Great warships

Chapter 747

Chapter 747

"Comrades have worked hard!" Wu Shengli's voice sounded.

"Serve the people!" Sailors shouted loudly.

Among all arms, submarine soldiers are a special existence. They live in the silent underwater world, and they have to face various emergencies at any time. They are under tremendous pressure, especially those who participated in the submarine test mission Officers and soldiers, the pressure is even greater. If there are design defects or production defects, they may be buried in the sea at any time.

But they don't care, they are willing to take all kinds of risks for the strength of the motherland!

Now, they have finally completed all the test tasks, and these submariners will also become the first batch of formal officers and soldiers of the 093 submarine. They are still very proud of operating this underwater dragon.

Now, facing the inspection by the naval leaders, they are even more energetic and radiant.

Kwasha stood aside, also watching the submarine.

The 095 submarine is about to start construction, and the only one of the 093 submarine can also broaden his horizons for him. He wants to see the construction level of his brothers.

From his point of view, 093 is still good, at least during the test time, the sound-absorbing tiles did not fall off, but the appearance of the submarine is outdated, especially the control tower of the submarine, which still uses the old design method.

"Now, on behalf of the Navy, I announce that the 093 nuclear submarine has officially passed the sea trial and joined the People's Navy. It has since become one of our important underwater weapons!" Wu Shengli continued to deliver a speech for about ten minutes, and the nuclear submarine finally Docked firmly at the berth.

"Now, let's go up and have a look." Elder Peng couldn't wait.

Kvasha followed.

The sailors were a little curious when they saw that Lao Maozi was also there, but they all knew that there were a large number of Lao Maozi experts in the country. Since the Lao Maozi in front of him was qualified to come here, he was naturally qualified to observe it.

"The air here is not bad. It seems that our new purification device works well." After going up, Mr. Peng was the first to feel the freshness of the air inside.

Submarines sailing underwater for a long time must ensure that there is enough fresh air, especially enough oxygen, otherwise, all members of the boat may be killed.

Therefore, all kinds of submarines will always have oxygen regeneration medicine boards and oxygen cylinders, but these are used in critical situations. Under normal circumstances, nuclear submarines will use electrolysis of water to produce oxygen, while conventional submarines use snorkels to produce oxygen. .

In addition to oxygen, there will be other gases in the air, such as carbon dioxide exhaled by people, such as hydrogen and carbon monoxide, etc. If these are not eliminated, they will still pose a threat, and they are usually achieved by special air purification devices.

Even so, after the submarine returns from sea, the smell inside will be quite unpleasant.

Now, this nuclear submarine has been submerged all the time, and only floats when it is inside the cavern. The internal air quality is maintained well. Of course, this is because of the effect of the brand new air purification device. The air quality plays a very good filtering role, which can improve the living comfort of submariners and work better.

"That's right, this air purification device is very good." The submarine captain who participated in the test said: "After one month underwater, the air quality can still be maintained at the same level as outside. If it takes longer, we will have a chance in the future. Test again."

"How's the broadside sonar array going?" asked Kvasha, who was also fluent in Oriental.

Faced with the old man's question, the captain still had some doubts, and Mr. Peng said, "This is the designer of the next-generation submarine. The sideboard sonar array used on your submarine was originally assembled for the next-generation submarine. "

Designer of the next generation of submarines?The captain was immediately in awe: "Report, the sideboard sonar array is too powerful! During our test, we can detect the noise from surface ships hundreds of nautical miles away, and it can also have good accuracy. It can even give Our anti-ship missiles are used to shoot various elements, but unfortunately the range of the anti-ship missiles we carry is not far enough."

Relying on their torpedo tubes, they can only launch YJ-83 anti-ship missiles at most, with a range of less than [-] kilometers. To attack the surface fleet of potential targets, it needs a range of at least [-] kilometers.

"The problem of anti-ship missiles will be solved by our next generation of submarines." Kvasha said: "The performance of the sideboard sonar array is up to standard, and we will have confidence in the next research and development."

"The performance is definitely up to the standard. Moreover, a sound generating device is installed on it, which can simulate the sound of the 091 submarine. This idea is really good." The captain said with emotion.

The West has always believed that the performance of Eastern submarines is poor and that they are underwater tractors. Therefore, they pretended to be tractors to show them, and when it came to real underwater confrontation, they suddenly lowered the noise, completely dumbfounding potential enemies.

"How's the noise level of our 093? Is it up to the standard?" Qin Tao, who was following behind, asked.

"The noise is at least 091 decibels lower than our 20." The captain said: "It is quieter, but it is still incomparable with the noise of our domestic conventional diesel-electric submarines."

