Great warships

Chapter 734 052D's Technology Upgrade

Chapter 734 052D's Technology Upgrade

Only one ammunition elevator is modified, so the modification is the smallest, and, once an accident occurs, it is easy to replace it with other elevators, which will not affect the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier. It will be changed back after the overhaul, and the workload is relatively small. , if the elevator of the carrier-based aircraft is modified, it will be a big project.

Hearing Qin Tao's arrangement, Wu Shengli nodded: "Well, in this case, we can give it a try."

Ma Ming knows that this is already the best solution. Although for him, he is looking forward to a full replacement, but whether it is other engineers or naval leaders, they all have concerns, so there is only one step. Next, on the aircraft carrier, the only electromagnetic ammunition elevator will show its excellent performance, so that other people can dispel their worries, and it can be fully used on the next aircraft carrier.

"Horseman, what do you think?"

Hearing Qin Tao's question, Ma Ming nodded: "I think it's okay."

"Well, let's leave it at that. By the way, we have made some progress recently regarding electric vehicles. Next, Secretary Zhao will introduce you."

Ma Ming left with Zhao Ling, Qin Tao and Wu Shengli stayed here, and continued to watch. Amidst the sparks of the arc, the weld was moving forward at a speed visible to the naked eye. The welding speed was really too fast. up!

"In the past, we never imagined that this welding work could be carried out automatically with a robotic arm." Wu Shengli said with emotion: "The progress of this technology is really too fast."

"Of course, whether it is shipbuilding or aircraft building, there are mechanical arms, just like rivets. It used to be manual, but now it is gradually replaced by machines. The spacing of the rivets is exactly the same, which is much more accurate than manual labor. .”

This is the progress of technology!
"Boss Qin, Wen Gong is at the destroyer. Next, would you like to go over and have a look?" Xu Zhengyang leaned over and whispered to Qin Tao.

Wen Xue?Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, go and have a look! Dad, after watching the aircraft carrier, how about we go to see the Aegis battleship?"

The Aegis battleship has been produced to the third, and the navy has lost the excitement it had at the beginning, but this kind of warship is still the backbone of the navy, so, hearing Qin Tao say this, Wu Shengli nodded immediately: "Okay, let's Go and have a look!"

On the berth, the construction of the 052C destroyer's hull is in the final stage, and the hoisting of the power system is in progress. Wen Xueyou and others are standing there directing.

"Old Wen, when did you come here?" Qin Tao asked Wen Xueyou, "What have you been up to lately?"

"What else can we do, of course it is a gas turbine for ships." Wen Xueyou said: "We discussed last time that we will develop a 100-megawatt gas turbine. With the funds from Mingzhou Group, we will start pre-research. , but it is very difficult, and there is not much progress yet.”

Qin Tao nodded: "It is very difficult to increase from 20 MW to 100 MW. Now, we have a new opportunity."

"What opportunity?" Wen Xueyou was looking forward to it. He already knew that there would always be many surprises when he was with Boss Qin. Boss Qin has been paving the way for them all the time.

"We have already contacted Ermao's Motor Sich Company, and plan to develop a gas turbine based on their D-18T turbofan engine. The initial power can reach 40 megawatts. After later improvements, the power will be doubled. It's also possible."

Wen Xue was excited for a while: "Really? That's really great! Now, the only thing we can offer is the GT-25000, whose power has been increased to 26.7 megawatts, and it is also A huge improvement."

"What? You guys have already mastered the GT-25000?" Now it was Qin Tao's turn to be surprised.

At present, the Navy's Aegis battleship still uses GT-15000, with a power of only 20 megawatts. In order to allow the warship to have a speed of 30 knots, the displacement is limited to 26.7 tons. Now, the power has been increased to [-] megawatts, which means What?
The displacement of the battleship can be further increased to more than [-] tons!

One thousand tons more displacement can do a lot of things, it can carry more electronic equipment, more weapons, better living conditions...

"Yes, just before I came, this gas turbine has passed the durability test and can be equipped on naval warships at any time." Wen Xueyou said.

"Dad, our Aegis battleship can be improved!" Qin Tao said: "We can make this kind of battleship have stronger performance!"

Wu Shengli nodded: "After the visit here, come back to the capital with me. We need to formally raise it at the Navy meeting!"

The third 052C will be launched soon, and the fourth 052C is under construction. For the first batch of Aegis warships, it is enough to build four ships. Next, it is time for the second batch of modified warships!
"Since we have to report on the work, we can't be in a hurry." Qin Tao said: "I need to go to the 14th Institute to see the progress of radar research and development, and then go to the relevant units to see the progress of missiles and launchers. Since we want to change, we must Let's make a big change!"

