Great warships

Chapter 695 The Marines Come to Join in the Fun

These are all the fronts of North Mercedes-Benz cars, with flatbed trailers behind them. The trailers are equipped with blue and white equipment, which can't be seen clearly from a distance, but can only be seen after entering and exiting.

There is a small turret on it, which has an angular appearance and is welded. The front end of the turret is a 105mm tank gun, which is already a domestic standard tank gun. Below the gun is a huge ship. The body, especially the front part, is like a boat.

Just like the 98 tank just now, Qin Tao can recognize its model at a glance: "This is our 63A amphibious tank?"

There will be no deviation in this model. After all, there are only two types of domestic amphibious tanks.

At that time, when New China was just established, the East China Military Region established the first amphibious vehicle regiment, using the US-made "Buffalo" LVT-2 crawler landing vehicles captured from the Kuomintang army. These equipment made a great contribution to the motherland. contribution, but soon fell into the embarrassing situation of falling behind.

Later, the Soviet Union assisted in the construction of the medium tank project, and the 59 tanks turned out to give the army advanced tanks that were in sync with the world. However, it is impossible for an armored force to have only one type of tank, and it must have other supporting equipment, including light tanks. , amphibious tanks, amphibious armored transport vehicles, etc.

Especially in the motherland, there is the most important national defense task, so the demand for amphibious tanks is very urgent. In 58, the country decided to develop amphibious tanks, which were used for forced crossing of rivers, landing and anti-landing operations in coastal areas, destroying The defense facilities of the enemy's beachheads can eliminate the active forces of the enemy, coordinate infantry operations, and provide fire support; at the same time, they can perform combat and reconnaissance tasks in water network areas.

The researchers who initially developed this tank were all young designers of the first generation of armored vehicles in New China, including the 60 Research Institute and the 615 Factory, as well as fresh graduates from the Kazakh Armored Corps Engineering Department. Spirit, using the Soviet Union's ΠΤ-76 amphibious tank as a prototype, developed a first-generation domestic amphibious tank, and it is still better than blue.

For example, on the artillery, they used a more powerful 85mm tank gun. For the cooling of the engine, they adopted a unique water channel interlayer cooling device, which was directly cooled by river water, which improved the reliability of the engine.

After it was developed, this tank was handed over to Factory 256 for production until the early 90s. Although it was developed for the navy, its various combat capabilities on land are also better than the Type 62 light tank.

But after all, this is a tank that was finalized in the 60s, and it has long been outdated. Therefore, after entering the 90s, relevant domestic institutions are also developing an upgraded version of this tank, which is the 63A tank in front of us.

Its biggest change is of course the turret, casting has been changed to welding, and a more advanced 105mm tank gun has been used.This kind of L7 tank gun from Europe has had a second spring in the East, and it has been magically modified to an unbelievable level.In the face of potential enemies, it can blast the opponent into slag with one shot.

As for its car body, a float control box is added at the front and rear respectively to increase the stability when floating.This is used to offset the increase in self-weight.

For a tank that pursues water navigation capabilities, don't ask for too much protection. This is a well-equipped thin-skinned tank. On the battlefield, it mainly opens up a beachhead under the cover of air power. As long as it can stand That's fine, there will be a steady stream of main forces arriving later, and when the 99 tanks come up, they will be invincible.

In the previous landing operations, the first batch of troops who stepped onto the beach had sacrificed a lot, but for the sake of the motherland, they had no complaints or regrets!
Seeing these tanks approaching, Qin Tao was also heartbroken, and the complaint from Leader Li came again: "Old Zhu, did you see that? You have reasons, and they also have reasons. Every army has its own reasons." reason!"

"Leader Li, we came here uninvited. Our Marine Corps usually trains amphibious capabilities. We have never done embroidery on land. We really can't do much training in our own base. We put the most Excellent tankers are here, ready to undergo rigorous training!" said the officer leading the team.

After the 63A was manufactured, it was first equipped in the Marine Brigade, and then it was equipped with two amphibious mechanized infantry divisions of the Army. Each division included a 63A amphibious tank regiment, about 100 vehicles.

Now this batch of navy blue and white paint, must be the Marine Corps.

"You guys are all making trouble for me!" Leader Li was very displeased, but he couldn't say anything now. If the 98 tanks were left behind, why should they drive away 63A?If they are all driven away, then Zhu Lao will definitely be dissatisfied, and he also respects Zhu Lao.

"Since you're here, let's stay here. At worst, our Mingzhou Group will work a few more days to cover the accommodation and other rooms they need," Qin Tao said.

