Great warships

Chapter 701 21D came out?

Chapter 701 21D came out?
At that time, the research and development of the space shuttle was to save the cost of entering space and reduce the cost through multiple uses, but in fact, it was completely the opposite.

Take the time when the space shuttle was decommissioned in later generations. As of 2011, the entire project cost a total of 1960 billion US dollars. Each space shuttle was 120 billion US dollars, and each launch was 4 million US dollars. The original idea was to reuse it to save money. The result is more costly. You can compare it with the Dongfang project. The cost of each Shenzhou spacecraft launch does not exceed 5 million.

Moreover, what's more terrible is that two of the five space shuttles were blown up, and the safety rate is even more worrying.

There are many problems with the space shuttle. The biggest problem is that it installed the main engine on the butt of the space shuttle. The big guy hanging on the stomach is just a fuel tank. It’s much safer. There is only an engine for attitude adjustment and deceleration on the space shuttle. The big guy hanging on the stomach is the Energy rocket, which improves the reliability a lot.

It's a pity that the Red Empire collapsed early, otherwise, the Blizzard would probably be proud of space.

Now that the International Space Station is going to be built, the space shuttle also plays a big role. Almost all the cabins in the United States are launched by the space shuttle, but its carrying capacity is definitely not as good as the domineering starship MK1, and its cost higher.

It would definitely be more appropriate to let Starship MK1 launch it, but is that okay?

How will the country see it?So the space shuttle was relegated to the sidelines?Since NASA has no money, of course the limited funds must first satisfy the operation of domestic spaceflight.

Howard Hu rolled his eyes: "Mr. Qin, Starship MK1 has only been launched once, which is not enough to prove its reliability. We cannot hand over the valuable International Space Station module to your side for launch, and, then I’m afraid it will be difficult to transport a large section from our country.”

"These are not problems. If you decide to use our rocket to launch, as long as you give us an advance payment, we can carry out the second launch. If you succeed twice, you can dispel your concerns. In the third When it is launched, it is already mature and there will be no problems. Moreover, we will also take out insurance to ensure safety. As for transportation, it is not a problem. Our An-225 can transport those big guys over by piggyback. "

The An-225 is used to carry the Buran, and of course it can also be used to transport the cabin of the International Space Station.

"Please consider our proposal. Doing so will also help eliminate misunderstandings. Recently, your reputation in the world is not very good. If we can work together, it will definitely become a good talk."

There are real benefits in terms of profit, and benefits in terms of reputation. If the other party still doesn't agree, then Qin Tao will have nothing to say.

Howard thought seriously for a few minutes: "I personally think this is a good thing for both of us, but I have to report to my superiors. Also, are you sure that as long as we cooperate in the space field, we can clear up the misunderstanding , let you give up the Starlink project?"

"I can guarantee that as long as we can continue to cooperate, the Starlink project will be frozen indefinitely." Qin Tao said.

"it is good."

Howard Hu got an affirmative answer, left the meeting room, and embarked on the return journey. After he left, Max walked over from the side room.

"Max, what do you think?" Qin Tao asked.

"If we can cooperate with NASA, it is the best choice. After all, our starship's carrying capacity is too strong. Apart from the construction of the International Space Station, I really can't think of anything that we need to transport in the future." Max said.

"Since this is the case, let's cooperate more. We contracted the construction of the International Space Station, which will form a healthy development trend." Qin Tao said.

Max nodded.

Starlink is very important, but it is definitely not as good as flying to Mars. With the support of NASA, they can launch multiple times a year, and there are people paying for it. Of course, he is happy to see this scene.

As for the current public opinion, it can also be changed at any time: NASA has bowed its head and compromised with Starship Corporation!It would also make Starfleet famous.

Since Max agreed and didn't get emotional, then this matter is considered settled. Howard nonsense is to report, but in fact it is just a process. Moreover, Max can also go to the United States and have a relationship with NASA. His ability Still very strong.

After this relaxing trip, Qin Tao returned to the capital with his wife and others. Just after returning, he attended a meeting of the aerospace department.

"We are really ashamed. Mr. Qin did what our aerospace department failed to do." After entering the meeting room, Mr. Qi first said: "Back then, when we heard that we were going to build an international space station, we rushed there If you want to join, who would have thought that no matter whether it is the United States, Damao, or even the European Space Agency, they will ignore us and will not take us."

