Great warships

Chapter 693 Flood Dragon Yinglong Tianlong

Chapter 693 Flood Dragon Yinglong Tianlong
For Tuji, borrowing money is not a big deal at all. It is his own ability to borrow money. It is up to him whether he can afford it or not, as long as he has a reason.After the aircraft carrier has been refitted and directly served in the army, how dare the bank go to the navy to check and seize it?
This method is despicable, but it is also a helpless method. What else can I do?The aircraft carrier must be refitted, and it cannot be dropped into the hands.

A week later, the money was finally collected. This time, not only Akar but also Senyawin went to the east. He mainly wanted to see the east.

Mingzhou Group, conference room.

"President Qin, we have already brought the money, and I hope you can arrange production as soon as possible." Akar's expression was very serious: "This is related to the modification of our aircraft carrier... No, the progress of aircraft carrier construction, our time is precious .”

"Really? If you are in a hurry, then we can send some materials from our shipyard to you first." Qin Tao is very generous: "We will definitely support your construction project, and look forward to your cooperation. Have an aircraft carrier as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Now Akar was really moved. This President Qin is so interesting that he actually dispatched supplies directly from the shipyard.

"You can pick and choose now, and take away what you pick." Qin Tao said, "If you don't think it's suitable, you can also wait for the new products produced in our steel factory."

At this moment, the roar of the engine sounded outside, and a large multi-wheel truck drove in from the outside. Behind the car, there was a long strip of special steel, which could just be seen from the window here.

"Mr. Qin, are those the bulbous flat steels we need? If so, can we transport them on those vehicles?"

Those must have just been produced!
"Okay, I'll send someone to take you there."

Akar walked away without the slightest idea that it was Qin Tao's arrangement.Since you want to trade, you have to hurry up, pay the money and deliver the goods, so as not to have long nights and dreams. What if these guys are in pain and don't buy it?
"Mr. Qin, I heard that your vertical take-off and landing fighter is going well. Can we go and see the vertical take-off and landing fighter?" Seniawin asked Qin Tao.

"What do you think about vertical take-off and landing fighter jets?" Qin Tao continued to ask knowingly: "If you want to build an aircraft carrier, ski jump takeoff and interception landing are the right way! It's the same as the aircraft carrier we built for the football country."

Senyawin was taken aback.

"Vertical take-off and landing fighters are a means to be used when there is a last resort. Compared with conventional take-off and landing fighters, they have a lot of structural deadweight. Take our J-31A as an example. The vertical take-off and landing of this aircraft The version uses a lift fan. Originally, its position was used to put the fuel tank. In this way, its range is greatly reduced, and when it takes off and lands vertically, there is also a weight limit. It is really inappropriate. You should look at the conventional version."

Standing behind Qin Tao and acting as the secretary, Zhao Ling also felt amused when she heard Qin Tao fooling Seniawin.

The purpose of the local chicken is to modify the Gorshkov, and it is a simple modification. Judging from their poor appearance, it is estimated that the jumping deck will not be able to build up. They can only use vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, but Qin Tao wants It will cost a lot of money to fool the chickens to take off and land conventionally.

Seniawin was a little embarrassed. Of course he knew the limitations of vertical take-off and landing fighters. It would be better to be able to take off and land conventionally. It seems that this change is not ordinary, and a large amount of high-strength aircraft carrier deck steel has to be purchased, which will cost a lot.

Their goal is to make do with it first, and get a few vertical take-off and landing fighters. Now, he thought about it, and then said: "President Qin, our combat mission is special, so we want to see vertical take-off and landing fighters, can you show us Want to see it?"

The tuji people once wanted to invite bids, but what happened?Why don't you obediently come to the door and beg?Zhao Ling felt very emotional in her heart, no matter what time it is, she must work hard to improve her technical level, technology is the hard power.

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "But if you really need it, you'd better place an order in advance, because our order for this fighter plane has been scheduled for ten years later, the later you order, the better it will arrive. The later it will be."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Seniawin sighed.

Yes, what's the use of reading it?There is no money at all!

"Your Excellency Seniawin, why are you sighing?" Qin Tao continued to ask knowingly. He had no money in his pocket, and of course he sighed when he saw that he couldn't buy good things. Now, Qin Tao is still very considerate.

Seniawin did not speak, after all, how could such words be said?That's too embarrassing.

