Great warships

Chapter 768

Chapter 768
This move really surprised Qin Tao.

That's right, Qin Tao was surprised. He didn't know what kind of brain circuit the other party was in. Could it be that the other party didn't know that the most advanced chip technology in the world was with him?

The lithography machine giant ASML has not yet risen, and the immersion lithography machine technology has been mastered by SMIC. Now they are not only chip production units, but also chip equipment suppliers.

Now, whether it is Nikon, Intel or other chip manufacturers, they have noticed that the real technical route of the lithography machine is the immersion lithography machine. They want to catch up, but it will cost money to catch up in this respect!
In the past few years, Godson has been selling well. When the immersion lithography machine is put into production and its own chip manufacturing process is more advanced, it has completely grasped the right to speak. The performance of its own chips is first-class, and the price is also high.

That's right, the price is indeed not low, especially those chips that are exported, and some people even smuggle chips, smuggling chips in the domestic market to foreign countries to make money, which is completely reversed.

Our own price is high, the cost is low, and the profit is of course huge. Therefore, over the years, SMIC's factories have been continuously built, one after another, and started construction. The latest factories have all been made with domestic equipment.

It never occurred to him that someone wanted to fight a price war with him!

"Now, the Godson-1.2 we mass-produce has a frequency of 100GHZ. Some players have increased the FSB from 133 to 1.6, and the frequency has risen to 2GHZ. If we didn't lock the multiplier, it is estimated that it can exceed [-]GHZ." Huating. , in a meeting room, Ni Lao excitedly reported to Qin Tao.

On our side, Moore's Law has expired, because our side's progress in the field of chips is higher than Moore's Law stipulates!
"The production cost of this kind of chip is about less than [-] yuan. In the domestic market, our retail price is [-] yuan, so that for a while, many people appeared to purchase our Godson computer, and then put the processing inside To this end, we have carried out multi-party work and raised the price of Godson computers several times to solve this problem."

No way, there is no one on the market that can beat it!
Take the most powerful Intel as an example. The current mainstream product is the Pentium 2 processor, with a main frequency of only 233 MHz, which is a level behind our own.The Pentium 3 processor is still under development, and it is said that the main frequency can be increased to 1GHZ.
However, when their Pentium 3 comes out, our side has entered the era of Godson 4 computers.

"We are currently developing the Godson 4 processor. The main frequency of this processor will start from 1.7GHZ, and the frequency can easily increase to 2GHZ." Ni Lao said: "In the field of processors, we have no rivals. "

"Of course, our processor can be developed so quickly, and it is also inseparable from the foundry of SMIC. Their production technology is very advanced. Now, Godson-0.13 uses an advanced [-] micron process. This process makes Our processor generates less heat and can reach higher frequencies."

Relying on the immersion lithography machine technology, our own chip production has leapt a lot.

Look at the opponents, the production process of 0.25 micron is widely used now, and the production process of 0.18 micron has just been settled, and mass production has not yet been done.

The 0.18-micron production process allows the processor to finally break through the GHZ mark.Intel relied on this production process to achieve a historic 3GHZ breakthrough on the Pentium 1, but now, it has been preempted by the East.

This 0.18-micron process has been used for a long time, and even when Pentium 4 was still using this process, it was only on the Northwood core Pentium 4 processor that the 0.13-micron process was used. This process allowed the processor frequency to reach 3.2 Terrible heights for GHZ.

Of course, then began to give up the frequency of the competition, turned to multi-core.

Loongson is currently using a 0.13-micron process, which can produce high-frequency processors. However, they are still using a multi-core solution. The frequency is not high, but there are two built-in cores, which make it smoother to use.

Their own 0.13-micron process can be used for many years, but they must not sleep on their achievements.

"That's right, we are already developing a 90-nanometer production process. It is estimated that after the new millennium, we will be able to perfectly master this production process. By that time, it will coincide with the Godson-[-] computer. The processing technology produced by this process The device will contain hundreds of millions of transistors, or even two to three billion." Zhang Rujin said: "We are full of expectations for this kind of processor."

"Is our technology developing too fast?" Qin Tao asked, "How did you do it?"

Zhang Rujin smiled: "Our company is rich. In addition to investing in building factories, we also recruited a lot of people. Now, in our factory, there are a large number of my former colleagues."

Now, to say that the strongest in the field of chip production technology is of course SMIC. This is not only because they have chosen the right technical route, but also because they have recruited talents. The smartest minds in chip research and development in the world are all in their here.

Their progress is of course fast.

