Great warships

Chapter 702

Chapter 702
"Boss Qin is really amazing. Let's talk about Dongfeng-21D, and Boss Qin knows it's an anti-ship ballistic missile." Huang Lao said, "Boss Qin, how did you know?"

If someone else said that, it might cause a lot of trouble, and we have to investigate carefully how this code name was leaked, but here at Qin Tao, no one would doubt it after a few words, after all, the whole The anti-ship ballistic missile project was promoted by Qin Tao alone.

"I guessed it." Qin Tao said: "We need to use Beidou to assist in positioning, and there are only anti-ship ballistic missiles."

"Did you guess? Mr. Qin, then you can guess again for us. Since there is D, is there ABC in front?" Huang Lao continued.

"Okay, then I'll take a guess. Back then, when we landed in huge waves, it became Dongfeng-21. At the beginning, it must have no suffix." Qin Tao said: "After we made a batch, You will feel that its performance is not advanced enough. The main problem is that the range is not far enough. After we have advanced solid propellants, we will definitely increase the range. This is probably the original A-type. In the later stage, it will definitely be Increased mobility in preparation for breaking through enemy air defenses should be B and C."

"Boss Qin, I must have seen what you said on the Internet!" Elder Huang said with a smile.

"That's right, it's speculation on the Internet. There shouldn't be any leaks, right? We're keeping a close eye on this. If an insider really leaks the secrets, the news will be banned immediately." Qin Tao said.

There are companies like Loongson for network and computer hardware, and Goose Factory for software, etc. Therefore, the Internet in China is developing very fast, and the supervision of the network is also very powerful.

"Yes, there must be no leaks, because many of them are wrong. So far, we only have one model with extended range, which is A. After that, we jumped directly to D." Huang Lao said.

Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "You don't talk about martial arts."

In later generations, the B and C models of Dongfeng 21 are already big guys with multi-axis launch vehicles, and the technology is more advanced, especially in order to break through your fucking and fucking, with active flight capabilities, when entering After the atmosphere, the orbit change operation can be carried out to completely disable the enemy's interception.

But now, the technology should not be developing so fast. In other words, under the pressure of the aircraft carrier formation, it is the best way for the country to first produce the D-type dedicated to warships, and then use it to enrich other models.

"Now that this missile has been successful, it's time to develop a small anti-ship ballistic missile." Qin Tao continued: "It can't just be used on land, it has to be used at sea, and it has to be stuffed into our In the vertical silo."

The eyes of the big guys were meaningful, but Qin Tao ignored them and continued on his own: "The version used by our navy is called Eagle Strike-21. It just so happens that this number has not been used yet, and this can also cause the outside world to trigger guess."

"Mr. Qin, it's easy for you to say. Our Dongfeng-21 has a diameter of more than one meter. How can we fit it into the battleship? Are we going to move the launch tube of the nuclear submarine to it?" an expert asked.

"As I said just now, we need to develop a special anti-ship ballistic missile!" Qin Tao said: "The inner diameter of our navy's next-generation general-purpose vertical launcher is 850 mm. You can develop a naval ship-mounted missile according to this size. Although the anti-ship ballistic missile has a smaller diameter, its length can be extended to 9 meters, which is enough for a range of [-] kilometers."

In fact, this is not the first time Qin Tao has proposed the idea of ​​ship-borne anti-ship ballistic missiles. Some experts present have heard it before. Get the big killer you need!

"The inner diameter is 850 millimeters, and the length is still nine meters. Such a vertical launcher is not small. How big is the Navy's warship to accommodate enough launchers?" Huang Lao continued to ask.

"Of course it's a 21-ton large drive, forget it, let's not talk about it, let's talk about leaking." Qin Tao said: "Let's continue the meeting, you have to speed up the research and development of this Eagle-[-], and get it out as soon as possible. "

This was a small episode, and the meeting was back on track. After Beidou finished speaking, it was the most important manned spaceflight project.

"Currently, our work is progressing steadily, and the construction of the first spaceship is in full swing... Mr. Qin, aren't you going to land on Mars? Do you also need to develop spaceships?" Halfway through the introduction, Elder Qi suddenly thought of it What, said to Qin Tao.

"Yes, landing on Mars is our ultimate dream, but this dream seems too far away now. At present, we are only conducting research and development of launch vehicles. The spacecraft needs to wait until ten years, and then develop it after 20 years. If at that time, our If the Starship Corporation still exists."