The noise of the first generation 091 was huge, and the noise of 093 has been reduced, but it is not particularly good. After all, the noise of nuclear submarines mainly comes from the nuclear reactor, and its reactor is still an improved version of 091.

There won't be much improvement in quietness, and a 20 decibel reduction is already very powerful.

Qin Tao nodded. This is the meaning of the 095 submarine. The noise is further reduced by 20 decibels, reaching a level more advanced than the mainstream in the West. In particular, our own nuclear reactor has self-circulation capabilities. At low speeds, the main circulation pump is not turned on, and the noise can be reduced to The level of the black hole in the ocean.At the Dalieshan nuclear power plant, this low-speed self-circulation capability has been verified a lot, and it is no problem at all.

The biggest advantage of the 095 is the nuclear reactor. Compared with the nuclear reactor of the 091, the power is much higher and the quietness is also improved.

"Let's go and have a look at the back." Krasnopolski also came up, and he was most concerned about the nuclear reactor.

A few hours later, everyone dismounted from the 093 nuclear submarine. There are affirmations for this submarine, but there are also many shortcomings.

"The technology of this submarine is relatively mature. Although it uses a lot of advanced electronic technology, its combat capability has been greatly improved, but its nuclear power system and so on are still improved from 091. The reliability Not bad, but it has not yet reached the first-class level." As Lao Maozi's famous submarine designer, Kvasha's evaluation is very fair: "After the verification of this submarine, the construction of our 095 submarine will be smoother."

"Yes, the further improvement of our underwater technology also depends on the emergence of the 095 nuclear submarine." Wu Shengli said with emotion: "This submarine will reach the level of the Seawolf class and keep pace with the world."

The navy no longer looks down on the 093 nuclear submarine, and everyone's eyes are on the 095 submarine.

This world-class nuclear submarine is finally about to start construction!

In fact, construction should have started a long time ago. However, the navy has been short of funds these years, and the Aegis warship will cost a lot of money, not to mention the 002 aircraft carrier project. Therefore, the only way to have funds is to build the 093 submarine into service. Support 095 project.

On the way to Mingzhou Group, Kewasha introduced the 095 submarine project again.

"After repeated research, we finally set the submarine at a length of 115 meters, a width of 12 meters, a draft of 11 meters, and an underwater displacement of 7900 tons. In this way, driven by our 150-megawatt nuclear reactor, we can achieve the largest underwater submarine. A speed of 32 knots." Kwasha said: "Without turning on the circulating water pump, it can have a maximum silent speed of 20 knots."

The maximum speed is only a theoretical value. Few submarine captains dare to reach the maximum speed underwater when commanding. In this case, any submarine will become an underwater tractor, completely losing its concealment. For submarines In other words, losing concealment means death.

Therefore, the maximum speed is not the goal to pursue. 30 knots is already very high. The domestic 091 and 093 can only run to about 25 knots, and they still gallop underwater.

Although nuclear submarines need to escort the aircraft carrier formation underwater, but in addition to taking off and landing carrier-based aircraft, the aircraft carrier formation rarely reaches 30 knots, which is too fuel-intensive.

"The displacement of this attack nuclear submarine has already reached the displacement of our 092 ballistic missile nuclear submarine." Wu Shengli said: "Our navy's equipment is also gradually becoming larger."

"This nuclear submarine has also added a special 850mm vertical launching device compartment. It is also possible to attribute it to a ballistic missile nuclear submarine." Qin Tao said.

At the time of design, Qin Tao proposed to add such a cabin section, but no one understood it back then. Now, with the continuous implementation of the anti-ship ballistic missile project, the big guy finally understands that the vertical cabin with a diameter of 850 mm and a length of nine meters The launch is specially prepared for anti-ship ballistic missiles. This thing is the big killer for attacking aircraft carriers.

What is the mission of attacking nuclear submarines?In addition to the enemy's submarines, it is the enemy's surface aircraft carrier formation. In the future, whether it is on the surface or underwater, our own side will have a strong attack capability, making the enemy frightened.

"Our 093 can be reduced to 110 decibels, which is already very good, but for our 095, the goal is to reduce it to about 90 decibels. We will use pump-jet propellers to drive the submarine forward. At the same time, the integrated power system of the whole boat , and motor-driven pumps are our basic equipment, and now these technologies have matured."

Kwasha is a submarine designer. However, he is not omnipotent. To perform well, he needs the cooperation of various departments. He is very satisfied now. In the East, all necessary conditions can be met.

If it were in the Soviet Union, don't even think about the integrated power system. The weakest thing for Lao Maozi is the electronic system.

"Currently, the highest-strength steel produced by Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works is already 1000 to 600 MPa. We plan to use this steel for the pressure hull of the submarine, which allows our submarine to have a dive depth of 1000 meters." Ke Vasha said: "If you encounter special circumstances, even if you dive to a depth of [-] meters, you should be able to withstand it."

