Great warships

Chapter 727 Live Streaming

Chapter 727 Live Streaming
Although the island country has already burst its economic bubble and is even said to be a lost decade, in fact, a lean camel is still bigger than a horse, and the chicken farts of the island country are still far ahead.

For example, in terms of total volume, it was as high as 90 trillion US dollars in 3.13, and increased to 95 trillion US dollars in 5.45, ranking second in the world after the United States.Therefore, to say that the real estate bubble in the island country, and then it will die, is purely falsehood.

Now, asking them to spend [-] million U.S. dollars to rescue the sailors on a dead submarine is not a heartbreak for them.

Command ship USS Colorado.

"Damn it, that Mingzhou Group is too dark!" Clemins said, "They dare to ask for [-] million dollars just for the rescuers!"

The islanders cannot make their own decisions and must listen to the Americans. At this time, in Clemmings’ office, Erguchi Takegami, an officer of the island nation’s navy who came to take charge of the incident, was also very annoyed: “The price they asked for was too high. It's expensive, we absolutely cannot accept it, we would rather let all these sailors lose their jade than spend [-] million!"

Erguchi Takegami hurried over from the island country. He took a two-seater fighter jet as an air taxi, landed directly on the formation aircraft carrier, and then took a helicopter to the USS Colorado. He didn't know much about it, but he just knew that the U.S. Navy had no ability to salvage it, so it could only ask the Orientals to salvage it.

Please, please, for the safety of the people inside, they can take risks, but after hearing the salvage price, he can't bear it anymore, this is too good at asking for a price, who can accept it?

Two hundred million!
"Yes, the price they asked for is too expensive, but the safety of our personnel above is also very important." Clemins said: "They are the most loyal fighters. If they are in danger during training, we cannot We watched them die, so we had to rescue them. Unfortunately, our new generation of submarine rescue boats has not yet been built. The underwater angle of that submarine has exceeded 45 degrees. Ask someone for help. As for the money."

Clemmings pondered for a while, and then said: "Our other countries participating in the exercise will give you 5000 million US dollars, and you will make 5000 million US dollars. We must be fast, and we must not let the precious lives of those warriors go away." Disappear, they are our most loyal fighters."

When they heard this, the two Takegami were almost moved to tears. The U.S. military values ​​them so much, what else can they say, and they must continue to follow closely behind the U.S. military in the future!

On Qiongzhou's side, after receiving the answer from there, Moriyama Yeren came to Qin Tao again.

"Mr. Qin, we have raised [-] million US dollars." Moriyama Nohito said, "Now, can you send out rescue immediately?"

"Of course, we have already drawn up the contract. As long as you sign it, we will leave immediately."

"Okay." Moriyama Noren picked up the contract, glanced at it roughly, and his face changed again: "President Qin, for this rescue, do you still prohibit the presence of a third party?"

"Yes, there are many secrets on our own deep-diving lifeboat. We don't want a third party to be present and learn our technology. You must not have these technologies, so you came to ask us for help, right?"

"However, if you don't let us observe, how do we know if you are helping? What if you are passive and sabotage?"

The full payment is made in advance, the process is not allowed to be watched, and there is no guarantee of whether it can be saved. These terms are very similar to the terms of a lawyer's lawsuit.

"We can provide the rescue video of the whole process." Qin Tao said: "Our rescue video is real-time, and we can give you a receiving device so that you can observe our rescue process anytime and anywhere. If you think we are Passive sabotage, you can publish the video, so that our Mingzhou Group's reputation will be discredited."

"Okay." Moriyama Nohito nodded. In this way, supervision can be guaranteed, and the whole process of rescue can be seen, especially in case of an accident, it can be recorded without risk.

"Since you agreed, how about we go out and have a press conference?"

Press conference?

Moriyama Nohito suddenly realized that he seemed to have been scammed!
"President Qin, our submarine crash is a top secret and cannot be announced to the public."

"You don't need to announce it, we can just be vague." Qin Tao said: "This is a good opportunity for our Mingzhou Group to publicize. Will you not cooperate? You can see that there are so many reporters outside, no Give them an explanation, can they leave?"

Moriyama Nohito looked out of the window. On the second floor here, he could see the figure of the famous reporter outside the villa, and his impulse to be used was even stronger.

At this time, the gate of the villa has been opened, a large group of reporters rushed in, with long guns and short cannons, spread out in the courtyard, Qin Tao led Moriyama Yeren, pushed open the window on the second floor, and appeared in front of the reporters .

