Great warships

Chapter 703 Projects Without Dominance Are Pitfalls

Chapter 703 Projects Without Dominance Are Pitfalls

"I don't know if some people would naively think that because we don't have the technology, we have to join this plan, and we can learn the advanced satellite navigation technology in Europe through this plan, right? If that's the case, it's naive. I laughed so hard!" Anyway, they are not directly under the leadership, and they can't interfere with the Mingzhou Group, so Qin Tao is not afraid of saying a few words to offend people now.

As the leader of a large company, he has to take responsibility. He must not let what happened in the past happen again!

Europeans have no money at hand. Looking around, there is someone in the east who has been taken advantage of!So I came to Dongfang to fool around, and Dongfang was very happy, and hit it off immediately. This is equivalent to cooperating with Europe in high-end technology, bypassing ITAR, and breaking the arms embargo. It is beneficial both technically and environmentally.

Even invested 20 billion euros for this, the first batch of investment was 2.3 million euros, and it was passed at that time. What happened? (It is also said that the total investment is 7000 million yuan, and the first batch of [-] million yuan was paid. No matter how much it is, it is all in vain.)
The technology was not obtained, and they were crowded out everywhere. The Europeans just wanted to slaughter Dongfang as if he was taken advantage of by Ah San. After several years of cooperation, Dongfang was disheartened and could only go back and continue to develop his own Beidou. At that time, for Galileo, Even Beidou's follow-up plan has been abandoned.

Facts have proved that you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself!
"We sign contracts with Europeans, we spend money, how can we not enjoy technology?"

"You can enjoy technology with money? This leader, I'm afraid you are a little optimistic? Back then we bought the Spey engine from the UK and agreed to buy it together with a complete set of technology. What happened? Now we have to grit our teeth to overcome technical difficulties !"

When you Spey is a big project, you agreed to spend money to hire a British teacher to teach you hand in hand, what is the result?They just built a machine with blanks made in the UK, and the key components were imported. If they wanted to continue to develop it, the British began to talk nonsense: these technologies involve third-party patents, and if they want to use them, they have to spend more money!
"Think about our model of peace again. After spending money and being thoroughly studied by others, what did we get in the end? In this era, you can't rely on others, you can only rely on yourself!" Qin Tao said loudly, You want to spend money to get the world's most advanced navigation technology, this is a dream!
"However, our current technology is too backward." The leader spoke again.

"No matter how backward the technology is, it is our own. No matter how advanced other people's technology is, it is also someone else's." Qin Tao said: "It doesn't make any sense for us to envy other people's advanced technology. We have to rely on our own efforts to improve little by little. Own technology! Ladies and gentlemen, wake up, there are no shortcuts on the road to developing technology, we can only go step by step by ourselves. Let me give you another example, which is our chip industry.”

"Originally, we were only three or five years behind foreign countries in large-scale integrated circuits. As a result, in the late 80s, the Computer Institute gave up the research and development of ultra-large-scale integrated circuits. After all, this was too expensive. The result? We just We are completely outdated. Our chips can only be purchased. This is not only a matter of spending money, but also related to national defense and security issues. Now, with our own efforts, we have finally caught up and reached the world's leading level. In this In the process, foreigners will only suppress us, and how can they give us advanced technology.”

"The chip is like this, and so is the satellite. Our current navigation technology is still very poor, we can only rely on the double star method to locate, but we can use it on the equipment of the three services, and we can use it on our moon soldiers (the stars in front are These two words). Because it’s our own, we don’t have to worry about being cut off. If we join the Galileo project, are we sure we can gain the dominance?”

"How is that possible."

"There is no need for us to participate in projects without dominance. Foreigners are interested in our money. Of course, technology will be squeezed to death. How much will we spend in foreign projects? It is estimated to be hundreds of millions, or even Billions, right? If one-tenth of this money is used on our own navigation satellites, we can also develop into a global navigation system and have complete dominance," Qin Tao said.

Elder Sun didn't speak, and there were sparkling things swirling in his eye sockets.

If it really joins the European Galileo project, the Beidou navigation system will be greatly affected, forget about Beidou [-] and [-], and even Beidou [-] may be abandoned!It will be heartbreaking to spend money and still not get the technology.

It is inconvenient for him to say those words just now. If he did, it would be for his own benefit. Qin is always an outsider. His words are impartial and selfless. Every word is aimed at those who only want to spend money on buying, buying, and buying. face.

"President Qin, what you said is for military use. Our navigation satellites have a huge civilian market." The leader was not taken away by Qin Tao, and began to change the subject.