Now they really don't have the funds and energy to involve any Mars spacecraft, those are too far away.He can only wait for the future, and Qin Tao doesn't know what will happen in the future, whether his huge starship company will disappear.

"However, your starship has a huge carrying capacity. It is absolutely possible to launch an unmanned probe to Mars first. If you launch it, it must be the largest Mars probe in history." Qi Lao said.

Qin Tao nodded. The low-earth orbit carrying capacity of [-] tons is not for nothing. It can be launched to Mars, and it can go up to more than ten tons. However, how this big guy landed on Mars is a big problem. Carrying such a weight The area of ​​the parachute is so large that it is unimaginable, and if the landing method of the space shuttle is used, there is no runway on Mars, unless the recovery technology of the starship is used to land...

"In terms of profitability, it's still Starship Company. They have now undertaken the construction of the International Space Station, and our spaceflight has always been highly invested." An old expert present suddenly expressed emotion.

"No, our spaceflight can also make money. In the 80s, our spaceflight once earned 35 billion US dollars for the country at one time," Qin Tao said.

In the 80s, this was a big deal. Hearing what Qin Tao said, all the experts present were deeply moved.

"President Qin, the times are different. Even if we have not joined the international convention, we still have to abide by the international regulations. We cannot export missiles with a range of more than [-] kilometers and a warhead of more than [-] kilograms." An expert said.

"What's so difficult about it?" Qin Tao said, "Is it stipulated in the international convention that warheads can be counterweighted?"

"Not really." The big guy shook his head, but what the hell is the counterweight?

"Then we can sell it boldly. What is the missile with the closest range?"

"Dongfeng-11 has a range of 350 kilometers and a warhead weight of 800 kilograms."

"That's right. When we export, we install a [-]-kilogram counterweight on this missile, so that the range and warhead weight can meet the standards. At the same time, we strictly prohibit customers from removing the counterweight without permission, otherwise , We will not be responsible for any missiles that fly off, warheads that are overweight and other faults.”

Everyone's eyes lit up, this is really a good way.

Meetings attended by Mr. Qin will make the atmosphere so relaxed!

After the meeting, Qin Tao returned to his father-in-law's house after the dinner. Looking at Qin Haiyang, who was so tall, he couldn't help feeling that his living standard had improved. After another day, he learned that the Beidou satellite was about to be launched, and he went back to Proceed to Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

At present, the pattern of four major launch centers has been formed in China. The Qiongzhou side is under construction. After the construction is completed, it must be the largest launch center in the country. But the most important thing to say now is definitely the Jiuquan Launch Center. The mission of manned spaceflight, the upcoming Shenzhou, will take off in Jiuquan.

The Xichang Satellite Launch Center is more suitable for synchronous satellite launches because of its lower latitude. Therefore, Xichang is the first choice for the launch of various high-latitude and synchronous satellites. As for the last one, it is the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center that occasionally has a sense of presence. .

The Long March [-] stands firmly on the launch pad. It does not use a bundled structure, so its top and bottom are the same thickness, which makes it look a little thin, but it can launch satellites to [-] At an altitude of a thousand kilometers!
Mr. Sun led a large group of people and was busy here, so he didn't have time to entertain Qin Tao, and Qin Tao was also happy to be quiet, walking around and looking around.

After seeing the rocket on the launch pad, he entered the command center again, looking at the busy figures and the big screen in front of him.

"Last year, our launch center underwent an upgrade. At present, all the computer systems use our Godson. Compared with the previous computer system, the response speed has been greatly improved." Beside him, said to him.

"Really? That's a great honor, but you probably will be getting new ones soon."

"Why?" Old Aerospace was curious.

"Because our Godson-[-] is under research and development, it is estimated that it will be available in large quantities in a few years. Compared with the previous processors, it can already perform GHZ-level calculations, and the price will be much cheaper."

This is the power of Moore's Law!The price of computer chips will gradually decrease, while the performance will continue to improve!Godson-[-] has reached the Western level, and Godson-[-] has surpassed it!Now, they are developing step by step. After the breakthrough of self-developed immersion lithography machine, they will reach the world's highest level in chip manufacturing technology and lead the trend of the whole world!
The old Aerospace sighed: "Yes, if we have GHZ-level computers, we must update our current ones. Your Godson company can really make money!"

