Great warships

Chapter 724 The Tragedy of the Lithium Battery Submarine

Chapter 724 The tragedy of the lithium battery submarine (plus 4)


In the history of the U.S. Navy, many warships were named after this name. For example, the third ship named after it was a battleship with a displacement of more than 3 tons that was completed before World War II. In later generations, there was another nuclear submarine with this name, which lost a large piece of sound-absorbing tiles in an underwater collision, leaving it in disgrace.

Now, that name has been given to a command and control ship.

Only the Americans have such special warships. They have a large number of command tasks and need special warships to complete them. The navies of other countries can directly use aircraft carriers or warships with the largest displacement. There is no need to engage in such specialized warships. command ship.

It may not have been necessary before, but with the advent of the information age, the significance of this command ship is even greater. It can be upgraded first to achieve informatization capabilities.

More than 200 computers are equipped on this warship, making it a completely paperless office. If you need any news, you can just send an email directly.

On the bridge, a blond female soldier is skillfully operating the keyboard. She is about 50 or [-] years old, but she is still in good spirits. This exercise is not only for the US Navy, but also for her, because she has been in service since , has been working on the Navy's computer and command automation. With his efforts, the Navy has entered a new computer era, and some people even call her the mother of the US Navy's computers.

As for how big her collinearity is, just look at the name of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer that entered service in September 96: Hopper, named after her Grace Murray Hopper named after.

Of course, this is also because the guided-missile destroyer Hopper is the first warship built according to the IT21 standard. Connected as one, that is, the famous C4IRS, it can also share maritime joint command information data.

Now, Huo Bo is operating the computer and doing work. Unlike others, there are two screens in front of her, which display the information of encrypted network and ordinary network respectively.

There are constant reminders of new emails in the mailbox, and she is constantly reading them.

"This way of reading emails is too slow and not real-time. It would be nice if I could use ICQ." At this moment, an intelligence officer next to him said: "This software can not only chat, but also send Documents, but also video, email should have been eliminated long ago.”

"Shut up, Bill, you stupid guy." Hearing what the intelligence officer said, Hopper said very annoyed: "ICQ was not developed by us, it came from the Goose Factory and has the background of the Mingzhou Group, how can we use it?" If that kind of software is used, wouldn’t it hand over all our secrets to Dongfang?”

She is familiar with the Internet, and has also analyzed this kind of ICQ software, and the conclusion she got is that she must not trust it, otherwise she will not know if it is sold.How could one's own top-secret information be circulated through this kind of software.

"Aren't we divided into two networks? Isn't it possible to use this tool for our unencrypted network?"

"No, the software is not developed by us. We have no way of knowing whether it has other programs, such as monitoring the operation of our entire computer. We must not base our security on software of unknown origin! If we develop a Similar software..."

Similar software, of course, some big Internet companies want to get involved, but this field is popular first, and there is no chance for later ones. After all, those who have experienced the Internet in advance have used ICQ, so how can they use it? other tools?Moreover, after having a competitor, ICQ also began to upgrade continuously, providing more functions, making competitors far behind, and being beaten down one by one.

This thing is now used all over the world, and it has risen completely. There is no possibility of others rising. However, this is a proper monopoly. If we find a way to conduct an anti-monopoly investigation on the goose factory, put this What if ICQ is screwed up?
At this moment, a new email appeared in front of her. After she clicked to open it, there was nothing in it, it was an empty file.

"Which idiot is this who can't send email?" Hopper glanced at the email address: "Louis? Damn it!"

Hopper stood up and walked to the captain's cabin.

"Mr. Captain, don't you know how to send emails yet?" Hopper looked at Louis in front of him: "You are the captain and the person in charge of the most modern warship in the United States, if you don't even know how to send emails... "

"Me? No, I've been playing minesweeper." Louis replied curiously.


Huo Bo frowned: "Get out of the way, let me check."

The captain didn't send the email, so what happened?Is there a hacker?
Huo Bo has worked on the Internet for half her life, and she is very vigilant about this aspect. However, when she carefully checked the background processes of the computer, she did not find any processes she did not recognize.

Could it be that the captain encountered certain ships unconsciously?
"It's time for you to retire, change to someone younger." Hopper walked out.

