Great warships

Chapter 682 The Era of Change

Chapter 682 The Era of Change

At this time, upon hearing Wu Shengli's excited question, Qin Tao said without hesitation: "Of course the Navy paid for a few of them and equipped them on our Kilo-class submarines."

"Pay?" Wu Shengli frowned: "Is there no way not to spend money?"

"How can I buy it without spending money? Or, continue to use the funds of the Air Force, or the funds of the Army? This kind of missile can not only anti-ship, but also be used as a cruise missile for ground attack." Qin Tao said.

Wu Shengli nodded: "This can be considered."

Qin Tao’s way of finding an old friend, Qin Tao can only say that Wu Shengli is embarrassed to let Qin Tao continue to work for nothing. After all, the navy is in arrears with the construction funds of the aircraft carrier. It will be good if Mingzhou Group does not stop work. too much.

"This anti-ship missile can only produce one type at present, let's talk about others." A leader present said.

The YJ-18 has not been seen yet, and only the YJ-12 is on display. However, they believe that this missile can be as sensational as the original YJ-81. This is a supersonic anti-ship missile and a sharp weapon for attacking aircraft carriers.

"Then it must be the anti-aircraft missile. I guess the leaders must have planned the Red Flag IX. However, I think this kind of missile is not suitable." Qin Tao said.

Not suitable?
The system composed of Hongqi-346 missiles and 052 radar is currently the most dazzling equipment of the navy. With the service of the first [-]C, the navy feels that its backs have stood up. Now, Qin Tao actually said that it is inappropriate?
"Because of the Air Force?" Wu Shengli came to his senses.

"Yeah, the Air Force is also going to exhibit some weapons and equipment. They will definitely drag out the Hongqi IX missile as the finale magic weapon. Our Hongqi IX is also a land-based transplant. It is not innovative enough, and it will probably be killed by the superiors." gone."

On such a grand occasion, the display of similar equipment shows that the development of our country's military industry is not enough?
"It's really inappropriate for Mr. Qin to say that. We might as well show Hongqi-16."

The Hongqi-16 was first developed by the Air Force, and later it was modified on the ship. Therefore, the model of the navy is Haihongqi-16, but the Hongqi-[-] is different. The moment it was born, it was developed for the navy. Therefore, there is no sea word in front of the Hongqi-[-], and the troops on land used it. We have to thank the navy for investing in research and development funds to make it out.

"That's right, then show the Hongqi-16, Lao Wu, you are really too, this is also to avoid suspicion." A leader said.

Zhao Ling is the main person involved in the research and development of Hongqi-16. Therefore, even if Wu Shengli thought of Hongqi-16 during their internal meeting, he didn't bring it up. It was like asking for credit for his daughter.

Now, when others say it, it makes sense.

"However, the appearance of this thing is the same as that of Shi Jili. Will people gossip after it is exhibited?" Some people also expressed doubts that this thing has hidden dangers.

"We don't show the projectile body, but put it on the military vehicle together with our launch tube, so that no one knows what's inside, and it can also show our progress in vertical launch. We have more than just briquettes." Qin Tao said in one sentence. solved.

"That's right, Hongqi-16 counts as one. Is there any more? Mr. Qin, can you give us the total again?"

In this way, all the things brought out are things with the brand of the navy, but only these few are far from enough.

"Have you considered amphibious tanks?" Qin Tao said.

Since the motherland still has a historical task that has not been completed, a large amount of amphibious equipment is needed, and amphibious tanks are the most important one.Therefore, a long time ago, there was a special Type 63 amphibious tank in China. However, the strength of this tank was too weak. Due to the ability to float on water, the tank body was a typical thin-skinned and big-stuffed tank. However, under the technology of the year, the turret of the tank was still a circular cast turret, and at the same time, it only carried an 85mm tank gun.

This kind of equipment only solves the problem of availability. When they rush to the beach, facing the M60A3 tank and the brave tiger tank, they are not sure of winning at all.

Therefore, when the whole world gave up such equipment as amphibious tanks, the country was still developing, and the old Type 63 tanks could no longer meet the needs of the army. Improvements on the basis of this tank would be a Imminent task.

This idea of ​​improvement was proposed at the beginning of 95, and by March of 98, the finalized experiment was completed, fully illustrating the technological development of the Navy over the years.

The idea of ​​improvement is not very difficult. The first is to increase the chassis and increase the reserve benefits. Therefore, this tank adds additional pontoons to the front and rear of the tank, which offsets the extra two tons of weight. It looks like a boat.

