Great warships

Chapter 694 Military Parade

The U.S. Navy’s demand for vertical take-off and landing fighters is very urgent. In the 80s, a lot of research was done, and Lockheed also did research.

They need to put the engine at the back so that they can fly at supersonic speeds, but they also need to have vertical take-off and landing power in the front. For this reason, they have opened their minds and come up with a lot of ideas.

For example, the tandem fan engine is to elongate the aircraft engine and transfer the front fan part to the front fuselage. There are nozzles on both sides. When the nozzles are deflected downward, they can provide the take-off and landing needs of the front fuselage. When the nozzle turns backward, it can provide the power to fly forward.

You can tell by looking at this design. This is still a replica of the Sea Harrier, that is, the engine of the Sea Harrier is cut in half and placed front and back. In fact, if the front compressor fan is turned [-] degrees, it is a modern vertical lift. Engine layout scheme.

However, this solution needs to cut the engine, which is equivalent to re-developing an engine. The technical difficulty is not small, so it has always remained at the conceptual design stage.

Later, someone had a whim again.

It is too difficult to develop a new engine. If the engine is changed, that is, some pipes are made on the top of the aircraft, and the airflow ejected from the tail of the aircraft is sent to the front through these pipes, and a turbine is driven in the front to convert the energy of the airflow into a turbine. The rotation, and then a special lift fan is driven by the turbine, so that the power transfer can be completed.

Compared with the previous tandem fan, its biggest advantage is that it does not need to change the engine, but the biggest disadvantage is that the power is transmitted through the airflow, the efficiency is too low, and it cannot meet the needs of vertical take-off and landing fighters at all!
When McDonnell Douglas was developing a vertical take-off and landing fighter, it also considered the lift fan solution, but finally gave up and decided to choose the insurance Jacques-141 lift engine solution.

At this time, Stanley mentioned this design plan, and Daniel shook his head after thinking about it for a while: "No, the transmission efficiency of this plan is too low, and it cannot meet the needs of the Navy at all."

"Then what else is there? We have seen the plan of the Orientals showing the drive shaft at the air show. If this plan is successful, then it has to be changed. How about using a clutch to connect directly?" Stanley asked. .

Daniel instinctively wanted to shake his head. Even with two sets of transmission shafts and a clutch that transmits [-] horsepower, it is not so easy to do!But Stanley was already talking.

"If we use our aircraft brake pads as friction pads, it is still possible."

"That's right!" Daniel's eyes lit up: "The friction plate of the aircraft can withstand this kind of test, and, in this way, the power transmission is direct, without causing the loss of transmitted energy, and the heat can be dissipated directly, as long as the program is written Well, the power can be connected and disconnected reliably, this kind of technical route is more correct!"

After trying for so long, they finally found the right power transmission solution!It's a pity that five years is not enough time for this thing to mature, but it will take another five years to cooperate with the aircraft and make the flight control mature.

Ten years later, will there still be a market for them?Orient's vertical take-off and landing fighter jets may have blossomed everywhere, right?Even, they couldn't wait until that time, and they were already defeated by Boeing's X-32. After all, Boeing's progress is not slow.

Thinking of this, Daniel felt a sense of urgency again: "Then what are you waiting for, let's hold a meeting immediately to discuss the power transmission scheme of this friction plate, and if everyone thinks it is feasible, start the test immediately!"

Damn Mingzhou Group, damn President Qin, for fooling them for so long!
While Daniel was cursing angrily, Qin Tao had already sent Tuji and his party away to an abandoned airport on the outskirts of the capital.

The location here is hidden, surrounded by villages, as long as a few necessary roads are blocked, it is almost isolated from the world, and the ground inside the airport is wide, which is very suitable for training, so this place was selected as a place for military parade training .

The team for the military parade is still being selected, but the simple barracks for this training site have already been built. The famous Mingzhou Group is responsible for the construction. They not only build ships, but also run other businesses, and infrastructure is one of them. Moreover, they are all following the international path. For them, it is even easier to transform this place into a military parade training place.

Because the task is very important, Kong Laoer, who is in charge of the infrastructure, came back from abroad and took charge of the project here personally.

Qin Tao did not intervene in the whole project, and completely handed it over to Kong Lao Er. After all, Kong Lao Er is already an experienced veteran. CEO of Construction Group.Of course, Kong Lao Er didn't think so. After all, without Qin Tao, he wouldn't be where he is today.

