Great warships

Chapter 748 The Reborn 039C

Chapter 748 The Reborn 039C
"This hydraulic press was designed by our Huating University and built by our Mingzhou Group." Qin Tao continued to introduce to everyone: "Its maximum downforce exceeds [-] tons, and it can roll steel plates with a thickness of [-] millimeters. The width is five meters. This rolling machine is composed of mechanical, hydraulic and electronic parts, and the electronic part can precisely control the force of rolling, and the program is developed by our Huating University."

In terms of factory-school cooperation, Mingzhou Group is also at the forefront. The earliest [-]D CNC plate bending machine was jointly produced by them. Now it has become a good helper in building ships. Now, in terms of plate bending machines, they have Another breakthrough has been achieved. If there is no such a big guy, it is impossible to make an advanced nuclear submarine. Even if it is made, it will be big on the outside and small on the inside.

Everyone stared at the plate rolling machine, discussing and imagining, while the big guys were chatting, the first steel plate became more and more curved, and finally, it slowly became a ring. The steel plate has been rolled and pressed!
If you count the time, it takes three to four hours to roll and press a steel plate. This speed is not too slow. After all, they are all cold-rolled. If it needs hot-rolling, it will take longer to heat it repeatedly. .

The coiled steel plate enters the next process: welding.

The huge welding arm stretched out, and the sparks of the arc flew.

This scene shocked everyone again.

"We can actually weld fully automatically?"

"Of course, our shipyard produces so many products. If it can't be welded automatically, how much labor will be needed? General welds can be welded automatically, and only a few welds require manual welding." Qin Tao said.

When the liquefied gas ship was engaged in that year, Mingzhou Group introduced automatic welding equipment for the first time. After all, manual welding of invar steel in some special parts is enough. If all welding is done manually, a slight negligence will cause There is a big problem.

After that, automated welding equipment entered more fields. After all, Mingzhou Group is short of people!Skilled welders are never enough. Even if there is a technical school, continuous training of talents will not work. Automated welding can reduce labor and ensure quality. Shipyards no longer use labor if automatic welding can be used.

The same goes for submarines, of course.

The official construction of the submarine began like this. The plate rolling machine rolled out the steel plate and welded it into a ring. Then, the plasma cutting machine cut out several flat plates and stuffed them into the inside of the ring. Several layers inside the submarine The deck is welded out.

Seeing this efficiency, the people who came here were all surprised.

"The construction of our 093 submarine is all manual welding, and the construction period is very long. If we have this kind of welding equipment, it can be finalized and put into service at least half a year in advance. Sure enough, science and technology are the primary productive forces!" A leader sighed with emotion.

Every time you come to Mingzhou Group, you will have a different feeling!

Now, when they came to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony, they saw the advanced technology of Mingzhou Group, which made them feel a lot of emotion.

This is how modern technology ships are built!

"Everyone is just looking at the welding of the internal frame. The next lot of work can only be done manually." Qin Tao said: "Next, do you want to take a look at it?"

The workshop here only produces nuclear submarines, and the workshop next to it produces conventional submarines.

"The conventional submarine next to it?" Everyone's eyes lit up: "Boss Qin, is that 039C ready to launch?"

"It will take a while, but it has basically taken shape, and the only thing left is to close the front and back. You can take a look." Qin Tao said.

At the beginning, when 039B was born, it immediately amazed the world. In the hands of the Pyramid Navy, it even played a beautiful hand, attracting the attention of the whole world.

However, the Eastern Navy is still not satisfied with the performance of 039B. After all, the ones for personal use must be better than the ones for export!
Under this request, Mingzhou Group came up with the design plan of 039C. The tall design stunned all the leaders, and then approved the construction.

The construction of conventional submarines also takes time, so, until now, the first 039C has finally completed most of the construction work.

There is no outfitting link for submarines. When various internal equipment is built in sections, they must be installed and then welded together.

There are small sections and large sections. The large section directly divides the submarine into three parts: the bow, the middle, and the stern. When the three sections are connected, the submarine is considered to be completed.

The Mingzhou Group uses slightly more sections. However, in the previous construction process, each section has been almost built, and has been connected a lot. Now the submarine has been divided into two parts, and the front and rear only need to be connected. The submarine is done.

"Since you're here, of course you have to go and have a look!" Everyone was very excited.