When Zhang Rujin said this, he found that Qin Tao's face became serious, and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Zhang Gong, I want to make a request to you."

"President Qin, please speak."

"From now on, you don't go anywhere. You stay in our country. If there is anything abroad, you can send your men. Whether it's talking about business or poaching people, you don't show up in person."

Zhang Rujin was even more curious: "Boss Qin, science and technology has no borders. I go to the United States to scout people because I can provide them with better treatment."

I don’t know why, Zhang Rujin said that technology without borders makes Qin Tao more pleasing to the ear. The reason is also very simple. To engage in technology, the technology is handed over to others for research and development, and he only cares about making money. For Zhang Rujin, technology without borders means that we should not stop other countries from engaging in technology.

"Yes, technology has no borders. However, when we are strong, there will always be pink eyes. These pink eyes will not think about their own efforts to develop, but will be robbed. Not to mention us, European companies may be robbed , we have to be careful."

Zhang Rujin nodded: "Okay. Anyway, I don't have any nostalgia for foreign countries. It is naturally the best choice to stay in my homeland."

"We have a great advantage in the processor field, so even if they want to fight a price war, we are not afraid. After this price war is fought, their company will definitely suffer in the end." Ni Lao continued.

"No, they won't compete with us on the price of the processor. If they open a new battlefield, it must be the memory." Qin Tao said.

Although the processor is expensive, after all, the price does not fluctuate much. This is not the case with the memory stick. The price of this thing is like a roller coaster, and the price fluctuates too much.

The price of the same memory stick may be two or three hundred, or one or two thousand!It's that magical.

Among other things, take the most common 64M memory stick as an example. In 98, the normal price was about 99. However, in 1000, when an earthquake occurred in Baodao, the price of the memory stick dropped suddenly. When it rose to [-], speculators began to appear and hoard a large amount of goods. As a result, the price of memory sticks continued to soar to more than [-].

However, in just a few months, the supply increased, and the memory sticks fell back to three or four hundred, and speculators lost their money.This is not the worst. Due to the replacement, SDR memory sticks suddenly became unpopular. After DDR memory sticks took over the market, the price of 128MB memory sticks dropped to 60 yuan.

That's right, it's 60 yuan.

Because it is so cheap, some people even use memory sticks as keychains, which used to cost one or two thousand!Ended up being a keychain for a few bucks!

When Mingzhou Group first set foot in the memory stick industry, it introduced the latest 64MB memory from Sanxing Company. In the past few years, this kind of memory has always been the main force, and since Godson has been researching processor technology, No brand new memory was introduced.

Now, Qin Tao began to arrange.

"Our processor is constantly developing, and the SDR memory module can no longer keep up with the demand of the processor?"

The memory stick used now is SDRAM, which is the abbreviation of SynchronousDRAM in English, and translated into Chinese means synchronous dynamic memory.

And this kind of memory will be eliminated soon, and DDR will appear. It should be called DDR SDRAM, the full name is Double Data Rate SDRAM, and the Chinese name is "Double Data Rate SDRAM".However, most people call it DDR for short. In fact, it is not the same word as DR behind SDR.

Traditional SDR SDRAM can only transmit data on the rising edge of the signal, while DDR SDRAM can transmit data on the rising and falling edge of the signal.This means that the transmission speed has been doubled.Therefore, DDR quickly occupied the market.

However, before this technical route, there is another route.

That is RDR.

"Yes, the speed of SDR memory will be more and more lagging behind. Now, Intel is researching RDR technology, which has a broader prospect." Ni Lao said: "When we consider the Godson-[-] processor, we need to consider It has a matching memory stick technology route."

"We can't use Intel's technology, do we have our own technology route?" Qin Tao asked.

"Now, there is also a technical route for DDR in the industry. It is enough to simply modify the SDR technology. However, the development prospect of this technology is limited and it is not optimistic."

"Then we will take this route." Qin Tao said: "We must first develop and register a patent, and our Godson computers will be equipped with this kind of memory stick in the future."

"However, I'm afraid no one will follow this technical route."

"What are you afraid of? We have the largest market in the world. Whatever route we take, others have to follow!" Qin Tao said: "We use this route to use up Intel's high-end memory!"

Although Qin Tao is not a professional in electronics, he still knows the basic route. He only needs to look at the memory sticks of his era to know which way is correct. What's more, he still knows some of these things.

Even if you really choose the wrong one, you can still rely on the huge market to decide.

In the new energy vehicle route of later generations, this point is even more vividly reflected. The islanders shout every day that hydrogen energy is the ultimate solution, so they focus on hydrogen energy and master a large number of patents. Later, they try to earn money by eating patent fees. , No one will play with him.