Of course, the biggest change is the turret. In order to increase its attack power, this tank uses a 105mm tank gun that is common in China. With the most advanced armor-piercing shells in the country, it can properly penetrate any tanks and beachhead targets on the opposite side. At the same time, the welded turret has also become more modern. Due to the weight limit, its protection is definitely not high, but there is no way to do it. As long as the opponent is eliminated first, one's own side will be safe.

After the research and development of this amphibious tank is completed, it will be replaced by the amphibious force of the navy one after another, replacing the original Type 63 tank and becoming the main force of the marine corps. However, it has to be said that the vision of naval officers is still Putting it on a warship, they don't pay much attention to this kind of amphibious tank, so that no one thinks that they need to form such a phalanx. Their minds are all about the Navy's Aegis battleship, the Navy's aircraft carrier, and so on.

"That's right, our 63A tanks need to form a phalanx. No matter how powerful the army's 99 tanks are, they can't drive directly there!" Wu Shengli made another decision.

The phalanx of vehicles on the ground must be led by 99 tanks, but our own 63A tanks will also become a beautiful landscape.

Everyone is full of expectations.

Another phalanx has been finalized, and the superior will definitely make a decision.

"Okay, Mr. Qin, let's go on, what other equipment needs to be exhibited?" A leader said with satisfaction: "Your vision is indeed different from ours. We still have to rely on you to inspire us."

"Guys, what do you think if you put the flying things on the ground?"

Everyone was stunned: "Boss Qin, didn't we just talk about the J-32? It must be going to heaven."

"That's right, this plane is not small. If it is towed from the ground, it may not be suitable."

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, no, I'm not talking about these manned aircraft."


"That's right, drones." Qin Tao said: "From the air battles in the Bekaa Valley in the 80s, drones began to shine. Up to now, we can see drones in every war." Silhouette, whether it is for reconnaissance and search, intelligence collection, radio relay, or as equipment to lure the enemy, or even attack the enemy, drones are becoming more and more important. It will become the most important weapon on the future battlefield. Therefore, In the vehicle phalanx of our military parade, we have specially prepared a phalanx to display drones, what do you think?"

"However, none of the drones we have at hand can afford."

Speaking of drones, the military is no stranger to it. As early as the mid-80s, the Air Force used the Y-5 aircraft to drop a "Wuzhen 100" drone in the southern border area.Under the control of the ground station, the UAV flew 10 kilometers round-trip, which lasted 2000 minutes, carried out photographic reconnaissance on an area of ​​99 square kilometers and returned safely.Later analysis of the photos revealed [-] military targets.

However, for a long time, domestic military agencies have not paid much attention to the development of drones. What the technology was at that time, it is still what it is now. Over the years, foreign military drones have been developing rapidly, so , the country has long been outdated.

At this time, Qin Tao said that he wanted to display the drone. This is a very good idea, but the things displayed will not only strengthen the country's prestige and military prestige, but also make the outsiders laugh. What age is this? , also showing the kind of old-fashioned equipment.

"Guihang has it." Qin Tao said: "Yunma Factory is producing the world's most advanced military large-scale unmanned aerial vehicle. When this kind of unmanned aerial vehicle is fully developed, it will definitely be used in the three armed forces, and the navy will also use it. A large amount of equipment, now taking this opportunity to let it appear in the navy's phalanx, is enough to illustrate the development of the navy in modern new technologies, and the navy is the strongest in this regard."

"The drones of Yunma Factory?" Sure enough, many leaders don't know yet.

"That's right, the drone of Yunma Factory is a large drone with the same shape as the American Global Hawk drone." Qin Tao introduced: "This is an advanced drone with long-range flight capabilities. It has strong detection capabilities. At present, even the American Global Hawk has not yet officially entered service, and in this regard, we are already on the same starting line as the United States.”

The Global Hawk was only developed in the 90s, and various research and development data were officially confirmed in 94. However, it is not easy to develop such a large-scale drone, even if it frequently appears in various public occasions, it has always been It was not until the 21st century that it was officially finalized, equipped with troops, and then used in the imperial cemetery.

If similar drones are displayed in China, it will definitely surprise the outside world. In this respect, Dongfang has also come to the forefront of the world!
Although this project was proposed by Qin Tao, it was not created by the aviation department of Mingzhou Group. Qin Tao's advertisement for Yunma Factory was purely out of public interest.Even if this kind of drone uses the engine of Genghis Khan Aviation, they are only a supporting manufacturer.