"We'll give you the cost price."

"Attention all units, the fuel has been filled, and the launch has entered an irreversible process! Now start the countdown!"

The atmosphere became tense at this moment.

In fact, if there is an unexpected situation, the refueled fuel can still be drawn out, but the risk is not so high. Therefore, generally speaking, once the fuel is refilled, there will be no possibility of delay. Just like putting a shell into the barrel, it's easy to shoot it out, but it's more complicated to eject it.

But now, the third stage of the Long March [-] rocket still uses a liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engine. Once this low-temperature fuel is filled, it is even more inconvenient to extract.

Qin Tao looked at the majestic appearance of the rocket displayed on the big screen, and suddenly felt a little strange in his heart. Why is he, a shipbuilder, always involved in the aerospace system now?Sure enough, this spaceship is indeed a ship, and the sea of ​​stars is also a sea.

Time passed little by little, and finally, the sound of the countdown came, and everyone's heartbeat seemed to stop. When the count reached zero, the order to ignite was issued, and a hot flame burst out from the bottom of the rocket, pushing the The arrow body rose slowly, and the speed became faster and faster.

In terms of grandeur, it is definitely not comparable to Starship MK1, but it is still magnificent. After the rocket leaves the field of view, only the bright lines on the big screen are slowly moving, perfectly coincident with the predetermined curve.

The first level fell off, the second level fell off, and temporarily entered the low-Earth orbit, waiting for the orbit change!

There were bursts of cheers in the hall. Although the orbit change has not been successful, at least it has left the atmosphere!
Amidst the cheers of the big guys, a technician in a white coat walked up to Elder Sun gently, and said something next to his ear, and his expression changed immediately.

He clenched his fists and walked towards Qin Tao.

"President Qin, I need to go back to the capital to attend a key meeting, can you go with me?"

Sun Lao had never asked others like this before, Qin Tao was a little curious: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Someone from the European Space Agency has come to invite us to join the Galileo project. Now, several of our leaders have already been tempted." Mr. Sun explained the seriousness of the whole incident clearly in a few words.

"Okay, I'll go back with you. Anyway, our Mingzhou Group also makes rockets and is also engaged in spaceflight. We are justified in participating in this kind of meeting." Qin Tao said.

He had to go, he had to mess up this project, after all, this matter was obviously a trap.

For a long time, only the GPS of the United States dominated, and the old GLONASS was almost paralyzed all the year round. In this case, the Europeans decided to develop their own satellite navigation system, named Galileo.

Their concerns are justified. If they don’t have their own navigation system, they will have to completely rely on the American GPS, and they will have to listen to the Americans. This is obviously not conducive to their independence, so they have to do the same. project!

As for the current time period, of course there are reasons for it. Now is the time when the Beidou is launched. The Europeans sent out invitations at this time. It must have an ulterior purpose: they want to mess up the Beidou navigation system in the East. !
The funds in the East are not sufficient, so once they decide to officially join the Galileo project, the self-developed navigation system will be thrown aside!
When Beidou was born, it was strangled in the bud. The hearts of these Europeans are really dark enough.

Capital, Department of Space.

It was still the original conference room, even the bench sitting on his butt seemed to have the same temperature as last time, but the atmosphere in the conference room was completely different.

"The European Galileo navigation satellite project is an advanced satellite navigation system comparable to GPS." On the rostrum, the leader who presided over the meeting said: "At present, there are two plans for this plan. The first is the 21 plus 6 plan. This scheme uses 21 medium and high orbit satellites plus 6 geosynchronous orbit satellites. This scheme is characterized by the least investment, but in order to achieve higher precision navigation needs, it must be combined with the GPS system and the differential augmentation system. The second One is the 36 plus 9 scheme, which uses 36 medium-high orbit satellites and 9 geosynchronous orbit satellites. This scheme has extremely high navigation accuracy, but the investment is huge. At present, Europe is discussing these two schemes. If we were on board, the program would be more well-funded and they would choose the latter option."

Qin Tao shook his head below. The Europeans know nothing else and will brag. In fact, these system solutions have no choice. They finally chose 23616 satellites with an orbital altitude of 30 kilometers, of which 27 are working satellites, 3 backup star.Doing so does not require satellites in geostationary orbit and is the most cost-effective.

