Great warships

Chapter 765 Secretly storing 1 million tons of iron ore?

Chapter 765 Secretly store [-] million tons of iron ore?

BHP corporate headquarters.

"Everyone, I've got the contents of the Easterners' meeting." Wayne walked in and said to everyone: "The Easterners want to establish the China Iron and Steel Association, and all their steel imports are carried out through the China Iron and Steel Association. "

"What?" Everyone present was stunned, and then they became furious.

"What are the Easterners doing this for?"

"They still want to join forces to lower the price on us? We would rather not sell it, and we will definitely not lower the price!"

"Their demand for iron ore is so large that only we can meet it. We are their largest supplier. They actually want to negotiate with us? Is it whimsical?"

"We will definitely not accept their price." Ander said lightly. Their BHP company has a long history, what situation has it not experienced?It is impossible for them to compromise with the East!
"Since they are so ignorant, then when they come to negotiate with us, we will increase the price by 50.00%." ​​Ender continued to give instructions.

"That's right, we just want to raise the price and let them know who's in charge!"

Everyone cheered up.

"Let's be bolder, how about a [-]% increase?"

"That's right, as long as we stop production, the price of iron ore globally will go up."

"On the one hand, we want to raise prices, and on the other hand, we have to win them over." Wayne said: "Oriental people have never been of one mind. This kind of centralized procurement is good for those large steel companies, but it will damage For the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises, as long as we win over those enterprises in private and give them slightly preferential prices, they will take the risk.”

A two-pronged approach will make the China Iron and Steel Association in the East a joke!
At this moment, Wayne's phone rang. He picked it up and answered it directly at the scene. He didn't care about spoiling the atmosphere of the meeting. He had privileges here.

However, just after hearing the words inside, his face changed completely: "What did you say? How is this possible?"

"Okay, send me an email immediately!"

Everyone present was stunned. They didn't know what news Wei En had received. When Wei En put down the phone, his face was a little ugly.

"May I ask what happened, does it have anything to do with us?" Ender asked cautiously.

"It's related." Wayne said: "Our reconnaissance satellite suddenly discovered that an iron ore mountain appeared near Mingzhou. According to preliminary estimates, the iron ore is about [-] million tons. Even if the Orientals completely stop importing iron ore Ore can also meet the demand for a year, they can not import for a year, can we not export for a year?"

Over the years, Mingzhou Group has secretly stored a large amount of iron ore!

This unexpected discovery made everyone dumbfounded.

Which steel company dares to play like this?
Large iron and steel enterprises can sign long-term mining contracts with iron ore suppliers. After all, since the spot price of iron ore is greatly affected by factors such as short-term demand and sea freight fluctuations, generally speaking, the price of iron ore The spot price is always much higher than the long-term contract price.Large iron and steel enterprises have this advantage and can purchase iron ore at a price lower than the market.

However, this is just a contract. It is impossible for steel companies to pay all the money all at once, let alone bring back all the iron ore. The long-term cooperation of iron ore is just an agreement. Make payment and transport slowly, as long as it can be used by your own steel plant.

Only super local tyrants and financial owners who are not short of money can play like this. When purchasing externally, they will purchase more. If Mingzhou Group can store 1000 million tons of iron ore, it means importing from Kangaroo Country Starting with iron ore, we need to reserve [-] million tons more every year!
What is this concept?
Ordinary bulk cargo ships have tens of thousands of tons. Only Mingzhou Group can manufacture [-]-ton bulk cargo ships. These reserves need to be transported by [-] bulk cargo ships!Moreover, iron ore needs to be purchased, which will cost a lot of money.

However, if you look at it now, Mingzhou Group is making money.

Because the price of iron ore was low a few years ago!At the cheapest time, a ton of iron ore was only a dozen dollars. Now, a ton of iron ore is already seventy to eighty dollars. Even if Mingzhou Group only earns fifty dollars a ton, how much can it earn with this 50 million tons? $130 billion! (The specific price has not been found. The highest price of iron ore is more than [-] US dollars per ton. The middle price is taken here.)
How much money can their BHP company work hard to mine iron ore?
Thinking of this, countless people are jealous.

In short, a difficult problem is in front of them. Now, what should they do?
Dongfang is determined to fight them to the death!If they continue to raise prices, Dongfang will definitely not come to them for purchases. Can they survive a year?70.00% of their iron ore is exported to the East.