"Mr. reporters, welcome to come. I am the president of Mingzhou Group. I was originally on vacation here, but I accepted the invitation of the island country to help rescue some underwater missing persons. This reflects our spirit of internationalism and our respect for The contribution to world peace reflects our responsibility as a large multinational company, and before our rescue operation began, we specially held a press conference."

Two hundred million U.S. dollars, what else does it reflect?Reflect the shamelessness and greed of your Mingzhou Group!Moriyama Nohito was extremely annoyed in his heart, but he didn't dare to say that. This would only show the stupidity and incompetence of their island country. Why should they spend [-] million yuan to ask the Orientals to rescue them?Is it because their island country's own shipbuilding level is not good enough?

"That President Qin is so good at taking advantage of all situations!" Clemmings said helplessly after receiving the news, "Our purpose is to let the Orientals come to the rescue, which not only helps the submarines of the island countries, but also allows us to avoid them. Dangerous, but they use this as a means of propaganda!"

Being able to single-handedly bring Mingzhou Group into today's multinational corporation, that Qin always is an outstanding individual, will definitely use various means to serve his own interests, and this incident now reflects this.

Fame and fortune ah.

"However, this also shows that the Mingzhou Group doesn't know the truth. They just think that we can't salvage it, so they have to slaughter it hard. When they come over and send a deep-diving lifeboat down, they will find that the rescue situation is complicated. At that time, there will be video surveillance, and they will be saved if they are saved, or they will be saved if they don't!" Huo Bo said, "I hope God bless them!"

"That's right, even if the monitoring system is placed on an ordinary supply ship, the video can be transmitted through our C4ISR system. Let's see how the Orientals do it."

Underwater rescue requires complex technology, and the Orientals are excellent in this area. The rescue of the Oscar-class nuclear submarine is an example. Now is a good time to observe and give some pointers.

Qin Tao used reporters to create momentum and attracted global attention. However, he himself did not follow, nor did he plan to carry out the mission.

After all, there are American warships everywhere. If they come here with good intentions, Qin Tao will be in danger. He cherishes his life very much, and he will never take risks where he should not go.

Qin Tao didn't go, but the other person couldn't sit still and went with him. He was Zhang Zhong!
"Everyone, I'm standing on the mother ship of Jiaolong and I'm heading to the sea area where the incident happened. You can see that the waves split by the bow of our mother ship are sailing at full speed in order to get to the scene as soon as possible." Zhang Zhong Wearing a navy uniform and a life jacket, he looked very professional.

"Everyone knows that the Jiaolong is our first deep-water submersible, which can penetrate more than 1 meters underwater. In addition to conducting scientific investigations, it can also conduct underwater rescue, especially a few years ago, because the rescue The Oscar-class nuclear submarine became famous. If the Jiaolong was not on the scene, the consequences would be unimaginable. This time, our Jiaolong embarked on a rescue journey again, and will rescue a shipwrecked island submarine. This fully demonstrates our Eastern shipbuilding technology is the most advanced!"

Looking at the information sent back, Wu Shengli was very emotional: "Although it takes risks, it is also worthwhile to build momentum for us and accumulate reputation."

Seeing now, Wu Shengli has already recognized this rescue operation very much.

With a reputation, the whole world knows that once a submarine dies, the Mingzhou Group must be the first to be found, even the technology of the island country can't compare!Moreover, as the incident unfolds, someone will soon come to a conclusion: this submarine crashed during the Rim of the Pacific 98 exercise, the United States is on the scene, and even the US Navy is unable to rescue it!
Mingzhou Group's shipbuilding technology is definitely the best in the world.

There are even more benefits, [-] million, it is always so easy for Mingzhou Group to make money!
"These are trails. The key is to find the MK48 torpedo. If we can't find it, we'll find a way to get it from the island country's submarine. It must be ready there!"

The island country is the younger brother of the United States. Whatever weapons the United States has, the island country has whatever weapons. The main force on the island country’s submarines is the Type 89 torpedo. As for the origin of this torpedo, many say it is an imitation of the MK48 torpedo.

If you can't get MK48, cut up the submarine of the island country, so that the torpedo inside can be taken away. Qin Tao is serious about this matter.