Leader Li looked at Qin Tao in surprise. He didn't know why Qin Tao was so supportive, but he still couldn't say easily: "Boss Qin, what if other vehicles rush over after hearing the news?"

"Let's send an excavator to block the door. If there is a convoy of supplies coming in, let them come over. If other vehicles come over, we say that we need to dig and repair the road. Just don't let them come over. At least the wheels All vehicles are blocked."

Qin Tao came up with such a bad idea. Leader Li thought about it for a while, and it was really okay, so he nodded: "Okay, then I will leave it to you."

"Mr. Qin, thank you." An officer of the Marine Corps came up to thank Qin Tao.

"Brother Zhang, you are here. Even if I don't have a chance, I have to create opportunities for you." Qin Tao said: "You were the first batch of guards in our Mingzhou Group back then, and we have to thank you for your escort. "

It was none other than the security guards sent by the navy when the Mingzhou Group first started building warships!These soldiers of the marine corps are all agile players. With their protection, Mingzhou Group can develop without any worries. Qin Tao remembers this kindness.

Zhang Zhigang was also very moved, this is Mr. Qin, a person who values ​​love and righteousness!The superior sent him here just to take advantage of this kind of affection. Now, he is a little embarrassed, this is the behavior of a villain.

"President Qin, we will definitely train strictly, and we will definitely live up to your expectations!" Zhang Zhigang could only express his opinion like this.

But Zhao Ling thought of something: "Our problem is in the training, mainly riding the line, card distance and constant speed. Among these three operations, riding the line is the first. Now, I have an idea, use technology means to help our fighters train better."

All eyes turned to Zhao Ling: "What technical means?"

Qin Tao had already thought about using a satellite navigation system, but later found out that this system is not easy to use, and the positioning signal may be cut off at any time. If he completely relies on this thing, he may be blinded for some reason on the day of the military parade. Moreover, this The accuracy of this kind of satellite navigation system is not high enough. How can it meet the accuracy requirement of five centimeters at the ten-meter level?
"Camera." Zhao Ling said: "We only need to install a camera under the front of the vehicle to transmit the signal to a small display in front of the driver. This display has three built-in lines so that the driver can always see whether Riding the line, how much difference there is, that's all."

Riding the line is the first priority. If it’s a truck, it’s okay. After all, there are various mirrors with a clear view, especially a ground mirror, which can directly illuminate the situation in front of the front of the car.

But tanks are different!

Even if the driver of the tank shows his head, his field of vision is very limited. They can only choose a certain point on the front of the front of the car to align with that line, and they will consider it flush. Everyone has to find their own benchmark. position, after all their heights are different.

If a camera is installed under the car body to directly shine on the ground, it will be more intuitive!
"Okay. The cost is not high." Qin Tao thought about it, and then said: "Our Mingzhou Group will pay for the production and installation of cameras and display screens for all the equipment! Of course, it must be approved by the army."

Leader Li nodded: "You can produce one set first, let us try it out."

It has a lot to do with it. Leader Li can't just nod his head immediately. He has to try it out first, and then he can promote it after the trial has no problems.

"There is also the installation of GPS and Beidou receiving terminals. Even if the positioning accuracy is not enough, the speed measurement accuracy is still good." Zhao Ling continued.

"Big Dipper?" Qin Tao frowned: "Isn't this one launched yet?"

"That's right, it hasn't been launched yet, but don't we still have more than a year? Maybe within this year, our Beidou twin stars can be launched into space? We prefabricated the Beidou receiving terminal in advance, and maybe we will be able to launch it at that time." Come in handy."

Over the years, Beidou has also been developing, and the ground receiving part has been subcontracted to the electronics company under Mingzhou Group, and the production of chips is also carried out in SMIC.Although the satellite has not yet been launched into the sky, the related chips have been designed long ago, and a batch of trials have also been produced.

Now it is time to bring these chips for testing and install them on the electronic auxiliary equipment for this military parade.Moreover, it is still used in combination with GPS, so that superimposed positioning may be more accurate.

The first generation of Beidou uses the principle of double star positioning, the accuracy is not high, reaching the order of ten meters is considered against the sky, but there is no problem with the speed, after all, the accuracy of the speed will definitely not be measured in centimeters per second measure.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Okay, if speed can be counted, then we will definitely need it!" Leader Li said.

When there is no advanced speed measurement equipment, the vehicle team uses the method of looking at the engine tachometer, and cannot look at the speedometer. The error of that meter is too large. What they need to look at is the engine speed. The same gear, The same speed, as long as the clutch does not slip, the speed must be the same.