Moreover, the one-year estimate is based on the complete abandonment of imports by the Orientals. In fact, the Orientals have other import channels. After all, there are not only kangaroo countries in the world that can export iron ore, which means that there is no The war of gunpowder may last for two or three years!Even four or five years!
"I need a computer to receive my mail with images from satellites."

Soon, the image was displayed on the computer screen. Looking at the iron ore all over the mountains, some people couldn't help but speak.

"Could this be fake? The Orientals lied to us on purpose?"

"You have to trust our professionalism. We have photos from the last ten years, and we can compare them."

Ten years ago, there was an uninhabited swamp, and then, artificial mountains continued to appear, each year increasing a little bit, until the present level, the change in the past ten years is enough to prove the authenticity of these iron ores.

"There is another project." Wen continued: "We have noticed that Dongfangren and Damao have signed an agreement to import scrap steel, and the agreement amount is 1000 million tons."

Steel smelted from scrap steel is not as good as iron ore, because there are many kinds of scrap steel. When smelting, it is poured into the steelmaking furnace. God knows what is in it. Therefore, Lao Maozi hardly uses scrap steel. It can be smelted with iron ore.

Therefore, Lao Maozi has a lot of scrap steel, and now, the East is going to import a lot of scrap steel. Although these scrap steel cannot be smelted into advanced steel, it is still no problem to use it in low-end industries.

The Orientals are already making plans!
"Now, we have to find a breakthrough, we want to break the situation!" Ender said.

They ushered in a crisis.

Qin Tao, who had already dealt with the crisis by himself, had already returned to Mingzhou. He came to the exposed iron ore mountain nearby and was very satisfied. This is his biggest layout!

This is also the advantage that traversers have.

Coming from another time and space, he naturally knows the shortcomings of the domestic steel industry.

In 1978, the history of the East turned a new page. In December of childhood, Baosteel laid the first pile and opened a new era. In 12, the first phase of the project was completed, and the blast furnace was ignited in September. Iron ore imported by soccer countries.

Since then, the iron and steel industry of the motherland has officially entered the game stage with the international iron ore giants. This game lasted for decades, and the motherland has always been at a disadvantage, and the international iron ore price has risen several times, domestic iron and steel enterprises continue to expand in scale, but their profits are not high, most of which are taken away by others, and their own side is a low-end supplier of the global industrial chain.

In particular, in some years, iron and steel companies even lost money. They started to lose money in 12, and in 15, the entire industry lost tens of billions.

At that time, the country finally started to take action. The first thing is to cut production capacity. The more output, the less able to sell at a price. There is nothing else in the country except mutual dismantling and involution. In two years, 1.4 million tons of production capacity were removed. The steel industry began to grow in 17, but the international iron ore giants began to raise prices again.

The profit was once again made by the iron ore giant!

If you want to avoid this situation, you need to grasp the pricing power of iron ore!This time, it was Qin Tao's first attempt to make a move. Since the opponent had put the knife on the neck of the Mingzhou Group, of course he was going to fight!
When it's time to shine the sword, you must shine the sword!
Let's not talk about using RMB to settle iron ore, at least this price is not what you want to increase the price!

"Boss Qin, are we really going to tear ourselves apart with the iron ore suppliers in Kangaroo Country? Our iron ore cannot withstand consumption for several years." Zhang Jinxi was a little worried.

"We can't stand it, and they can't stand it." Qin Tao said: "The worst outcome is that we fail to bargain, and the country returns to the era of self-government again. Our Mingzhou Group has the iron ore mining rights of Football Country. We will increase the mining efforts there, coupled with the import of iron ore from Lao Maozi, we can also maintain production, and now we are benefiting all the steel companies in our country."

Qin Tao will not be afraid of the iron ore supply cut off in the Kangaroo Country. He has already made a plan. He has signed an agreement with the Football Country a few years ago. If you have plenty of money, then continue to buy, buy, buy and save, and wait for this moment to come.

Even if he fails, he is not afraid, he has a good relationship with Lao Maozi.

Historically, with the butt problem of the kangaroo country, domestic resources imported from the kangaroo country have become less and less, and coal and natural gas have all turned to Lao Maozi. What about iron ore?
Damao is rich in iron ore reserves, ranking third in the world, with a total reserve of 250 billion tons. However, it is not convenient to mine iron ore in Lao Maozi. The iron ore in the Ural Mountains is okay. Siberia is difficult to mine. Moreover, Damao They use a large amount of iron ore, and their excess iron ore is mainly exchanged for high-end steel with Europe.

