Great warships

Chapter 723 Informatization supported by Pentium 200?

Chapter 723 Informatization supported by Pentium 200? (plus 3)

"The Rim of the Pacific 98 exercise is a large-scale military exercise. Although they don't invite us to observe it, we have to watch it from a distance and analyze their strategies and tactics." Back in the capital Gongzhufen, Qin Tao went straight to Huang Lou, saw his father-in-law, Wu Shengli immediately explained to Qin Tao the meaning of calling him back.

"If our navy wants to follow the path of aircraft carrier formations and ocean-going fleets, we have to learn more from developed countries." Wu Shengli continued: "The Americans sent a powerful fleet for this rim-of-the-pacific exercise. The Mori aircraft carrier was dispatched, and there were six Los Angeles-class attack submarines, and the Maple Leaf country also participated in this exercise, a total of six countries participated in this exercise, and they also used reservists to participate.”

Qin Tao nodded: "Dad, what we want to observe is not only their tactics, but also their mutual cooperation. The main reason why they can conduct joint exercises with multiple countries is because their data links are compatible. In this regard, we are already behind.”

Qin Tao mentioned an important issue: the data link.

The data link originally originated from the homeland air defense system. In order to form a radar network from various scattered radar stations, a large amount of data needs to be transmitted, which requires a special data link. For old men, they need automation The air defense firepower network, when needed, operates completely automatically, automatically finds targets, and automatically guides fighter jets to intercept. The fighter pilots only need to control the plane when taking off and landing, and the rest of the time can be handed over to this automated system.

Western data links developed rapidly. In the 50s, in order to solve the problem of ship-aircraft coordination, the U.S. Navy decided that in addition to using simple radio guidance, it was necessary to establish a data link relationship between various types of carrier-based combat aircraft and surface ships. In this way, more data can be transmitted, so the Link 4 data link appeared in this way.The early LINK4 had limited functions and simple technology. It only transmitted information in one direction, and combat aircraft could only receive information.

Afterwards, they continued to develop. Just Link4, there were Link4A, Link 4C, etc., and then Link11. After entering the 90s, the West began to have a standard Link16 data link, which is a two-way, high-speed, confidential, anti-interference The data link is used by the U.S. military and NATO countries to transmit eight types of information, including surveillance and weapon control.Now, they rely on this standard data link to transmit a large amount of information, which can meet the information transmission requirements of different platforms. It has large transmission capacity, high frequency hopping times and is not easy to be disturbed. Many networks can be formed in the same area. , the advanced nature is unquestionable.

What about domestic?The country naturally knows that the data link is very important, and it is also tirelessly researching. The earliest device should be to install the British search radar on the Yun-[-] warning aircraft. At that time, in order to transmit the radar data, it developed the first domestic However, the performance of this data link is still very poor, and it cannot be compared with the American data link system at all.

In the 90s, I purchased Lao Maozi’s Su-27, and also obtained Lao Maozi’s data link system. This kind of data link is still not good, it’s just a data link for an automated interception system. The domestic data link is just like this. On this basis, it is developing with difficulty.

"You're right. Now, we already have early warning aircraft, aircraft carriers and other warships, and the communication between carrier-based aircraft is becoming more and more important." Wu Shengli said: "At present, our goal is to develop the same data as Link16. chain."

Qin Tao nodded: "To keep developing data link technology, communication capacity and anti-interference are very important. After all, the information to be transmitted in the future will not only include radar data and commands, but also images and even videos. Moreover, the networking must also Simple."

Although the Link16 data link of the Americans is very high, it is not easy to build a network. This kind of network needs a central node. It takes several days to debug each network. Let’s look at the domestic data link of later generations. No central node, automatic networking, just as simple as wifi, all foolish operations are enough.

Qin Tao doesn't understand these things. After all, he is a shipbuilder, not an electronics engineer. However, he has seen all kinds of advanced equipment, so he can put forward some high-level opinions.

At this time, Wu Shengli nodded upon hearing Qin Tao's words: "Well, you are right. We must aim at the future direction, and the performance must be advanced. Of course, this may require professional chips. At that time, you SMIC Just come to OEM. By the way, do you have any suggestions?"

The domestic chip industry has developed, which has brought great benefits to the informatization of military equipment.

Data link proposal?Qin Tao thought for a while: "We will develop laser communication in the future."

