Great warships

Chapter 764 The right to speak of iron ore

Chapter 764 The right to speak of iron ore

On the third day of the air show, everyone's eyes were on Mingzhou Group again.

Iron ore is embargoed!
What should Mingzhou Group do?
People seem to have no reaction?
Qin Tao took Zhao Ling to continue walking around the air show.

The first two days were weekends, and there were many people in the air show, but today, among the people participating in the air show, there are obviously a lot fewer ordinary tourists, and only professional audiences are left.

The air show has also started to get down to business, and some guests who have waited and watched for two days have already begun to sign and order.

The air show is the same as the auto show, exhibiting its own products and offering a preferential price. If customers can sign the contract on the spot, it will bring new vitality to the exhibition, and many people will talk about it.

Like now.

"Fierce Dragon fighters were successfully exported, and twelve were sold!"

For this fighter, it is not easy to export it. When he received the news, Qin Tao had a smile on his face, which means that the door of a new customer has been opened.

In the air show office, Sang Hua and Paleo formally signed the contract, which means that the project has officially reached a cooperation, and they are waiting for Mingzhou Group to sign the agreement together as a third party.

Qin Tao opened the door and looked at the people inside: "Everyone, congratulations on your successful cooperation."

"Mr. Qin, I heard that the iron ore suppliers in the Kangaroo Country have stopped supplying you with iron ore. Have you encountered any difficulties? If there is any difficulty, we, the Weeping Country, are willing to help you."

The Weeping Country also has iron ore exports, but not as much as the Kangaroo Country. Now, hearing what the other party said, Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "No, we just need to carry out the previous lithium mine cooperation. I believe that you will not Under the conspiracy of some people, give up cooperation with us?"

"Of course not. Lithium mines are only used to make batteries, not weapons. Our cooperation with you cannot be judged by a third party." Paleo shook his head.

"That's good. You must always remember who abandoned you in the war of 82. We, the third world countries, have common interests."

Paleo's face turned serious.

In the war in 82, they originally had hope of victory. The biggest problem was not command, but logistics and weapons supply. They were originally the closest friends of the United States in South America. They felt that the United States would remain neutral when war broke out. That's all, but when the war broke out, the United States stood behind the British without hesitation and served as a backing for the British. The Americans stopped exporting weapons to the crying country, and strictly prohibited exports to third countries!

They were betrayed by America.

Now, their army is getting weaker and weaker. If they want to purchase weapons, they will be disturbed by the British. Their only choice is to find cooperation from the East!

They have common interests, and they are all being squeezed by superpowers.

"President Qin, do you really need our help with regard to the shortage of iron ore? Even if we are just a middleman, we can transfer it to you," Pareo said.

"Thank you for your support. If necessary, I will ask you for help." Qin Tao said: "You are our true friend. Next, we will definitely do our best in the development of lithium mines. Let you get the most benefit."

Kangaroo Country, BHP headquarters.

Founded in 1885 and headquartered in the capital of the Kangaroo Country, the company is one of the oldest and largest companies in the Kangaroo Country.In 2001, the company merged with Billiton to form BHP Billiton, the largest mining company in the world.

Now, although it has not yet merged, BHP is still a world-class mining giant. Now, the company headquarters is full of lively atmosphere.

"Don't look at Mr. Qin still appearing at the air show. He seems to be careless. In fact, he must be in a hurry. After all, their company relies heavily on our iron ore. As long as our iron ore supply is cut off, they will The company has to shut down!"

"That's right, the Mingzhou Group has developed too fast and has seriously affected world peace. Such a company must go bankrupt!"

Everyone was excited for a while.

"Everyone, our iron ore mining volume has grown, and we lost our big customer Mingzhou Group, what should we do if we can't sell our iron ore?"

Others expressed concern, but were interrupted later by others.

"Why can't our iron ore be sold? There is more than one steel factory in the Mingzhou Group in the East. They also have many steel factories. Their economy is developing very fast, and they need a lot of iron ore! I think we can take advantage of it." Take this opportunity to increase the export price of iron ore."

Ander, the person in charge of the company, sat there with his back, looking at the beautiful scene outside the window and listening to the discussion behind him. When he heard these words, he turned his chair back and looked at the people present.

"That's right, the price of our iron ore is too cheap." Ender said, "I think it is necessary for us to increase the price of iron ore by 20.00%!"