After the collapse of the Red Empire, the relationship between the East and the West was harmonious. At that time, the International Space Station was expected. Of course, China Aerospace Corporation also wanted to join, but it was rejected.

Even the European Space Agency doesn't look down on Dongfang, thinking that Dongfang has no capabilities. When the manned spaceflight project was approved, it was holding a sigh of relief. If you don't take us, let's do it ourselves!
Chinese astronauts have ideals, ambitions, and the ability to realize their ideals. In later generations, with the end of the fate of the International Space Station, the Chinese Space Station will become the only spacecraft in orbit in the world. If foreigners want to go to space for a long time If you stay, you have to come to China, and you have to learn Chinese!
You used to ignore me, but now I will make you unable to climb high!

Qin Tao also respects these astronauts very much. Hearing what Qi Lao said at this time, Qin Tao quickly shook his head: "Qi Lao, we are guerrillas, and you are the regular army. Now, our manned spaceflight project is also progressing smoothly , it is estimated that the first unmanned spacecraft will be launched soon?"

According to the timetable of China's manned spaceflight program "struggling for eight guarantees and nine guarantees", the first unmanned test spacecraft Shenzhou-1998 will be launched in 1999, and it is guaranteed to enter space in [-].Now, Qin Tao came here to attend the aerospace conference, so he asked here by the way.

"We are currently making intensive preparations and strive to send Shenyi to the sky this year." Qi Lao said: "Now, according to our three-step plan for manned spaceflight, sooner or later we will build a large-scale manned International Space Station. The guerrillas have the most powerful rockets in the world, and when the time comes, we will count on you."

Qin Tao quickly shook his head: "No, no, our aerospace department still has to follow our own pace and develop high-thrust rocket engines. Our plan to use parallel engines is just a trick. Your regular army still has to follow the regular army's path."

While the aerospace department is working on the Shenzhou spacecraft, it is of course also working on advanced rockets. This is the famous Fat Five. Qin Tao doesn't want to delay the development of the Fat Five because of his own reasons. In the future, he will have to use the Fat Five to build a space station. big guy.

If you don't continue to engage in research and development, then there will be faults, especially Fat Five not only has a large thrust, but also realized the change of fuel, from the combination of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and nitric acid to the combination of liquid oxygen and kerosene. A giant leap forward.

"This space station will be discussed in the future, but our Beidou is about to go to the sky. If your starship MK1 can be launched, we will entrust you with the task of launching one of them." Sun Lao said.

Of course, the happiest person this time is Old Sun. Under the blow of a series of combined punches, the proposal to cancel the S-band will definitely not pass. The trap in front of Beidou is gone. How can he be unhappy?
Therefore, the launch mission of the Beidou can also be handed over to the starship company, allowing them to make some money.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Starship MK1 has just been launched once, and its performance is not very stable. What if it blows up? Even if there is compensation from the insurance company, it will hinder our Beidou networking. This cannot be delayed."

If Howard Hu is here, he must be very annoyed. What about the security you patted your chest on?Your Beidou is important, but our International Space Station is not?

Of course, this is not the most important point, the important point is another point.

"Moreover, our starship MK1 is a two-stage rocket, which is currently only suitable for launching satellites in short-distance and medium-distance orbits, and is not yet suitable for synchronous orbits."

Generally speaking, to launch a synchronous orbit satellite, a three-stage rocket is used. The first-stage rocket is the largest. It is ignited first to push the rocket out of the atmosphere. Even if the launch is temporarily over, check it in a circular orbit. After there is no problem, the three-stage rocket is ignited, and the projectile body performs centrifugal motion, changing from a circular orbit to an elliptical orbit.

If the thrust is small, one time is not enough. Wait until you return to the position just ignited, which is perigee, and then ignite. Continue to push the projectile to fly, the ellipse will become more elliptical, and the apogee will finally fly to [-] kilometers. The height of the synchronous orbit, if the radius is counted, it is [-] kilometers.

At this apogee, the three-stage rocket continues to ignite, pushing the missile to fly along a circular orbit, and finally settles over the equator, which is considered a success.

Therefore, the launch of synchronous satellites is the most difficult. The domestic Long March [-] can't do this job, but the Long March [-]. This rocket is specially developed for the launch of synchronous satellites. The third stage uses a special Liquid hydrogen liquid oxygen engine, suitable for vacuum environment, high specific impulse.

