not assigned a number to it. 18 is an auspicious number, so I took it for granted. The model I mentioned is the one we are developing. The sub-super-combined anti-ship missile, which is a supplement to the YJ-12."

The YJ-12 is a supersonic anti-ship missile. It uses a ramjet engine. In order to make this missile fly farther, it has to increase its altitude. The dense atmosphere will bring a lot of resistance to the flight of the YJ-12. Its range is reduced.

Flying high, it is easy to be spotted by the enemy. This YJ-12 missile can be spotted by the enemy from a distance, and then respond. Then, can we develop a more advanced anti-ship missile? The kind that is not easy to be found by the enemy?

The Eagle Strike-18 was proposed under such circumstances.

This missile is divided into three parts.

Behind the butt is a solid booster. After coming out of the launch tube, the solid booster pushes the missile to a certain speed, and then it will be thrown away. Then, the small engine behind the missile will ignite. According to the development of domestic military technology, it can It is a turbojet or a turbofan engine. Of course, if it is the latter, the range will definitely continue to increase a lot.

At this time, the missile is the same as the subsonic Eagle Strike [-] series of anti-ship missiles. It can fly over [-] kilometers to more than [-] kilometers over the sea at ultra-low altitude, and it is difficult to be found all the way. The engine is thrown away, and the front part of the projectile becomes a new missile. This missile can use a solid rocket motor or a ramjet motor. In short, the missile enters a supersonic flight state and sprints towards the target. In this way, the target It's hard to react.

Looking at its flight process, it is similar to a multi-stage launch vehicle. In fact, it is not a subsonic combination in the strict sense. The real subsonic combination is to switch between subsonic and supersonic speeds at any time according to needs, but the current Technology can only come up with this level.

At this time, everyone was very embarrassed when they heard Qin Tao talk about this weapon.

"Mr. Qin, you did propose this kind of anti-ship missile at the beginning, but our navy has limited funds, so we can only put limited funds into the Eagle-12 project. At present, this kind of anti-ship missile combined with sub-superpower, It’s just in the pre-research stage.”

No matter when, the money is always not enough to spend.

Qin Tao nodded, as if he had a premonition about this situation.

"It seems that this anti-ship missile will not be able to catch up with the ceremony. However, the Eagle-12 is enough. However, our navy has to speed up its research and development. The usefulness of this anti-ship missile to us It is also very big, it is not only anti-ship, it can also be turned into a ground attack cruise missile in the future, and it can also be inserted into our vertical launch system. By the way, I can also help. "

"How can I help?"

"Get a few club missiles from Lao Maozi." Qin Tao said, "With samples, it will be easier for us to develop."

In later generations, the appearance of the Eagle-18 missile was very similar to that of the club missile, so it was also criticized by many people, saying that this missile was an imitation of the club missile.If it's just the appearance, the attack mode of the two is the same: solid rocket motor boost, small jet engine cruise, and finally solid motor sprint.

However, the quality of the two missiles is different. Ah San, another user of the club missile, has a deep understanding. He said that after the club missile is launched, it is difficult to find the target. Although the accuracy of Dongfang's Eagle-18 is kept secret, But there will never be such omissions.

So, there is a big difference between the two.

At this time, Wu Shengli also became excited when he heard Qin Tao talk about this: "Are you planning to develop club missiles? How?"

What to do?There are many ways to do that.

The club missile is the nickname of NATO as always. The Lao Maozi named it 3M-54. It was developed by the Lao Maozi Innovator Design Bureau. When it was finalized, the country had changed and the funding was not as good as before. Treasures, but their pockets are flat, so they can only be pushed to the international market, because it is not easy to carry on warships, they quickly developed a foreign trade submarine launch type, which can be used on the exported Type 877 submarines and Type 636 submarines .

Therefore, regular purchases are appropriate. If you want to save some money, then Qin Tao can use some of his own methods and go to Lao Maozi's place again.

(End of this chapter)

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