Anyway, the cost of mining is fixed, the more expensive they sell, the more money they make.

They are emboldened. They provide 70.00% of the iron ore supply to the East, and the economy in the East is developing rapidly, and the demand for steel is increasing. So high-rise buildings are rising from the ground. How can there be no steel?

So, it's time to raise the price!

"Okay, then let's notify Dongfang immediately." The subordinate said.

Just then, another person walked in.

"Everyone, I just received information that the heads of all the iron and steel factories in the east are going to the capital for a meeting. I don't know what they want to discuss." Wayne said.

He can freely enter and leave BHP, but he is not an employee of the company. He is the link between BHP and the United States. He can convey many instructions and bring a lot of news.

"Party? What else can they do at a party? Could it be that they want to spare part of the iron ore to give to Mingzhou Group? Hmph, we strictly prohibit third parties from transferring to Mingzhou Group, otherwise, our quotation will increase by 50.00%!" Ender didn't realize what was serious.

East, the capital.

Everyone looked a little serious, they knew what had happened recently, and they also knew that Mingzhou Group had countermeasures, Mingzhou Group was not afraid, but what about other companies?
"We called everyone to the capital today because of the recent iron ore embargo in the Kangaroo Country." On the rostrum, Leader Wang, who was in charge of hosting the meeting, spoke earnestly: "What happened to the Mingzhou Group today will not happen tomorrow." It may happen to Wuhan Iron and Steel, Anshan Iron and Steel, and Baosteel. Don’t hold the attitude that nothing has nothing to do with you. This matter is related to the healthy development of our entire steel industry!"

No one spoke below, and everyone had serious expressions on their faces.

"In recent years, our country's economy has undergone earth-shaking changes. Our national construction, national defense construction, export earnings, etc. all require a large amount of steel. Moreover, our future development potential is even greater! We have predicted that the next Ten years will be the golden age for the development of our country's steel industry. Our annual output of crude steel will increase at a rate of about 20.00%. Even though our demand for imported iron ore is less than 50.00 million tons, it is very Hurry up, we will rapidly increase to hundreds of millions of tons, and our iron ore imports will also reach [-]% of the world's share, everyone, do you know what this means?"

"We have the world's largest iron ore import volume, so we will have the right to speak on iron ore imports! When it comes to iron ore, they maliciously raise prices to attack their domestic counterparts." Leader Wang said: "This kind of thing can't happen again in the future, we must form a group! Therefore, we want to establish the China Iron and Steel Association. In the name of this organization, Negotiate prices with foreign iron ore producers, and after getting the iron ore, distribute it uniformly!"

"Leader Wang, are we going back to the old era of big pot meals?" Someone below spoke.

Leader Wang looked over with serious eyes, he didn't know the speaker.

"That's right, don't we want to engage in competition and develop through competition? Are we going to retreat now?"

He doesn't know this person. He should be the person in charge of a small domestic steel factory. It is an honor for these people to participate in a meeting of this level. Who would have thought that they would dare to openly provoke them?

Leader Wang suppressed the anger in his heart: "If anyone thinks that China Iron and Steel Association is inappropriate, they don't have to participate. However, all enterprises' import qualifications will be withdrawn, and all iron ore imports in the future will be carried out through China Iron and Steel Association. .”

Don't want to participate, but want to go out and tear down the stage?

Well, then simply stop your iron ore import qualifications!
"Now, everyone can vote with a show of hands whether to join the China Iron and Steel Association."

Large steel mills raised their hands one after another, and some small and medium-sized enterprises had to raise their hands after watching for a long time. They knew what would happen if they were isolated.

"Leader Wang, now not only is the price of iron ore high, but the price of coke needed for ironmaking is also not low. If we want to reduce costs, we need low-cost coke. Now that our China Iron and Steel Association has been established, can we Can you solve the coke supply problem for us?"

"That's right, that is, those large steel factories have their own coke production plants, and our small and medium-sized steel factories don't have this convenient condition. Our costs are getting higher and higher!"

"The problem of coke is mainly caused by the country's emphasis on environmental protection and the closure of some small coking plants with substandard emissions. We must pay some price for the environment." Leader Wang said: "The steel we produce cannot be lowered. The road of price, we must improve the quality of our products and take the road of quality!"