"That's right, the Europeans have taken a fancy to our market. They are unwilling to be monopolized by GPS in their huge market, and they are trying to occupy our market. They don't want to share our technology at all. If you don't believe me, you are in the next During the negotiation, ask the Europeans that all satellite navigation terminal chips be produced by us, and see how they respond."

"President Qin, are you here for the production of the Beidou navigation satellite terminal?" A person grasped the key.

Why does Mingzhou Group support Beidou so much?Is it because they have a monopoly on the production of satellite terminal chips?Seeing that Beidou is going to be yellow now, so you support it with all your strength?

"Our production line is simply too busy! Our Loongson-[-] is still the mainstream in the market, Loongson-[-] is already on the market, Loongson-[-] is under planning, and our SMIC is fully launching the production line, not just processors, There is also memory, and even the north and south bridge chips we have to hand over to VIA OEM. To put it bluntly, we still look down on the Beidou satellite terminal chip market." Qin Tao said: "We do this for national defense. Safety, in order to support our autonomous navigation project, for our technological development! We don’t want to be cheated by others one day, withdraw from the Galileo project, and then have to pick up this project from the beginning. Now, we are trying our best, but we still have Some people look at us like this with the heart of a villain, and the leaders who support the addition of Galileo satellite navigation, do you dare to promise here that if you are finally overshadowed by the Europeans, you are willing to take leadership responsibilities?"

The meeting room fell into a deathly silence, only Qin Tao's voice remained.

"What are the Europeans for? For our funds, because they have no money for research and development! For our market, because we are the most populous country in the world, or for their political achievements! Then what are we for?"

"If the superiors still insist on doing this, then our Mingzhou Group is willing to continue the follow-up research and development of Beidou navigation. Anyway, our Starlink project is about to be terminated, and we have to find another plan to fill the gap. The existing Beidou navigation research and development All scientific research personnel will be merged into our Mingzhou Group as a whole, and we will invest in the future! We will never watch Beidou Navigation terminated under the interference of external forces. Think about it, why Europeans invite us to join this The plan is not because our Beidou is in the sky, they want to block our navigation satellites!"

"We are willing to merge into the Mingzhou Group as a whole!" Sun Lao also expressed his opinion, they only need to study satellites, and launch starships!
"Cough cough." The superior leader coughed twice: "Everyone, don't make the atmosphere so tense. We are just discussing joining the Galileo satellite project, and we don't want to join immediately. We didn't say we would give up Beidou. Don't get excited. Mr. Qin, aren't you an empty-handed white wolf?"

This sentence had a joking atmosphere, but no one present could laugh.

The brains of the superior leaders are also thinking rapidly.

Now this situation, how to deal with it?Tough to push forward to join the Galileo satellite program?In the future, if it is really what Mr. Qin said and is tricked by the Europeans, then who will take the leadership responsibility?
A lot of time and energy have been lost, which is not enough to take the blame and resign!At that time, I will regret it for the rest of my life!

Mr. Qin is amazing, every step he has taken so far is correct, the danger he mentioned is probably very likely!
However, this plan is too rare, taking advantage of this opportunity to join the Galileo project has a longer-term significance.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside, and a person walked in with a loud voice.

"Sorry guys, I came uninvited."

Mr. Lin!
Qin Tao knew that his words were not enough. Now, Mr. Lin expressed his opinion on behalf of the army.

"Mr. Lin, come and sit here!" The leader on the rostrum hurried over to say hello.

"I heard that we are discussing the Galileo satellite project here." Elder Lin said, "I don't know how much we can participate in this project?"

"Mr. Lin, after we join, we will become the third member of this project besides the European side. We are not only the participants of this project, but also the owners of this system."

"Owner? To what extent? Do we have a ground control station? Can we decide to disconnect a certain area? Can we build a few of the same satellites in our own country and launch them with the same rocket?"

Every question is so sharp that there is no way to answer it.

"Old Lin, these projects are all under discussion."

"Well, then I represent the military." Elder Lin said, "We demand absolute control! We definitely don't want to be disconnected from the Internet during wartime. If we don't have this ability, it will cost us a lot The pen money is for a bird!"

"Mr. Lin, the Galileo satellite project we're talking about is a civil navigation project." A leader said cautiously.

"Civil use? We invest hundreds of millions, or even billions, for a civilian project? Then what does our army use? Or use our Beidou? Then don't we want to participate in two projects? Our country's investment in aerospace is Isn’t it too much? Do you have the money to engage in redundant construction?”

No one spoke.

