Great warships

Chapter 683 The native chicken wants to invite bids?Do not participate!

Chapter 683 The native chicken wants to invite bids?Do not participate!
What Elder Lin asked was whether Qin Tao could give them a stealth machine to make them show off, but Qin Tao thought more about it. Hearing his question, Elder Lin also became thoughtful.

The J-[-] fighter is a key project supported by the Air Force. It is a high-low match with the J-[-]. One is imported and imitated, and the other is self-developed. It walks on two legs and is very stable. It is really hard to say which aircraft the Air Force likes. .

After the J-[-] was mass-produced that year, many people in the Air Force supported the J-[-] whole-heartedly. They even thought that the J-[-] project could be abandoned, and it would be better to free up funds to purchase more J-[-]s.

But Mr. Lin firmly supports the J-[-]. No matter how good the J-[-] is, it is not his own. The potential is limited. The self-study ability is completely gone.

Later, the J-[-] did not disappoint the Air Force. In the air combat confrontation, the J-[-] showed performance not inferior to that of the J-[-], especially in terms of electronic systems, which surpassed those that could only use the original Lao Maozi avionics. Annihilate Eleven.

Especially in an exercise, the J-[-]'s radar was completely blinded after being jammed, but the J-[-] could continue to see the target clearly and carry out combat missions. The gap between the two aircraft was also reflected.

Although the 601 Institute is also working hard to complete the task of replacing the J-[-] with domestic avionics, the J-[-] has also been recognized by the Air Force, and everyone feels that this high-low combination is the most suitable solution.

As a result, the stealth machine appeared.

At the very beginning, this fourth-generation stealth machine, which was self-funded by Mingzhou Group and followed the path of international cooperation, did not attract the attention of many people. In their eyes, this thing was just a toy.

However, who would have thought that this aircraft was actually completed, and, in the last naval exercise, it also showed its impressive strength!The navy immediately made a decision to purchase a batch of carrier-based aircraft.

The Navy has entered the era of fourth-generation aircraft, so what about the Air Force?Is the Air Force worse than the Navy?Can you tolerate not having a stealth machine?
In the Air Force, the call for the fourth-generation stealth aircraft is getting louder and louder.

However, they also have concerns.

The aircraft developed by Mingzhou Group is following the path of international cooperation and will be sold to many countries in the world. If this is the case, it means that this aircraft has no secrets. Although the Air Force's J-[-] has no stealth capabilities , but it is self-developed at any rate, and technical data will not be leaked.

Coupled with the fact that both 601 and 611 have launched the fourth-generation stealth heavy fighter project, the Navy feels that it can wait.

But now, they couldn't wait any longer.

Should we purchase stealth machines from Mingzhou Group in large quantities?
"Well, we're a little embarrassed. After all, our air force doesn't pay a penny for research and development. If we buy from you now, you're definitely too embarrassed to ask for more money." Elder Lin began to change the subject.

"Excuse me? What are you so embarrassed about? The Flying Leopard fighter-bomber developed with the funds of the navy, you think the performance is good, don't you want to buy a batch?" Qin Tao directly refuted what Lin Lao said, this kind of thing Well, both the navy and the air force have done a lot of work, let alone anyone else, Mingzhou Group has plenty of money, and already has research and development funds, so it doesn't care about these.

As a patriotic military expert, how could Qin Tao make money from the army.

Mr. Lin was a little embarrassed: "Come on, let's have another drink, and then continue."

"Old Lin, what do you guys think?" Qin Tao broke the casserole and asked the bottom line.

"President Qin, what do you think?" Mr. Lin began to ask back: "If we equip a large number of stealth machines, will it be beneficial to us, or will the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?"

"Our production capacity is limited. Your assumption is not valid. If you purchase our land-based stealth aircraft, then at most we will deliver five to ten aircraft to you every year, which means fifty to one hundred aircraft in ten years."

There are many users of this advanced aircraft. Even if the production capacity of Shuangyang Factory is increased to the extreme, it is impossible to produce hundreds of aircraft a year, and there will certainly not be many distributed to the Air Force.

At present, the international production of military aircraft is generally like this. After the order is placed, the delivery will be like this in three to five years. Due to inflation and other factors, it is also possible to temporarily increase the price.

Now, after hearing Qin Tao's introduction, Mr. Lin started thinking: "If this is the case, then we can purchase according to this scale. At the same time, it will not delay the purchase of J-[-]. We can purchase two medium-sized Machines are equipped at the same time."

"That would complicate logistical support." Qin Tao reminded.

"It doesn't matter. Compared with the advantages of stealth aircraft, this difficulty can still be overcome." Lin Lao said: "We can equip two medium-sized aircraft at the same time, and these two types of aircraft are just complementary."