Now, Mingzhou Group can completely replace Europe, allowing Da Mao to exchange iron ore for Mingzhou Group's high-end steel.

Therefore, Qin Tao doesn't care about Kangaroo Country at all. This battle is for the motherland!

"President Qin, the relevant departments have locked down Laiwu Steel and Shougang. Each has a person in charge of iron ore import and export business. They are suspected of leaking the content of this meeting in advance." At this time, Xu Zhengyang said to Qin Tao .

During this period of time, Xu Zhengyang has been working with He Qian on the Nansha islands and reefs. Until now, Qin Tao has a new tough battle to fight, and Xu Zhengyang has just returned. At the critical moment, Xu Zhengyang can better protect him. Qin Tao's safety must prevent the worst from happening.

Qin Tao did not attend the founding meeting of the China Iron and Steel Association, but he has been paying attention to the trends here. Sure enough, as he expected, the content of the meeting was leaked out soon. In some large domestic steel companies, some People have been bought!
In fact, this meeting was originally intended to be announced. After all, in the future, China Iron and Steel Association will negotiate with the iron ore exporter of Kangaroo Country. However, it is one thing to announce it, and it is another thing for the other party to get the news in advance. up!
During the war, the most annoying thing is the emergence of traitors inside, but now, since the traitors have already appeared, what else is there to say?

"Who did they leak the news to?" Qin Tao asked.

"People from BHP's office in Huating."

"Report to the superiors. I suggest arresting these officials together. The charge is that they are suspected of stealing state secrets. Of course, whether they can be arrested in the end depends on the determination of the superiors. There is only so much we can do." Qin Tao Said.

The nature of the arrest of domestic iron ore import and export business personnel is completely different from the arrest of BHP company office personnel.Qin Tao didn't know what his superiors would do. After all, the superiors had their own considerations, but he would definitely raise his opinions.


"Anything else?"

"The person in charge of Cao Gang and Huang Gang has been supervised, and they are secretly contacting other small and medium-sized steel companies. Judging from their appearance, they should plan to sign agreements with foreign mining giants before the China Steel Association announces the news to bypass the Chinese steel industry. The Iron and Steel Association imports iron ore privately." Xu Zhengyang continued.

It's like a big family, shouting that they are all members of the family, secretly doing some things to betray the family, just for their own self-interest, when Xu Zhengyang said the news, his eyes were already murderous, as long as Qin Say hello to Tao, he promises to make those people regret it for life.

"Who are they talking to?" Qin Tao asked.

"Vale Corporation."

"Okay, it seems that they are not stupid enough to know how to avoid our Ni Lin." Qin Tao said.

Now, all iron and steel enterprises are united to import iron ore together in order to compete with the iron ore suppliers in Kangaroo Country. You know, how angry the China Iron and Steel Association is, this kind of behavior is not just to demolish the stage, but to surrender, surrender to the enemy and treason!

If you cooperate with Vale, it will be different, after all, this company belongs to the football country.

"Then what should we do?" Xu Zhengyang asked: "Do we need to stop it?"

"Of course not." Qin Tao said: "Since they want to talk, let them do it. Let's be a few days late, after they sign the contract, it's not too late for us to act. In the next few days, let's go there On Da Mao’s side, try to get Da Mao’s iron ore, and get a bargaining chip on the negotiating table.”

Internationally, the kangaroo country and the football country have mastered the global iron ore market. Their reserves are not the highest, but their iron ore is easy to mine. More importantly, the grade of iron ore is very high, such as the kangaroo country The grade of iron ore in China has reached 50.00% VII, and that in China is as high as 60.00% VII.

The grade of domestic iron ore is only more than 30.00%. Therefore, even if there is enough iron ore in the country, steel mills still prefer to use imported iron ore in consideration of various interests. It is easy to smelt and the quality of steel is good. .

Now, Qin Tao has to take action in many ways to make the Kangaroo Country understand the status quo, suppliers and purchasers, who is in control!

"Director Zhang, come with me to Lao Maozi's side." Qin Tao said to Zhang Jinxi.

After all, Qin Tao didn't understand steelmaking, and Zhang Jinxi was an expert in steelmaking. Now that he was going to talk about iron ore with Lao Maozi, of course he had to bring Zhang Jinxi with him.

