Great warships

Chapter 735 We Need Red Flags -10

Chapter 735 We Need Red Flags -10
Speaking of short-range defense guns, everyone will first think of Phalanx. This is a short-range defense system developed by the Americans. It is installed on warships in many countries around the world, so it has a good reputation.

Moreover, the Phalanx still has great vitality. Needless to say, in the 90s, this weapon is still in use in 2020. The British Queen-class aircraft carrier will continue to install this weapon as the last firepower network for air defense interception.

However, the performance of this Phalanx is not high. It uses a 20mm machine gun with a range of only 2600 meters.That performance is too bad, even if it is only an anti-ship missile at twice the speed of sound, it can fly 2 meters in one second, and the interception time of the Phalanx is only 700 seconds. Not small, like the P-30, for example, this guy has a mass of seven tons, even if it is intercepted or blown up, it can continue to fly, even if it becomes a wreck, it can still crash into a warship Everything in the superstructure of the warship was swept away.

The Americans have secretly calculated that the success rate of Phalanx intercepting subsonic targets is above 70.00%, but intercepting supersonic targets will be reduced to less than 30.00%. If the target makes a final maneuver, then the success rate of interception is [-]%. Zero!
In order to improve the interception ability, you have to think of other ways.

Increasing the density of firepower is the most direct way. Moreover, the Italians proposed a famous "window saturation shooting" theory. Supersonic missiles are not a panacea. On the route, there must be certain points that must be passed, that is to say, these points are the only way it must pass!They call this place the window, as long as the fire control system calculates the window of the supersonic missile, and then fires a large number of shells to fill the window.

I don't care how the missile maneuvers, and I am responsible for raining bullets on the opponent's only path, waiting for the missile to crash into this window of steel and fire by itself.

In this way, advanced computers are required for calculation, and a large number of shells are also required. How much is this large number?
After calculation, a data can be obtained: [-] rounds per minute!

It is not easy to achieve a rate of fire of 1130 rounds per minute. In history, only two models have achieved it. One is Kashtan, and the other is the [-] near-anti-aircraft gun!
In this way, the 1130 near-anti-aircraft can intercept supersonic missiles more efficiently. Although in this era, there are no supersonic missiles in the West, we must be prepared and prepare for the next few decades!
In addition to increasing the barrel and increasing the speed, they also developed a new ammunition.

The armor-piercing shells are used to deal with hard targets, mainly used on tank guns. In order to improve the interception ability of naval guns, they also developed 30mm armor-piercing shells. This thing has good performance, but the price is also terribly high.

However, it also depends on how it is compared. Compared with the cost of the warship and the lives of the sailors on the warship, what is the cost of 50?Just ask the old man, the Moskva was sunk, did you feel distressed?
"Such a fast rate of fire poses a severe challenge to our ammunition supply system. How did you do it?" Xia Bei asked.

They are also engaged in naval guns, and all he asks are the most professional questions.630 rounds per minute, can the shells be loaded?At least their own imitation [-] naval guns will never be able to do it. At such a high rate of fire, the chain of bullets will definitely break.

"We use a chainless system, with two magazine drums arranged on the left and right, and the left and right are alternately fed." Xiang Tian said.

The 630 close-in anti-aircraft gun uses a chain-fed bomb, which is also a commonly used method. Just like the Maxim heavy machine gun, the chain vibrates and continuously enters the barrel. This method is very constant, but the chain-fed bomb The speed will not be too fast, and relatively fragile.

The 630 naval gun is not only the tortoise shell seen on the deck, but also a lot of equipment under the deck, and the belt storage mechanism is just below the deck. Moreover, after each firing, the bottom of the deck is a mess, and cleaning is very complicated.

Since the ammunition is supplied by internal energy, the first shell of this kind of naval gun has to be manually pressed into the barrel before firing. If there is an emergency, it may delay the matter.

But the Phalanx doesn't hurt anymore. Speaking of the Phalanx, you have to talk about the M-61 "Vulcan" 20mm cannon.Because the near-defense gun is a derivative version of this machine gun. This machine gun uses a chainless feed. It does not have a chain, but uses a flexible guide mechanism to connect the drum and the barrel. The inside of the guide mechanism A bullet support is installed, and the bullet support arranges the shells at intervals, and feeds the shells under the drive of an external energy source.

It is precisely because this kind of bomb supply system is very flexible, so when the Phalanx system is installed, it can be directly squatted on the deck, and there is no need to make slots underneath. Even after some new warships are built, they do not have the money to buy nearly For anti-gun, just disassemble the old ship and move it over. It can be used not only on warships, but also on land, because it is a whole.