There is a lot of steel produced in China, but the quality of these steels is not high. Most steel factories just smelt iron ore into crude steel, and then export the crude steel. Other countries import it and then refine it, which is the most polluting Yes, the least profitable ones stayed in the East.

This industrial model is backward and must be changed.

"We agreed to hold together for warmth and negotiate prices with iron ore suppliers. What if the suppliers don't give in? If they reduce the supply of iron ore to us, how will the iron ore we import be distributed?"

Looking at the scene, Zhang Jinxi, the director of Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works, stood up.

"Leader Wang, I have a few suggestions that I would like to share at this meeting. Of course, if the words are not good, please bear with me."

"Well, tell me, your Mingzhou Group is the largest company in our country, and your suggestion must be the best."

"First of all, the first one is that we must pay attention to the recycling of scrap steel. In many cases, the steel smelted from scrap steel is enough for use. We can reduce the import of iron ore by recycling scrap steel."

"But now, the price of domestic scrap steel recycling is also going up." Someone said.

Since 97, the price of steel scrap has been soaring. There are many reasons for this. For example, the price of international iron ore has risen. The cost has reached about 98 yuan per ton, which is ridiculously high.

Many small and medium-sized iron and steel companies use scrap steel as their main production method, and now they are also miserable.

"We import from abroad." Zhang Jinxi said: "Now, we have negotiated with Damao. The price of scrap steel imported from them is [-] US dollars per ton, as much as we want. Our Mingzhou Group does not plan to import scrap steel from them. To make money from this project, if domestic counterparts need it, they can go directly to the trade point on the border to solicit goods.”

Eighty U.S. dollars per ton, equivalent to more than 600 yuan per ton. Although the price is not as good as that of previous years, it is much cheaper than the price of scrap steel recycled in China!

In this way, small and medium-sized iron and steel plants can reduce some production costs.

"However, there are many impurities in scrap steel, and the technology required for smelting is very complicated, and the use of smelted steel is limited. We still want iron ore." Some people also expressed their rejection, and they still like iron ore!
"That's right, some large steel mills don't like scrap steel because they are afraid of the complicated smelting of scrap steel. However, our Mingzhou Group can cover the bottom line here. If there is no market for the scrap steel you smelt, our Mingzhou Group can buy it, and then Refining."

Zhang Jinxi gave these people a reassurance.Scrap steel is recycled, passed through an electric furnace, melted into steel ingots, and then needs to be further refined.

If the small steel mills can't do it, Mingzhou Group can come forward, they are responsible for refining!

In fact, this is also a direction of Mingzhou Group’s industrial upgrading. In the steel market, the price of crude steel is not high, which is a low-level industry that wastes energy. Crude steel refining is more profitable. On the first floor, reduce the output of crude steel and increase the output of refined steel, which can further increase production capacity and increase efficiency.

"Iron ore is indeed a problem. We have to report to the group to keep warm and lower the price with foreign iron ore suppliers. The other party will definitely be dissatisfied. Therefore, we are also prepared. The shortage of supply has caused the price of iron ore to rise against the trend, so we can provide iron ore to domestic counterparts and reduce the demand for iron ore in the market.”

"Do you provide iron ore?" At this moment, everyone present was stunned.

"Where did you get the iron ore?"

"The scale of iron ore mining in football country has expanded?"

"That's right, what method did you use?"

"Sorry, this is temporarily confidential. What I said here was arranged by Mr. Qin. Since we have said it, we will definitely find a way to complete it. If there is too much, I can't guarantee it. The iron ore supply gap for two or three years is still not enough. questionable."

"Since the Mingzhou Group has already made arrangements, then we are not afraid!"

"This time, we must fight this battle well. In the future, we will have the right to speak, so as not to be bullied all the time!"

"Mingzhou Group has the courage of a big dog."

The voice of praise is endless.

In the international oil market, it is the big dogs that keep the price stable.

Seeing that the price of oil has risen, other countries will desperately increase their oil production. In this way, the price of oil will come down. Maintain a balance and maintain oil prices.Conversely, when the international market needs more oil, even if the price is low, they will increase oil production, and they will actively adjust.

The Mingzhou Group played such a role. They can already perform their obligations as a big dog. The problem is, they don't produce iron ore!
Where did iron ore come from?

They don't care about these things. In short, Mingzhou Group is fully prepared for this battle!