In fact, the starship MK1 can also complete the launch mission. After all, it is powerful enough to fly bricks, and it does not need that kind of complicated orbit change program. It can be launched directly into the sky, and it can directly reach an orbital altitude of [-] kilometers. However, he Don't dare to take risks, if the starship blows up, it will seriously hinder the network of Beidou-[-].

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Old Sun nodded: "Okay, then when we are going to launch short-distance satellites, we will find your starship company. By the way, how is your Starlink doing?"

"What else can I do? Under the coercion of the Americans, I was forced to give up." Qin Tao said: "Imperialism will never die."

His words were just a joke, but everyone present turned serious.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

"President Qin, we face many difficulties in the development of aerospace, and we face severe external pressure." Qi Lao said.

"There is pressure to be motivated. Let's break through what others have blocked. Don't be afraid." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he thought of something: "However, we should be careful. We old experts should minimize going abroad. activities, especially going to the United States for conferences.”

Everyone's faces became more serious. The meaning in Qin Tao's words was obvious. The other party couldn't suppress him secretly, and he might play tricks!

"Okay, let's have a meeting. The topic of this meeting is first of all that our Beidou twin stars will be launched soon. This is a new beginning for our domestic navigation business." Qi Lao said: "Now , please tell us about the progress of the project."

"Okay, let me tell you something, the Beidou twin stars are planned to be launched within a month, and the latest launch window is five days later..."

So fast?Qin Tao is very excited. This means that the domestic navigation system will be released soon. In the future, the navy will not have to rely entirely on GPS when it is on the ocean. It will lose the chain at any time.

After the introduction, Mr. Sun turned to Qin Tao: "Now, Mr. Qin, please introduce the application of the Beidou client to us."

Qin Tao came to the meeting not only because of the recent actions of the Mingzhou Group, but also because they were the research and development unit of the Beidou client from the very beginning.

Qin Tao picked up a tablet: "Everyone, this is our civilian terminal."

so small?Everyone's eyes widened.

"It uses a 7-inch liquid crystal display produced by BOE as a display device. It is equipped with our latest 0.13-micron process chip, which generates less heat. It uses a built-in battery and can be used for six hours. When using an external power source, it has unlimited endurance."

"What's the use of this display?"

"That's right, it's just to show the coordinates. Is it so big?"

In this day and age, LCD screens are still very expensive and easily broken. Qin Tao dangled this civilian receiving terminal back and forth, fearing that the big guy might accidentally drop it.

"Of course it doesn't need to be so big if you just want to display coordinates, but if you want to display a map, this screen is just right."


"That's right, our goose factory is developing Beidou navigation software, the key of which is the digital map. After using the Beidou terminal and the digital map, you can know where you are more intuitively, and you can also set the destination, and then choose the navigation route. .”

Destination, navigation?

Everyone felt incredible.

"Now, we just surveyed and mapped the streets of the capital." Qin Tao said: "We are now in the Second Aerospace Academy, and I can set the destination to Gongzhufen."

As Qin Tao spoke, he began to slide a cotton swab over it.

The technology of this era is still backward.

Take touch screen technology as an example, it is very common in later generations, but now, only a few devices have this kind of operation capability.

The theory of the touch screen was proposed in the 40s, but until the 70s, Professor Sam Hurst, who taught at the University of Kentucky, invented a resistive touch that uses pressure to change current transmission. After improvement, it was used in computer graphics. .

In the 80s, Dr. Bob Bowie of Bell Labs developed a multi-touch screen based on capacitive touch technology. Users can draw images at different positions on the screen at the same time, which is the first real multi-touch operation. Screen.

In the 90s, there were more. For example, in 93, IBM and the telephone company BellSouth jointly released the first mobile phone product Simon that combined a touch screen with a telephone. This mobile phone has a calendar, address book and notepad. The phone is gone.

However, these are very expensive and have not been widely used. The navigation terminal Qin Tao is holding now is of course a high-end product.

In addition to the touch screen, another technology is storage.

If it's just a simple receiving terminal, then a capacity of tens of megabytes or at most one or two hundred megabytes is enough, but if you want to put a digital map, it doesn't matter how big the capacity is.

