Great warships

Chapter 684 Fate and Destination

Chapter 684 Fate and Destination

"That's right, the tuji people want to invite bids for vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. Our Yak-141 just meets their needs. Moreover, we will also package and sell the aircraft carrier to them so that they don't have to build it themselves. Moreover, this The modification of an aircraft carrier is also very simple."

If it is an aircraft carrier with ski-jump take-off and blocked landing, the modification will be more complicated, and the deck will have to go to great lengths to make a beveled deck and arrange arresting cables behind it. This is a big project.

However, there is no need for vertical take-off and landing, the original deck can be used completely, as long as a jump deck is built at the bow of the ship.

If it is simpler, there is no need to jump over the deck, just take off vertically.

For this Gorshkov, as long as the boiler is repaired, and then the weapons are disassembled, it can be used by local chickens.

Nicholas was full of confidence at this time.

"Hasn't the Yak-141 project stopped?" Qin Tao asked curiously, "Why is it starting again now?"

"It was completely self-raised by the Yakovlev Design Bureau." Nikolay said: "The success of your Eastern J-31A project stimulated them, so Alexander decided to mature this aircraft and sell it all over the world." Go to the world! Now it is only designed according to the original aerodynamic shape, and in the future, there will be a special stealth modification."

Self-funded?What a joke!Does the Yakovlev Design Bureau have so much money?

Qin Tao turned his mind around, and then came up with an idea: "Could it be that he received foreign aid?"

Who will give them money?The answer is McDonnell Douglas!Their X-35 uses the same lift engine layout as the Yak-141, so they secretly provided funds to purchase information about this aircraft, and the Yakovlev Design Bureau would have the money to continue working on it.

Now, the X-35 project has been merged into the Lockheed Corporation, which is really a turn of events!Qin Tao was very emotional.

It’s better not to talk about this kind of thing. Looking at Nikolai’s meaningful smile, Qin Tao changed the subject: “It’s not easy for the Yakovlev Design Bureau! You haven’t thought about it. Aviation agencies to integrate?"

"Well, not yet." Nicholas said: "Every design bureau has a strong backbone, and their persistence has moved us."

While speaking, the car drove to the berth where the aircraft carrier was. Several people got out of the car and boarded the aircraft carrier along the road paved with rusty steel plates.

A group of people are still busy next to the plane, looking at it like that, they are getting ready for takeoff.

When Nicholas and others went up, one of them stood up and greeted everyone excitedly: "Your Excellency Nicholas, you are welcome to come over, Mr. Qin, are you here too?"

Alexander Yakovlev was full of excitement. Obviously, the Yak-141 project was revived, and he was also very happy personally.

"Congratulations, Alexander, I am also very touched by your persistence. This plane is finally going to take off again. You Yakovlev Design Bureau are doing a great job!"

"Well, this is what we have exhausted all the funds to build." Alexander said: "It pins the hope of our Yakovlev Design Bureau."

"Do you still have R-79 engines in stock?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

"Yes, we dug it out of the warehouse. If we want to continue to manufacture new prototypes, I'm afraid we have to purchase engines from you." Alexander said, when he said this, the expression on his face was very special.

Who would have thought that Dongfang's technology had leaped so fast in such a short period of time that it had to purchase Dongfang's engines!
At present, only R-79 has enough thrust. AL-41F has not been mass-produced at all, and the technology is not mature. D-30 was originally used for transport aircraft, and S-37 is also used to make do. The thrust of the third uncle is not strong enough. .

Everything is useless without an engine. Now, Dongfang Turbofan-15 has been mass-produced, and its performance is still very good. It will be the only way to purchase it in the future.

"Well, if you purchase, we will definitely provide the most suitable price." Qin Tao said: "Now, can I appreciate this aircraft?"

"Of course." Alexander nodded.

This aircraft is no different from the previous Yak-141. There are still a lot of rivets exposed on the outside of the skin, showing its roughness. The tail still uses support rods, which looks a bit nondescript. Even the landing gear is still rusty. , which appears to have been dismantled from a previous prototype.

When Qin Tao boarded the gangway, he saw that the cockpit was still in the style of Lao Maozi's watch shop, only there was a display screen in the upper right corner, which was probably used for the radar.This screen was added later, poking directly above the dashboard, blocking the view to the right.

The front is still a three-piece windshield, and the technical status of the entire aircraft has not improved at all, which makes people feel the wasted years of these old men.