"President Qin, you're here." Knowing that Qin Tao was coming, Kong Er Er immediately ran over, accompanied by Leader Liu, the person in charge of the military parade training site.

Leader Liu's official position is not small, and his military rank is also very high, but now, for this military parade mission, he is willing to come here to be a small village head.

"Well, Leader Liu, we are responsible for the entire infrastructure. If there is anything you are not satisfied with, feel free to point it out." Qin Tao looked at Leader Liu and said, "Our Mingzhou Group promises to complete the task."

"We are very satisfied." Leader Liu said with a smile: "I participated in the military parade in 84, and a military parade training site was also built here at that time, but the conditions at that time were simply incomparable with those now."

Leader Liu was filled with emotion.

In 84, it became a military parade training site, and the original wasteland was transformed into a camp, and the most basic tents were used.

In summer, the inside of the tent is as hot as a steamer!However, there are tents to block the sun, which is better. The special training ground, that is, the training ground converted from the track, has a temperature of over [-] degrees.

At that time, I could only get on the horse in a simple way, and made some ice cubes to cool down. The time I looked forward to the most was rain, and it was cool after the rain. Great.

In addition to the temperature, there are also various natural environments. The surroundings are either farmland or wasteland. Therefore, various mosquitoes often appear, and when sleeping in the tent, there are more animals.

Thinking of the past and looking at the present, Leader Liu was very moved.

"Mr. Qin, look, the dormitory area here uses the color steel plate developed by you, which is beautiful and durable, environmentally friendly and energy-saving, and can be reused." Leader Liu said, pointing to the dark green barracks in the dormitory area.

The tents have disappeared, replaced by neat rows of board houses for accommodation!
"This is developed by our Mingzhou Group?" Qin Tao looked at Kong Laoer, after all, he really didn't know.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, when we are engaged in construction, we often need to live on the construction site. The workers must have a suitable environment. Therefore, we worked with the steel factory to create this kind of prefabricated board room." Kong Lao Er introduced: "This kind of prefabricated house uses polystyrene EPS sandwich panels, which are much better than the previous foam plastics. The outside is covered with our galvanized iron sheet. This is a new type of high-efficiency composite building material with good sealing performance. Whether it is cold winter or hot summer, the people inside can be more comfortable, and the internal frame is also specially designed by us, with the least material and the highest strength, which can resist the eight-level wind.”

Speaking of these, Kong Laoer was eloquent: "Actually, we have designed a two-story or even three-story plan, but the space here is large enough, so all of them are single-story."

In the construction on the construction site, the accommodation of the workers has to be solved. This kind of board room is what their construction companies need most. Moreover, some construction sites have a small area and a large number of workers, so they need two-story or even three-story boards. house.

This time the troops need to train in the training ground for the military parade, so I just brought this kind of prefabricated room here. Anyway, after it is used up, it has to be dismantled and the site restored to its original state and used as a combat readiness airport. If a reinforced concrete structure is used It is not suitable.The construction cost is huge, and it is another expense to dismantle it when it is used up.

There is a large area of ​​accommodation here, with six rows of prefabricated houses as one area, complete with supporting facilities such as office, dining, bathing, water, and electricity.The windows are also the latest plastic-steel doors and windows, wait, what is the hole reserved next to the window?
"According to the original design, each room still has an air conditioner. Now the air conditioner has not been transported, so it has not been installed." Seeing Qin Tao's gaze, Kong Laoer knew what Qin Tao was thinking.

"Three nines in winter and three days in summer are our precious spirit. However, after training, let the soldiers have a suitable place to sleep so that they can train better the next day. It costs a fortune, but these air conditioners are necessary." Leader Liu said.

Qin Tao nodded: "It's a pity that our Mingzhou Group does not produce air conditioners, otherwise, it would be no problem to give you a complete set of air conditioners as gifts, and it will be regarded as our contribution to the military parade."

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Leader Liu smiled: "It's okay, these air conditioners will not be wasted. After the military parade is over, the air conditioners can be removed and installed in the barracks of the troops. Mr. Qin, you come to bid and use the lowest price We are very grateful to build such a perfect military parade training place for us."

"These are what we should do." Qin Tao said: "The military parade is to show the strength of our motherland, to show our national pride and self-confidence. Every soldier in the military parade is a meritorious minister. We can provide some The logistics service is also a great honor. Hey, there are still sewing machines here?"