If you want to increase the rate of fire, you have to use a chainless feed structure.At the same time, in order to increase the rate of fire to [-] rounds, you have to use both left and right bows.

However, its bomb supply system is still somewhat different from that of the West. It can be said that it was developed by combining the advantages of the East and the West.

When we were working on air defense ships, the big guys valued radar and missiles the most. What about now?Radar and missiles have not yet appeared, but these small supporting projects have made everyone very excited. This is also the result of the continuous development of the motherland's military industry in recent years.

"There seems to be something extra on this system?" Someone asked.

"Yes, we have developed a brand new optoelectronic system for it. As its main means of tracking targets, although we have retained the 349 tracking radar, the tracking radar is used as a backup, mainly guided by the optoelectronic system."

Unlike the Phalanx that works alone, this 1130 close-in defense gun also relies on the warship fire control system to provide the data of the incoming target, according to the data, it is transferred to the corresponding point, and then the photoelectric system is used to capture the target.

This is also to better intercept supersonic anti-ship missiles.

Radar systems are susceptible to interference, and it is not easy to detect low-altitude sea-skimming missiles, but the photoelectric system is not painful. This system not only uses optical images, but also uses infrared signals to track targets!
For any anti-ship missile, the engine is always running during the flight, and the infrared characteristics are obvious. Even if measures are taken to cool down the tail flame, the temperature of the warhead will increase under high-speed flight. These appearance characteristics are all It cannot be concealed.

Therefore, it will be easier to use these to search for targets. Even if the enemy's anti-ship missiles are upgraded to stealth anti-ship missiles in the future, our own side can easily find them.

This set of weapons is completely prepared for the future!Of course, with the development of technology, in the later stage, this 349 tracking radar will also be replaced by a small octagonal phased array radar, but that step is not yet reached.

"This set of weapons can be used on our modified destroyer, and our aircraft carrier can also be equipped with this kind of close-in defense gun!" Wu Shengli nodded. Good things have to be used. The aircraft carrier has not yet been launched into the water. These changes are still possible.

"Next, it's the turn of radar and missiles, right?" the leader present continued to ask.

After talking for a long time, it was finally the turn of the bridge.

"Well, in terms of radar, let's talk from top to bottom. We all know that we can see far from a high stand. Now, there is a big ball on the main mast of our 054D. Do you know what is inside this big ball? ?”

Although Qin Tao said that the next sub-systems will be discussed by other people, after all, he needs to take care of the overall situation, and now he is speaking again in the process of continuing the introduction.

"President Qin, you are not righteous. Everyone is looking forward to talking about the 346 radar. Why do you always give the big guy an appetite?" a leader said.

"Everyone, we are not the era when there were no air defense ships at the beginning. We are most looking forward to the four-sided phased array radar. Now that we have it, this is not urgent. Our modified destroyer has to make up for the lack of the prototype. Okay, I think this radar is more important." Qin Tao said.

"That's right, this location is the highest place on the ship, so it's more suitable to capture ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming targets." A leader said: "In this way, our four-sided phased array is responsible for air defense at medium and long distances. This big ball is responsible for ultra-low-altitude interception, what kind of radar is in it?"

"Actually, the best thing is to get two phased array radars back to back. However, phased array radars are relatively expensive now, so we can only settle for the next best thing and use 364 radars. Please let the technicians from Institute 723 introduce it to you. .”

"Leaders, we know that the threat of ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming attacks is increasing, so we have also improved the new 364 radar." This technician participated in the meeting for the first time and was quite excited: "We This radar has advanced performance, using dual-frequency diversity, pulse compression, adaptive MTD, frequency agility and traveling wave tube amplification chain working system, the frequency working range is C-band and X-band, and it has anti-sea clutter interference, anti-chaff Interference, anti-broadband blocking interference, anti-asynchronous pulse interference and anti-narrowband aiming interference capabilities. In terms of specific performance, the maximum search distance is 100 kilometers, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is to deal with anti-ship missiles with a radar reflection area of ​​only 0.1 square meters. It can be found at a distance of 18 kilometers. Moreover, its processing system is very powerful, it can track thousands of target trajectories, and the speed of wartime can reach 60 revolutions per minute..."

Foreign products similar to it, such as the goalkeeper system, can only track 18 targets at most, and now our side can track thousands of targets!
Of course, the best equipment is an integrated radio frequency system, and all radars are implemented on several shields, but it is still difficult to do this now, and you have to take your time.