"Okay, let's go to our guest house for dinner first. After lunch, everyone will go to see it in the afternoon." Qin Tao said.

Before he knew it, a whole morning had passed, and everyone was excited all the time, but they didn't feel hungry at all. After Qin Tao said this, he heard the sound of his stomach growling.

After lunch, everyone came to the production workshop of conventional submarines. After entering, they first saw the tail of the submarine, and some people immediately became excited.

"X-type tail rudder, this is the first model of our navy!"

"Needless to say our navy, there are very few in the world!"

The 039B of foreign trade still uses a cross-shaped tail rudder. This kind of tail rudder is the most commonly used. Since the submarine, there has been this kind of tail rudder. Almost, the control is simple.

However, in the long-term use, the cross-shaped rudder will also have many disadvantages, especially in shallow seas, the cross-shaped rudder is easy to touch the bottom and be damaged, and the X-shaped rudder was developed for this reason.

Compared with the cross-shaped tail rudder, it can not only solve the problem of bottoming, but also avoid the wake of the conning tower, with advanced performance.

However, the defect is also very big: the manipulation is inconvenient.

Turning 45 degrees from up, down, left, and right, then, when moving horizontally or vertically, which rudder surface should be used and how many degrees should be deflected?
This requires a computer to calculate!

"It's difficult to control, are you sure?" a leader asked.

"Of course I'm sure. Our fighter plane has a V-shaped vertical tail, and the principle of control is similar." Qin Tao said.

The vertical tail of the original fighter plane was vertical to control the left and right steering of the aircraft. Later, in order to improve the stealth, the vertical tail was made into a V shape. At this time, complex calculations are required to control the steering of the aircraft. The current X-shaped tail rudder, It can be considered as a combination of two V-shaped vertical tails. The principle of control is similar and can be transplanted.

The crowd nodded.

"Okay, with this tail rudder, our submarine will be more advanced and more suitable for activities in shallow waters. Wait, why can't we see the drive shaft?"

A transmission shaft should extend from the tail of the submarine. Whether it is a propeller or a pump jet propeller, a transmission shaft is required to transmit power. Whether it is directly driven or driven by an electric motor, it must be there.

Now, the center of the X-shaped tail rudder you see has no opening at all, so how to drive it?

"You may not have participated in our report meeting at that time, so you don't know yet. Our submarine uses a shaftless pump thruster. It only needs to transmit the power through the cable. The motor has been integrated into the interior of the pump jet propeller. , in this way, the transmission shaft can be completely eliminated, and the noise is smaller.”

Shaftless Pump Push!

Hearing this introduction, many people were surprised.

The pump jet propeller is equivalent to adding a package outside the propeller, which can improve the efficiency of the propeller and reduce the noise, so it is loved by many submarine designers. But the pump pushes.

However, the early pumps were still driven by the transmission shaft, and even the propeller could be directly replaced to transform the old submarine. Now, the 039C manufactured by Mingzhou Group has taken a big step forward and entered the wireless The era of shaft pump push!
"In this way, the motor is directly soaked in seawater, isn't it afraid of problems?" Someone expressed concern.

In the past, the motors were all plugged into the tail of the submarine, so they were all sealed inside. As long as the sealing problem of the rotating shaft was solved, there would be no water leakage, but now, if they are placed outside, there are many problems.

"We have gone through a lot of tests. During the whole life of the submarine, there should be no possibility of water leakage. Our waterproof level is the highest."

Just like a car, if you want to ask which car has the highest waterproof level, it is definitely an electric car. If a fuel car is soaked in water, the most you can do is to disassemble the engine and repair it, and it can still be used. People may not have time to run out. Even if they jump out of the car and step in the water, they may face the risk of being electrocuted.

If you want to avoid this kind of accident, in addition to avoiding wading, you must also do a good job of waterproofing.

The same is true for submarines. The shaftless pump pushes, of course, the waterproof work must be done well.

After a pause, Qin Tao continued to explain: "You can think of this shaftless pump as a small submarine. There is only one motor in the hull of this submarine."

Isn't the interior of the submarine afraid of water leakage?Of course I am afraid, so we must do a good job of protection, the same is true for shaftless pumps.

"Where is the shaftless pump, can we have a look?" Everyone was curious.

"It is still being assembled at Huating, and it will be installed after the hull is closed." The person in charge of the scene said.

"Why didn't you coordinate in advance for such an important thing?" Someone was dissatisfied.