Mingzhou Group is mainly shipbuilding and needs a lot of steel. In this regard, how could Qin Tao not make preparations in advance?

Domestic iron and steel enterprises must unite in order to gain the right to speak. However, in the process of implementing this plan, many problems will still be encountered.

In Zhuhai, Qin Tao was drinking Jianlibao while chatting with Zhao Ling.

"Now, Silicon Valley has become a world-famous gathering place for high-tech companies. The world's strongest computer talents are all in Silicon Valley. They develop and compete there. Over time, some interesting things have happened there. .”

The goose factory is also in Silicon Valley, so when Qin Tao said these things, it was as if he had actually seen them.

"whats the matter?"

"If an assan enters a certain company, then he will introduce his companions. After a long time, assams account for the vast majority of the company. These assans work together to support their people to enter the company. The middle management, even the top management, they have gained a firm foothold in the company." Qin Tao said: "As long as there is a San who enters, then this company will definitely become dominated by Ah San in the future."

"And then? Is this for comparison?"

"That's right, then we orientals pass by. If an oriental passes by, he will try his best to integrate into the circle of foreigners and treat himself as a foreigner. Then, if a second oriental passes by, he will Start to crowd out this Oriental and try to drive him away. Even if there are many Orientals in a company, they will never unite and have the right to speak in the company. They will only tear each other down. If a person is likely to be promoted to the company The middle level, then other people will definitely report and pull this person down."

Zhao Ling nodded: "Brother Tao, are you saying that this situation will also happen in our CISA?"

"Well, although I don't want to speculate on others with the worst malice, we must be prepared to deal with this kind of thing. Whoever dares to tear us down will go bankrupt and go bankrupt. This is a battle without gunpowder. war!"

Zhao Ling nodded: "I will tell our dad, and the military will fully support it."

"You don't need the military, just contact me with the person in charge of the environmental protection department."

The meeting ended, and a group of people walked out with heavy hearts.

"Old Luo, how about going for a drink together?" Zhao Mangui, the person in charge of Cao Gang, said to Luo Jinquan, the person in charge of Huang Gang.

"Okay. We haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. At the beginning, we worked together in front of the blast furnace of Wuhan Iron and Steel. Thinking of the past, it is really nostalgic."

Almost all the small and medium-sized iron and steel factories in China were sent by people from large steel factories. In the 90s and [-]s, those small steel factories in the era of large-scale steelmaking closed down and went bankrupt. The steel plant was contracted out.

There are some unlucky ones who lost nothing and ended up committing suicide by jumping off a building, while others succeeded and became famous entrepreneurs. Both Zhao Mangui and Luo Jinquan were the latter.

The two came to the famous Fengzeyuan Hotel in the capital and asked for a private room.

"Old Luo, do you think the China Iron and Steel Association is reliable today?" After drinking for three rounds, Zhao Mangui began to ask questions.

"Our small steel mills have always been living in the cracks. Our production costs are not comparable to those of large steel mills, and our production equipment is also inferior." Luo Jinquan said with a heavy heart: "This time, It was completely provoked by the Mingzhou Group, so what does it matter to us? This is a fight between gods and gods, and the kid will suffer."

They are not reconciled, and they just want to make some money on their own one-acre three-point land. They don't have a big picture, and it's not their turn to worry about it. They have to take care of their own affairs.

"Yes, we were involved. If the imported iron ore is unified, our small and medium-sized steel factories will have no way to survive." Zhao Mangui said: "In my opinion, we might as well act first."

"How to start first? Leader Wang said that anyone who dares to delay will be revoked from import qualifications."

"Let's sign a five-year or even ten-year long-term agreement on the import of mines before canceling the import qualification. How can he deny the contract we have signed?" Zhao Mangui said: "We can cooperate with other small and medium-sized steel factories , purchase tens of millions of tons together!"

"That's right, the law does not blame the public, let's unite, negotiate the price, and sign the contract, what can they do to us?" Luo Jinquan raised his head and drank a glass of wine: "It's done!"

 PS: Thanks to book friends l599xl, Danying's eldest brother, LLP, book friends 20221002145446299, Matis Desa, Huang Zhiling, prawn slices, book friends 20221227122005911, gm123456789 and other book friends for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting!At the end of tomorrow, I will give you three bursts.Please subscribe, please subscribe!

(End of this chapter)

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