When designing this terminal, the technicians considered using the 2.5-inch hard drive of the notebook, which is enough to hold the entire digital map of the country. However, whether the hard drive will be damaged early in a bumpy vehicle has always been a concern for everyone. Therefore, the memory card is still used, at most one memory card for each city, and if you go to a different city, you can change to a different memory card. The machine itself loads the national main road traffic map.

After a few more years, the problem of storage will not be a problem.

"Boss Qin, your technology is so advanced that you have such a good thing." Watching Qin Tao operate, the aerospace experts beside him felt emotional.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

Qin Tao doesn't know how to do everything by himself, so he will be exhausted. He is used to delegating power, and anyway, he entrusts capable people.

After observing *** recently, he wanted to rely on technical means to help the vehicle formation to better position. When his proposal was sent to Godson Company, he found that this thing already exists. Add a camera and change the program a bit.

Now, at the meeting of the aerospace department, Qin Tao brought it.

Old drivers are all live maps, and new drivers in the future can use foolish things.

"Navigate to Gongzhufen compound, the system path has been planned, please determine the way." The big tablet rang, and it actually has a voice function!
"This device is mainly used for vehicles. When the driver is driving, he can look at the screen with the peripheral vision of his eyes, but this may miss information. For example, when turning left or turning right, he needs to be reminded by voice." Qin Tao The introduction said: "Currently, this system still has many imperfections, and it will be added slowly in the future."

Qin Tao thought of the voice package, he can choose Lin Chiling or Guo Degang, don't worry about these things, take your time.

"For vehicles?" Sun Lao opened his eyes wide: "Then there will be a lot of clients?"

In the 90s, the number of private cars continued to grow. For example, in 90, the number of private cars was only 81.6. However, after that, private cars began to grow at an average annual rate of 23%.

Now, there are millions of private cars, and with a large number of buses, even if only one tenth of them is equipped with a navigation terminal, that is a market worth hundreds of thousands!

"Our Beidou hasn't launched yet, how can you start navigation?" someone asked.

"We have adopted a dual-mode approach. In addition to the Beidou module, there is also a GPS module." Qin Tao said: "In this way, the navigation will be more accurate. We can't lead users into the ditch, otherwise it will affect our reputation. Of course, the name of our navigation terminal is still Beidou Navigation."

Rather than being registered by an irrelevant organization, and then making money by defrauding patriotism, it is better to do it yourself, generously, Beidou Navigation!
"In the future, after our second-generation and third-generation navigation go to the sky, GPS can be removed. However, this kind of module doesn't cost much, and it can be built-in. After all, it is not only patriotism, but also strength to win customers. approval."

Civilian things still depend on strength.

The crowd nodded.

"In the civilian market, there are vehicles and ships. We expect there will be millions of terminals. These terminals are enough to support our Beidou project. In terms of military use, there are more. Our ground combat vehicles, air vehicles Airplanes and ships at sea will be equipped with Beidou modules. At present, the equipment manufactured by our Mingzhou Group has been reserved and can be installed at any time. Moreover, we have also developed a special module that can be installed on bombs to become precise Guided bomb."

Speaking of precision-guided weapons, Jedam is definitely a star. It is modified from ordinary aerial bombs. Without wasting the previous ammunition, it can be transformed by installing satellite navigation terminals, control systems, inertial navigation and other system components. It has become a big killer for precision guidance.

The previous precision guidance used lasers. Although the aiming head was high, it had great limitations: the carrier aircraft or ground personnel had to use laser beams for continuous irradiation, which was easily affected by weather such as clouds and fog, and was expensive.Jedam is cheap, just throw it away.

Of course, the Jedam bomb also has its shortcomings. It can only deal with fixed targets, and it is helpless to deal with moving targets, but this is already very good.

At present, there are no advanced precision-guided bombs in China. With the Beidou terminal, this kind of attack capability can be realized.

"That's right, our weapons need to use a large number of Beidou terminals. Even if it is a variety of ground attack missiles, we can add this module to improve the accuracy. Our Dongfeng-21D also has to use this Beidou terminal to assist in positioning. "An expert present said.

Qin Tao felt his eyelids twitching: "Has our anti-ship ballistic missile been developed?"

Anti-ship ballistic missiles are the anti-aircraft carrier killer that Qin Tao has been thinking about. When there was a crisis, they once showed this kind of missiles, but they used a tricky way at that time. Now, has it really matured? ?

With these land-based ones, the sea-based ones are not far away, right?
(End of this chapter)

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