Other things may not be understood by non-professionals, but everyone can understand the following parameters. The search distance for 0.1 square meters of anti-ship missiles has reached 18 kilometers, and it can be refreshed [-] times per minute. !
what does this mean?
The ability to intercept ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming anti-ship missiles has improved again!
With the advent of the stealth era, the reflection area of ​​anti-ship missiles will become smaller and smaller, and it will become more and more difficult to find. If they cannot be found in time, it means that they may not be able to respond in time, and even lead to being hit. Terrible ending!

Now, this radar is installed at the highest place, which can effectively increase the detection distance of anti-ship missiles and better protect the safety of warships!
"The combination of this radar and our 1130 close-in anti-aircraft gun can better protect our warships and build the last line of defense!" said a leader.

"However, there still seems to be a gap in firepower between our medium-range anti-aircraft missiles and close-in anti-aircraft guns!" Someone said again.

Near-anti-aircraft guns can be responsible for targets within three kilometers, but what about anti-aircraft missiles?
Due to the adoption of vertical launch technology, even if the air defense missile is dealing with a short-range target, it must first climb to a certain height and then dive down.

It would be great if there was another protective net in the middle!
"Our Haihong Qiqi seems to be just right." Another leader said.

At that time, the navy lacked suitable air defense missiles, and the navy relied on anti-aircraft artillery to defend itself, so it could not survive in modern warfare. While domestically developing the Hongqi-61, it was also actively importing it. After eliminating the cheating sea javelins, the navy chose The French Sea Sidewinder missile system.

Although the range of this missile is only a dozen kilometers, it has the ability to intercept low-altitude sea-skimming targets, and it is launched at an angle. The navy is very satisfied with it. The imitated model is Haihongqi Seven. Over the years, with the red flag- 16, this missile has gradually become marginalized. However, if you want to build a complete firepower network for the navy, you cannot do without this weapon.

"Haihongqi-10 has been outdated for a long time. Now, we need a brand new missile to meet our needs. According to our naming principle, it should be the turn of Hongqi-10. After the successful development of this missile, it will fill this gap. "Qin Tao said: "In the rear hangar of this warship, we have reserved the installation position of Hongqi-[-]."

Speaking of anti-aircraft missiles, many people will directly think of Hongqi IX. The appearance of this missile has provided an unbreakable umbrella for the navy.In fact, the Hongqi-10 missile is also quite important.

With the rapid development of various anti-ship missile technologies, the threat faced by the ship-borne air defense system is also increasing, and the division of labor is becoming more and more clear: the vertically launched medium- and long-range ship-borne air defense system is mainly responsible for long-range multi-target interception, In order to intercept enough targets at a long distance, or even simply shoot down the carrier aircraft carrying the missile, the short-range air defense system launched at an angle is mainly responsible for intercepting enemy missiles that break through the medium and long-range air defense system, and both perform their duties.

In terms of quick response, oblique launch is still more efficient than vertical launch.

At this time, after hearing Qin Tao's words, everyone became curious: "Mr. Qin, do we still need new air defense missiles? Can't Haihong Qiqi not work? Can you tell us more about it?"

"With the development of anti-ship missile technology, our new generation of short-range air defense missile system needs to have more advanced capabilities, especially the multi-target interception capability." Qin Tao said: "Although our Haihongqi [-] is advanced, but once It can only deal with one or two targets, and it can no longer meet this need. In order for air defense missiles to have multi-target interception capabilities, our short-range missiles need to have the ability to be ignored after launch. The response speed must be fast, the lethality must be strong, and the overall performance , the same as Western Ram missiles."

In fact, the demand for intercepting anti-ship missiles is more urgent in the West than in the East. Although the United States has Sea Sparrow and Phalanx, there is still a gap between these anti-aircraft firepower. Therefore, in the 90s, the United States and Germany jointly developed the La Mu missile, and later became the strongest close-in defense weapon for intercepting anti-ship missiles.

When Qin Tao mentioned Ram, everyone immediately had an intuitive impression.

"That's right, we need a new type of anti-aircraft missile similar to the Ram missile. This kind of missile doesn't need to hit very far, but it must have a strong multi-target interception capability." A leader said: "For this missile, Qin Any other ideas?"

This was originally just a demonstration meeting for a modified destroyer, but now, under the impetus of Qin Tao, it has turned to a new missile research and development meeting.

The technicians of Institute 723 were not too embarrassed standing there, because he had already known it in advance, and the official radar of this Hongqi-10 missile was still the 364 radar in their hands, and now what Mr. Qin said was still theirs s project.