Originally, according to Qin Tao's suggestion, this kind of construction work required bidding, but now, since this warship is only a modification of 052C, of ​​course it can be built by Mingzhou Group, and everyone knows , the strength of the Mingzhou Group is the strongest, and it is the most suitable choice for them.

Wu Shengli agreed: "Then I will wait for you in the capital."

a week later.

Time flies, and before I know it, it is already the autumn of 98. Autumn is the harvest season!
In the meeting room of the yellow building in Gongzhufen, a large number of naval leaders were sitting, and they were discussing excitedly. After a while, the sound of opening the door was heard outside, and Qin Tao came in with a large group of engineers.

"Everyone, I'm very sorry for the traffic jam on the road." Qin Tao said, "I kept you waiting for so long."

"It's okay, we don't have to be late for a good meal. We can afford to wait for this good thing." A leader said, "Mr. Qin, would you like to sit down and have a cup of tea first, and then introduce us?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "No need, I will show our 052D design plan to the leaders now. After the introduction, the engineers of each subsystem will give you a detailed introduction."

The projector turned on, and a beautiful warship design appeared on the projection screen.

"It looks similar to our existing warships."

"That's right, for simple transformation, we simply enlarged the hull to increase displacement. Our 052C destroyer has a length of 153 meters and a width of 16.5 meters. Now, our 052D destroyer has a length of 155 meters and a width of 17.5 meters. In this way, the full load displacement has also been enlarged to 7000 tons. Later, if you want to improve it, you can elongate the hull a little.”

Compared with the length, the increase in width is larger, which is also in line with the trend of the times. In the past, warships pursued high-speed performance and had a large aspect ratio. Severe shaking in wind and waves, the current warships are developed horizontally, with a small aspect ratio, so that the space of the warship is large, and it is easy to sail in the wind and waves.Anyway, the power is abundant, so it can be built like this.

"The overall layout is similar to the original one. The bow is the naval gun, behind the naval gun is the vertical launch unit, then the bridge, the chimney, and the auxiliary mast. After these, it is our second set of vertical launch units. Then Helicopter hangar and flight deck." Qin Tao introduced from the front to the end in one breath: "Okay, my introduction is complete, now, let us introduce the upgrade projects to the leaders from front to back, starting with the ship The guns begin."

"Leaders, the H/PJ-38 single-barreled 130mm naval gun we developed has been installed on the 052C destroyer. With its advanced design concept, it has become the standard configuration of domestic destroyers. Its appearance has undergone stealth repairs. Its reliability has been further improved. At present, its biggest change is the addition of a new type of ammunition.” Xia Bei, the person in charge of the naval gun of the 713 Institute, introduced it excitedly.

The 713 Institute is the main research and development unit of domestic naval guns. Many naval guns of the navy come from their units, such as 37mm naval guns, 57mm naval guns, 76mm naval guns, 100mm naval guns and the current 130mm naval guns. A few years ago, the AK630 naval gun they imitated was the main close-in defense gun of the navy, but later, it was surpassed by the 730 naval gun of the brother unit. However, they did not admit defeat and made persistent efforts to make further progress in the naval gun.

"A brand new type of ammunition? What other shells are there that we haven't heard of?" The naval leader became curious.

"Everyone knows that when our gun fires ordinary shells, its maximum range is less than 30 kilometers, and it can't hit more than 50 kilometers when firing bottom discharge bombs. But now, we have added a brand new rocket gliding guidance to it. The maximum range of the shell is..." Xia Bei glanced proudly at the people present, paused deliberately to attract everyone's attention, and then continued: "120 kilometers!"

Some naval leaders even stood up: "What did you say, 120 kilometers?"

The Eagle-82 anti-ship missile has only hit so far. Now, the naval gun can hit so far?If it wasn't in a formal meeting, everyone would definitely answer with one voice: Impossible, this is absolutely nonsense!

"That's right, 120 kilometers. You can see the next slide. The upper part is the shape of the shell, and the lower part is the ballistic table." Xia Bei said, "Our shell uses a special rocket engine with stronger thrust. If only If you use the rocket to extend the range, the range can reach [-] kilometers. If you need a longer range, then when the shell flies to the apex of the trajectory, it will unfold the gliding wings at the front of the body. With the help of this wing , it started to fly a gliding trajectory, which greatly increased its range, and could easily fly a hundred kilometers away!"