There is no problem with her inspection, and there is no problem with Louis' computer. The email sent to her was not sent by Louis. The initial letter of the English language is not the lowercase English letter l, but the number 1.
In this era, hackers often use these two letters together. For example, explorer, the most common browser, changes l to 1 to pretend that it is actually a hacker process in the background.

After Huo Bo clicked on the email, her computer was already infected, but since she was using a more advanced computer with a faster running speed, she didn't realize it.

The exercise continues.

"No. 65 of Patrol Aircraft Squadron 083 found the target!" Hopper applauded for them when he saw this email.

This exercise is mainly anti-submarine, so there are a large number of P-3 anti-submarine aircraft in the team participating in the exercise, but among these aircraft, No. 65 Squadron is the most special, and they are all composed of reserve personnel!
Take this No. 083 as an example, the pilot is a pilot of a civil aviation company, the operator of the airborne equipment on the plane is a postman in Los Angeles, and the sonar system is the support of Phoenix, Arizona. It took a weekend to participate in training for a month, and now, they were the first to discover the underwater target, amazing.

"The target launched a torpedo!" At this moment, another message came.

Wonderful, really wonderful!
The underwater simulated attack mission is the third ship of the Chunchao-class submarine, the "Haochao". It started construction on December 88, 12, launched on January 9, 91, and entered service on March 1, 17.It is only five or six years away, so it can be said to be a very new submarine.

Since the end of World War II, island countries have been very keen on building diesel-electric submarines. This Chunchao-class submarine already belongs to the sixth model, which shows their update speed.

Of course, this kind of submarine is actually a naturally enlarged version of the previous generation "Evening Tide" class submarines. It also adopts a conventional double-hulled teardrop shape similar to the "Mackerel" class, with a shell rudder and a single shaft 7 The propeller with large blade and low noise is tilted, and the horizontal and vertical rudders at the stern of the boat cross in a "cross" shape.If it surfaced, it might be full of modernity.

At this time, the second son of the submarine captain, Komaki, was excited.

"The simulated launch has been successful!"

"If it were in actual combat, we would have already killed the Burke-class destroyer. Unfortunately, it is not on the battlefield now."

Hearing what they said, the second son of Xiaojuan's face became a little serious. Yes, it would be great if it was a war. He thought of his grandfather, the pilot who drove the suicide plane towards the US aircraft carrier formation, right at Just when this scene appeared in front of his eyes, an anxious voice sounded: "Torpedo, they launched a torpedo!"

"Three, they fired three torpedoes!"

"MK48, they actually use heavy torpedoes against us!"

"I heard the sound of air-dropped torpedoes. It's MK-46, two!"

The scene that appeared in the last exercise with the Pyramid Kingdom will never be repeated. How can the US Navy be repeatedly bullied by diesel-electric submarines? Even if the Zaoshio has already launched torpedoes, it does not make any sense, because five torpedoes are already aimed at They're gone, this is definitely killing chickens with a sledgehammer, as long as one torpedo can kill them, but now, there are actually five!
"Turn off the propulsion motors, and shut down all machinery except the sonar! Let's show them how quiet the submarine is!"

As the latest submarine, its quiet performance is quite high, and special sound-absorbing tiles are laid on its surface. Now that the low-noise seven-bladed large-slope propeller is turned off, they are sure that they will not be discovered.

How can a submarine that does not make a sound be discovered?As long as they are not discovered, the anti-submarine troops will not be able to launch an attack, but they can use the ocean currents to leave here slowly, and then launch an attack quietly!
The idea of ​​the second son of Xiao Juan is very naive.

Everyone on the submarine stopped moving, did not dare to move, did not dare to speak, and kept absolutely silent. Only the sonar equipment continued to work.

"The first torpedo passed within 500 meters of us."

"The second torpedo is 800 meters away from us."

Sure enough, the advanced MK48 torpedoes did not find them, and they all missed the target!

Of course, it doesn't matter if it is marked, after all, these are torpedoes for training and have no warhead.

"The third torpedo...Baga, is still sailing towards us!"

Not all the torpedoes lost their aim, and there was one torpedo that, for some unknown reason, continued to chase them!

There are not many types of torpedoes in the United States, mainly the light MK46 and the heavy MK48, but this is only the basic model, and there are many suffixes behind it.

The torpedo looks simple, but it is actually not easy to develop. Take the MK48 as an example. It was developed in 62, and it was not successfully developed until 71, with an investment of 50 billion US dollars.