"Boss Qin, you seem to have a different opinion on this plan?" At this moment, the leader saw his shaking his head and asked immediately.

"Yes, I'm not optimistic about them. With the usual urgency of Europeans, this kind of system is still a wrangling project." Qin Tao said.

Since he's here, he has to play a role, not to mention that the leader is still asking for his opinion.

Mingzhou Group's starship company is a private enterprise, but it owns the largest rocket in the world, so his words carry weight and he has confidence.

It doesn't make any sense to continue to introduce the Galileo project and promote various benefits. Now Qin Tao is here to disturb the project, and he has to talk about various shortcomings.

"If the European Union were a country, just like the original Red Empire, then they might be able to think in one direction and work hard in one direction, but they are just a loose alliance. Under the banner of various alliances, in fact, they are still selling dog meat for their own interests."

Qin Tao decided to take the initiative in this venue, even if it was a dove occupying the magpie's nest.

"I don't know anything else, but I can talk about military matters. Let's take the most famous joint air defense ship in Europe." Qin Tao successfully turned this aerospace meeting into a warship meeting: "Back then, the old man's The Red Navy is getting stronger and stronger, and Europe feels the pressure and decides to hold together for warmth. In 79, the NFR-90 plan was proposed, and the full name of this plan is NATO's frigate replacement plan in the 90s."

Speaking of shipbuilding, Qin Tao spit and splashed stars: "At first, the NFR-90 project had seven participating countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, West Germany, France, and Italy. Later, Spain confirmed its participation, so that the total number increased. According to the statement at the time, this NFR-90 project is modular and can have as many as 12 different solutions to meet the different needs of various countries, which can save them more than 20.00% of research and development costs. But then what? ?Into the 90s, all countries withdrew from the plan amidst quarrels, and finally only the United States and Canada remained. Guys, do you know the reason for this?"

Qin Tao looked at the people around him: "Our ancestors had a saying that if three monks have no water to drink, three monks will be awkward, let alone eight monks. For any project, as long as there are three participants , it will eventually become a back-and-forth plan, especially if it concerns the interests of all parties.”

"Of course, some people will say that this plan went bankrupt because the Red Empire disappeared and the common enemy of the Europeans disappeared. If we have to talk about this reason, we can still watch the follow-up." Qin Tao said: "NFR-90 disappeared Yes, but the Europeans still need anti-aircraft ships, so they started a new round of huddling together for warmth and a new round of fighting in the nest."

The big guys may know about these things, but they are definitely not as systematic as Qin Tao.

"Britain and France proposed a plan for the next generation of general-purpose frigates. After all, the British Type 42 had a big fall in the Falklands War, and the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle needed fleet air defense, so they hit it off. Then, Italy also Joined, a total of three countries, it is supposed to have changed from a big group to a small group last time, is it better? But in fact, there are still constant disputes, the three monks have no water to drink, and they performed it vividly here. "

"The British navy is going to sail in the Atlantic Ocean, and has to face strong winds and waves, while France and Italy are going to operate in the Mediterranean Sea, without fear of harsh sea waves, so they struggled a lot with just one displacement. In [-], it was finally set at [-] tons, but this was only the first step, and then they fell into a new round of quarrels in terms of shipboard weapons."

"The British insisted that the Sampson radar be placed at the highest point, and France asked to contract half of the project. In the end, there was a lot of noise. The British finally withdrew and developed the Type 45 destroyer by themselves. France and Italy developed the Horizon-class frigate."

"Of course, considering the issue of time, I won't give other examples. The European Joint Fighter and the like are all products of all kinds of nonsense. Everyone, do you understand what I mean now?"

"Mr. Qin, we understand what you mean, but navigation satellites are civilian projects, and we currently lack technology. If we join the Galileo satellite program, we can transition from the simple double star to the advanced global navigation satellite era , even if this project is risky, we still have to take it." The leader said.

"Civil project? This leader, do you have any misunderstandings? Whether it is GPS or GLONASS, they were all developed by the military, and civilian use is just incidental." Qin Tao said: "You are so eager to join Galileo Project, have you asked the opinion of the military? And, you also said, we currently lack the technology!"

Qin Tao's tone became serious: "So, what role will we play in this plan?"

(End of this chapter)

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