"I heard that your economic situation is not very good, especially the debt of 235 billion US dollars owed to the IMF (International Monetary Fund). If you want to alleviate the domestic economic pressure, you must carry out reforms. Only reforms can Rejuvenated, you see, the economy in our east only got better after the reform."

"Reform?" Seniawin was a little curious.

"That's right, it's reform. You should also know that we used to have a lot of state-owned enterprises. Some people could make money lying in it, but they lost their motivation. Now, in the reform, some industries that make money are rapidly disappearing. We were eliminated from the competition, and our country has also shed a heavy burden. If our experience is not enough, you can also look at the reform of the British Iron Lady, which is also very effective. Many state-owned enterprises have been privatized , which is the best remedy for economic problems."

Seniawin's eyes lit up: "Mr. Qin, please continue."

"Energy, transportation, banking, hospitals, etc. All these industries that can make money just by lying down are all put up for auction. The money sold can not only repay the debt of the IMF, but also bring a lot of extra income. The government has After the money, you can invest in infrastructure and other public utility projects." Qin Tao flickered.

"The government's investment in these projects will bring a lot of employment. As long as the employment is stabilized, the people will naturally have money. If they have money, they can consume. If they have consumption, they can promote market development, thus bringing about a virtuous circle. Of course, more importantly, after all privatization, the operating efficiency of enterprises will be improved, and the business environment will become fairer, which will attract a large amount of foreign capital to enter your country, and foreign businessmen will invest a lot of money to set up business in your country. Factories and city construction will bring more employment opportunities. Your main industry now is the textile and garment industry. After opening up, the automobile industry will dominate and become the largest automobile production base in Europe. The automobile industry It will also be your biggest export industry."

When she heard this, Zhao Ling understood something. It was absolutely impossible to say that Qin Tao's purpose was to help the local chickens develop their economy.Qin Tao didn't have such good intentions. Now that he mentioned the clothing industry, he probably wanted to use this method to bring down the local chicken clothing industry, so that the mother-in-law's eight wolves would have one less competitor, right?
Senyawin's mood became excited. If the country's economy can develop, then the army will have money and be able to purchase more equipment!
"Mr. Qin, you are really our friend. Thank you for proposing this plan for us. When I go back, I will definitely suggest it to my superiors." Senyawin said.

Hearing this, Zhao Ling guessed something: This is to trick them, the military does not interfere in politics, no matter which country they go to, this is an iron law, because it means that the military may lose control and seize power in a coup!
Brother Tao is playing big this time!
"I wish you success." Qin Tao has dug a hole, no matter how the opponent jumps, he will cheat the opponent.Moreover, even if the local chicken really develops because of his suggestions, it doesn't matter, after all, even if he doesn't promote it himself, the local chicken will do it.

Relying on this kind of reform, they are full of vigor and vitality after the new millennium, the economy has developed greatly, inflation has also been controlled, and the number of people below the poverty line has dropped from one third of the total population in 02 to one hundred in 18 [-]/[-] is already quite impressive.

After the economic development, they began to expand, such as the world's largest airport, the world's longest-span Eurasian Bridge, the Eurasian Submarine Tunnel, and the Istanbul Canal Project.These are not necessary, but a great success, and more importantly, these projects are all carried out with loans.

As a result, after more than ten years of glory, they disabled themselves again.Of course, the more important show operation is to have both sides, and finally embrace the wrong thigh.

No matter what purpose Qin Tao had, in short, Seniawin was very moved by these words.

The next day, Qin Tao took everyone to Shuangyang Factory.

You can't go to the flight test institute. After all, there are still a large number of aircrafts conducting test flights at the test flight institute, especially the J-[-] is there. Qin Tao doesn't want to expose the state secrets. The purchasers don't know when they will be able to purchase, so just take them to the production line to have a look, and, in order to speed up the flight test progress, the prototype of the vertical take-off and landing model is still in production, just take them to see the prototype.

After the relocation, the Shuangyang factory is already a brand new factory building. The whole factory area is clean and tidy, which is completely different from the scene of building airplanes in the cave. The pulsating assembly line inside the workshop is even more breathtaking.

"It's amazing that the planes produced by you can flow!" Seniawin looked at the planes being assembled, envious.

"What you are seeing now is the carrier-based aircraft we produce for foreign customers. In our country, this model is called J-32, and the other land-based model is called J-35." What Qin Tao meant by this is of course that he wants to It shows that our own army is also interested. This fighter is not only for export, but also for its own use. However, after hearing what Qin Tao said, Seniawin thought of something: "I don't know if these planes have nicknames?"