"The 89-type torpedo of the island country is also advanced enough. It is said that they use the silver-zinc battery developed by themselves. By the way, Mr. Qin, if lithium batteries are used instead of silver-zinc batteries, will the performance of the torpedo be further improved? "

Everyone's thinking is also active enough, and they are directly transferred to the power system of the torpedo!
"If only in terms of energy density, silver-zinc batteries are definitely inferior to lithium batteries, and there is no advantage in price, but whether they are suitable for submarines depends not only on this point, but also on many other aspects. In the end, whether it is suitable or not depends on the comparison and judgment of technology.”

Qin Tao doesn't know which one is suitable, so he can't directly give a conclusion.

At the beginning, torpedoes used lead-acid batteries. After all, this kind of battery has the longest service life and the most mature development. But at the same time, this kind of battery also has many weaknesses, especially its heavy weight. After development, the power of electric submarines was changed from lead-acid batteries to silver-zinc batteries.

For a long time, silver-zinc batteries have been the most common source of torpedo power until now. However, silver-zinc batteries also have many disadvantages. For example, their lifespan is short. Discharge fifty times. However, for a one-time use torpedo, this is not a big problem. Another problem is the most important: this thing uses silver and zinc as the two stages of the battery, and uses There is not much in the button battery, but if it is used in the torpedo, the amount will be too much. The precious silver is used as the material of the torpedo, and it cannot be recycled after use. This consumes a lot. In the previous era, silver It's all for money.

Now, the electric torpedoes used by the Navy are also silver-zinc batteries, so if cheaper lithium batteries can be used, that would be an improvement.

What's more, the energy density of lithium batteries is three times that of silver-zinc batteries!The energy density of silver-zinc batteries has hovered around 60Wh/kg for a long time, while the current lithium batteries have already achieved the highest

180Wh/kg.And the potential is even greater. In the later stage, there will be three to four hundred, or even more than five hundred levels.

However, this cannot be replaced because of this. The current lithium battery still uses organic electrolyte. When an accident occurs, this volatile and flammable organic electrolyte may cause thermal runaway. Under water, the depth reaches a certain level. Will this thing explode under seawater pressure?
Without testing, Qin Tao dare not draw conclusions from Wisdom, after all, this is not a joke, it is related to the replacement of the navy's main equipment.

At this time, everyone nodded upon hearing Qin Tao's words.

"Yes, Mr. Qin is right. We must go through a rigorous demonstration, and there must be no accidents, just like what happened to the submarine of the island navy."

The navy of the island country rashly chose lithium batteries. As a result, due to immature technology, it eventually exploded and the submarine sank. This kind of accident cannot happen to its own side.

Those submariners are really pitiful!
Underwater, Morning Tide.

The power supply inside the submarine had long been interrupted, half of the inside of the submarine was pitch black, and under the huge water pressure, the hull of the submarine made creaking sounds from time to time, which made people shudder.

"How long has it been?" a lying submariner asked the person beside him.

"28 hours have passed." The person on the side glanced at the special submarine watch he was wearing, which was in 24-hour format.

In the rescue of a submarine, the first 24 hours are the most critical. Once this period of time has passed, the chances of survival of the crew on the submarine are very small, the oxygen inside will become less and less, and they will also lack food and drinking water, etc. .Most importantly, their will will be broken.

If they haven't waited for rescue for such a long time, once their will collapses, they will be completely finished.

Now, they persisted very hard, why didn't people from outside come?
"Everyone hold on, we will definitely wait until rescue arrives, our allies will not give up on us." The voice of the second son of Xiao Juan came.

In order to minimize the consumption of oxygen, everyone reduced their activities. They lay in disarray, and even their breathing slowed down.

However, the second son of Xiao Juan is still full of expectations. He believes that those people above his head will never watch them die, and will definitely find a way to save them!
It seems to reflect his statement.

Boom!bang bang!Three soft sounds appeared on the boat, and were amplified inside the metal submarine, stimulating everyone's eardrums.

Active sonar!
"They found us, and help is coming soon!"

At this moment, everyone is full of excitement.

on the sea.

"The sonar echo has accurately found the target location. Now, can you go down to rescue?" Moriyama Nohito asked.

The Orientals used secrecy as an excuse to prevent other people from approaching and visiting, but as the employer, Moriyama Nohito was finally on the rescue mother ship, and now he is in charge of coordinating with each other.

"Okay, let's go down immediately." Xu Hua said.

The Jiaolong has advanced automation equipment, all of which were developed by Xu Hua. This time, Xu Hua took the initiative to ask for this task. He followed the operator of the Jiaolong, Zhang Ming, into the Jiaolong. .