The deck steel used now is already one thousand megapascals. The quality of the pressure hull used on nuclear submarines is of course higher. Of course, it must not only have high enough strength, but also be easy to process and weld. , the price can't be too expensive, otherwise it can't be used.

All over the world, those who can produce this level of steel for nuclear submarines can be counted on the palm of one hand, which fully demonstrates how difficult the technology is.

Even if the Mingzhou Group does not participate in the construction of nuclear submarines and only sells steel, it can greatly promote the nuclear submarine business.

At this time, everyone present was shocked when they heard what Kwasha said. In the past, nuclear submarines were able to dive to 300 meters, but now, the depth has doubled!
"When we go to Mingzhou Group to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony of the nuclear submarine, we must see how these steel materials are processed." Wu Shengli said.

"Everyone, there is still one problem that needs to be solved in the construction of this nuclear submarine." Kvasha said: "It is where the reactor of this nuclear submarine will be assembled."

At that time, in order to engage in the nuclear industry, the country established a large number of nuclear industrial plants, among which the famous 272 plant was responsible for the arduous task of extracting uranium dioxide from uranium ore and uranium concentrate. Plant 202 is in charge of chemical conversion of uranium, metallurgical processing of uranium, and manufacturing of nuclear fuel elements, that is, making raw materials for nuclear reactors. Plant 504 is in charge of enriching uranium.

Factory 404, built in 58, is a comprehensive nuclear industry scientific research and production base standing on the Gobi Desert in the northwest. It has created the "Ten Firsts in the Nuclear Industry" including the first reactor and the first nuclear material production line.In other words, the normal assembly of nuclear reactors is done in Plant 404.

However, Factory 404 is too old after all, is it suitable for assembling such an advanced nuclear reactor?

"Where was the Mingzhou Group nuclear power plant assembled?" Wu Shengli asked.

"It was assembled on-site at Mount Dalie." Qin Tao said: "I think that Dalie Mountain can be used as our nuclear reactor assembly base. We are not afraid of nuclear discoloration when others talk about it. The nuclear reactors of floating nuclear power plants at sea can be included. assembled there."

For the people of Mingzhou, it has long been no surprise. When the nuclear submarine was dragged from Lao Maozi and converted into a floating nuclear power plant in the Mingzhou Group, no one dared to object. After all, what the Mingzhou Group did , but for the whole of Mingzhou, and even the whole of China.

Now, Dalie Mountain is completely under the control of Mingzhou Group, and the open space of Dalie Mountain has long been capable of assembling nuclear reactors.

"This needs to be reported to the superior, and the decision can only be made after joint research by experts from all aspects." Wu Shengli said.

This matter is of great importance, and it is not up to him alone to make a decision, and it is still necessary to act in accordance with scientific laws.Although generally speaking, the suggestions made by the son-in-law are correct, but he also has to follow some objective laws.

Qin Tao nodded.

A few days later.

The busyness of the Mingzhou Shipyard has become a habit. Even foreigners who come here will be infected by the labor enthusiasm here. The concept of working days and rest days has long since disappeared. For them, every day according to Going to work and leaving work at a fixed time has become a part of life, but they have no complaints. They need overtime pay for overtime work. Their normal work is already three times the wages of workers with the same work outside. What else can they do? satisfied.

Generally, the groundbreaking ceremony of a new ship is very lively, and everyone in the factory knows it, but the groundbreaking ceremony of a nuclear submarine is silent.

The entire submarine construction workshop is located in a corner of the shipyard, which is very secluded. Since it is all built indoors, as long as the workers who undertake the shipbuilding task do not talk nonsense, the outside world will not know what is being built here.

With the gradual increase of submarine export tasks, the submarine construction workshop here is also expanding. A newly built workshop has a length of 200 meters and a height of 40 meters. The entire submarine construction workshop is so spacious, which makes people feel very emotional.

"Our original nuclear submarine production plant, if we want to continue to produce modern submarines, we also need to build new factories and workshops, which will cost a lot of money. Now, it is handed over to Mingzhou Group for construction. These preparations are all done by them. Good choice." A naval leader said with emotion.

If the original production plant had to pay for these renovation costs, the Navy would have to pay for it. Now it would be better if Mingzhou Group paid for it.

"However, this factory building is really big. I guess it can even produce large submarines like the Typhoon class, right?" Another leader said.

"Our factory building is designed according to the size of our ballistic missile nuclear submarines in the future." Qin Tao said: "After our 095 is launched, the construction of 096 or 094 should be put on the agenda. According to our largest In terms of a diameter of 13.5 meters, the nuclear submarine can remove the turtle back and put all the Julang-2 missiles inside our hull, but the size of the submarine will also increase.”