It is also a common practice in various countries to give aircraft nicknames. Of course, some nicknames are given by others, and some are given by themselves.

"Not yet." Qin Tao said: "However, your suggestion is good, and you really deserve a loud and aggressive name! No, you have to get three!"

three names?How to get it?
"How about calling it Lightning?" Seniawin actually offered to recommend a name.

lightning?Qin Tao really wanted to nod his head and agree, so that he could disgust Americans!After all, the American JSF will also be named the Lightning Fighter after the research and development is completed. However, he still suppresses this idea, which does not meet his own standards.

Domestic fighters are all named after dragons, such as J-[-] Raptors, J-[-] Veyrons, etc. Now, these three fighters of our own side must also be named after dragons!
Do you want to go back and double-check The Classic of Mountains and Seas, and choose some more domineering names?

Just as Qin Tao was thinking, Zhao Ling spoke from behind.

"Mr. Qin, the J-32 is a carrier-based aircraft of the navy. How about calling it Jiaolong? The J-35 is a land-based fighter. It can be called Yinglong. The vertical take-off and landing version is called Tianlong. How about it?" Zhao Ling gave a suggestion.

Sure enough, Zhao Ling had read The Classic of Mountains and Seas, and Qin Tao nodded immediately: "That's right, just use these three nicknames, and write them in our public brochure!"

Jiaolong is a divine beast in ancient mythology. It is a water beast with dragon blood. It usually lives in water. It belongs to one of the species that evolved into a dragon. As long as it survives the disaster, it can turn into a real dragon. It has powerful power. .

Yinglong is a kind of dragon in ancient myths and legends.Huang Di fought with Chi You, Ying Long, Ba and others helped Huang Di, and Chi You was finally defeated and killed.This is a beast on land.

As for Tianlong, it's better to say, this big guy should know, after all, there are eight parts of Tianlong.

Jiaolong, Yinglong, and Tianlong are all giant dragons with oriental names, and they are all very domineering. Now, these three fighters finally have names.

However, these are not dragons found in the West, so direct transliteration is enough. If you want to continue to understand, you must know the myths and stories of the East, which can increase the West's understanding of the East.

At this time, Zhao Ling was also very happy to hear that Qin Tao agreed. The names of these three fighters will be heard all over the world!

"President Qin, where is this Tianlong?" Seniawin asked, what he wanted to see was a vertical take-off and landing fighter jet.

"Let's move on." Qin Tao said, "At the end of the production line."

The three fighters are produced on the same line. Anyway, many parts are common. For the vertical take-off and landing version, you only need to reserve space, and then install additional lift fans and other components, which can minimize production costs. .

Seniawin followed Qin Tao to the end of the production line and saw the Tianlong fighter plane being assembled. At this time, the lift fan was being installed on the plane.

"The vertical take-off and landing power system developed by you is the only one in the world." Seniawin said: "Now, your fighter is the fastest and the technology is the most advanced, which shows that this technical route is correct."

When they invited bids for vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, they also studied various vertical take-off and landing technologies, and finally came to the conclusion that the Mingzhou Group's plan was the most suitable!
The Sea Harrier is the most used and has the most combat experience. However, the layout of the mid-mounted engine leads to serious waste of the airframe, difficult disassembly and installation of the engine, and it is difficult to fly above the speed of sound.

The layout of the Yak-38 is much more suitable. The main engine is at the tail, which is easy to disassemble. After the improvement to the Yak-141, it can even fly at supersonic speeds. However, the problem of the lift engine scorching the deck has never been solved.

Mingzhou Group has created the lift fan method, which perfectly integrates various advantages and is the most suitable vertical take-off and landing layout. Now it has entered the final test flight stage, which shows that all technologies are mature.

Therefore, they have always wanted to purchase this kind of aircraft, but it is expensive!
"That's right, our technical route is correct. It is said that after Lockheed merged with McDonnell Douglas's military aircraft department, it also changed its plan and adopted the lift fan method. However, they have fallen behind, and you have now started There have been a lot of test flights, and it would be great if they can complete the first flight within five years," Senyawin said.

Speaking of this, Qin Tao is also very proud. With his efforts, the JSF project that successfully fooled the Americans took the wrong path and wasted a lot of time. Although it has returned to the correct technical route, But time has fallen far behind!