No matter how advanced the frequency hopping technology is, it is also radio communication, and it will be interfered. If there is any interference at all costs, it will be useless. Therefore, the data link technology continues to develop, and it has been developed in China. In laser communication, messages are transmitted directly through lasers, and any electronic interference will be invalid.

Of course, this technology is also very difficult, not to mention the attenuation problem in laser transmission. It is just the transmission between two flying fighters, so that the laser heads of each other's data links are aligned and receive messages. Not your average size.

However, Qin Tao only wanted to give advice, and how to do it was not his concern. Anyway, the world he came to has already realized this kind of technology, which shows that technical difficulties can be overcome.

Wu Shengli nodded. What Qin Tao proposed sounds absurd, but electromagnetic ejection and electromagnetic blocking have all been realized. Of course, other things are also possible, and it is enough to work hard in this area in the future.

Qin Tao smiled suddenly: "What I said may be a bit ahead of schedule. At present, as long as our relevant agencies can develop a practical data link, it will be convenient for our carrier-based early warning aircraft and motherships, aircrafts, and warships. communication is sufficient."

There is no need to raise too high requirements, otherwise the research and development will not be possible, and when the early warning aircraft boards the ship in the future, will it be necessary to rely on voice command?

They are also large-scale early warning aircraft. Lao Maozi's A-50 can only command a dozen fighter jets to intercept at a time, while the American E-3 can command hundreds of them. This is the credit of the data link.

Wu Shengli nodded: "We are currently developing this data link, and it will definitely not delay our equipment."

In the past few years, domestic electronic technology has developed rapidly. If it is not supported by this foundation, this data link is really difficult to develop.

While communicating, the two looked at the information of the exercise fleet. After the warship passed by, it was the plane.

"In this exercise, they focus on anti-submarine. In addition to anti-submarine helicopters, there are also fixed-wing S-3 anti-submarine aircraft, and land-based P-3 anti-submarine patrol aircraft will also be dispatched." Wu Shengli said.

Obviously, this was the last exercise with the Pyramid Kingdom. They were stimulated by 039B. After returning, they must have studied for a period of time, and then they felt that they had the chance to win, so they organized this exercise.

Of course, the Rim of the Pacific exercise has been held every year since the 70s.I can't say what they are targeting, even the routine exercise is reasonable. In addition to the United States and the Maple Leaf country, there are also island countries, South Kimchi countries, etc., and even Chile, who also came to make soy sauce and sent a frigate join.

There are six countries participating in the exercise. Their armies are different and their systems are different. Through the exercise, they can communicate with each other, learn from each other, and learn from each other's strengths, which is of great benefit to improving their combat effectiveness.

As for your own side, you can only be a spectator.

Looking at the photos of the P-3 anti-submarine patrol aircraft that appeared in the data, Wu Shengli expressed emotion again: "This large anti-submarine patrol aircraft is the main combat aircraft of the U.S. Navy. It has a huge body and can carry a large number of sonar buoys and torpedoes. It is the most suitable anti-submarine aircraft for anti-submarine search, positioning attack, etc., and its cruising time is as high as more than 20 hours. At present, we do not have such an aircraft.”

"Not currently, but there will be in the future." Qin Tao said: "At present, we are transforming Yun-[-], because the transformation is very large, and even named it as Yun-[-]. This aircraft is currently planned to be used as a platform for early warning aircraft. , It can also be used as a platform for other aircraft, whether it is electronic warfare or anti-submarine warfare, it is fully capable."

The U.S. Navy has the P-3, and we have the Yun-[-], a high-tech machine that can be used as a modification for various platforms.

Qin Tao had already planned it out.

Wu Shengli's eyes brightened: "Yes, our navy should indeed do this kind of modification. We not only have anti-submarine helicopters, but also fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft!"

It was originally planned to develop a fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft on this airframe platform after the KJ-600 matures and the engine supply is stable. It's different. It is the best choice to modify the anti-submarine aircraft on the basis of Yunjiu. Over the past few years, the rapid progress of domestic electronic technology has also created good conditions for the modification.

Wu Shengli has already nodded. He is looking forward to the emergence of this brand new fixed-wing anti-submarine aircraft. After all, the anti-submarine capability of our own navy is still quite weak and must be strengthened.

"Report, I just received a speech from the commander of the exercise unit." At this moment, the adjutant came over and said.

"Well, let it out, let's see."

A figure of a foreigner appeared on the big screen. His military uniform was straight and serious.