Take the now-named Type 98 tank as an example, to ensure the correct speed, that is third gear, 1460 rpm.However, this tachometer is also not particularly accurate.

The most accurate is the speed measurement of satellite navigation. Even if the distance error is ten meters, its time error is at the level of nanoseconds, or the error of a day is at the level of a few nanoseconds.

(Suddenly thought of those online video shooters who shouted every day that the speedometer was wrong, and the car factory deliberately adjusted it up, showing 120, but the actual 115, etc., using old yellow to deceive traffic and mislead people, and comparing it with the speed displayed by the mobile phone navigation You will know at once, Huadong Zhixiong’s broken car shows 120, and the mobile phone shows 121. There is also an error in the speed measurement on the highway. Dealing with violations...)
Qin Tao just thought about using technical means to help, but it was definitely not as much as Zhao Ling thought. Comparing the two, Qin Tao's major is shipbuilding, and Zhao Ling's major is electronics. The gap.

The GPS navigation module of a mobile phone in later generations costs more than ten yuan, but now, this module needs more than 2000 yuan, plus the Beidou module, plus the camera and display screen, etc., this thing costs at least 5000 yuan .

However, Qin Tao doesn't care, Mingzhou Group has become a large multinational group, and this kind of contribution can still be made, which is completely different from the old man's contribution when the factory was about to go bankrupt.Moreover, this is not only used in military parades. After the military parade is over, this set of equipment can be modified to become a high-end vehicle navigation terminal!

Let Kay Rucker go to hell, the hardware has Godson and SMIC, and the software has Goose Factory. If you cooperate with the car factory to build a car with built-in navigation, the money will be even more expensive. In this era, there are navigation and no navigation. The difference can be 2 yuan.

Tell Zhao Ling about this idea later, and she can arrange it.

The 98 tank drove into the airport runway. Although the surrounding land was leveling, the airport runway was intact. They could train on the runway. The 63A tank drove off the trailer and drove directly to the airport runway, entering the training ground. middle.

The Marine Corps has never participated in a military parade before. They have no training experience. They have to explore by themselves, and come here to explore with their peers. Of course, the efficiency is different.

Soon, there were more roars in the Tongzhou police station.

this afternoon.

Several limousines drove over, and when he saw the people getting off the cars, Qin Tao, who was still here to observe the construction and training, looked puzzled.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

Wu Shengli said with a smile: "Of course I came to see the training of our amphibious tanks. Our navy is not only a sea dragon, but also a beast on land! We also have main battle weapons on land!"

The plan proposed by Qin Tao is good!After the report was made, the higher-ups quickly made a final decision. It was almost the same batch as the Type 98 tank. The appearance of this amphibious tank also represented that the army could fulfill its sacred mission!

Knowing today that this batch of tanks has officially arrived in Taiwan to start training, Wu Shengli is even more excited to come to see the specific situation of the training.

This is to compete with the army. The army's main battle tanks are mighty, and our amphibious tanks are also very powerful!
"Yes, but if this kind of amphibious tank wants to exert its power, it must have a supporting warship. It is impossible for us to drive the tank for one or two hundred kilometers in the sea. It would be a waste of time and there are too many uncertainties. sex."

This kind of tank can run [-] kilometers per hour on land, and it can run at a speed of more than ten kilometers per hour when it is at sea. If it has been driven in the sea for more than ten hours, will it still have the energy to fight when it lands?I guess the tank is out of gas.

It must be transported by boat and landed across the sea three to five kilometers away from the target. This is the most suitable solution.

Leader Wu nodded: "Yes, our navy has ten Type 072 tank landing ships, each of which can transport ten tanks. In this way, we can send one hundred 63A tanks directly to the beachhead. What, you still have idea?"

Mingzhou Group builds warships, but there are also some models that have not been involved, and the tank landing ship is one of them.

After all, before the Mingzhou Group made its fortune, the Navy already had 073 medium-sized landing ships and 072 large-scale landing ships. The former has a displacement of several hundred tons, while the latter has a displacement of three to four thousand tons. All serious.

In order to better carry out cross-sea landings, in the mid-80s, the Navy launched the development of the 072Ⅲ large-scale landing ship. Compared with the previous ones, the displacement was enlarged to 4800 tons, and a flight deck was designed at the stern of the ship. The ship-borne helicopter can also perform vertical landing when landing across the sea.

It is this kind of warship that is being built in batches now.