Even if this plane is placed in front of the tuji people, they probably won't blink their eyes. However, it is a good choice to use it as a competitor to lower Dongfang's price.

However, Qin Tao had no intention of bidding at all, so the idea of ​​the native chicken man was doomed to fail.

"I heard that Tuji is bidding for vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. Haven't you guys come over to join in the fun?" Qin Tao said to Alexander when he got off the gangway.

"No, if it's too wasteful for a fighter plane to fly over, we're testing here now, and then we'll send out today's video, waiting for the chickens to come to our door." Alexander said.

Sure enough, Qin Tao is not the only one who knows the nature of native chickens. Lao Maozi also knows what native chickens are, so he also wants native chickens to buy.

"We will show it at the next air show. We believe that there is still a great demand for vertical take-off and landing fighters in the global market."

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded: "We have an air show in the east, and you are welcome to participate."

"Well, we are very grateful to Mr. Qin for his invitation, but." Alexander nodded: "We mainly target Europe and the United States."

What is the use of participating in the air show of the Orientals?Will the East buy it?It's impossible to think about it with your toes. They are targeting the Farnborough Air Show and the Paris Air Show to sell to Europe.

Qin Tao smiled: "It's okay."

The Yakovlev Design Bureau is really poor. They don't even have the money to participate in the Eastern Air Show. However, it is understandable when you think about it. The foreign sponsorship is probably a one-off, and they will have to rely on themselves in the future.

"Report, the preparations have been completed!" said a technician.

"Okay, then we are going to conduct a take-off test!" Alexander said.

Qin Tao was in high spirits. He came here to purchase a few club missiles. He has not made this request yet, but it is very interesting to participate in so many activities.

Everyone backed away to get out of the way. If this thing loses control when it takes off, it's not a joke. It's safer to stay far away.

However, the photographer knew that there were tigers in the mountains, so he walked towards the tigers, got closer, adjusted the lens, and aimed at the plane.

The test pilot strode aboard in full flight suit, waving in this direction as he climbed into the cockpit.

"This is a great moment worth remembering, and it represents the beginning of our Da Mao revival!" Alexander was very excited.

I don't know if Da Mao will be revived, but if this aircraft is successful, it will really represent the revival of their Yakovlev Design Bureau!

Behind the cockpit, the hatch of the lift engine was slowly raised, and the roar of the engine sounded, followed by the ignition of the two lift engines in front.

Looking at the flames ejected from the lift engine, Qin Tao thought of something: "Alexander, do you think that if the two lift engines are replaced with a single turbofan engine, will the problem of ablation of the deck at the tail nozzle be solved?"

In the Yak-38, the layout of two lift engines behind the cockpit was used. According to Lao Maozi, this method can be more secure. In case one of the engines fails, the other can maintain some lift.

In fact, this kind of insurance is meaningless at all. Even if the other one has super power output, it cannot maintain the normal operation of the plane. Therefore, it has only one result left: crash.

Besides, the front is safe, but the rear is not. There is only one engine at the rear.

Vertical take-off and landing fighter jets are inherently risky. Back in the Yak-38, there were already automatic ejection seats. As long as the situation was not right, the aircraft could automatically eject people without the pilot's hands.

The problem of ablation of the deck by the lift engine has always existed, so Qin Tao also had a whim at this time.

Compared with the turbojet engine, the turbofan engine has a circle of external ducts, which blow cold air, so the airflow sprayed on the deck can cool down. Compared with two turbojet engines, one turbofan has a greater impact on the deck. Much less damage.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Alexander nodded: "That's right, McDonnell Douglas used a turbofan engine to reduce the impact of the lift engine."

Qin Tao's eyes lit up, and it seemed that he was certain: the funding for the prototype of the Yakovlev Design Bureau must have come from McDonnell Douglas. Dao was merged by Lockheed, and it is not known whether this project is still in progress.

Alexander continued: "It's just that we don't have a suitable turbofan engine in our country, and we don't have the funds for the engine unit to develop this turbofan engine for us, so we still use the RD-41 lift engine. Wait until this After the aircraft is successful and we get foreign orders, we will have the money to invest in the research and development of special turbofan lift engines.”

In the era of the Red Empire, there was no need to worry about research and development funding. Back then, the Jacques-38 first tried the Kolesov RD-36-35FV lift engine, and later the Jacques-141 used Tumansky’s RD-41 engine. Whatever they want, the design bureau will develop or modify it.

