Great warships

Chapter 726 Requesting Mingzhou Group's Rescue

Chapter 726 Requesting Mingzhou Group's Rescue

"According to the analysis at the scene, the accident of this submarine came from the explosion of the battery." On the command ship of the USS Colorado, Hopper said to Clemins.

"The battery exploded? It's really pitiful enough, but I'm curious, how did it explode in a good way? In my impression, the quality of the island country's manufacturing is not so bad." Clemins said.

If the torpedo compartment explodes, it is understandable. After all, torpedoes are risky. If there is an accident in the warhead or the fuel tank of the engine leaks, it may bring danger.

However, the battery is very safe. If this thing explodes from time to time, is it okay?

"If it is a conventional lead-acid battery, of course there is no problem, but I don't know what the islanders think, they actually use lithium batteries instead of lead-acid batteries." Hopper said.

"lithium battery?"

"That's right, it's the same as the battery pack used in my laptop. It contains a series of cylindrical batteries welded together in series and parallel. They just took it for granted." Hopper got those After taking the photo, I was shocked immediately, no wonder something happened!This kind of submarine can only be opened at noon.

"Why did they use this method?" Clemmings said: "Don't they know that lithium is a very active element in chemical properties? Using lithium to make batteries is very easy to explode."

"It may be stimulated by the Orientals. The Stirling engine used by the Orientals has successfully increased the underwater lurking time of the submarine to more than a week. Similar to the nuclear submarine, the islanders also want to increase the endurance of the submarine, but They don't have a Stirling engine, so they simply increase the battery capacity directly. In the original battery compartment, replace the lead-acid battery with a lithium battery, which can increase to three times the original capacity, that is, increase the underwater endurance time. Three times as much, but they ignore the risk of lithium batteries!"

Lithium batteries are too risky. I don’t understand what the islanders think. For the sake of battery life, they would rather take risks?

"Okay, so what now?"

"Not all lithium batteries have exploded, and some lithium batteries are temporarily safe. However, these lithium batteries are slowly discharging under the immersion in seawater and may explode at any time." Hopper said.

"It will explode at any time? In other words, the salvage work will be in danger?"

"Yes, even if our DSRV comes over, I don't recommend continuing salvage and rescue. After all, the scene is too dangerous. We can't put our own soldiers at risk because of the rescue, not to mention that we are not Americans inside. "

The U.S. military has no ideals, but they still need to have faith, which can be seen from various movies made by Americans, such as "Black Hawk Down" and so on. In the movies, you can't see why they fight, which is also true Enough of the headaches for film directors, they have no reason to be tall, so they can only rack their brains and think of other ways.

They can only promote the friendship in battle. In order to rescue a comrade in distress, they may pay more lives. In movies, there are often sayings that I owe you my life. These people are fighting for their comrades. This is also interesting enough.

However, there are also prerequisites for this comrade-in-arms. It must be a tall American, a foreigner, I'm sorry, I will not accompany you.

Now, the early tide submarine is in distress during the exercise, but after all, it belongs to the island country, not the United States. If there are no other circumstances, they can do their best to rescue it. But now, the situation is very obvious. If they go to the rescue, You may encounter danger at any time!

Risking himself being blown up to rescue a submarine that has nothing to do with him?forget it.

"Yes, we can't put our soldiers in danger because of the rescue, but you should also know that the island country is our ally after all, if we don't save them, we will have a bad reputation."

Clemmins also has face, the boss takes the younger brother to play, and sees the younger brother drowning, the boss must find a way to save him, if he just sits idly by and let the younger brother die, what will the other younger brothers think?How will they lead other younger brothers in the future?
"It's not that we don't want to save, but the situation at the scene is too complicated." Hopper said: "In that case, our rescue device could not be successfully docked at all. After all, our DSRV has a history of more than 20 years. It's outdated. Our Navy needs to develop a new rescue device that can rescue in harsher conditions, but right now, there's nothing we can do."

If you can't help but can't save, then you can only shirk responsibility on the equipment. Because you don't have equipment, you can't rescue. It's as simple as that.

"Hooper, you are not only an excellent technical talent, but also an excellent staff officer. Do you want to be transferred to the headquarters?" Clemins said.

Because Hopper is a talent in computer and automation, Clemins called Hopper over to ask for advice. He originally wanted her to play a role in the rescue work, but he did not expect that she could provide so many valuable suggestions. This made Clemmins very emotional.