Moreover, there are many stories in it. It was Westinghouse Electric Company who first developed this torpedo, but encountered many difficulties in the research and development process. After that, Gould Company joined in and came up with the MK48 with sound self-guidance and piston engine propulsion. -1, Westinghouse Electric decided to start anew, terminate MK48-0, and directly develop MK48-2.

Therefore, the MK48 torpedo can't just look at the front model, but also the suffix.Its suffix ranges from 0 to 7, and an ADCAP model is added in the middle. There are nine types in total, and the price is also increasing. The early type 1 is only 50 US dollars, and when the ADCAP model is reached, the price has risen to 350 million US dollars.

The United States does not attach much importance to anti-ship missiles. In decades of history, only the Harpoon is an anti-ship missile, or a semi-armor-piercing warhead is modified with a tomahawk to replace it. However, the Americans attach great importance to torpedoes. MK48 has been modified continuously, not only anti-submarine, but also anti-ship.

This is of course due to the characteristics of the torpedo: it attacks below the waterline, and after the explosion, it will impact the target with seawater, causing greater damage.

In the case of the same warhead, it is difficult for anti-ship missiles to kill a 48-ton cruiser. Many missiles must be launched to attack, but if it is attacked from underwater, one MK[-] is enough.

At this time, the torpedo attacking the Zaoshio was the latest MK48-ADCAP torpedo. The performance of this torpedo is quite advanced. It took ten years to improve the mine body and propulsion system before this torpedo was developed.

This exercise still needs to test the anti-submarine capability, so of course they have to work hard on this aspect. When launching the MK-48 torpedo, they also shot out one of the most advanced torpedoes.

I don't know if the torpedo identified the target in the weak underwater noise, or continued to rush towards the target according to the previously set procedures. In short, the torpedo is now continuing to advance towards the early tide!

How to do?
There was a hint of madness in the eyes of Xiao Juan's second son: "Attention, prepare to sail at full speed!"

full speed?
Sailing at full speed underwater, isn't it waiting to expose your target?Moreover, there is no point in sailing at full speed. After all, their submarine can only reach a maximum speed of 20 knots underwater, but the MK48 torpedo can reach a high speed of 55 knots underwater. Compared with this speed, their How could it be spared?
Of course, the second son of Xiaojuan didn't intend to race against the torpedo, he just wanted to use the tactics used by tanks on land to deal with incoming shells: start suddenly, and then dodge half of the body, so that it is safe.

Now, they're sailing at full speed too!
"Now enter the countdown." Seeing that the torpedo was coming, the sonar operator started the countdown: "One hundred, 99, 98..."

When the countdown reached fifty, the second son of Xiaojuan finally spoke: "Now, sail at full speed!"

full speed!
At the tail of the early tide submarine, the propulsion motor produced by Fuji company turned from zero to full speed in two days. With a powerful power of 5300 kilowatts, the large submarine with an underwater displacement of more than 3000 tons finally started to go crazy.

At this moment, noise also began to appear, not to mention those sophisticated towed array sonars, even ordinary bow sonars could clearly capture them.

"What are they going to do?"

"Are they crazy?"

Underwater, the quietness is directly related to the life and death of the submarine. Few captains will let the submarine start at full power, and usually walk slowly at a speed of three to five knots. Now, this is just a drill, it is useful Are you so desperate?
The huge submarine began to accelerate, and then accelerated again, but the MK48 torpedo was even more excited. It had already caught the target's signal, turned around, and continued to rush towards the target.

The era of direct flight torpedoes in the early days is over long ago. Today's torpedoes can lock the target, and now this torpedo is even more intelligent.

"It's still coming!" the sonar operator exclaimed.

"Don't worry, pay attention now, prepare to turn the rudder!"

Of course, the second son of Xiaojuan will not naively think that he can get rid of this torpedo just by speeding up. The speeding up is only for turning. He wants to do a perfect dodge underwater. He wants to let everyone know that he is the best submarine in the world Captain!
Today's torpedoes are all intelligent, which also has disadvantages. For example, as long as the opponent avoids the torpedo and cannot find the target, he will attack others. Torpedo zone attack other surface ships!This thing is the same as the air-to-air missile of the active radar seeker. It doesn't know the target at all, and the enemy and the enemy will fight together!