Qin Tao walked to another room and looked at the row of sewing machines inside, very curious.

"Yes, the worn clothes and shoes of our soldiers need to be repaired." Leader Liu said: "In the past, when we celebrated our 35th anniversary, the military parade training lasted nine months. The venue, we decided to extend the time for this military parade. Once you enter the military parade training site, you will either be eliminated or leave after completing the military parade.

In countless training sessions, the cuffs will be worn out when the arms swing back and forth, the crotch will be worn out when the legs walk back and forth, and as for the shoes that rub against the ground every day, many pairs will be worn out. Just replace it with a new one. If you can repair it and wear it again, then you have to repair it. Diligence and thrift are virtues, and they can never be changed.

At this time, Qin Tao was very emotional when he heard Leader Liu's words: "In order to let the whole world see our military and national prestige, these soldiers who participated in the military parade have worked hard."

"Yes, it is indeed hard work, but this is an honor for every soldier, from ordinary soldiers to generals, they are all proud to participate in the military parade, and this is also a competition." Leader Liu continued: "In the military parade in 84, we had a dynamic competition mechanism. Whoever failed to perform would be eliminated and replaced by a substitute. This time is the same. Through competition, we will select the best Soldiers come."

(For some reason, I suddenly thought of the dimpled soldier from the last military parade. He was very handsome and stylish.)
"Everything has to compete, even fighters have to compete. It's really not easy." Qin Tao said with emotion: "By the way, why didn't you see the equipment?"

"President Qin, the equipment is in another military parade training place. If you want to see it, I'll take you there." Kong Laoer said.

The foot team and the vehicle team cannot train together, otherwise there will be no training at all if the slogan one two one is shouted here and the rumbling noise is heard there.

Therefore, in addition to the military parade training site in Shahe, there is another one in Tongzhou.

This was originally a military airport, but it was later converted into a war-ready facility. It is usually useless and overgrown with wild grass. Now it is just used as a training ground for military parades. The formal construction has not yet started, just get out the military parade training site in Shahe first.

However, several excavators, forklifts and other equipment were already working to level the site. When Qin Tao and others came under the leadership of Kong Laoer, this was the scene in the site.

"Different from the training of the infantry phalanx, the vehicle phalanx pays close attention to every minute and second. During the training, the ground must be level, so this initial work is also very important." Leader Li, the person in charge of the parade training site, has also In place, overseeing the leveling of the land on site.

"For our vehicle phalanx, the training of ordinary soldiers should be easier?" Qin Tao asked.

Ordinary soldiers in the foot phalanx are trained very hard, but in the vehicle phalanx, as long as they stand in a military posture, they will salute, and after getting into the car, it is enough to ensure the correct sitting posture. The main core of the vehicle phalanx is the driver.

"That's right." Leader Li said: "In our professional terms, there are mainly line riding, card distance and constant speed."

The simplicity of riding a line is for the car to drive in a straight line. When the military parade is over, several marking lines will be drawn on the ground. All kinds of equipment will ride on this line and drive forward to ensure that this line is always the center of the car.

"According to our training requirements, when riding the line, the left-right error should not exceed five centimeters." Leader Li said.

Qin Tao nodded: "Such a request is not low. How did you do it?"

"Of course through rigorous training."

Training in winter and summer training, only the inertial memory formed by strict training can guarantee them this kind of strength.

"This kind of training requires the use of special high-tech products." Qin Tao said with emotion: "Have you considered using a satellite positioning system?"

"President Qin, even if we use a satellite navigation and positioning system, the accuracy cannot reach the centimeter level. Moreover, if we rely on this kind of device, then when we encounter an accident during the military parade and there is no satellite navigation signal, then we can Going blind."

Hearing what Leader Li said, Qin Tao nodded with emotion: "Yes, your thinking makes sense."

The only mature satellite navigation system now is the American GPS, which uses two systems, the military code and the civilian code. The accuracy of the military code is within one meter, while the accuracy of the civilian code is within ten meters. This setting has been used until later generations. Therefore, with a satellite navigation device, you can only know whether the car is on the road, but not which lane it is. Later, when the Beidou appears, you can obtain the lane-level navigation capability.

However, even for lane-level navigation, the error is about one meter. Now it needs an error of five centimeters. This is not the accuracy that satellite navigation can achieve. If it is really realized, it will not only mean opening the window on the left Instead of hitting the window on the right, the accuracy of hitting the left eye instead of hitting the right eye is so against the sky.