Electric cars are not environmentally friendly?If I say it’s environmentally friendly, it’s environmentally friendly. If I say it’s on the right track, it’s right. Look at my method of subsidizing!Ever since, the islanders had no choice but to follow along with them in developing electric vehicles. Unfortunately, they were seriously behind.

Now, the East still has the largest electronics market and chip market. After all, the economy in the East is developing very fast. In the future, every family will have a computer and everyone will have a mobile phone. The market can decide what technology route the East will develop!
"Okay, then let's take the DDR route." Ni Lao said: "Now, we should spare no effort to develop memory, and we can't let it hold us back."

"Mr. Ni, what we need to develop is not only the processor and memory. In the future, after accumulating strength, we have to research the graphics card."

"Graphic card? Is that important?" Mr. Ni was a little curious.

In this era, a graphics card is a must, and it cannot be integrated into the motherboard. However, the importance of the graphics card is not high. After all, computers in the previous era mainly displayed characters, and the graphics card only needed to help translate them. There is a graphical interface, and there are games, but they are all small games. If you tell Mr. Ni that in the future, the processor will not be so important, and the graphics card will be king. I don’t know what Mr. Ni will think.

Intel, which produces processors, is struggling. Even if a new processor is launched, not many people update it. After all, the computing power of the processor is already seriously excess.However, the importance of the graphics card is getting higher and higher. If you want to play games and want high resolution, you must have a good graphics card. The price of the graphics card soon exceeds that of the processor, and it is getting higher and higher. Become a scalper's favorite.

Moreover, you can also find other uses, such as inventing a digital currency that is sought after by countless people, playing a game of drumming and passing flowers, although it does not create value, it can concentrate value in the hands of a few people.Another example is artificial intelligence, the graphics card has completely stepped on the processor.

At this moment, Elder Ni didn't understand.

"That's right, it's very important." Qin Tao said, "Especially the 3D accelerator card is even more important."

For a long time, the graphics card industry was dominated by 2D graphics cards, which only displayed flat images. In the era of word processing, this was fine, but in the era of graphical interfaces, it began to fall behind.

Therefore, various graphics card manufacturers have also started to tinker with 3D accelerator cards, and a large number of manufacturers have emerged, making the entire graphics card industry flourish.

3dfx, Matrox, S3, Trident, SiS, NVIDIA, ATI and countless graphics card giants are vying for each other, and there is a feeling of contention.

Looking at later generations, Lao Huang can cut whatever he wants. There is no manufacturer that can compete with NVDIA. Why are those manufacturers going?

Of course, it is the bankruptcy of the bankruptcy, and the acquisition of the acquired.

"By the way, I heard that 3dfx, the current leader in the graphics card market, is going to make a big move." Speaking of this, Mr. Ni thought of something.

Now the leader in this market is 3dfx, but no one thought that the number one graphics card manufacturer, which is in full swing, would play itself to death.

"That's right, they are negotiating with STB, a board supplier. After the acquisition is completed, they will take back the property rights of their most profitable Voodooing chips, and produce and sell them themselves." Zhang Rujin knew more about the inside story and said.

"I just want to eat meat for myself and refuse to give it to others. Such a manufacturer is not strong." Qin Tao said: "I think we can start with 3dfx next."

It's okay to offend one or two partners, but the biggest 3dfx is doing this to smash the jobs of all cooperative board suppliers. If they succeed, they will be damned!
Qin Tao's guess is reasonable. Right after STB was acquired, the board suppliers that originally cooperated with 3dfx, including Asus, MSI, Gigabyte, Leadtek, Innovation, Diamond, etc., have nothing to do now. It can be transferred to the arms of other manufacturers, such as NVDIA.

However, after acquiring STB, 3dfx got into a mess by itself. It was not easy to integrate the production of a board. After all, they were good at making chips. In the end, NVDIA caught up. As a result, only one year later, NVDIA acquired 3dfx.

Originally, the purpose of acquiring other manufacturers was to strengthen itself, but 3dfx was really the first to close down due to the acquisition.

"President Qin, did you predict that 3dfx would have civil strife? Let's buy this manufacturer?" Elder Ni opened his eyes wide.

Qin Tao shook his head: "They will definitely mess up, but it's not our turn to buy. Let's take this opportunity to recruit a group of graphics card people to form our graphics card R&D team."

The Mingzhou Group has grown, so it is impossible to openly acquire other manufacturers, so don't even think about it.

As long as the wind is released, someone will come out to stop it.