If there is no wing, the shell will continue to go on a parabola with air resistance. With wings, the shell can fly farther!
Qin Tao knew that this should be the inspiration he got from the gliding aircraft that Qian Xuesen flew on the ballistic trajectory of the Second Artillery. He was very satisfied. Out!

"It turned out to be floating over, but how can we guarantee to hit the target at such a long distance?" Someone asked.

Naval guns are installed on warships, so you don’t have to worry about moving them. So in the era of battleships, naval guns were built bigger and stronger, and their power became stronger and stronger. However, the range of naval guns has not been improved. The problem is, the range is far, the target is directly below the sea level, how to aim?

I have almost never seen a naval gun with a range of more than [-] kilometers. Now that the range has doubled to more than [-] kilometers, how can the accuracy be guaranteed?

"This leader, as I just said, we are guided artillery shells!" Xia Bei said, "It not only has canard wings at the front, but also four wings at the rear, and these four wings are used to control the ballistic trajectory." Yes, as for the guidance system, we already have Beidou navigation, so we can use satellite positioning for guidance, and we can also use laser semi-active terminal guidance, etc. In short, we can still achieve a target [-] kilometers away. Hit and kill."

This naval gun is going to steal the job of the missile!You can tell from its guidance system that the most suitable target is a fixed target on land. It is good for long-range ground strikes. Even if guided shells are used, the cost of the shells must be lower than that of missiles. If anyone refuses to accept it in the future, Just shoot him a lesson first!
"Okay, this naval gun is an eye-opener for us. In the future, when our navy is performing missions, we will have another big killer!" Wu Shengli said with emotion: "If the first few ships can be used, they can also be used." It can be modified."

If it is an ordinary artillery shell, it can be replaced directly. However, this artillery-launched missile is different. It requires a guidance system, which means that relevant equipment must be added to the command and control system of the warship.

Therefore, we have to improve.

"Yes, the two ships built now can be installed during outfitting, and the previous two ships need to be reinstalled during the mid-term overhaul." Qin Tao said.

A small naval gun has such great knowledge. However, this is already the sunset of naval guns. Next, it is time to enter the era of electromagnetic guns. If nothing else, the 130mm naval gun will It was the last naval gun of the Navy.

"We approved this plan. Next, let's talk about the missiles behind." A leader said.

According to the sequence, behind the naval gun is the vertical launch device, and this vertical launch device was also made by 713, so Xia Bei didn't go down and continued to introduce.

"According to Mr. Qin's proposal, we have spent about three years researching on the combined cooling and heating technology. Now, the combined heating and cooling technology has matured. Therefore, we plan to equip this destroyer with a combined heating and cooling system." launcher."

This device has been tested on the Navy's test ship. Everyone knows that this thing exists. It's not as surprising as the rocket gliding guided shell just now, but some people still have concerns.

"The caliber of this launching device is too large, will it reduce the carrying capacity of Hongqi Nine?"

This is also the only thing that the superiors are worried about. After all, the briquette vertical launch system used on the 052C has a diameter of about 0.6 meters, and the current cold and hot launch device has expanded to a diameter of 850 mm, so large , It will inevitably reduce the amount of shoelaces on the missile!

"Let me explain this." Qin Tao said: "Our 052C uses a silo layout with 32 fronts and 12 rears. In this way, the total number of vertical launches is 48, and it can only carry a single Hongqi IX missile. Very poor, but now, we are using the front 32 and rear 32 launchers, so the overall number of vertical launchers has expanded to 64 units, although the size of our launchers has become larger, it is said that the size of our warships has also increased!"

The width of the warship is increased by one meter, which greatly helps the width of the silo. The front is 4*8, and there are four horizontally, each increased by 0.25 meters, which is exactly one meter wide. Moreover, the original The briquette launching device wastes a lot of space. Now that it is changed to a block, the space utilization efficiency has also been improved.

So, totally fine.

"Under normal circumstances, in order to achieve the air defense capability of 052C, we can carry 48 long-range air defense missiles. In this case, we still have 16 silos that can be used for free collocation, and eight of them can be used One hole and two bombs are used to load the Red Flag 16, so that 16 medium-range air defense missiles can be equipped, and the remaining eight silos can be used to match anti-ship or anti-submarine missiles, and even future anti-ship ballistic missiles."

The leader nodded. In this way, the air defense capability will not be reduced, and the execution of tasks will be more flexible. Anyway, the displacement has increased. If you want to do this, then do it.