"There is no way, the appropriation from the navy has been delayed." Qin Tao said: "If the appropriation is not in place, we can only delay the order of the pump. After all, this thing is outside. If we delay the installation of the inside things, Then the construction of submarines will have to stop."

The person who asked the question fell silent for a moment.

Qin Tao continued: "Our Mingzhou Group has paid a lot of money in advance, but it's all paid in advance to the aircraft carrier. This submarine can only be as many meters underwater as possible."

"Okay, big guy, don't look around the tail of the submarine. There are many interesting things in front of this big guy." Wu Shengli said: "Let's look at the front."

The embarrassment just now was broken, and everyone continued to move forward.

Bypassing the tail of the submarine, you can see the first half of the submarine. When they saw this half, everyone exclaimed again.

"What's the matter with the conning tower of this submarine?"

"Isn't the conning tower as small as possible? Why is the top of the conning tower in this configuration, like wearing a hat?"

"Everyone, this is the result of our study of fluid mechanics. The polygonal shape of the conning tower can better reduce the noise and resistance of navigation." Qin Tao introduced to everyone: "Of course, no one will believe it now. , You should be surprised when you test it after entering the water.”

"Mr. Qin, since these designs are advanced, why are they not used in our 095? Shaftless pump thrusters, and a conning tower with such a big hat?"

"The submarine in front of you is improved on the 039B, so after it is built, we can make a better comparison and know how effective our improvements are in reducing noise." Qin Tao said: "However, we The 095 has no reference object, so even if this improvement is followed, people will not feel that there is much benefit, and think that changing it back will make the noise even louder. Our design is still more conservative, and we will improve it later At that time, you can try to make such a transformation, and the acceptance of the big guys will be higher."

Of course, Qin Tao would not say that the shaftless pump is useless because it is temporarily impossible to manufacture such a large motor. Can a [-]-ton submarine and an [-]-ton submarine need the same motor size?Don't rush this kind of thing, take your time.

As for the big hat of this conning tower, it is only used on conventional submarines in later generations, and has not been extended to nuclear submarines. Therefore, Qin Tao does not know whether it is suitable for nuclear submarines with larger displacement. Since he does not know, then forget it. Don't take risks now, take your time later.

However, these remarks were made with confidence, and no one dared to refute them.

While talking, someone stood at the unwelded opening. This place is relatively wide, and various equipment is still being installed and assembled inside, which is similar to outfitting.

"Why did the upper end open here?"

It can be seen with the naked eye that there are three large openings on the top of the pressure-resistant shell, which looks like the position for launching missiles vertically, but these openings are thick and short, what kind of missiles are they used for?
"This is the vertical cabin section, which is the same as that of 095."

"But it's shorter than 095."

"That's right, the 095 mainly launches anti-ship ballistic missiles with a caliber of 850 mm and a depth of nine meters. However, our vertical launch compartment only needs to launch ordinary anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles. This is mainly To avoid occupying our bow torpedo bay."

In fact, there are not many conventional diesel-electric submarines with vertical launching compartments. After all, torpedo tubes can also launch anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles. Take Western submarines, whether it is a Tomahawk or a Harpoon, they can launch from torpedoes. When it is punched out of the tube, it is just a shell on the outside.

It can be used, but it is not the most suitable.When cruise missiles become the main attack force, conventional diesel-electric submarines also need to carry cruise missiles, and the number must be large enough!
By 2015, the A26 conventional submarine developed by the Swedes made people's eyes shine. This submarine has three vertical launch tubes, but they are relatively thick. Each tube can hold six Tomahawk cruise missiles in circles. In this way, a submarine can carry 18 Tomahawk missiles, with first-class attack power, and does not occupy the bow torpedo compartment, which is unique!
Later, the Zhang Baogao-3 submarine in South Kimchi also used vertically launched Tomahawk missiles. In fact, they developed it earlier, but unfortunately they were slow, so the first conventional submarine with a vertical launch device fell into the hands of Sweden. inside.

Lao Maozi's conventional submarine also has the idea of ​​​​installing a vertical launch tube to launch Brahmos anti-ship missiles.

Now, the 039C submarine is the original modified version. Apart from the propulsion system and the conning tower, the biggest change is to install the vertical launch device!