Many processor manufacturers enter the graphics card field through acquisitions. Whether it is Intel or AMD, they all follow this route. However, they are all American companies. If they want to acquire casually, no one will stop them. It won't work.

Qin Tao knew how difficult the road ahead would be, so he never fantasized about impossible things.

However, although it cannot be purchased, it is enough to recruit a group of people!After all, talent is the most important thing.

At this time, hearing what Qin Tao said, the two nodded. They were also most familiar with the operation of poaching people.

"The matter of poaching people should be handed over to the subordinates, and they should be done in secret. Don't go out." Qin Tao instructed again.

Processor, memory, graphics card, all of these can be done by oneself, what else will be restricted?
The chipset on the mainboard is provided by VIA. This company is already prosperous with its own side, and it will definitely stand up to the pressure. If they go bankrupt, even all their teams can directly enter the Godson company and China. Chip International, so that the domestic chip industry can continue to grow.

"Now, we only have hard disks left and cannot produce them by ourselves. However, there are several hard disk manufacturers in our country. If other big manufacturers don't sell us hard disks, then we will supply our own domestic hard disks." Mr. Ni Said.

Speaking of hard disks, Seagate and Western Digital are definitely out of monopoly status. At most, they can add another Toshiba that is soy sauce. After monopolizing the market, they can do whatever they want. It is said that the flood in Siam was just a matter of a few days, but the price of the mechanical hard disk cannot be lowered, and it is high above.For another example, in the era when digital currency is prevalent, suddenly there is a digital currency that says to use a lot of hard disks, and as a result, the price of hard disks has come down.

In fact, in the early 21st century, there were still many hard disk manufacturers.

Seagate, Western Digital, IBM, Samsung, Maxtor, Quantum, Fujitsu and many other manufacturers compete in the hard disk market.At the same time, there are also a series of domestic hard drives, such as "Great Wall, Yituo, State-owned", etc. However, in the ruthless market competition, many manufacturers have been acquired.

For example, in 2000, Quantum was acquired by Maxtor; in 2002, IBM was acquired by Hitachi; in 2005, Seagate acquired Maxtor; in 2009, Toshiba acquired Fujitsu; in 2011, Seagate acquired Samsung; Manufacturers cannot escape this fate.

Qin Tao nodded: "As long as our domestic performance meets the standard, our Loongson computers can be installed with domestic hard drives. If we don't support domestic hard drives, who else will support them? We must make our domestic hard drives stronger!"

The two nodded.

What science and technology has no borders, this sentence can only be said when you have mastered the entire industrial chain. We advocate science and technology without borders, so other countries don’t need to study, just use ours!

After the meeting, when Qin Tao came out, Xu Zhengyang whispered in his ear: "Boss Qin, everything has been arranged."

Qin Tao nodded, trying to saturate the market and lower the price through mass production?Hehehe, then let you see how to rise against the trend!

Three rows of electrons.

"Now, we need to start at full speed, produce memory chips, suspend all other projects, and produce memory chips together on the entire production line." Mr. Li said to the people present.

Yin Jinlong's face was extremely ugly: "Mr. Li, we have already lost money on memory chips. Now, if we continue to increase the production of memory chips, then we will lose money. Are we really going to do this?"

In the 90s, Sanxing Electronics developed rapidly. They first aimed at the field of memory chips. They poached Toshiba’s corners with high salaries, hired Toshiba’s engineers, and guided their production. Fly over here to guide, as long as the hoe dances well, there is no corner that cannot be dug.

Toshiba's memory is gradually falling behind, and Sanhang Electronics has grown stronger. When they first developed 64 megabytes of memory, it means that they have come to the forefront in this field.

But what next?
Exporting 64 megabytes of memory and 0.25 micron technology to the East is definitely the worst decision they have ever made!
Dongfang has mastered the production process, and Dongfang began to improve. Now, Dongfang is already the leader in the field of memory chips, and their three lines of electronics are in the second echelon!

Let them increase the production of memory chips, lower the price of chips in the East, and hit the profits of the Orientals. This is definitely an act of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating two thousand five thousand.

"Do you think we are willing to do this? If there is no pressure, we are willing to fight against the Orientals?" Mr. Li said with a dark face: "This matter cannot be changed, and we must do it seriously. If it is not done well, our entire three lines Electronics may be in big trouble. Besides us, other memory manufacturers are also doing this."

Hearing what he said, the others didn't dare to say anything more.

Yin Jinlong looked out the window, lost in deep thought, suddenly, something caught his attention.

Black smoke, how come black smoke?

No, the factory is on fire!

(End of this chapter)

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