The advantage of the J-27 is the high mobility brought about by the canard layout.In the case of insufficient power, relying on this aerodynamic layout, the J-[-] has achieved strong maneuverability. The nose can instantly point to the airspace where the target is located, and its hovering ability far exceeds that of the Su-[-] series aircraft. Among them, J-[-] is a good player.

At the same time, since there is no need to consider stealth, all the weapons of the J-[-] fighter are externally mounted. It has eleven pylons. Four close, but also hang two auxiliary fuel tanks.

Stealth aircraft is not enough, you have to look at the space of the bomb bay inside the aircraft, the mounting capacity is greatly limited, the continuous combat capability is not as good as the J-[-], and the mobility is not high.

The Mingzhou Group has never publicized how maneuverable its own fighters are. It is just the average level of the third-generation fighters. After all, it is just a conventional aerodynamic layout. Although the thrust of the engine is large, its weight is also large, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is not high.

The two types of aircraft have their own advantages and disadvantages. If the Air Force is interested, of course they can complement each other's advantages. However, this will lead to complicated logistics support.

Both the J-[-] and J-[-] use the same engine, and the maintenance and support are simpler, but the stealth aircraft is not. It uses the turbofan [-] with the highest thrust in China. This engine was originally brought back by Qin Tao, but the domestic I have not used the military aircraft, and I have been using the third uncle to make up the numbers. Even if there are two domestically produced fourth-generation aircraft, I plan to use an improved model of the turbofan [-].

At this time, Mr. Lin had already made up his mind: Allocate part of the funds to purchase the fourth-generation stealth machine!

"Since the Air Force is so persistent, we welcome it," Qin Tao said.

Air Force procurement is equivalent to having one more customer, which is of course good for them.

"Currently our production line is producing ship-based models. We have to wait until the next batch to produce land-based models. Before the end of the year, we will provide you with two at most." Qin Tao said: "So, these two aircraft are enough It is impossible to form an independent formation for those escorting Air Police-2000."

This is really not Qin Tao's protection of the interests of the navy. The production of fighter jets is not easy. The construction of each plane takes more than half a year. This still improves the assembly efficiency on the pulsating production line, so they can only give them two at most.

Air Force orders have to wait slowly.

Elder Lin nodded: "Even if there are two, we have to fly at the front. By the way, the navy has specifically made clear the J-32, and our air force has to change its famous name."

This is of course necessary.

Qin Tao nodded: "The air force is called J-35, how about it?"

This is also in line with his later vision: the vertical take-off and landing is also called J-31A, which means it has been improved from the previous J-31. And X-32, no other practical benefits, just used to disgust people, is not bad.

"Well, it's called the J-35. Our air force expects to have a total equipment of one hundred, and three to four hundred J-[-]s, which together form the backbone of our air force!"

The output of the J-35 is higher, and the Air Force estimates that the total order quantity will be three to four hundred. After all, this aircraft is much cheaper than the J-[-]. In this way, together with the J-[-], it will form the camp of medium-sized aircraft.

The stealth plane is used to kick the door. When the other side's door is kicked open, non-stealth fighters can rush straight in. The Air Force does not intend to use the J-35 to compete for air supremacy. acceptable.

"Then we'll make a deal." Elder Lin said, "Tomorrow, our air force will hold a meeting to discuss the specific purchase of J-35."

Even if this matter is settled, the wine is only half drunk.

The two clinked glasses again, and then Elder Lin continued, "What ideas did you give the navy about this ceremony? What equipment does the navy want to display?"

"Mr. Lin, it's inappropriate for you to ask this question here, right? Besides, you'll know when the superiors summarize it."

Mr. Lin is here to set him up, this can't be nonsense.

Elder Lin smiled: "It will be too late at that time, our air force cannot be compared with them."

Qin Tao shook his head: "Sorry, I can't agree to your request."

"Well, to put it another way, what do you think about the equipment of our Air Force?"

Giving advice to the Navy during the day has already made Qin Tao's head very big, and now, he is actually asked to give advice to the Air Force!
Qin Tao rubbed his forehead: "Okay, let me say a few things, for example, the aerial refueling echelon, have you considered it?"

Air refueling?Old Lin's eyes lit up.

The navy has already started to engage in carrier-based aircraft, and naval pilots have also become proud, declaring that they are the best flying. After all, every take-off and landing of a carrier-based aircraft is dancing with death. In contrast, the air force The plane seemed to be on its feet.

If the acrobatics such as refueling in the air are shown at the ceremony, it will definitely attract attention!