In this vertical take-off and landing market, those who come in first will have a mouth full of oil, and those who come in later can only drink soup!

Lockheed, Skunk Works.

All kinds of famous aircraft have been born here, whether it is F-117 or F-22, they are all their masterpieces, and now, they want to develop advanced JSF fighter jets. Of course, the premise is that they can successfully bid.

They are so far behind!
Competitors, Boeing's X-32 project has produced a second prototype and started to enter the test flight, while their X-35 is still modifying the most critical technical route!
"No, not at all! We have performed three calculations, and the results are not optimistic!" Rolls-Royce engineer Stanley shook his head: "We definitely can't use a hydraulic torque converter for transmission. There are so many problems that cannot be solved!"

Although Lockheed acquired the R&D power of the X-35 through mergers, the development of this fighter is still full of difficulties, especially the vertical take-off and landing version. In order to complete the research and development as soon as possible and catch up with Boeing's progress They surpassed them, so Lockheed also invited foreign aid.

Rolls-Royce is a giant in the development of aero engines. Although they did not participate in the development of the F-135 engine, they still designed the lift fan system, including the transmission system of course.

According to the technical route disclosed by the Orientals at the beginning, they used a hydraulic transmission system, just like the hydraulic torque converter on a car. The front end of the blades of the F-135 engine protruded from a drive shaft, and the power was driven by the drive shaft. One blade, the blade pushes the hydraulic oil to flow, and then drives the opposite blade to rotate.

In later generations, the dual-clutch gearbox was complained about because the AT gearbox used before used this kind of torque converter, and the power transmission was very smooth.However, the replacement of AT by dual-clutch transmissions has become a trend. Except for luxury cars, ordinary vehicles have abandoned AT transmissions and used dual-clutch transmissions. This is of course because the transmission of power by clutches is much more direct than that of hydraulic torque converters. , saving a lot of consumption, in the face of increasingly stringent fuel consumption standards, we can only use the solution with the highest transmission efficiency.

Putting it on the plane, of course, will have this kind of problem.

"Our aircraft is heavier, so the power that needs to be transmitted is also stronger. At least [-] horsepower must be transmitted. Even if it is made into a dual-shaft transmission and uses two sets of hydraulic torque converters, it is not capable Under such power, the hydraulic oil will generate a lot of heat, and we need a special radiator to dissipate the heat, which will further increase the dead weight and consume a lot of power.”

The transmission efficiency of the torque converter is between 80.00%90.00 and 3000%[-]. Even the highest transmission efficiency means [-]% loss, [-]% of [-] horsepower, that is [-] Two hundred horsepower!So much motivation has to be consumed!Where did it go?Of course it is converted into heat!The AT gearbox of a car can dissipate heat spontaneously, but it is absolutely impossible for an airplane, which must have a special radiator.

Therefore, this power transmission scheme is impossible.

"However, Dongfang's vertical take-off and landing fighter jet has been developed, and it is undergoing frequent test flights recently. The photos taken by our reconnaissance satellite show that in their test flight yard, this aircraft is constantly performing vertical take-off and landing. They can do it, why can't we?" Daniel frowned.

Stanley is the most famous engineer of Rolls-Royce, with rich experience. Daniel trusts the other party when he handed over this project, but now, hearing these words, it is still a little strange.

"So, see their torque converter hydraulic oil radiator in the photo?" Stanley asked.

Daniel shook his head: "No."

"That means we have been deceived!" Stanley said, "The Easterners must have pointed us to a wrong path! The longer we study on this path, the more we will deviate from the correct path!"

cheated?What hydraulic torque converter, what inside and outside the two drive shafts are fake?Think about it too, this design is too complicated!It is impossible to succeed at all!

Daniel's face also became serious. I never thought that the Mingzhou Group would be so foolish!Fortunately, the experts from Rollo-Royce were invited to see clearly the deceptive tricks of the Orientals, otherwise, it would be a fall!

"What is the correct route?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know, we can only find out by ourselves, after all, the Orientals will not announce it." Stanley said.

"So, would it be a gas-driven lift fan solution?" Daniel asked.

What is certain is that the Orientals used a lift fan solution, not the X-32 one. Since it is a lift fan, not a drive shaft, it is something else. In this regard, Lockheed also has research, gas propulsion Lift fans are one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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