Of course, navigation satellites are not only for civilian use. If they are only for civilian use, then there is no need to use them. You can simply use foreign ones. Domestic Beidou is mainly for military use and to win future high-tech wars!

Qin Tao breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this matter can be settled.

"Mr. Lin, let's talk to the Europeans again." A leader in the seat said.

"We must have the dominance, we cannot be controlled by others, this is our bottom line." Lin Lao said.

"Actually, the Galileo satellite is very advanced. We participated and learned a lot." The leader above continued to speak.

"No matter how good foreign things are, they are also foreign. If we want to learn, will they be willing to teach you?" Mr. Lin said, the meaning in the words was exactly the same as what Qin said: "Only our own wishful thinking is not enough. Although our It’s worse, but it’s in our own hands!”

"Everyone, good news!" At this moment, someone broke the embarrassing atmosphere: "Just received the news that our Beidou-[-] satellite has accurately entered the geosynchronous orbit. After our second satellite enters orbit, we will The test and navigation service can be officially launched!"

"Okay, that's great news!" Elder Lin said, "We have to drink a few glasses of wine to celebrate!"

Meetings are often held in the space academy, and after the meeting, they will also have meals in the restaurant behind the space academy.

But the meal after this meeting had an unusual atmosphere.

Some leaders didn't stay for the meal, and left in the car, and the rest were also preoccupied.

"Old Lin, we can't afford Moutai, it's just an ordinary Erguotou." Qi Lao said to Lin Lao while opening the wine bottle.

"Drinking is not about what kind of wine you drink, but who you drink it with." Elder Lin said, "With Taozi here today, this wine will be enjoyable!"

Qin Tao quickly raised his wine glass: "Mr. Lin, I have to thank you. It's not your rescue today. I'm afraid I will offend the leader badly."

"Most of them are from the Remote Sensing Center, and they are not on the same side as us." Qi Lao said, "It's just that we are too embarrassed to speak up, and President Qin has to come forward to make us ashamed."

"That's right, Mr. Qin, on behalf of the R&D staff of Beidou Navigation, I would like to offer you a toast!" Elder Sun was very excited.

"No, I don't have much credit for it." Qin Tao said: "This time, Mr. Lin came here and played the most important role."

Mr. Lin smiled: "Well, the taste of Erguotou is not bad."

"Old Lin is very important, and your words are also very important." Sun Lao said: "Since the beginning of Beidou, you have been helping us, Mr. Qin, and I must respect you here. I will do it first! "

Qin Tao was helpless: "Since you are so grateful to me, a glass of wine is not enough."

"Then let's go home today if we don't get drunk!"

"Not this, I mean, you have to work harder on the ship-borne anti-ship ballistic missile I proposed." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he glanced at Mr. Lin: "This can not only be used by the navy, but also by the air force." works."

"What? Air-launched ballistic missile?" Mr. Lin suddenly became interested.

At present, ballistic missiles are all used by the Second Artillery and the Navy’s nuclear submarines. The Air Force has no related weapon systems. If you look at foreign countries, they are all trinity nuclear strike forces, but the domestic air force does not have that capability.

Now, the air force already has several Tu-22M and Tu-160 bombers with advanced performance, but they can only mount conventional weapons. Now that they hear that there are ballistic missiles, they are of course full of expectations.

"This air-launched ballistic missile is not easy." Qi Lao said: "This kind of ballistic missile is subject to too many restrictions. In the early years of American experiments, all of them failed."

The land-based ones are easy to be destroyed, and the sea-based ones may also be discovered by the enemy's nuclear submarines. The deployment of nuclear forces in the air has been favored by many people. The Americans first started the experiment. In 74, they first launched the C-5 Minuteman missiles without warheads were launched from the "Galaxy" transport plane.

This kind of missile is an advanced solid-fuel land-based ballistic, with a range of more than 1 kilometers and a weight of 33 tons. Such a huge missile can only be transported by a super transport aircraft like C-5, and there is no way The plug-in can only be like airdropping materials, pouring the ballistic missile out of the cabin of the transport aircraft. With the help of the parachute, the warhead is upward and the tail is downward. The entire missile falls vertically, and then ignites and launches.

The launch process was complicated, and it was not convenient to inject various launch data, so it was quickly given up. Lao Maozi also had a similar plan, but for the same reason, they all gave up in the end.

Hearing what Qin Tao said at this time, of course the aerospace experts present also thought of this.

"Even if we want to develop air-launched missiles, we don't have a suitable carrier aircraft as a launch platform. It is estimated that only the An-225 transport aircraft of the Mingzhou Group can carry it." Someone said.