Just as Qin Tao was introducing, Zhao Ling had already taken out her laptop and quickly connected it to the projection screen in the conference room. Soon, a beautiful drone model appeared on the screen.

It is like a big head, with a big head, straight wings on both sides, a long wingspan, the engine is on the back, the shape looks very different, the tail has two inclined V-shaped vertical tails, one look It is for the pursuit of invisibility.

At this time, looking at this big guy, everyone present was very surprised.

"We already have this big guy?"

"What kind of engine does it use? Do we have engines for this kind of aircraft in our country?"

It has to be said that the people present are still knowledgeable. The development of any aircraft in the country will be limited by the engine. Whether it is a large bomber, a medium-sized fighter, or this small drone, all of them lack power.

Of course, there are also previous powers, such as the engines on the J-[-] and J-[-]. However, these engines have a short lifespan and high fuel consumption, and they have long been outdated. They are definitely not a suitable choice for our side.

At this time, Qin Tao explained after hearing everyone's questions: "In terms of engines, the first model developed by Yunma Factory used a propeller engine. Now, they have chosen the AI-222 model without afterburner. Jet power."

Everyone nodded: "That's right, jet engines are better than propeller engines, but if you want to show them, you can show them both, so that you can advertise better."

Qin Tao has many purposes, including advertising. After all, this drone is going to be sold in large quantities, so he has to find a way to advertise. Now in such a grand ceremony, the advertising effect is definitely just now. .

"Yes, our navy is innovative in terms of advanced weapons and equipment." Wu Shengli said: "This is an era of change, and our navy must also have a long-term vision. This kind of military drone should indeed be displayed. , Mr. Qin, can it really adapt to the takeoff and landing of an aircraft carrier?"

Wu Shengli knows that there are many differences between aircraft carrier-based aircraft and land-based aircraft. If this kind of drone wants to board an aircraft carrier, it can take off without any problem. Anyway, it has a catapult, so how about landing?Can it withstand the pull of the arresting line?

"Ahem, at present, this drone can't be carried on board." Qin Tao said.

For UAVs like the Global Hawk, in order to pursue long endurance at high altitudes, the wings are very long and cumbersome to fold, which takes up a lot of space. Although Yunma Factory tried to fold the wings, Qin Tao also knew that it would still be inconvenient to carry after being folded up. Considering the preciousness of domestic aircraft carriers, it is estimated that the area of ​​the hangar would not be wasted to accommodate such drones.

Therefore, there is no possibility of shipboard for the time being.

"Can't shipboard?"

"For a drone with a range of more than [-] kilometers, is it important whether it can be carried on board? Is the navy willing to make room for the drone?" Qin Tao said.

The Global Hawk has a range of more than 2 kilometers. It can fly across continents and reach the world directly. That’s why it’s called the Global Hawk. It doesn’t have a pilot anyway, so you don’t have to worry about the pilot’s eating and drinking. The performance of this aircraft is very advanced. If you refuel in the air If it is, then it can fly for a day or two before coming down.

The domestic technology level is still not as good as that of Americans. Even if the size is similar, the range of domestic drones has shrunk by half, only more than 1 kilometers. However, even this is enough. From Qiongzhou The aviation base takes off and can cruise around the entire southern waters for a whole day. After dark, it can either fly back or land on the island and reef base, and then take off until the next day.

Does this drone still need to be on board?

"After a large number of these drones enter the service, Yunma Factory will be free to build a second military drone. This drone adopts a flying wing layout, which is similar to the B-2. Man-machines can be carried on ships, and they can not only detect, but also attack, and can be used to undertake the most dangerous tasks.” Qin Tao said: “In the future, drones will have a broad field of development, just wait and see. .”

The Yankee's first carrier-based drone is the X-47B. This drone has a flying wing layout, which is somewhat similar to the B-2. However, this drone has been developed for more than ten years before it matures. Now our own side can't be in a hurry, first do the simple ones, and then do the complicated ones.

"Yes, we currently only have one aircraft carrier. Even if there is another one, it is still too few. We don't need to be obsessed with the issue of whether it can be carried by the carrier." Wu Shengli said: "We can report this project. I don’t know if I have the support of my superiors.”

There is something bold about this project, even whimsical.

However, they came to Qin Tao just to hear these refreshing suggestions. If they thought the same, they didn't need to come to Qin Tao.

"Boss Qin, do you have any other suggestions?"

"The next step is to command communications and logistical support." Qin Tao said: "In future wars, these will be even more important."

