Great warships

Chapter 704 Explosive Design Plan

Chapter 704 Explosive Design Plan
14 Fuxing Road.

This place is also in Gongzhufen, just across the road from the compound where Qin Tao's father-in-law lives, so Qin Tao can come here on foot.

In fact, this meeting has nothing to do with Qin Tao, he is a shipbuilder, but Mr. Lin strongly invited him, and he also wanted to see the excitement, so he came over.

Today's meeting is the bidding meeting for the fourth generation of heavy-duty machines!The 601 and 611 participating in the meeting will compete fiercely like the third-generation machine bidding in the past, and finally select the most suitable plan to enter the next stage of research and development.

This meeting is very important to the two research institutes. For the 601 Institute, they have lost the opportunity to develop the third-generation aircraft. They can only produce the Su-27 series aircraft. If they are in the bidding for the fourth-generation aircraft If they lose, they will be completely reduced to a foundry. For the 611 Institute, they have gained a lot from the third-generation aircraft, and now they must make great strides to secure their position.

The competition between the two sides must be quite fierce, and of course Qin Tao wanted to come and watch the excitement.

When he walked into the compound, he happened to see a group of people get off the car, and when those people saw him, they all waved their arms excitedly.

"President Qin, it's great that you are here to attend the meeting!" Elder Gu first said to Qin Tao.

"Mr. Gu, I remember that you have already retired, right? You're growing old and strong." Qin Tao said.

Old Gu shook his head: "That's right, I'm retired, and I'm here to join in the fun this time. For this bidding, the leader of the team is Lao Li."

Mr. Li, the designer of Institute 601, stretched out his hand with a smile: "Mr. Qin, we look forward to your valuable vote for our project."

Speaking of the 601 Institute, the first thing that comes to mind is Mr. Gu. After all, after the reform to the chief teacher system, Mr. Gu is the chief designer of J-601, and the self-developed project that [-] can produce is J-[-]. .

However, there are still many capable people in the 601 Institute, and Mr. Li is one of them.

He was born in 1938 and graduated from the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Mathematics of Tsinghua University in 1963, majoring in fluid mechanics. You can tell by looking at the major. After entering the 601 Institute, he is engaged in aircraft aerodynamics. He has also devoted his life to the aerodynamic layout of aircraft. superior.

In the early 90s, Mr. Li led a team to start the research on the aerodynamic layout of the fourth-generation aircraft. It can be said that they did not start later than the 611 Institute. During the period, they considered Qin Tao's proposal, but it is not known whether they will finally adopt it.

After all, the Sukhoi Design Bureau also approached Qin Tao and asked them to join the Mingzhou Group in the research and development of Sukhoi's fourth-generation aircraft. It seems that the Sukhoi Design Bureau is also skeptical about the capabilities of the 601 Institute.

Now, hearing what Mr. Li said, Qin Tao quickly shook his head: "I'm here to join in the fun, but I don't have any voting rights."

"That's why I'm here to bid. I heard that you are also going to modify a large version of the dual-issue fighter to participate in the bidding." Gu Lao said with a smile.

"That was just casually said after drinking too much wine, we don't have the energy." Qin Tao said: "If this meeting is held two or three years later, it will not be too late to participate in the bidding when we have matured the vertical take-off and landing fighter. .”

"It's a good thing we started early, otherwise we would have been escorts." Gu Lao said with a smile.

A group of people were chatting, walked into the building, and entered the conference room.

Elder Song and the others came earlier and were already seated in the meeting room. There was a box next to Elder Song. Needless to say, it contained aircraft design materials. Judging by the thickness of the box, there should be a model.

Qin Tao was already full of expectations, but he missed the third-generation machine selection meeting. He was still a high school student at the time. How Song Lao turned the situation around in just a few minutes, from a supporting role to a leading role, was widely known in later generations. According to rumors, now, Qin Tao will personally participate in the selection meeting of the fourth-generation aircraft, and the scene will definitely be very exciting.

Actually, at Mr. Lin's age, it's time to retire now. However, Mr. Lin can't stay idle. He has worked in the Air Force all his life and doesn't want to retire, so now he also participated in the meeting, just as a rehired person, sitting in the seat below , So, when he saw Qin Tao, he waved immediately.

"President Qin, come here and sit by my side!"

Qin Tao walked over quickly and sat next to Mr. Lin: "Mr. Lin, why didn't you sit on it?"

"It's boring above, it's better here, we can still chat, it's too restrictive." Mr. Lin said: "Have you heard? It is said that the 601 institute brought an explosive design this time. They are full of confidence and must take it." The next four generations of heavy machines will come."

"Explosive design? Isn't it the plane I suggested to them?" Qin Tao was curious.