But now, there is no such possibility.

Want a brand new turbofan lift engine?Then take the money!Even if it is to modify the existing engine, it will cost money!
At this moment, the roar became louder, and the engine of the Yak-141 had already started from the idle state to the full power operation state, and the plane was about to take off!

Fiery flames jetted out from the lift engine, rushed to the flight deck, and then expanded in all directions. Even though everyone was tens of meters away, they still felt this wave of air.

The fuselage of the fighter plane began to shake, it was about to take off!

The camera is still working, aiming steadily at the Yak-141 that is about to fly. The cameraman is also very excited. This kind of spectacular scene is rarely seen. After the video is released this time, it will definitely cause a sensation.

With the full power output of the engine, the fighter plane began to pluck green onions on dry land, its landing gear became longer, and then, the wheels left the deck, ten centimeters, twenty centimeters, half a meter, one meter...

Everyone got excited.

Fly up, fly up!After several years, the Yak-141 is finally resurrected!
However, just after the plane flew up to a height of one meter, a puff of blue smoke suddenly came out from the engine at the tail of the plane. Before everyone shouted, the blue smoke turned into thick smoke, and a flame burned On the rear fuselage!
There is actually something wrong with this stock engine, and the chain is lost at a critical moment!

The thrust of the engine that caught fire decreased rapidly, but the lift engine in front was still working normally, so the Yak-141, which was still taking off normally, became a seesaw, the nose tilted up, and the fuselage began to flip.

The ejection seat was automatically activated, and the pilot escaped again by relying on the advanced K-36D ejection seat, but this aircraft did not have such good luck.

The tail of the plane hit the deck during the deflection, and then the entire fuselage began to fall, and the fighter plane fell on the deck, bursting into flames.

"Oh, no, damn it, it's impossible, impossible!" Alexander was anxious.

At that time, the Jacques-141 crashed, and Alexander also had a heart disease. He seldom appeared in the design bureau. The design bureau was presided over by his deputy Dolzenkov. Later, with the funds from McDonnell Douglas, their project started again Yes, Alexander is also radiant. For him, Jacques-141 is his hard work and his life.

Now, the plane has crashed again, and his hopes are gone once again.

"Master Alexander!" Dolzenkov yelled, stretching out his hand to pull it, but he didn't hold it, and Alexander ran like this in front of everyone's eyes.

He was going to run to the crashed plane, he wanted to see what was going on, but he ignored that the plane was still burning!

The flames reflected his figure, so sad, so lonely, he was like a moth to a flame.

"Quick, grab him!" Nicholas yelled.

Several deck staff ran towards Alexander, but before they could catch up, they were stopped by the blast. The damage control personnel pulled out the fire hose and sprayed fire water at Nicholas.

However, it was useless. Under the impact of the fire water, Nicholas' figure ran forward even faster. In this way, in the eyes of everyone, Nicholas ran towards the burning flames, and his body It began to shake and twist, but there was no scream, as if he was dancing in the flames.

Qin Tao covered Zhao Ling's eyes, and took his wife on a business trip, as a way of sightseeing, but unexpectedly let his wife see such a scene, hoping not to cause her spiritual harm.

Zhao Ling shook her head: "It's okay, I'm okay, for Master Alexander, this may be his destination."

Any renaissance is a fantasy. Over the years, Da Mao's industry has been regressing. Da Mao doesn't even have a complete industrial chain. The decline of the Yakovlev Design Bureau is inevitable.

Alexander has been developing vertical take-off and landing fighter jets all his life. Now, his hopes have been completely lost. Death may be a kind of relief, and dying with his beloved fighter jet is also a kind of destination.

This is the tragedy of the times.

At this moment, Nicholas was in an extremely sad mood. He was an officer in the Pacific Fleet. The Pacific Fleet had two heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruisers equipped with Yak-38, so he also fought with the Yakovlev Design Bureau. I have made friends and also know Alexander.

If the Red Empire hadn't collapsed, this Yak-141 fighter would definitely be the main force of the naval aviation now. Unexpectedly, it was so easy to persist until now, and it is still the ending in front of it.

Great sorrow flooded into his mind.

At this time, umbrella flowers appeared in the sky, and the test pilot was slowly descending. Looking at everything on the deck, he also closed his eyes.

Is this the will of God in the dark?
The fire was extinguished half an hour later. Perhaps because they had predicted in advance that there would be an accident, they turned on the backup generator and activated the fire-fighting equipment. Otherwise, the fire would have an even more terrible impact.