"Archie Clemins." Wu Shengli said: "Last year, he visited us. At that time, he said that anti-submarine is their first task. It can be seen that he is also self-aware. The Mediterranean side The exercise amply illustrates this point.”

Qin Tao smiled: "Anti-submarine? They don't take our surface ships seriously, do they? Air defense is not important? Anti-missile is not important? They are not afraid of our supersonic anti-ship missiles and anti-ship ballistic missiles?"

The submarines in the East have been very weak for a long time. Those old 033 submarines can't hide at all, and the 091 nuclear submarine is also an underwater tractor. In that era, Americans certainly would not attach importance to anti-submarine.

All this changed when the East began to purchase Kilo-class submarines. For the first time, the East had a modern underwater force.After that, the 039B was born, and the advanced performance shocked them all, so they began to pay attention to anti-submarine.

The submarines for foreign trade are so good, and the ones for personal use are even more advanced!Conventional diesel-electric submarines have been equipped with an AIP system and have become underwater killers, not to mention advanced nuclear-powered submarines. When the 095 submarine came out, those guys were even more shocked.

However, the 095 submarine is only a drizzle, and the surface fleet of the East is also rapidly expanding, and there are a series of killers, and the Yankees can ignore any of them.

"At present, information technology is developing rapidly. As we enter the 21st century, we need to integrate our troops and our allies into the network, not only for voice, but also for video and data transmission. Wait, anyone can connect to the official network through any computer, so that our soldiers can exchange all kinds of information! We call it IT21, which is the 21st century information technology plan, and we call this plan Goperic Ni. This Rim of the Pacific 98 exercise is part of the test of this plan."

Speaking of this, Archie Clemins gushed: "For this exercise, we have specially upgraded the USS Colorado, which is the most advanced and most informatized warship in the world. 200 Several Pentium 200 computers form a local area network through optical fiber, and can also access the Internet through satellite communication."

Qin Tao almost burst out laughing when he heard this.

"The USS Colorado is the special command and control ship of the Third Fleet of the Pacific Fleet. It is also the commander-in-chief and commander-in-chief of the entire exercise. The degree of informatization is indeed top-notch. What's wrong? Taozi, you seem to be dismissive of this warship? "Wu Shengli was a little curious.

Qin Tao smiled: "No, I just thought of our Godson."

With computers and the Internet, it means entering the information age. This is the cognition of many people, but just with a Pentium 200 computer, do you think it is awesome?

The Pentium 200 computer refers to the Pentium MMX, 200 MHz, and the price is not cheap. Such a set of computers will cost seven to eight thousand. If it is a brand-name machine, it will be more than ten thousand.

Look at the current Godson 2, the frequency is more than twice that of them. When it comes to Godson [-], the frequency can reach the GHZ level. If calculated according to the time, when your own aircraft carrier is outfitting, you can completely use Godson [-]. The computer is stuffed in, and Yankee's most advanced information technology command ship is completely outdated.

The main frequency of the computer processor needs to be further developed, and it will be sufficient after reaching 2GHZ. Although it will continue to increase in the pursuit of the main frequency in the future, it has no meaning. It is only used to create a world record, and then it will turn to When it comes to multi-core, compared to the increase in frequency, the multi-functional computing capability brought by multi-core will be more important.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, everyone was thoughtful. The general-purpose processors of the Americans had already fallen behind, and their own Godson had already taken off.

The development of civilian electronic technology will promote military use, and even civilian use will be directly used for military use.

"Our fighters can surf the Internet at any time during the sea voyage and browse all kinds of information they need. Commanders at all levels of our formation can communicate through the network. In order to be more secure, we have also separated into two types of networks, which are unclassified networks. and supernetworks."

When he heard this, Qin Tao became interested again: "The electronic warfare troops we have cultivated don't know what the technology is now. Can they break through their so-called network security and enter their command system?"

Someone present frowned: "Boss Qin, your proposal is good, but during their drill, will we be considered provocative if we do this?"

"Provocation? In the era of the Red Empire, didn't the Americans watch every time the old man drilled? That would be a misfire at any time. Now, they are conducting exercises, and we are just secretly conducting a network intrusion. What is this? They They don’t even know that we did it, as long as there are a few more springboards, they can launch attacks from Europe, Australia, or even North America, how can they track down who did it behind the scenes?”