"Yeah, it also lacks various navigation and positioning systems..."

"Everyone, what are you thinking?" Qin Tao said: "I just said that what is mounted is the anti-ship ballistic missile developed for our navy. The weapon has a diameter of less than 0.85 meters and a length of less than nine meters. You can use the H[-] to mount it, just hang it directly on the belly of the aircraft. As for the navigation and positioning system, we will have it soon. Before launching, you can use the Beidou to accurately determine your specific position, and fly over Afterwards, it can also maneuver to change orbits, so the questions you raised are not really problems at all."

Lin Lao became interested: "Then our air force's bombers are equipped with this kind of weapon, and the combat target is still the enemy's warship?"

"Of course it's not just warships. In addition to attacking the enemy's aircraft carrier, that kind of missile can also attack land targets." Qin Tao said: "In this way, countries around our country that are hostile to us will be attacked by our air carriers." Moreover, after our H-[-] is improved, its voyage will become larger and larger, and this weapon may even be able to hit the central Pacific Ocean.”

Elder Lin nodded: "That's right!"

The performance of our H-[-] is getting more and more advanced. Those white swans must also be counted in the H-[-] sequence. They can not only go to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but also to the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean.

"It seems that this kind of missile has a good prospect, and we should develop it." Lin Lao said.

"Will the Air Force get a part of the research and development funds?" This is Qin Tao's real purpose. To build advanced weapons, he must have money. The Navy must have no funds to invest, so he has to ask the Air Force for help.

Elder Lin smiled: "Boss Qin, is this your real purpose?"

"It's all for our national defense."

"Our Air Force's recent research and development funds are also very tight." Lin Lao said: "Especially the bidding for the fourth-generation heavy-duty stealth aircraft is about to start. We are under a lot of pressure to use external funds for development.”

Four generations of heavy stealth aircraft?
Hearing what Mr. Lin said, Qin Tao was very surprised: "Is this a big step?"

At present, the domestic fighters are mainly the self-developed J-[-] and the J-[-] produced by imported technology. These two fighters are the main force of the Air Force. It can be said that the history of the Air Force's third-generation aircraft is less than ten years, and it is actually starting now. Engage in a fourth-generation machine?

"It's not forced by you." Elder Lin said: "Now, our air force has begun to purchase J-35. Since we already have medium-sized stealth aircraft, we must also plan heavy-duty stealth aircraft projects. Moreover, domestic research institutions We have been working on pre-research for several years, and now the time has come.”

Qin Tao nodded. The land-based model purchased by the Air Force is called J-35. This is another glory of exporting fighters to domestic sales. But for domestic military aircraft development and production institutions, this is a bad signal. The military expenditure is so much. If the Air Force wants to purchase the J-35, it will inevitably reduce the purchase quantity of the other two fighters. If they don't produce the fourth-generation fighters, they may have nothing to eat in the future.

Moreover, looking at the world, we have entered the era of the fourth-generation stealth aircraft, and the Air Force also needs heavy stealth fighters.

"Mr. Lin, you said that if our J-35 is stretched and two engines are inserted, can we also bid for it?" Qin Tao suddenly thought of something and said with a smile.

In fact, he didn't have this idea at first. After all, the J-35 is enough. They really don't have the energy to build another one. Moreover, there are not many users of this heavy machine, and there are very few export sales. It can only be used for their own use.

Take a look at Dassault Corporation. It was ambitious to build Mirage 4000 back then, but finally gave up because there were no users.If they want to consider exporting, they can only engage in medium-sized machines.

"Okay, let's welcome. You are the most experienced in engaging in fourth-generation aircraft. If you enlarge your J-35, it will be the F-22. You are welcome to bid." Mr. Lin raised his wine glass as he said, "Come on, come on! Good luck with your bid, cheers!"

Are you starting to wish for success?Qin Tao was a little funny.

The capital, a conference room.

"Excuse me, have your discussions come to fruition?" The European with a high nose bridge and blue eyes asked: "Has your aerospace department reached an agreement? As long as you join our Galileo satellite program, you will be able to become the world's most advanced The owner of the navigation satellite!"

"Excuse me, are we the real owners?"

"of course."

"For example, do we have the right to operate Galileo satellites under certain special circumstances?"

"How do you control it?"

"Can we have ground control stations? Can we decide to disconnect an area? Can we build a few of the same satellites in our own country and launch them with our rockets?"

"Of course it's impossible. What are you thinking?" After the European finished speaking, he felt a little inappropriate and quickly changed his words: "No, I mean..."

(End of this chapter)

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