But for now, the impact is big enough.

The boiler exploded last time, and this time the deck caught fire again. The Gorshkov is really ill-fated.

"Nicolas, things can't be done anymore, it's not your fault, don't be too sad." Qin Tao comforted Nicholas.

"Well, it's a pity that I originally wanted to sell this warship with carrier-based aircraft, so as to ease our military budget, but now it seems that there is no such opportunity." Nicholas said.

He was sad, not only because of the failure of Yak-141 this time, but also because the planned project could not be implemented.It was originally planned to sell for a sum of money, but now it seems that this possibility is no longer possible.

"The carrier-based aircraft is enough, but the aircraft carrier can still be sold." Qin Tao said: "The local chickens have always had a dream of being a big country, and they may still buy this aircraft carrier."


"That's right, over the years, the local chickens have been seeking to obtain an aircraft carrier, and they got our design drawings a few years ago, but they have never started construction." Qin Tao said: "With the strength of the local chickens, we can build an aircraft carrier." A frigate would be fine. An aircraft carrier? They don't have the strength yet."

"So, they can only buy it!" Nicholas became excited.

"Yeah, they can only buy it out, but with the personality of local chickens, they are reluctant to spend money. They can't buy a brand new aircraft carrier." Qin Tao said: "For them, this Gorshkov is a the best choice."

Turkey's shipbuilding industry is also developing slowly. After entering the 21st century, the "National Ship" project plan was officially launched. It plans to invest 15 billion U.S. dollars to establish a project led by the Istanbul Naval Shipyard and participated by more than 40 Turkish companies. The R&D and production teams are also holding back their energy to build a domestically-made modern warship.

Four years later, their island-class frigate lead ship "Rayberry Island" was finally launched, representing the progress of their defense industry. In 4, the aircraft carrier Anadolu was launched into service. This 2023-ton warship , represents the highest level of the chicken warship, although they shouted that it is an aircraft carrier, it is actually an amphibious assault ship, and, due to various reasons, the F-2.8 is useless, resulting in them having a warship without a carrier machine, and even had to use drones to make up the numbers.

It’s only the end of the 90s, no matter how much the local chickens want to build their own aircraft carrier, they are powerless. Mingzhou Group is their best helper, but they don’t have the money to ask Mingzhou Group to build it.

In this way, the Gorshkov is their best choice.

Nikolai, however, was in doubt.

"Then why don't the local chickens come to buy?"

According to Qin Tao's analysis, the native chicken should come to the door with great interest. However, the news that Da Mao decided to sell the Gorshkov has been released for a year or two, and the native chicken has not come to visit.

Da Mao aimed at the customer of Tuji after the vertical take-off and landing fighter jets had improved, and Tuji was inviting bids for such fighter jets.

"Nicolas, my friend, you should be able to think of the reason." Qin Tao said with emotion.

Can I think of it?

Nicholas suddenly reacted.

"You mean, the reason for Ah San's Chaoriwang ship?"

The Chaori King purchased by Ah San, the experience in the middle made countless people sigh, Da Mao's knife is really sharp, it cut off so much meat for Ah San, and, until now, Ah San can't use the aircraft carrier normally.

With this lesson learned, how can the local chickens of the thief come to the door to purchase?

"Qin, what plan do you have to make Tuji put down his guard?" Nicholas asked.

"Ah San's aircraft carrier was rebuilt in your place. Now, if the Gorshkov is to be sold, it can only be sold as scrap iron." Qin Tao said: "No conditions are attached, and the If you don’t help with the modification, the local chickens will surely pounce on you.”

Nicholas shook his head: "As long as this aircraft carrier is repaired, it can start normally. It's a pity to sell it as scrap iron. It's cheap!"

"Yeah, if it is really bought by the local chicken at the scrap iron price, it must be cheaper. However, you can find a bidding opponent and raise the price when you sell it, even if it is not as exaggerated as before. Doubling is fine."

In the past, the Mingzhou Group bid to raise the price and let the shipyards in Kimchi Country buy scrap iron at a high price. This incident was experienced by Nicholas. times is enough.

"Then it's refitting. Even if it's a native chicken refitting, the steel plates for the leaping deck must be purchased from outsiders, right? And those scrapped boilers have to be replaced, right? When they buy them, they can earn more money."

Nicholas' eyes sparkled.

(End of this chapter)

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