At the beginning, he suggested that 601 develop a fourth-generation stealth machine based on the Su-27. The workload of doing so is the smallest, and it can be done with Lao Maozi, but then think of the attitude of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. 601 started a new stove?
"It shouldn't be, or it's just one of them."

one of a kind?This time, the 601 Institute has put in a lot of effort. For the sake of the fourth-generation heavy-duty machine, it actually launched several projects at the same time?

"President Qin, guess what surprise they will bring us?"

Qin Tao thought about it for a while: "Could it be an elongated fighter with three wings?"

At this time, all Qin Tao can think of is the bidding model of the 601 Institute in his original world. It is code-named Snow Owl. The biggest highlight is its super-long structure, so that it can hold a super-long bomb in its belly. How big is the cabin?The medium-range ammunition can be mounted in series front and back, at least ten rounds can be mounted. In terms of ground attack, the Eagle-21 that I planned can be inserted into it.

I don't know if the 601 Institute will adopt this scheme as the main bidding model. If so, there is no hope. This thing does not meet the needs of future air combat at all. It is following the old path of F-111.

"Their secrecy is very strong. I don't know yet. However, I believe in your judgment. It may really be a three-winged plane. After all, 601 is good at this aspect."

Over the years, the 601 Institute has not done nothing. On the basis of the J-[-], they have explored the statically unstable aircraft with fly-by-wire flight control, adding canards in the front, and on the J-[-], more It is the official use of movable duck wings. Although the technology is old Maozi's, they are also imitating after all, and they still have some understanding.

During the whispered exchange between the two, the bidding began. The leader on the rostrum exchanged a few words, and then began to roll the roll.

"Let's start with Institute 601 first, and see what projects they come up with that catch our eyes."

Mr. Li stood up and walked to the introduction position on the side of the rostrum. At the same time, a special CG picture of a fighter was displayed on the big screen. Its angular shape showed that the need for stealth was taken into account. Its fuselage is a bit long, and it looks very special. Looking at its wings, many people's eyes widened.

"Sure enough, it's the three-winged face, Mr. Qin, you really are Zhuge Liang." Elder Lin said with emotion.

Qin Tao just speculated that it was a three-winged plane, but now it really is a three-winged plane!

"Everyone, our design office has a total of two design schemes. Now, we are mainly promoting this three-plane layout fighter scheme. Its engineering code is 98. We followed the trend and nicknamed it a snowy owl." Li old said.

Sure enough, it's a snowy owl!Qin Tao also became curious.

"The first thing you see should be its three-wing layout. Yes, this is the master of our aerodynamic layout in recent years. We believe that the three-wing layout will become the mainstream in the future. Compared with the canard layout, it The area of ​​the front canard is greatly reduced, which reduces the radar reflection area. Compared with the conventional layout, it can provide a certain nose-up moment. In this design, even if our aircraft does not have a vector engine, it can also guarantee that it can face the enemy at more than [-] degrees. The aircraft is still controllable even when the angle is low, and the cobra’s movements in the air are even more trivial for our aircraft.”

When he heard this, Qin Tao was already shaking his head, thinking wrong!
The Su-601 series aircraft currently built by 27 have good maneuverability. They are also the most in-depth cooperation with Lao Maozi, so they will not be affected by Lao Maozi. In their eyes, maneuverability is probably more important than stealth Well, it should still be super maneuverable, and it can do all kinds of cool moves at the air show.

"However, everyone doesn't know that the biggest feature of our fighter is not its three-plane layout, but its built-in bomb bay. Next page!"

As the screen turned to the next page, everyone was surprised to see the open bomb bay of this fighter.

"So long?" Someone exclaimed immediately.

"Yeah, this is too long! What kind of missile can this hang?"

"At present, we have designed many internal mounting solutions. For example, when performing air control missions, we can arrange two rotating pylons with five missiles in series, and can easily mount ten PL-11, R77 Such medium-range air-to-air missiles, and we also have side bomb bays to mount short-range combat missiles. The demand for a heavy fighter, if it can only carry four or two, then it is still a heavy fighter.”

Mr. Li meant something, and Mr. Song below smiled.

"If ground attack missions are still to be carried out, then the bomb bay at the back can be loaded with ground attack bombs, or the front and rear bomb bays can be connected in series to form a large bomb bay. All the weapons currently in service of the Air Force, including various cruise missiles, It can be stuffed in, after all, its built-in bomb bay is more than eight meters long, and it can be further extended to more than nine meters."

Mr. Lin's eyes brightened: "This plan is good. In this way, our air-launched ballistic missiles can be hung in!"

Qin Tao shook his head: "Mr. Lin, this is going to follow the old path of F-111. Is this meeting going to develop a heavy fighter or a fighter bomber?"