Speaking of refueling in the air, the navy is most in demand. After all, after the navy's fighter jets take off in Qiongzhou, it is very difficult to fly to the southernmost part of the motherland's sea area and then fly back. Before the JH-[-] entered service, It is difficult to fly halfway.

Therefore, in the mid-to-late 80s, the navy looked at the equipment at hand and decided to use the J-2 as a refueling aircraft, and use the H-91 to modify the air refueling aircraft to develop air refueling technology. In 94, it finally completed the first time The aerial refueling experiment was completed in 96, and the refueling experiment in the air was completed in [-], and the project ended.

However, at this time, the Navy suddenly discovered that this kind of aerial refueling technology did not seem to be urgent anymore.

After all, the Navy not only has the JH-[-] capable of cruising the South China Sea, but also has several bases in the south, as well as specialized vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. The construction of the aircraft carrier force.

Instead, the Air Force continues to spare no effort to develop aerial refueling technology.

After all, the Air Force is also transforming from the original homeland air defense type to the offensive and defensive type. At this time, the Air Force needs to carry out long-range flights. Although the Su-27 does not need to refuel, the J-[-] cannot.

At the same time, this is also because Qin Tao helped to get a batch of Il-78 air refueling aircraft, so the Air Force has already practiced the cooperation between J-78 and Il-[-]. Now, come up with this air refueling technology. , will definitely attract attention!
The first air formation is Air Police-2000 and J-35, and the second formation is Il-78 and J-32. The two formations are good enough. Even if the navy flies a formation of J-[-], there is nothing to show off. !

Mr. Lin is now happy: "Come on, drink, if this bottle is not enough, let's open another bottle!"

Qin Tao smiled: "Okay, let's drink."

After drinking another glass of wine, Elder Lin continued to ask, "Does the navy plan to pull out the Red Flag IX missile?"

"I'm not sure about this, but the Air Force will definitely make the Red Flag IX the main force of the ground exhibition, so if the Navy also pulls it out, it will definitely be rejected by the superiors, so you don't have to worry about this."

It is impossible for one phalanx to be the Red Flag Nine of the Air Force, and another phalanx to be the Red Flag Nine of the Navy!It's impossible to think about it, so Qin Tao can veto this project as long as he involves the decision-makers at the higher level.

"That's true. The navy is most proud of the Aegis battleships, but unfortunately they can't bring them to land." Elder Lin laughed again when he mentioned this.

Over the years, the country's policies have been changing, and the navy has received more and more funds. Although the big guys know that this is necessary, they still feel a little uncomfortable. It is also very good to see the jokes of the navy.

"By the way, if you have any other ideas, tell me a few more." Elder Lin raised the wine bottle again and poured wine for Qin Tao himself.

"What else can I have? I don't know everything. I'm a shipbuilder, so I don't know anything about your Air Force."

Qin Tao said it carelessly. The shipbuilder doesn't understand the air force, so he seems to be speaking very confidently. But looking at the development of stealth fighter jets, and looking at the Shuangyang Factory and Genghis Khan Aviation under Mingzhou, can he still say that it has nothing to do with aviation?

Elder Lin smiled, and suddenly thought of something: "Mr. Qin, have you heard about the recent incidents in Tuji Country?"

"What's the matter?" Qin Tao said that he didn't know. After all, he was very busy during this period of time, and he didn't have time to take care of other things at all.

"The Tuji State Navy suddenly announced a public bidding, planning to purchase a vertical take-off and landing fighter jet." Lin Lao said: "You Mingzhou Group is engaged in this kind of fighter jet, and you didn't bid? You are not afraid of missing a big deal. ?"

Tender, VTOL fighter?Qin Tao shook his head: "No."

Now, there are not many vertical take-off and landing fighters in the world!The British Sea Harrier is completely outdated, and the old Maozi’s Yak-38 has long been discontinued. The Turkic Navy wants to invite bids, so it is aimed at our own side. Only our own J-31A is the most advanced vertical take-off and landing in the world. fighter.

When the native chicken wants to invite bids, he is throwing bait, hoping that his own party will come to the door and go to the native chicken to sell?

Stop dreaming!Now that our stealth machine is not worried about selling at all, and the order has been queued for ten years, is it necessary for our side to rush to find local chickens to sell it?
If you come to the door, the other party should make various demands, such as what price should be low, what production technology and so on, the native chicken people are the most insincere, there is no need to sell them.

"It seems that you are really firm enough." Elder Lin said with a smile.

"Of course, the Air Force will have to learn from us in the future. If the local chickens want to purchase an air defense system, there is no need to run over with our Red Flag Nine to make up the numbers. After all the unfavorable conditions are agreed, the other party gets our missiles and resells them." Just sell the technology." Qin Tao said: "We can't do business with people who don't believe what they say."