"No, I still like computers, and dealing with computers is better than dealing with people." Hopper said.

"But, should we do something?" Clemmins continued.

"We can let the islanders rescue themselves. We provide full cooperation. We can also invite third parties. For example, isn't the Mingzhou Group very good at rescuing wrecked submarines? Just ask them to come and help."

Clemmins eyes lit up, yes, this is a good way!Everyone was happy if they were rescued, but if they couldn't be rescued, with that bang, the Mingzhou Group's deep-diving lifeboat was killed, and our own side could even pin the shit bowl on the Mingzhou Group's head.


Holding the latest information, especially that photo, Qin Tao was also dumbfounded.

"Look at this, the explosion occurred in the battery compartment, but we are curious, how do they use this kind of battery?" Wu Shengli asked.

"Islanders are really obedient, they should be moved by what I said." Qin Tao said: "Using 18650 batteries instead of lead-acid batteries, under the same volume, the capacity has been greatly increased, which is what we want to use in electric vehicles now. technology."

"Electric car? Is it safe to use this kind of battery in your electric car?"

"So we are not rushing to market, we have to conduct a lot of experiments." Qin Tao said: "We only use a few thousand cells, and the number of batteries they use is at least a hundred times that of ours."

A special battery pack is composed of 7104 18650 lithium batteries. Qin Tao is not very clear about how much the Golden Sun electric car uses, but what we can know is that it must be several thousand.One hundred times, that is hundreds of thousands of batteries. With so many batteries, the failure is definitely not low. Who would have thought that the islanders would really dare to play like this.

"You fooling around?" Wu Shengli came to his senses and looked at Qin Tao curiously.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, we were fooling you, but they are really obedient."

Qin Tao is also lamenting the obedience of the island people. Although the submarines of the later island countries also use lithium batteries, it is a matter of age. After 20 years, the technology has matured. Now, they dare to do this Playing, really brave.

"Looking at the situation at the scene, only a part of the lithium batteries were blown up. There are still many lithium batteries in the battery compartment. During the rescue process, once these lithium batteries explode, it will cause harm to the rescuers."

Underwater explosion, driven by seawater, the explosion power will be multiplied many times, especially in deep water. Once the shock wave rushes to the rescue submarine, it will not only make the rescue submarine unable to maintain its state, but may directly destroy the rescue submarine's shell. In this case, Americans will also be in a dilemma.

To save, or not to save?

"It's very difficult to rescue the submarine when it's stuck in the water." A leader of the submarine force present said, "Once the rescue fails, the American reputation will be discredited. I really didn't expect that they would have this day."

"The performance of the American DSRV is still good, with a maximum tilt angle of 45 degrees. In this case, rescue should be possible." Qin Tao said: "In terms of submarine rescue, the Americans still have a few brushes."

Even if we don’t talk about the more advanced rescue submarines of later generations, just this old-fashioned one is still very powerful. The normal working depth is 600 meters, and the maximum depth is 1500 meters. A submarine that dives three to four hundred meters will certainly not be able to survive in water below one thousand and five hundred meters.It would be more realistic to hold a memorial service instead of a meaningless salvage.

Now, Qin Tao still has the mentality of a spectator, but the arrival of another message made Qin Tao dumbfounded.

"The Americans and the islanders have already discussed and decided to ask our Mingzhou Group for help?" Qin Tao touched his nose helplessly after seeing the news: "What do these people think? They are afraid of lithium batteries exploding, so they just Shall we go over and help?"

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

"Their drills were aimed at us, and now they still want us to rescue them, which is even more detrimental to us. Of course, we cannot agree to this kind of request." Zhao Ling said.

She has always been by Qin Tao's side, but she usually acts as a secretary and rarely speaks. She only speaks when it is critical. Now, she has to express her own views.

"Yeah, we'd better stay out of it."

Listening to the big guy's discussion, Qin Tao smiled: "Yes, it is best for us to stay out of the matter, but they will use various reasons to convince us, if we don't go, then they will not only deduct us In addition to all kinds of moral hats, there will be doubts about what we know."

Mingzhou Group is a private company. If you have money, you have to make money. Now that you have encountered a big deal, you can make money and increase your prestige. Why not do it?
Did the Mingzhou Group already know that the submarine sank below was caused by a lithium battery explosion?How did Mingzhou Group know?
If you think about it, you'll be in a lot of trouble.