Mr. Lin immediately realized, that's right, wouldn't this plane become a fighter-bomber if it does this?Will heavy fighters be overweight if they do this?

Heavy fighters are also afraid of being overweight! The F-111 is a living example.

At that time, the U.S. Air Force needed fighter-bombers, and the Navy needed carrier-based interceptors. Under the requirements of many leaders, the Navy and the Air Force, which had always been at odds, were forced to come together to jointly develop the F-111. Type B.

The air force's aircraft was very successful. After it was developed, hundreds of them were produced and used for decades. However, the navy's F-111B has never had a sense of existence. It only produced a few prototypes and was rejected because it was too heavy. The Navy gave up.

You can compare the model of the Air Force, which has a dead weight of 21 tons and a maximum take-off weight of 45 tons. The model of the Navy needs to strengthen the landing gear and other structures, and the empty weight must be larger. At that time, the strongest catapult of the Navy could only eject catapults below 30 tons. Airplanes, if the Navy uses this kind of aircraft, it will not even be able to fill the fuel tanks, let alone mount weapons.The maximum take-off weight of the naval version of this thing is 39 tons, which is far beyond the capacity of the aircraft carrier.

However, the radar developed for the F-111 was used in the later Tomcat fighter jets.

The F-111 was eliminated by the Navy because of its bulkiness. Now, this fighter jet has two rows of bomb bays built in, so the size of the whole machine will definitely not be small. From a visual point of view, the length of the body will exceed 23 meters, which is longer than that in the air. The handsome man is still long!It is even longer than the current Su-27 series of heavy fighter jets of the Air Force. Doesn't this length affect maneuverability?Will it break into two pieces after flying an overloaded body?

He frowned.

None of the third-generation aircraft successfully developed in the world has a built-in front and rear tandem double bomb bay, because the bomb bay is too long, which will cause the airframe to elongate and cause a series of problems.

In China, it's not just a matter of mobility, the key is the engine.

The longer the plane, the greater its weight. Are there any qualified engines in China to propel it?
"In order to promote this fighter, we plan to use the turbofan-15 engine. According to the plan of the 624th Institute, the modification of this engine can output 18.5 tons of thrust, and the two have a thrust of 37 tons. This means that, Our fighter is limited to a gross weight of 37 tons, and can also have a thrust-to-weight ratio of more than 1. As for its maximum take-off weight, it can float another five tons."

The aircraft designers of the 601 Institute are of course well aware of the coordination of all aspects of the aircraft's performance. When they designed, they took the mobility issue into consideration. Therefore, they assumed that the engine was in the turbofan-15 modification under development. .

The existing WS-15 is mature, but its thrust is only 15 tons, and two 37-ton engines cannot support a [-]-ton aircraft. Therefore, they assumed this engine.

Qin Tao shook his head again.

Turbofan-15 is mature, but after all, this is a full set of R-79 engine, everything is old-fashioned, although our side has already started to improve this engine, but it will inevitably take a long time , 20 years of sharpening a sword is not a boast.

This means that if the project of the 601 Institute is successful, the original version of the engine must be used during the test flight.

The people present also slowly recollected it. From the initial high spirits, they became somewhat skeptical. They learned the lessons of many failures and also knew the difficulties in the development of advanced turbofan engines.

"Let's introduce its appearance design." Mr. Li continued to introduce this fighter. He has confidence in this fighter and will definitely win the bid!

More time is wasted on this fighter, and less time will be introduced on another stealth fighter.

"Next, let me give you a brief introduction to our second stealth aircraft. Its internal project code name is 99, nicknamed Golden Eagle." Li Lao said: "This fighter is equivalent to stealth based on the Su-27. The modification of the model is like a brother unit in our country who has always wanted to transform the fighter-bomber into a stealth aircraft. Since the bomb bay is only modified in shape, its flight control data can be adjusted to meet the needs of the aircraft after the air blowing hole. If the Air Force chooses this aircraft, we are sure to make it available within five years. Formed for service."

Everyone looked at the skinny Su-27 with complicated emotions.

But now is not the time to comment. You need to wait until 611 has finished introducing your project, and after lunch, we will discuss it in the afternoon.

In the eyes of everyone, Mr. Song walked up, holding a shiny model in his hand, which was 3D printed out of titanium alloy at first glance. It is extravagant enough to bid with such a model.

"Everyone, the model in my hand is the product we bid for. As you can see, it uses a diamond-shaped nose, a parallelogram air intake, and the layout of the nose is the same as that of the Mingzhou Group. We have gone through a lot of Experiments have proved that this layout has the smallest radar reflection area, and the American F-22 also has this layout, so we will use it as doctrine."