Zhang Jinxi nodded: "Okay, Mr. Qin, this matter is of great importance. Even if my old Zhang loses his leg, I will do my best."

In the past, although Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works smelted a lot of advanced steel products, they were always unknown and played the role of backing up the group. In this incident, they can finally come to the fore!

Zhang Jinxi is excited and proud to be on this stage. They have made all kinds of preparations and will meet all kinds of challenges that may come at any time. They will continue to do all kinds of work to prepare for a rainy day.

Zhang Jinxi and Qin Tao set foot on Da Mao's territory and headed for the Ural Mountains.

This has always been the most important industrial center of Lao Maozi. During the cruel World War II, the entire western side of Lao Maozi was occupied by Germany. The front line once reached Moscow. Lao Maozi relied on the weapons and equipment provided by the Ural Mountains to block it. Withstood the German attack and finally held out until the counteroffensive came.

After the war, many companies moved back to their original locations, but the industry in the Ural Mountains is still developing. The famous T-72 tanks were produced from the remaining Nizhny Tagil Tank Factory. The iron-making industry here , has also been developing.

After the collapse of the Red Empire, Damao Metal Investment Company was established here. This company has now developed into the most important domestic company in Damao. It is also a world-renowned iron ore and hot briquette iron production and supply enterprise. They also produce some of high-quality steel.

Therefore, when Qin Tao came to Da Mao, the first thing he visited was Da Mao Metal Investment Company.

In recent years, Qin Tao has been busy with the domestic economic development, and Qin Tao has rarely come to Damao, and this is the first time.

Efendiyev, the person in charge of Damao Metal Investment Company, smiled: "Mr. Qin, you are welcome to visit our company. In the past few years, you have helped many domestic enterprises. Now, if you have any needs, just say, We will do everything we can to help you."

"I'm here to seek cooperation. I hope we can achieve a win-win situation through cooperation." Qin Tao said: "I heard that you are still lacking in the production of some steel, so you need to import some steel from Europe. , the prices of these steel products are not low, right?"

"Yeah, we do need some high-end steel, but we don't need to spend money, we can exchange it with iron ore."

"So, the same amount of iron ore, in exchange for twice the high-end steel, do you want to make such a deal?"

Efendiyev's eyes immediately lit up: "Twice as many high-end steels? Do you have these steels?"

"Of course, what can be produced in Europe, we can also produce. This time, we brought some steel products. Now, please ask your technicians to test the steel samples we brought, how about?"

"Of course." Effendiyev said: "You Mingzhou Group has been able to produce advanced aircraft carriers, and the performance of the steel is naturally extraordinary. If your steel meets our requirements, then we can cooperate."

Zhang Jinxi followed the inspectors on the other side, and Effendiyev and Qin Tao continued to chat.

"We have heard about what happened to you recently. The Kangaroo Country is a country composed of descendants of criminals. How can they be sincere? If we want to cooperate, we are more suitable. However, our own iron ore The output is not high, and we still need a lot of iron ore. We can only provide you with 20.00% of the iron ore we mined at most, which is about 1000 million tons per year. This amount is definitely not enough for you to use. "

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, there are relatively few, and we can only expand various channels. Can you find a way to increase production? If you need funds, we are willing to provide them, and you don't have to pay them back, just use iron ore Just come and settle the bill.”

Looking at it now, 1000 million tons is not a lot, but this is already the limit of Damao. After all, the mining quantity of Damao has never increased. It is now more than 1000 million tons, and by 2020, it will be more than 1000 million. tons, and by that time, the domestic demand for iron ore had risen to 11 billion tons, which was just a drizzle.

It can be seen from this that Lao Maozi's domestic industrial development has not changed for decades, while others are running, they are standing still.

"President Qin, it's cold here, and we can't mine for several months." Effendiyev said, "If you want to invest, how about we jointly develop the iron ore in the grassland country?"

The prairie country has only two neighboring countries, Da Mao and Dongfang. Therefore, the minerals mined by the prairie country have no third choice except to sell them to Da Mao or Dongfang.

Now, if you want more iron ore, you have to get the grassland country's idea.

However, Qin Tao has concerns about this proposal. The grassland country is rich in resources, but the people there are not very good. If you want to go there to mine, you will take a lot of risks.If Dongfang used to mine, there would definitely be guys on horses or motorcycles with AKs in their hands asking for instant noodles, and they would never leave without a box of instant noodles.

(End of this chapter)

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