In the past, I have introduced the size of this submarine to the navy. It is expected to reach 170 meters in length and have an underwater displacement of more than [-] tons. A big guy of this level must have a large enough factory building to build it.

"Well, the length and height are enough, and the width is not too small. It seems that two nuclear submarines can be started at the same time." Wu Shengli said.

"That's right, in the future, as long as the navy needs it, we will build two ships together." Qin Tao nodded and looked towards the innermost part of the huge production workshop, where a banner had already been hung.

Warmly celebrate the start of the 095 nuclear submarine!
After waiting for so long, the 095 nuclear submarine is finally about to start construction. Compared with the previous nuclear submarines, its performance has been greatly improved, even a qualitative leap!

"Leader Wu, speak to us," Qin Tao said.

Wu Shengli walked up to the rostrum in front, and began to speak to the people surrounding him.

One part is the navy, one part is the engineer, and the other part is the worker who specializes in building submarines.

"Comrades, I am very happy to stand here today. The 095 nuclear submarine is a submarine that has reached the highest level in the world. In the 091 submarine, we only solved the problem of whether it was available or not. The performance was low. By 093, the performance began to improve a lot. Great improvement, but what really satisfies us is this 095, our underwater power will be on par with the world, or even higher!"

"Over the years, Mingzhou Group has developed rapidly and has become a good helper for our navy. From 022 missile boats, to 054 frigates, to 052C, to 002 aircraft carriers, Mingzhou Group has built a large number of advanced surface ships, realizing the navy's Modernization. Now, Mingzhou Group will help us realize the modernization of underwater power!"

"Now, I announce that the 095 submarine has officially started!"

Following his order, the plasma cutting machine started, and the first piece of submarine steel plate began to be cut. In fact, it had been rolled into the corresponding size when it left the factory, and now it was just cutting the corners. After cutting , the huge steel plate was sent to the three-roll plate rolling machine.

As the name implies, the main body of the three-roll plate bending machine is three rolls, which are divided into upper and lower structures. There is one roll on the top and two rolls on the bottom. The lengths are the same. The steel plate to be processed is sandwiched between the upper and lower parts.Among them, the upper roller can move up and down. By falling, it can provide downward pressure on the steel plate. The steel plate is pressed during the movement, so that bending can occur. The lower two rollers mainly rotate to make the steel plate bend evenly. , However, if you want to press an asymmetric structure, the lower two rollers must also be able to move, and provide different support forces for the steel plate by moving horizontally, so that you can get steel plate materials with different bending degrees.

The plate rolling machine has many uses in the domestic metal processing industry. For example, factories such as boilers, chemicals, and steel structures all need this kind of equipment. It can also be produced in China, but for a long time, the production is ordinary. Symmetrical three-roll plate bending machine, the pressure is not strong, and it is impossible to curl high-strength steel at all.

After all, the more yielded the steel, the harder it is to roll.

At this time, I saw that the five-meter-wide steel was stuffed into the plate rolling machine. Under the action of the plate rolling machine, the steel was bent in a back and forth motion. Be amazed.

"For a long time, foreign countries have imposed an embargo on us in the field of high-performance plate rolling machines." Qin Tao introduced to everyone at the side: "Without plate rolling machines, advanced submarines cannot be manufactured. Even Lao Maozi does not have an advanced plate rolling machine, which makes them constrained in the production of nuclear submarines. Although their Typhoon-class nuclear submarines are large, they are not integrated. They use two separate pressure-resistant shells, so don’t look at the Typhoon-class There’s a lot of displacement, and there’s actually not a lot of interior space.”

Lao Maozi also does not have a high-performance plate rolling machine, and the underwater typhoon-level displacement is so large, how to make it?The answer is to separate!

A large number of vertical missile launchers are arranged in the center of the huge hull. Ordinary nuclear submarines stuff such missile launchers directly into the pressure hull, and at most expose a section of it to make a turtle back. What about the Typhoon class?Simply arrange it directly in the middle of the pressure shell!
On both sides of its huge hull, there are two independent pressure-resistant cabins, arranged in parallel left and right, each cabin has a diameter of 7.2 meters, and there are 5 living cabins and 19 compartments in total.Between these two pressure-resistant shells is the missile vertical launching device, so that there is no need to open the pressure-resistant shell, and the strength is also good, which can be regarded as an idea of ​​Lao Maozi.

(To be honest, the hero of East China really doesn't understand. Lao Maozi has the world's largest hydraulic press, and the Airbus landing gear has to be sent to Lao Maozi for forging and pressing. The plate rolling machine is mainly hydraulic presses. Why can't I make it myself.)
(End of this chapter)

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