In fact, Qin Tao's overall idea is the [-]th anniversary project. At the [-]th anniversary, the weapons displayed to the outside world are still ordinary and can be seen at a glance. Although the weapons are very good, the thinking is still stuck in the past .

However, the [-]th anniversary is different. There are a lot less conventional cannons, and there are a lot of equipment in the information age, which reflects the transformation of the army.

Take it out now, of course you can face the whole world with a brand new face. We are serious about the transformation of the army!

Qin Tao continued to introduce that everyone present had a refreshing feeling. They were thinking about aircraft and missiles, but Mr. Qin could think of these seemingly ordinary but actually very important things.

Times are changing.

The day's meeting finally came to an end. That night, Qin Tao and Zhao Ling returned home and looked at their son whom they had not seen for a long time.

"Isn't this ocean growing too fast? I haven't seen it for a few months, and it has grown up again." Qin Tao said with emotion.

"Yes, a child's childhood is too short. If he is not with him, he will grow up in a blink of an eye."

At this time, Zhao Ling was a little emotional.As a mother, she was never qualified!

Qin Tao patted her on the back. Just as he was about to say something, the phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Lin? Now you want to buy me a drink? I'm still at home with the children."

"What? Something important?" Qin Tao could only shake his head helplessly: "Okay, I have to give you this face."

If it was someone else, Qin Tao might have really refused, but he has known Elder Lin for many years and experienced so many things together, so how could he have the nerve to refuse Elder Lin now.

Air Force compound, canteen.

"Come on, we haven't had a drink together for a long time." Elder Lin took out a bottle of Moutai: "Tonight, we have to get drunk."

"Mr. Lin, if the two of us want to get drunk together, this bottle is not enough. Besides, you are not too young, so you can't drink too much." Qin Tao said, "Let's moisten our throats." If you have anything to do, just say it directly."

"It's better for you to have fun, come on, let's drink one first, and then talk slowly."

As Lin Lao said, he raised his wine glass.

"Mr. Lin, are you here for the military parade?" Qin Tao raised his head, poured a glass of wine into his mouth, and looked at Mr. Lin.

"That's right." Elder Lin nodded: "If something as good as a stealth machine falls on the navy's head, we will be a little bit unwilling."

The navy also has aviation, but it has always been weak and cannot be compared with the air force at all.

For this ceremony, the Air Force has also prepared a lot of big guys.

Of course, the leader must be the Air Police-2000 and the escorting J-[-] fighter jets, followed by J-[-] formations, J-[-] formations, J-[-] formations, H-[-] formations, etc. The scale is huge.

However, these planes are not uncommon for a long time. Among the domestically produced planes, the most eye-catching ones are of course the stealth fighter jets. The leather stealth machine is definitely extra conspicuous.

The Air Force felt that if it really flew like this, it would definitely lose face.

So, they moved their minds.

Of course, I had to ask Mingzhou Group for help, so Mr. Lin came. After all, he and Qin Tao had a pretty good relationship. Qin Tao helped Mr. Lin a lot when he purchased Su-27 from Lao Maozi. Busy, the cooperation between the two is also very tacit.

"Mr. Lin, is your Air Force going to buy two to show off, or is this fighter going to be the main equipment of the Air Force?" Qin Tao's attitude became serious.

If you only buy two planes for this ceremony, then there is no problem. Mingzhou Group can even lend them two planes. At that time, let these two planes accompany the first pass by the Air Police-2000. This can steal the limelight.

However, if it is purchased in large quantities as the main equipment of the Air Force, then problems will arise.

What about J-Ten?
This fourth-generation stealth aircraft was made for the Navy from the very beginning, so the first project was a carrier-based aircraft. After all, the Navy has used the J-[-] for a long time, and the Air Force has served the J-[-]. Since Qin Tao is here, We have to make up for this shortcoming.

At the same time, it is Qin Tao's bigger conspiracy to use this aircraft to engage in arms sales, thereby mobilizing the entire arms market. This is a strategic plan.

But for the air force, Qin Tao didn't think too much about it. After all, the performance of the J-[-] is not something to boast about. The Air Force just needs to wait for the J-[-].

Now, if the Air Force purchases stealth aircraft in large quantities, the number of J-[-]s will be reduced. Without sufficient development funds, can Chengfei still make J-[-]s?Qin Tao didn't want to affect Cheng Fei's development. He was a shipbuilder, and he crushed Cheng Luoma, a professional aircraft builder. It's not good!

(End of this chapter)

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