Conventional submarines have a limited volume, so it is impossible to arrange two cylinders side by side like nuclear submarines. They can only place a row of cylinders vertically in the middle with the largest diameter, but if only one cylinder is placed, it would be too wasteful, so plug A large vertical launch tube, which can hold six missiles, becomes the best design solution. If you look down from the top, it looks very much like honeycomb coal.

"As you can see, there are three large prototype openings behind the conning tower, and each opening can be stuffed into a special vertical launch compartment, which can install six cruise missiles. In this way, our submarines go to sea, except In addition to the torpedo compartment in front, there can be eighteen cruise missiles as attack weapons."

Everyone's eyes brightened, isn't this too powerful?

"In this way, the attack power of our submarine will be top-notch!"

"Yeah, to deal with a small and medium-sized target, as long as such a submarine passes by, the problem can be solved. Let [-] missiles pass by and let them see our power!"

Everyone got excited.

Seeing their excitement, Qin Tao continued: "These are all modular. They can be stuffed into three vertical launch compartments at one time, or they can be used for other purposes, for example, when conducting special operations. , there can also be a compartment for special operations, and by then, our special forces can carry submarines close to the target and move quietly."

Another function of the submarine is special operations, but it is easy to carry personnel, but it is difficult to get them out. Now, with a special cabin, this 039C has transformed into a special operations submarine.

"Okay, that's really great!" The big guy said with emotion: "In this way, the displacement of our submarine has also increased a lot, right?"

"It hasn't increased much either. Compared with the 039B, it has increased by several hundred tons, and the underwater displacement has reached about [-] tons. However, our submarine is more modernized and has a smaller number of crew members, so its interior does not Not crowded."

Now, the enlargement of conventional submarines is a trend. Take the 039B submarine built by Mingzhou Group as an example. It has a length of 78 meters, a width of 8.4 meters, and an underwater displacement of 3600 tons, which is similar to that of the Kilo class. After some improvements, the displacement increased to four thousand tons.

The introduction of automation devices has greatly reduced the number of personnel on this submarine, and only 42 people are needed to operate it. In this way, the crew does not even need to sleep on hot bunks, and everyone has their own independent space.

"[-] tons, it's almost as good as our nuclear submarine." Someone sighed.

The 091 nuclear submarine is divided into two types. The first two ships under construction had an underwater displacement of only 4500 tons. Now, conventional submarines have reached [-] tons. With the changes of the times, the progress is too fast.

"Well, it's a trend to increase the size of submarines. We imported Lao Maozi's Kilo class, and the displacement is not small." Qin Tao said: "A conventional diesel-electric submarine like ours has no worse combat effectiveness than 091."

"By the way, how about the underwater navigation capability? Is it still using the Stirling engine?"

"That's right, thanks to our brother unit. The new generation of high-horsepower Stirling engine has been successfully developed. It is this new generation of Stirling engine that we installed on the 039C submarine. You can look at the back."

The cabin at the back is the power cabin, the rear is the diesel engine, and the front is the Stirling engine. The opening is where the Stirling engine is installed. At this time, there are still people busy there.

"Big horsepower? How big is it?" The big guy was very curious.

"Our 162-kilowatt engine is not small, it is higher than Sweden's." Someone is an expert, and immediately said these data.

Speaking of Stirling engines, the Swedes are still the best. The V4-275R Stirling engine developed by their Kokum company has a power of 110 kilowatts, but this is only for personal use, and they export a 75-kilowatt model. , developed to the present, their latest Stirling MK4 engine, the power is only 150 kilowatts
After Dongfang began to develop advanced conventional power submarines, it also took a fancy to the Stirling engine. With the financial support of Mingzhou Group, the relevant units are also constantly engaged in research and development. Currently, the 039B exported is equipped with 162 kilowatts. The engine has already surpassed Sweden.

The Stirling engine is an external combustion engine. It is quite difficult to increase the power. It is not easy to achieve this kind of power. Can it be improved?

The islanders originally planned to take the route of AIP submarine with Stirling engine, but they just disliked the low power. After being fooled by Qin Tao, they went to study the lithium battery submarine, and it exploded.

Now, what level has our own 039C reached?
"The power of this brand new Stirling engine developed by relevant domestic institutions has been increased to 320 kilowatts. We have installed four such engines with a total power of 1280 kilowatts. Everyone, even if it is underwater, our submarine will rely on it. The Tring engine can also maintain a speed of more than ten knots, which is not the snail it used to be."

This progress is huge!

(End of this chapter)

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