The Zaochao is still accelerating, and the surging power is continuously transmitted from the battery compartment, and continuously enters the tail to drive the propulsion motor at the tail.

When moving forward at full speed, the power is consumed at an alarming rate. If it is an ordinary battery, it can be completely exhausted within an hour. However, the second son of Xiaojuan doesn't care because the battery they use has a larger capacity!

"Report, the temperature of the battery compartment is rising rapidly." Just when the early tide was not fully ruddered to avoid the target, an engineer finally noticed something was wrong.

"Damn it, why isn't the liquid cooling system turned on?" Xiao Juan's second son took a look, and then reacted: "Quick, turn on the liquid cooling system! You idiots!"

He had already forgotten that this was his order. In order to sail silently, he asked to turn off all noise sources except the sonar. Therefore, the engineer turned off the liquid cooling system of the battery compartment according to his request.

This is actually nothing. Under water, the temperature is not high, and the battery does not need to dissipate heat at all.

Even, in the previous submarines, I have never heard of a liquid cooling device in the battery compartment. Lead-acid batteries still need heat dissipation?
However, the lead-acid batteries of submarines need to be replaced every few years. The Zaoshio has been in service since 92, and it has been five years since last year. The batteries need to be removed and replaced. Their new generation of batteries The system has also been developed, so the Zaoshio was replaced with this brand new battery system. Under the same weight, the capacity of this battery system is three times that of the original one!
With this kind of system, there is no need for any AIP. This is just the beginning. When the technology continues to develop in the future, the capacity of the battery can be six times, or even ten times.

In their eyes, it is the embodiment of their country's powerful technology, but they don't know much about the principle of this battery.

This kind of battery is the tall 18650 battery, which is connected in series and parallel to form a battery pack. Considering the terrible heat of this battery when it is output at full power, the designers specially designed a special liquid cooling system. .

In fact, the battery packs on electric vehicles also need special heat dissipation devices. Generally, air-cooled ones are more. In addition to being cheap, the more important thing is that they do not consume too much energy. It's important to say.In fact, in terms of cooling efficiency, liquid cooling is the most suitable.In addition to the sufficient cooling of each battery pack, liquid cooling has another effect: it can also be reversed to heat the battery pack!In the cold north, the endurance of the battery will drop rapidly, which is caused by the temperature. After all, the battery is a chemical battery. When the temperature is low, the chemical reaction will slow down. If the battery pack has liquid cooling and heating, it can also recover in winter Battery life.However, considering that heating the battery pack consumes energy, the cruising range in winter will still be greatly reduced.

For the sake of safety, the designers of the island country designed a complex cooling circuit for the battery pack of the early tide, and cooled it through liquid. However, this liquid cooling system needs to be turned on to work.

Many people will forget it, because the previous battery compartment did not have such a thing, and they have had similar experience in the past half a year after the modification, even if it is not turned on, it is okay, but they ignore a premise: that is because they all It sails at low speed underwater.

The faster the speed, the stronger the power requirement. Under the condition of constant voltage, the current must be increased, and the current will be doubled, and the heat generation will be quadrupled!

Now, compared with underwater low-speed navigation, the current has increased by ten times, and the heat generation has to be increased by a hundred times!
If you don't turn on the liquid cooling system, you will definitely be rejected. If the liquid cooling system is turned on slowly, it will be a tragedy!
At this time, following the order of the second son of the volume, the liquid cooling system was turned on, but at this moment, inside the huge battery compartment, the temperature of one of the 18650 batteries in the worst condition was rising rapidly!
Three hundred, three hundred and five, four hundred, four hundred and five!
Four hundred and five is a critical value, because when the temperature reaches this value, the electrolyte will burn!
No matter how advanced the temperature control system is, it is impossible to monitor every battery cell. Now, the temperature of this battery has risen rapidly to 450 degrees. Then, flames burst out from inside. The electrolyte burns first, and then the more active chemical ones. Lithium metal, the small flame began to spread to the surroundings, and the temperature of other batteries around it was not low, the difference is that this is the finishing touch!

In the next moment, the lithium battery near it also caught fire.In lithium battery packs, there is a very vivid saying: chain reaction.

 PS: There is a change in the early morning, I made a mistake, but I will add another change here, so today is still the fifth change, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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