On the Internet, hackers are a special kind of existence. Their biggest feature is concealment. No one knows where they are. Maybe they are far away in the sky, or maybe they are right in front of them. Weak little boy.

In the 90s, hackers were quite good, and there were a large number of hackers in China. There was also such a thing as the Honker League, and the portals that had come to each other were hacked.

In later generations, hackers gradually disappeared, and Internet trolls developed. They still use the Internet to make contact with others, so they can spread their words without restraint. In reality, they may fail. They dare not say anything when they are beaten up. On the contrary, you can be unscrupulous, looking for a different kind of perverted satisfaction.

Qin Tao continued: "If our army doesn't dare to do it, then let's go to civil organizations. They will definitely be interested. Even if they break through the American system, they can stand up and publicly announce that they did it themselves. Our army should also do something that the army can do, for example, dispatch our Air Police 2000 to observe their exercises from a distance, since we are flying in our own airspace anyway.”

If it was in the past, there was absolutely no such capability. The only maritime warning aircraft modified by Yunba had a search distance of only one or two hundred kilometers. The current Air Police 2000 early warning aircraft can also search for targets the size of fighter jets. The distance of [-] kilometers, the search for warships on the sea, can be extended to [-] to [-] kilometers.

No matter how overbearing the opponent is, it is impossible to fly six or seven hundred kilometers to drive away their own early warning aircraft.

The ocean belongs to everyone, not yours, so why not let us fly?The sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly.

"Well said." At this moment, a voice came from outside.

This is an important meeting of the Navy, and there are not many people who can come here without saying hello. Qin Tao looked over curiously and saw a familiar figure.

"Old Lin, you really can't sit still."

"Yeah, how can I be free." Elder Lin said: "I heard that you are back, so I want to chat with you, but I came here for a meeting when I didn't expect you to come back. I think your proposal is very good. I will Respond to the Air Force, our Air Police 2000 has been equipped with troops, and it is time to go out to exercise, but this flight needs to borrow the aviation base on Shuangsha Island, I think, the Navy should have no objections, right?"

"Of course we can't have any opinions, and we have to send fighter planes to protect them." Qin Tao said.

Since it is a rim-of-the-pacific exercise, it cannot be in just one place. It must be circled along the Pacific Ocean. The most recent exercise is in the southeast of the southern sea area of ​​the motherland, which is the direction of Australia. As long as our side is in the Flying over the southern waters is enough.

At a time like this, Air Police 2000 went over there to test the performance of the tropical sea area. It is also justifiable. We are testing the early warning aircraft. What's the matter with your exercise?

The Air Force also has escort fighter planes, but they are not as good as those of the Navy. After all, the Navy’s fighter planes have special moisture-proof and salt-proof treatment, which is more suitable for the high humidity on the island.

Qin Tao and Lin Lao sang together, and the naval leaders here had no possibility of refusing.

"By the way, Taozi, do you want to get on that early warning aircraft? Then try it in the sky?"

Just as Qin Tao was about to agree, he saw his father-in-law cast a serious look, dare to go?Of course not!Isn't it slapping my father-in-law in the face?

"Let's forget it, the radiation in the early warning aircraft is a bit high, scarf, I plan to have a second child."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present laughed.

"Okay, our navy will send two J-2000s to escort Air Police [-]." Wu Shengli nodded.

Now it's Qin Tao's turn to be curious: "Is J-[-] in service?"

The Air Force already has a large fleet of Su-27 series aircraft, but the Navy does not.

Therefore, in the past few years, the combination of the 601 Institute and the 112 Factory developed fighter-bombers on the basis of the J-[-] two-seater model. In the development stage, I didn't expect it to be in service now.

"Well, not long after entering service, our navy also has a powerful fighter-bomber. Although it only has a take-off weight of about [-] tons, it can carry eight or nine tons of weapons, which can catch up with the H-[-]." Wu Shengli said: "This The addition of this type of aircraft has made our navy's ability to attack the sea stronger."

The Flying Leopard can only carry five or six tons. The key is poor maneuverability and limited air combat capabilities. The J-[-] is different. With bombs and attack missiles, it is a bomber. With air-to-air missiles, it is a fighter jet. Its mobility is no better than this era. The three generations of machine difference.

Now, not long after the navy acquired the J-2000, it let this kind of aircraft escort the Air Police [-], of course, there is an element of showing off.

"Okay." Elder Lin nodded, "Thank you very much then!"

(End of this chapter)

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