Mr. Lin was a little surprised. Mr. Qin probably had conflicts with the Tuji people when he passed the Tuji Strait last time, right?Over the years, we haven't done much business with the turkey man. How does he know that the turkey man is breaking his word?

This matter was just a small episode, and Elder Lin didn't take it too seriously. The two continued to drink, chatted again, and then ended.

Qin Tao returned home and briefly explained the matter to Wu Shengli. Wu Shengli could only smile. In this ceremony, the big guys competed fiercely. If the son-in-law said this, it was not considered as helping the Air Force. Even if you help, you can't hold the son-in-law accountable.

After another day in the capital, Qin Tao took Zhao Ling and set foot on the road to Moscow. If the YJ-18 missiles were to be exhibited, he had to hurry up and buy Lao Maozi's club missiles. ,is very important.

I haven't seen Nikolai for a long time, and I don't know how he is doing in Moscow.

With such questions in mind, Qin Tao and his group arrived in Moscow. Just as he got off the plane, he was surprised to see Nikolai standing outside the airport reception.

"Nikolai, my friend, I didn't expect you to pick me up at the airport!" Qin Tao was extremely surprised: "Nikolai, it seems that you are still very leisurely in Moscow!"

Nicholas smiled: "Qin, I didn't come to pick you up on purpose. I was planning to go to the Kola Peninsula. I just heard that you are coming, so I will take you with me."

Kola Peninsula?

Qin Tao understood instantly: "So you are going to inspect the Northern Fleet! Of course it would be great if you could take me with you! I came at the right time."

So, Qin Tao and others boarded a Tu-154 airliner that was also parked at the airport, and flew directly to the northern Kola Peninsula.

For Qin Tao, flying around in a plane has long been commonplace, and he didn't feel any discomfort. On the plane, he chatted with Nicholas.

"Nicholas, how have you been lately?"

"Well, it's not bad, but there are a lot of things to worry about."

"I see that your economy is gradually improving, and the navy will receive more and more funds. In the future, you will definitely regroup and restore the huge fleet of the empire era." Qin Tao comforted.

"Yes, we are looking forward to that day. However, this time, we still have to solve the problem of the Gorshkov."

Of course Qin Tao remembered this warship.

Three of the four Kiev-class ships are related to him. Now, only the Gorshkov is left. After the boiler blew up, this aircraft carrier has been docked at the Kola Peninsula. Qin Tao visited it last time Well, the condition is not good at all.

Lao Maozi must be unable to repair this aircraft carrier, so he has made a decision long ago and wants to sell it, but there are very few buyers. As long as Ah San is not fooled, it is estimated that there will be no second fool in the world.

The old Maozi couldn't even dismantle it, because they didn't have a suitable dock, so at most they could only use beaching. However, the aircraft carrier had a large displacement, and beaching was inconvenient.

Now, the old man is actually thinking about this aircraft carrier again. What are they going to do with this aircraft carrier?
Qin Tao was very curious: "How do you plan to solve the problem of the Gorshkov?"

"You'll know when you go." Nicholas said with a smile.

So Qin Tao stopped asking. He could resist the temptation. In this way, a group of people came to the Kola Peninsula, and came to the port where the scrapped warship was docked. When Qin Tao saw the aircraft carrier from a distance, Qin Tao Couldn't help but rubbed his eyes.

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, there is a carrier-based aircraft docked!

That scrapped aircraft carrier is going to be used again?

Moreover, that plane is not the Yak-38, its body is even bigger, and it still uses the layout of double vertical tails!Seeing the rectangular air inlets on both sides, you can tell: Jacques-141!

Isn't this project abandoned?Qin Tao remembers clearly that when he saw a prototype crashed on the runway, the project was terminated.The Jacques Design Bureau has only one trainer project left, and it is lingering. Now, they actually built another prototype?

Where did they get the money?
Seeing Qin Tao's shocked expression, Nicholas was very happy: "Qin, I didn't tell you in advance, I just wanted to surprise you, our Gorshkov will be rejuvenated because of Yak-141! "

After being shocked, Qin Tao's brain finally came to his senses, and he looked at Nicholas: "Are you selling it to native chickens?"

The old man is definitely not for his own use. Seeing that the Kuznetsov has no money to go out and wander around, the Gorshkov has no such funds, not to mention that this warship needs to be overhauled.

The natives want vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, and plan to equip them on their aircraft carriers. Now, the old man is tempted, why don't they just provide a full set?I did leave out the Jacques-141. I didn't expect Lao Maozi to have such a way to survive from a desperate situation.

(End of this chapter)

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