"The displacement of the 072 is too small." Qin Tao said: "What can we do with transporting ten tanks at a time? The tanks have landed on the beach, the shells have been fired, and the fuel has burned out. How can we replenish them? You have to follow the supply vehicles. One drop The ability to deliver [-] vehicles is too bad. If you really need it, how many times will you have to go back and forth? The navy needs large warships, and dozens of vehicles must be stuffed into them. If you really need it in the future, do you have to rely on leased civilian Ro-Ro ship for subsequent transportation?"

Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao seriously: "I know what you mean, of course our navy needs an amphibious assault ship of tens of thousands of tons, with a flat deck on the top, capable of taking off and landing vertical fighter jets, and a large number of tanks and ships in the dock below. It would be better to have hundreds of armored vehicles. However, our navy has no money!"

This is the end of the 90s, it is impossible to make dumplings like in 2020.Now the Navy's main focus is on aircraft carriers and supporting air defense destroyers, where there is funding to support professional amphibious assault ships.

"Of course I know, but the navy also needs to plan ahead." Qin Tao said, "Wouldn't it be better to propose to our superiors that we want to build a large amphibious assault ship while the amphibious tanks are being inspected this time? Strike while the iron is hot."

Wu Shengli's eyes lit up.

Qin Tao has proposed the idea of ​​an amphibious assault ship many times, but the navy has never seriously considered it because there is no money, but you can't stop thinking about it because you don't have money, you have to report it to your superiors!
"Okay, your Mingzhou Group will make a design plan and wait for the Navy to report it."

"Is this not good? Shall we start a bidding?" Qin Tao asked.

"What kind of bidding is it, and it's not the official start of construction!" Wu Shengli directly rejected Qin Tao's request: "You take a design drawing, our navy will report to the superiors, let the superiors have an idea first, and wait until the specific construction. bidding."

Qin Tao felt a chill in his heart, did he use our Mingzhou Group as free labor?Dad, do you know how much our group sells for a design drawing?
Wu Shengli seemed to see Qin Tao's thoughts: "By the way, the funds for the construction of this year's aircraft carrier have been allocated, and it should be available to your Mingzhou Group account soon. Our navy never owes money."

After all, the aircraft carrier is the most important project of the navy, and it is also a project supported by the state. Even if there is some shortage of funds in the early stage, the state still has to fully guarantee it when it is actually built.

"So fast?" Qin Tao also became excited.

"That's right, it's that fast." Wu Shengli said: "This year our national defense lottery sold very well, especially when the news of the military parade spread, people's enthusiasm for supporting the cause of national defense was even higher. It is related to the increase of our country's economic strength. We have not been affected by the economic crisis last year. After joining the WTO, our trade with the world has increased. By the way, eight wolves clothing has also developed very fast, right? It is said There are a lot of big orders coming this year, and your mother's factory has to expand again."

"That's right, Mom is very busy. Besides, not only the eight wolves men's clothing, after the development of our mother's company, it has also driven the clothing industry of the entire Mingzhou." Zhao Ling said from the side: "Now, Mingzhou More than 20 clothing brands have emerged, several of which have also become international brands.”

Qin Tao didn't care much about his mother's career. He just knew that she was very busy. Zhao Ling was different. Even if she was very busy, she still had to pay attention to her mother-in-law's movements. After becoming Qin Tao's secretary, she had more time and more attention. That's more.

"The growth of our navy requires the strength of the country's comprehensive national strength, and the country's comprehensive national strength cannot be separated from our manufacturing industry. Now, our Chinese manufacturing has begun to go to the world, and our economy will also start to take off!" Wu Shengli said : "We are very glad that we live in this great era!"

Wu Shengli's eyes are full of hope, the era of great naval development is coming!

In the distance, the rumble of the engine continued to sound. After Wu Shengli sighed, he strode forward. The purpose of coming this time was to see if the 63A tank was more handsome than the 98 tank.

The Navy does not want main battle tanks of [-] to [-] tons, but only light tanks of about [-] tons, but the appearance must be domineering!
When he walked in, suddenly, puffs of black smoke came out of the tail of a 98 tank that was in motion. The driver stopped urgently. The commander and gunner were already holding fire extinguishers and aiming at the engine. The parts are sprayed wildly.

As a modern third-generation tank, the 98 tank decided to use a 1000-horsepower diesel engine at the beginning of the project, and the transmission system was the next best thing. The mechanical transmission was used first, and it was replaced after the hydraulic transmission matured in the future.

Although it has been tested for more than ten years, there are still problems with the engine. This is only in the training ground. If the chain is lost in a formal occasion, it will be in big trouble!

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