Don't be unconventional, be down-to-earth!

"There are many advantages to this. For example, the intake duct extends backwards and can be made into an S shape, which perfectly hides the turbine blades of the engine." Song Lao said: "At the same time, in the space in the center of the intake ducts on both sides , which happens to be the position of our belly bomb bay. Our bomb bay is conventional, and only four medium-range air-to-air missiles can be mounted inside. If we optimize it in the future, we can also hang two more. At the same time, the side bomb bay can Mount two close combat bombs."

The experts from the 601 Institute are full of confidence. Six medium-range bombs and two combat bombs are enough for what?One high-intensity battle will consume it all, so will we rely on machine guns next?
"The rear is our commonly used canard layout. When our engine is not powerful enough, we still choose this aerodynamic layout to achieve its maneuverability index." Song Lao said: "On the engine, we choose two The existing turbofan-15 is used as power, with a maximum thrust of 30 tons. Therefore, the empty weight of our fighter is limited to less than 20 tons, and the empty weight of about 17 tons should be achieved as much as possible. In this way, in the air combat state, there is enough fuel and ammunition load."

(The empty weight of the J-20 has always been a mystery. The empty weight of the F-22 is 19.7 tons. How much is the empty weight of the J-22, which is a circle larger than the F-20? The best saying is 15 tons. This statement comes from A well-known military magazine in China said how much the fuselage can be saved by using 3D printing technology, and how much it can save on large-area composite materials, but I still have reservations, thinking that after using various advanced technologies, reducing it to 17 tons is already unfavorable. God.)
Even if the empty weight is 20 tons, you can hang 2 tons of air-to-air missiles and load 8 tons of fuel, so as to achieve the goal of a thrust-to-weight ratio of 1. If the distance is very far, you can fly over with full fuel. After the fuel is consumed, the air combat thrust The ratio easily exceeds 1.

This fighter jet is already a master in the design of the 611 aircraft!Qin Tao was very interested in looking at the model that Song Lao was holding in his hand, but when Song Lao just stood up, he walked forward with the model in hand, and when he reached the rostrum, the presentation file was opened.

After all, this model is not big, and the big guys can’t see it very clearly. The projection screen is more clear. More than ten years ago, when the third-generation machines were bidding, they used optical projectors. Now they are electronic, and they are directly connected to the computer. to display the photo.

"This duck-style layout is exquisite." A leader said.

The J-[-] fighter has a conventional canard layout, just like inserting delta wings and canards on the body, but now the layout of this aircraft has been integrated.

"There are still lines in front of the main wing. Is that the side wing?" Someone has already asked.

"Everyone, the time for questioning is in the afternoon. Now let's introduce Mr. Song first."

The person who asked the question could only suppress the doubts in his heart, but fortunately Mr. Song said: "Since the big guys are interested in this, I will explain it first. American aircraft designers once said that the best canards are in the On the enemy's plane, this means that the canard's stealth is not good. In order to reduce the radar reflection area of ​​the canard, we deliberately made the canard on the same plane as the rear main wing."

The function of the canard is to generate vortex. Therefore, the position of the canard is generally higher than that of the main wing, so that it is convenient for the main wing to use the vortex drawn by the canard. Now on the same plane, it is easy for the canard to control the pitch of the aircraft, but the efficiency of pulling the vortex It is low, so Mr. Song specially designed the side wings.

On the third-generation aircraft, side strip wings are already very common, and a long strip is extended forward at the front end of the wing, which can also pull out vortices, but the canard layout has never seen this kind of design.

"After such a lot, we use the combined vortex lift system. The vortex lift mainly comes from the side strip vortex and the leading edge vortex of the main wing. The canard wing vortex induces the fusion and superposition enhancement of the former two, which is stronger than the simple side strip. It is also stronger than a simple canard wing, effectively ensuring the high angle of attack flight capability of the aircraft. Now, let me introduce our full-motion vertical tail to you.”

The normal vertical tail is vertical, and there is a rudder surface at the back to control the deflection of the aircraft. In order to pursue stealth, the vertical tail is made into a V-shape inclined outward, so the control is complicated, because the rudder surface is deflected. Sometimes, it will also play a part of the horizontal stabilizer.

And now, the vertical tail still moves at full speed?

The complexity and difficulty of this thing is probably beyond the reach of general aircraft design, right?
Qin Tao is full of excitement. The J-20 is so awesome. It adopts an unprecedentedly complex design of lifting body + DSI inlet + full-motion canard + large side strips + tailless delta wing + full-motion vertical tail , only the 611 can tame such a beast, and it has achieved the performance required by the fourth generation of heavy-duty machines when the engine is not powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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