"I'm not a professional, so let my secretary introduce me." Qin Tao said.

Zhao Ling stood up.

As the designer of Hongqi-16, Zhao Ling's accomplishments in air defense missiles are obvious to all, so it is normal to ask her to give opinions on the new air defense missiles.

"When dealing with ultra-low-altitude sea-skimming anti-ship missiles, they will be affected by sea clutter. At the same time, considering the need for multi-target attacks, it is best for our missiles to use infrared imaging guidance, which is left alone after launch. However, considering the limited operating range of the infrared imaging seeker, we can first use the 364 radar for guidance within a certain distance after launch, thus forming a dual-mode guidance method."

Different missiles have different guidance methods. Generally speaking, the navy has now transitioned to semi-active radar and active radar guidance methods, both of which require special target irradiation radars. This method is limited by the fire channel.

Take the well-known Aegis system in the United States as an example, boasting that it has the ability to resist saturation attacks, but in fact, it is still limited by the number of targets irradiated by radar, and the number of targets it can deal with at the same time is still in single digits.

There is no need for infrared imaging guidance. This thing is completely autonomous, and it is less likely to be affected by clutter on the sea surface, and its reliability will be higher. The only disadvantage is the distance.Therefore, in the process of flying to the target, first use the radar to guide.

This radar guidance is not target irradiation, it is just that the target data is continuously refreshed during the rotation of the 364 radar once a second, and then the target data is passed to the missile, which is enough.

Therefore, there is no limit to this guidance method. In theory, the number of its firepower channels is only limited by the number of missiles. Although there is only one launcher, after launching the missile, it can immediately switch to another one.

"The firepower channel of this close-in defense system is only limited by the number of missiles. We can choose different launchers according to the equipment we carry. For example, on our main destroyer, we can install 24-tube launchers. After all, this This kind of destroyer is used for air defense. On our aircraft carrier, 18-tube equipment can be installed to intercept fish that slip through the net. On our light frigate, it is enough to install 8-tube equipment.” Zhao Ling continued: “These The launcher is also the same as the Ram missile, it is a launch kiln system."

"There are 24 tubes installed on a launcher. The size of this missile must not be too big, right?"

"That's right, the length of the Ram missile is 2.79 meters, the projectile diameter is 127 millimeters, the wingspan is 262 millimeters, and the projectile weighs 70.9 kilograms. Our own Hongqi-10 missile must also be of this level in terms of dimensions." Zhao Ling Continued: "This missile is more similar to an air-to-air missile, because it is too small and has too many steering gears installed, so we can use a special roll control technology. The missile rotates around the axis during flight, and the steering gear When the missile body rolls to a certain angle, it can control the rudder surface to change the flight direction, so that even if it is only a single-channel steering gear, the missile can be controlled to fly in any direction.”

On the whole, it is almost the same as the Ram missile.Many technologies are also transplanted from air-to-air missiles.

In this way, the technical foundation is in place, and then it only needs to invest funds in research and development.

"Xiao Zhao, do you want to be the chief engineer of our project?" a leader said.

Hearing this, Qin Tao's face was a little ugly, it was too much, he was used to staying and flying with his wife, and there was a leader who wanted him to be a monk?

"Old Wang, Xiao Zhao is already the secretary of the CEO of Mingzhou Group. He is busy with work, but he has no time to be the chief designer of a new air defense missile." Wu Shengli said, "Besides, we are now in the aerospace system There are so many talents here, can't you find a suitable project chief engineer?"

Qin Tao glanced at the old man gratefully. It's better to be the old man, knowing that he can't give anymore.

"Okay, I know you, Lao Wu, love your daughter." Leader Wang stopped insisting: "Then please ask Mingzhou Group to write us a detailed plan, which will be developed by the organization in charge of air-to-air missiles in our aerospace system. As for this project , as President Qin said, it is called Hongqi-10, and our Hongqi family will add another new member."

"Boss Qin, can you keep up with this device you reserved?" Another leader said.

"Of course we can catch up. Now our domestic military research and development capabilities are already very strong. In the outfitting stage of this modified destroyer, this Hongqi-10 should be able to be developed. Maybe it can catch up with our aircraft carrier outfitting? .” Qin Tao was very optimistic.

 PS: I don’t know why recently, but I haven’t moved the code. It may be that I have encountered too many troubles recently. . .Thank you for your great support!Today seems to be the last day to double the monthly pass. If you have a monthly pass, please vote for the hero of East China!

(End of this chapter)

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