Now, Dongfang has successfully hacked into Yankee's C4ISR system by relying on professional hackers. However, if the Americans find out and modify the password of this system to enhance security, it will not be easy to intrude next time. .

"However, if you salvage, you will encounter danger." Wu Shengli said, he already understood his son-in-law's thoughts, it is of course good to salvage, but the salvage process is a bit dangerous.

"Yes, there will be danger." Qin Tao said: "But, for us, it is also an opportunity."

"what chance?"

"The accident happened, and the U.S. Navy has been in a mess. The torpedoes that were launched were not recovered. We had no chance to enter that sea area. Now, we can go in openly. When salvaging, we can get some other things like, MK48."

Everyone is bright.

For a long time, domestic torpedo technology has stagnated.

After the establishment of the motherland, the first thing to do was the air-submarine speedboat. This speedboat is not a missile speedboat, but a torpedo speedboat. It uses Lao Maozi's 53-51 torpedo. Using this torpedo as a basis, China developed its own first type. Domestic torpedo, codenamed Yu-1.The technology of this torpedo is not advanced. It is a direct flight anti-ship torpedo fueled by high-pressure gas gas. Even so, it was not until 71 that the design was finalized.

In 54, China imported solid-fuel-propelled short-range air-to-ship torpedo RAT-52 from Lao Maozi, which was equipped on the navy's bomber unit for air attack missions. Based on this torpedo, domestic imitation Fish-2 came out. It was not successful until 71.

After that is Fish-3.

In order to have a trinity of nuclear forces, the country has begun to develop nuclear submarines, and special deep-water anti-submarine torpedoes are also needed as matching weapons. They can be used as the main offensive weapon of attack submarines, and can also be used as self-defense weapons for ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

The technology of this torpedo is very advanced. It uses batteries as power. The biggest advantage is that it does not emit bubbles during navigation like a thermal torpedo, so as to covertly engage the enemy. At the same time, it is also equipped with a passive acoustic homing system, so that The target of the autonomous attack.

However, the technology of this torpedo is very high, and the research and development will inevitably be delayed. It was not until 75 that it began to be finalized.After that, the relationship with the West was good, and advanced Western technology was slowly introduced to improve it.

However, the West will not bring over the most advanced technology. The torpedo technology of the navy is still backward. In this era, the most advanced submarine heavy torpedo is MK48!

Of course, if you compare the speed and other indicators, the old Maozi’s torpedoes must be abnormal, but those torpedoes have not fully developed, and some even use dangerous fuel. The explosion on the Oscar nuclear submarine is the fault of the torpedoes .

In terms of balanced development, it is the American MK48.

"That's right, just like our Yu-7, if we can find a way to catch one or two MK48s this time, our torpedo technology can continue to make a big step forward!" Speaking of this, the leaders present also became excited up.

Twenty years ago, a fisherman in the southern waters fished out a big guy from his fishing net. Looking at the shape of the cylindrical tail with a propeller, the fisherman knew that this thing was special, and immediately handed it in. The superior sent someone Come and see, it is the most advanced MK20 airdrop torpedo of the U.S. Navy!

The torpedo was quickly sent to the 705 Institute for research. In the second year, another one was caught. Well, the sample bomb is available, so let’s imitate it. The domestic empty torpedo is Yu-2. Outdated, it's time to update.

However, torpedo technology is still too advanced, and imitation alone is not enough. Later, in the 80s, it entered the honeymoon period with the West. Domestic technicians communicated with Americans, went to their production lines to inspect, and finally matured various technologies. , Yu-7 was finally finalized and equipped with troops.

Now, the navy still needs advanced torpedoes, especially the advanced torpedoes like MK48, which can be both anti-submarine and anti-ship. Also useful.

"Taozi, are you sure?" Wu Shengli asked with concern. He heard about the torpedo project, so he naturally valued it very much, but there is a premise: safety must be guaranteed!
Qin Tao smiled: "When we went over, the focus was on finding the scattered torpedoes, not on rescue. Whether those people can be rescued or not, let them pray for themselves."

There is a cruel truth in this smile.

The others nodded.

A few hours later, in a villa in a coastal tourist resort in Qiongzhou.

"Mr. Qin, you are really leisurely. This kind of life like a fairy couple is enviable." A short islander appeared in front of Qin Tao and said to him.