The hook of the crane dropped slowly, and the Jiaolong entered the water. From this moment on, Moriyama and Yeren could not directly observe the rescue process, but could only watch the images sent back by the Jiaolong.

"Dive to 200 meters." Xu Hua said.

"Understood." Zhang Ming operated the Jiaolong, moving forward like a fish underwater.

Soon, Jiaolong dived to a depth of 200 meters.

"Attention, prepare to release the unmanned submersible."


The two operated very closely. On the belly of the Jiaolong, a special hatch opened, and inside, a small unmanned submersible got out of it and began to sail according to the predetermined procedure.

From the outside, they only landed one Jiaolong, but in fact, they also carried another unmanned submersible!

In order to explore the underwater world, under the instruction of Qin Tao, Mingzhou Group built the Jiaolong. The appearance of this deep-diving lifeboat has greatly filled the gap in the East's exploration of the underwater world, but at the same time, this deep-diving The lifeboat is not omnipotent, it needs to be operated by someone, so it is more flexible, but at the same time, it also has many disadvantages, for example, people need to breathe, eat and drink, and this kind of deep-diving lifeboat needs to be installed with various auxiliary components.

If there is no human operation, it will be much more convenient.

Therefore, the relevant domestic institutions continue to work hard and plan to engage in unmanned ones, and the team is still led by Xu Hualai, a leader in the automation major of Huating University.

Moreover, when designing unmanned submersibles, we still follow the principle of small to large, and develop small ones first, but this kind of small power is weak and the range is short, so we simply use the Jiaolong to carry it. Get creative.

There is enough space in the stomach of the Jiaolong to accommodate it. It can be modified a little bit, and it cannot be seen from the outside. After launching, the Jiaolong is released within a certain depth, and the unmanned submersible is free to sail. Its responsibility is to search The mission, this is not to find a needle in a haystack, because on the way here, their mothership has already conducted a topographical survey of the seabed through active sonar, which is also for the convenience of rescue. Through topographical surveying and mapping, they found some possible torpedo locations , which is targeted.

The Jiaolong continued to approach the target, and soon came near the Zaochao.

Looking at the big guy who plunged into the bottom of the sea, Xu Hua was also very moved. The treatment of submarine soldiers is at the same level as that of pilots, because they are also engaged in extremely dangerous jobs!
In fact, considering Xu Hua's safety, Qin Tao didn't intend to let Xu Hua go into the water himself, but he insisted on coming to test the unmanned submersible, so Qin Tao could only let him.

"Xu Gong, did you see the target?" Moriyama Nohito's voice came.

"I see, we are approaching, please don't worry." Xu Hua replied.

The underwater searchlights can't shine very far, and the image on the monitor is also very blurred. At this moment, I don't know how many people are waiting.

"How do they transmit images underwater? Is their technology more advanced than ours?" Hopper asked.

The transmission of images within the U.S. Navy is not complicated because they have advanced information technology, but how did the images get transmitted underwater?
Only long waves can penetrate the water surface, but the frequency of long waves is low, data transmission is very slow, and it takes a long time to receive a telegram, let alone an image.

The most common way to communicate underwater is by sound. It is not easy to transmit a text message. The amount of information transmitted by the image far exceeds that of the text. How did the other party do it?Is there any advanced technology?
"Their Jiaolong can sail autonomously, and can also communicate with the mother ship through cables." The technicians on the side explained that this is simple, because they are tied to cables, and as long as there is an optical fiber in the cables, enough light can be transmitted. information.

At this moment, everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the screen, and the underwater image finally arrived in front of their eyes in real time!This is much more intuitive than looking at photos!

"Your Excellency Clemmins, please issue an order immediately to let the Jiaolong quickly dock and start rescue!" Takegami Erkou shouted loudly.

"Jiaolong, please dock immediately and carry out rescue!" Clemins gave the order. It would be the best of course if those unlucky ones could be rescued.

"Okay, let's rescue immediately, wait, what are those?" On the Jiaolong, Xu Hua pointed to the belly of the submarine, where there were some cylindrical things, and there were blisters nearby.

"Don't worry about that, please rescue immediately."

"The Jiaolong received it."

The other party is still very obedient.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a big bubble suddenly appeared on the screen, and then began to spin.

"Oh, damn it, something exploded there!" Xu Hua's eager voice came: "What the hell is there on it? How could you ask us to rescue you without explaining the danger of rescue!"

(End of this chapter)

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