It can't be sat nav, it has to be something else.

"Leader Li, can you tell us more about the card distance and constant velocity?" Zhao Ling was very interested.

"The card distance means that in a square, each car must keep the same distance from the previous car, and the next square must keep the same distance from the previous one, with an error of no more than ten centimeters. Constant speed is to keep moving forward at a constant speed, not to fluctuate from high to low.”

"Or through rigorous training to maintain it?"

"Yes, strict training. When we are training, we will put an egg on the accelerator pedal of the car. When stepping on it, you can't step on the egg, so as to train the driver's ability to accelerate or decelerate slowly." Li The leader said: "In order to ensure that the distance of the formation remains unchanged, we determine the distance between each other by drawing crosshairs on the reflector."

"Then if it's a tank, the requirements will be higher." Qin Tao said.

All kinds of trucks have reflectors, but tanks do not have reflectors, and tanks will be more difficult to drive.

"Yes, the training of tanks is more difficult." Leader Li said: "Especially a brand new tank, without previous training experience, will be more difficult to control, and requires a lot of training."

While talking, the roar of the tank came from behind, and the pumping sound of the high-pressure oil pump unique to the diesel engine was clearly visible in the roar of the engine. Hearing these sounds, everyone turned their heads and looked over.

A few tanks were coming towards them with black smoke. The angular turrets, the tall gun barrels, and the V-shaped anti-wave panels in front of the tanks were so clear that Qin Tao only glanced at them. I recognized it: "99 tanks?"

"Ahem, Mr. Qin, this tank is currently called Type 98. Don't think that it was the 99 tank that was paraded in 99." Leader Li said.

In China, a lot of equipment is called Type 89, just to participate in the military parade of that year. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the military parade was not successfully held, so a lot of equipment can only be displayed in 99. However, in tanks On the other hand, there are still some alternatives.

When the tank was designed, it was called WZ-123, which was the engineering code name. In order to participate in the military parade in 99, a batch of engineering prototypes were produced in advance. The whole project was also called 9910 project. However, the engineering prototypes produced were It became Type 98, because it was built in 98, but the number was not large, and it was not even enough to make up a square formation. Later, Type 90 tanks were needed to make up the number.

The number of the Type 98 was just a flash in the pan, and soon disappeared in the long river of history. The Type 99 tank blossomed and became the most advanced tank in China and a leading tank in the world.

Now, what Qin Tao sees is only the initial test prototype.

The tank formation moved over and stopped at the door. Then, some people jumped off the tank. One of them staggered a bit when he jumped off. His sleeve was empty and he couldn't maintain his balance by swinging his arms. .

When he saw such a scene, Qin Tao was moved in his heart, and he walked up with great strides: "Mr. Zhu, why are you here?"

"President Qin, I didn't expect you to know me?" Mr. Zhu was very excited.

"Although our industries don't overlap, I've heard of you a long time ago as a senior in the military industry." Qin Tao said, who doesn't know the name of the one-armed master?He respected the old man.

"Our tank is newly developed, so how to train needs to be explored in advance. I heard that the training ground here has already started, and no one is disturbing, so we plan to come here for training." Zhu Lao looked at Leader Li : "Lao Li, we came here uninvited, you won't drive us away, will you?"

"Old Zhu, aren't you giving us a problem?" Leader Li's face was a little dissatisfied: "We have just leveled the land, and we haven't built a barracks yet. If you come like this, where will you live? How will you eat and drink?"

"Let's set up our own tents and eat field food." Zhu Lao said, "Our tanks have been running all over the country for various tests. We have long been used to stationing in the field, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Since Mr. Zhu and the others are in need, within three days, let's set up a batch of barracks!" Qin Tao said.

The title of our infrastructure madman is not for nothing. We can build Vulcan Mountain within a week, and of course we can build a base within a few days. What's so difficult about it?
Qin Tao is very confident.

"Then thank you, Mr. Qin." Zhu Lao said.

Leader Li still frowned: "Old Zhu, you will break the rules if you do this, what if other troops learn from you?"

"Our equipment is new and has not yet entered the military service. It is different from other equipment." Zhu Lao said.

"You have reasons, and others have reasons too!" Leader Li said.

Sure enough, before the words were finished, the roar of the engine came from a distance.

Leader Li was a little helpless: "Look, someone has learned from you again!"

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