"Your Excellency Moriyama Nohito, you are also very interested. You actually came to our place for vacation. Don't you guys prefer to go to Hawaii to bask in the sun?"

Qin Tao did not expect that it would be Moriyama Noren, an old friend who came here. When Qin Tao pushed the catamarans to the international market, Moriyama Noren became a big customer and bought ten ships. 5000 million U.S. dollars, that money has really developed the Mingzhou Group. Qin Tao has always been very friendly to old friends.

"President Qin, I came here specially to find you. Now I have a big deal, do you want to do it?" Moriyama Noren said.

"What business?"

"Rescue the sunken ship." Moriyama Nohito said: "A submarine in our island country unfortunately sank into the sea and is in urgent need of rescue. If you can go to help rescue, you can pay the rescue fee as you like."

"Submarine?" Qin Tao shook his head again and again: "This is not acceptable, Your Excellency Moriyama Yeren, our Mingzhou Group does not do this kind of business. Maybe the rescue will not come up, the rescue fee will not be obtained, and you will have to get into trouble. We don’t want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in rescue expenses.”

Hundreds of millions?Even if you drive it casually, it won't take hundreds of millions, right?Even if it is to salvage all the sunken ships, it will not take so much, let alone rescue the victims on the submarine.

"Mr. Qin, there is a saying in the east that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Now, dozens of sailors in the submarine urgently need your rescue." Moriyama Yeren said: "Please rest assured, I can Guaranteed, even if the rescue fails, you will not be held accountable, after all, this kind of rescue is based on people's plan and God's work."

This guy seems to have often done business in the East in recent years. These words are in a set.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, when we signed the rescue agreement, we need to point out that we are only going to rescue out of the spirit of internationalism. It is our luck that we can rescue them. If we can't rescue them, we can only blame them Unlucky, I didn’t go to the Leshan Giant Buddha to worship.”

Moriyama Nohito nodded.

"Also, the rescue cost is tentatively set at [-] million U.S. dollars. You need to pay the full amount. When the money arrives, we will set off immediately."

"President Qin, isn't [-] million US dollars a lot? The money is enough for us to rebuild a ship." Moriyama Nohito said.

In a normal transaction, a diesel-electric submarine costs 5000-[-] million U.S. dollars, while those in island countries are more expensive, and they can’t reach [-] million U.S. dollars. Qin Tao asked for [-] million U.S. dollars. This is not salvage, but rescue. This is too dark. , [-] million US dollars is already a sky-high price.

"Of course, I also think that [-] million US dollars is a lot. You guys are not worth it. Those sailors don't have much money to pay the death benefits directly. Instead of spending a huge amount of money to rescue, it is better to directly issue the death notice." Qin Tao said: "Our Jiaolong is dispatched once, which costs a lot, especially the rescue of the submarine in distress, which carries various potential risks. If our Jiaolong has an accident, the [-] million US dollars is not enough to pay. Moreover, we are now Carrying out other projects, if rescue is needed, this project has to be stopped, and the previous research will be in vain, and a lot of money will be wasted.”

"But, you didn't ask so much for Da Mao's rescue!"

We don't want to be the same as others, at least we have to be the same as Da Mao.

"Your Excellency Moriyama Yeren, our Jiaolong ship happened to be nearby at that time, and we are friends with Da Mao."

"But we are also friends. It has been 18 hours since the submarine crashed. Rescue is imminent. The people inside can't last long. Mr. Qin, you must extend your hand of friendship and help us."

Qin Tao thought about it for a while: "Yes, we are also friends, so I will give you a [-]% discount, [-] million US dollars, which is already the lowest price. You don't need to stay with me now, go back and discuss it, what do you think? If it’s a good deal, just send the money and we’ll dispatch immediately; if it’s not a good deal, we’ll prepare to hold a memorial service.”

Moriyama Noren stood up: "Boss Qin, we cannot agree to your request. [-] million is too much, and [-] million is about the same."

After he finished saying this, he suddenly regretted it, more than [-] million!

"Okay, let's look at your face, [-] million, we will suffer a loss this time, but as a person, I still value friendship very much. Now that we have reached an agreement, you should pay the money quickly Okay, after paying the money, let's discuss the details of the follow-up salvage?"

Moriyama Yeren's face was extremely ugly, red and white for a while, but he finally swallowed a mouthful of spit: "Okay, I'll make a phone call."

(End of this chapter)

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