"Leaders, then I will continue to introduce." Xia Bei said: "Our vertical launch system is very flexible. It can be launched by heat or cold. At the same time, the missiles it can accommodate can also have three missiles. There are three different lengths, including 9 meters, 7 meters and 3.3 meters."

Not only has its diameter increased, but its depth has also increased. Of course, limited by the curvature of the bow, the depth of the four launch units on both sides of the bow cannot reach 9 meters, but the depth of 7 meters It's not small anymore.

You know, the depth of the previous briquette launcher is only 7 meters, which is enough to launch the Haihongqi 9 missile. This 9-meter launcher is prepared for the big guys in the future.

For example, the Eagle-18 anti-ship missile, the Changjian-10 cruise missile, and even specially developed anti-ship ballistic missiles, extra-atmospheric anti-missile interceptors, and so on.

The 7-meter vertical launcher can be loaded with Haihongqi-8, Yu-16 anti-submarine missiles, and the Hongqi-3.3 with one hole and two bombs, etc. It is the most widely used. As for the depth of [-] meters, it is reserved for future use.The missile with one hole and four bombs has a small diameter, and its length must also be small, which happens to be in this range.

"Back then, we were envious of the American MK41 vertical launch system. Now, it's finally their turn to envy us." A leader present said with emotion.

When the MK41 vertical launch system was in full swing, the only air defense missiles such as the Sea Sidewinder on our side did not dare to leave the radius of action of the land-based aviation. Later, there was a thermal launch device on the frigate, step by step, until now, and finally a more compatible vertical hair device.

The quantity is sufficient and the flexibility is enhanced. What's not to like?Must have!

"Next, should we talk about radar?" Wu Shengli asked.

"It's not yet. Behind the vertical launch device is a near-anti-aircraft gun. Let's first invite our research and development unit of the near-anti-aircraft gun to introduce it to you." Qin Tao said.

Xia Bei finally went down.If it was in the past, they were also working on close-in defense guns, but now, the performance of their six-barrel close-in defense guns can no longer meet the needs of the navy. Fortunately, their 130mm naval guns and vertical launch systems are very powerful. He has no regrets either.

The 847 factory that bid with them finally had the last laugh.

Factory 847 originally manufactured cannons for aircraft. After entering the missile era, for a long time, aircraft designers felt that cannons were useless. Although they were added later, they were just a A spare, like a car's spare tire, is one that drivers never want to use.

Therefore, they had to transform. They aimed at the near-defense guns used by the navy. In the mid-80s, they decided to develop 730 naval guns. After a comprehensive evaluation by the navy, the project was officially launched and was named Project 857.

However, it is not easy to develop a near-defense gun from scratch. They encountered many problems in the research and development, and then they were cut off by 713. The warships built in the past few years, and the 713 factory was not discouraged. After years of polishing, they finally built their close-in guns.

The 052C being built now uses the 730 naval gun, so the naval leaders also know it. They are very curious. What else can this near-anti-aircraft gun say?
The 730 naval gun can be recognized because of its high precision. The 630 naval gun is an internal energy source, that is, the gas of the gunpowder is used to drive the rotation, and the vibration is large, while the 730 naval gun is an external energy source, the barrel vibration is small, and the accuracy is higher.

"Leaders, we continue to improve on the 730 naval gun. The product currently developed is the 1130 naval gun. You should know from the name that this naval gun is an upgraded version of the 730 naval gun. The number of barrels has been upgraded from 7 to 11. , and the rotation speed is also faster, so that the rate of fire of our close-in defense guns has finally reached the hard target of [-] rounds per minute." The person in charge of the close-in defense guns said to Tian Tian.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Ten thousand rounds per minute?Hard indicators?

Do you know what that means, kid?

A leader present said: "That is to say, once this kind of gun is fired, even if it is only fired for a second or two, it will consume 10,000+!"

The navy burns money, not to mention those expensive missiles, which are just naval guns and can't be used. Although the shells of naval guns are not expensive, they can't afford the high price.

"What the leaders are talking about is the price of ordinary shells. If we fire our special armor-piercing shells, it will cost about 50 yuan for one shot." Xiang Tian was very honest.

Even if you just stop firing and shoot a shuttle, it will cost 50!
"Then why do you want to do this, do you want the Navy to become poor?"

"In order to be able to intercept supersonic anti-ship missiles flying at low altitude and skimming the sea." Xiang Tian said: "The interception capability of our close-in defense guns is an order of magnitude higher than that of Phalanx."

(End of this chapter)

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