Great warships

Chapter 769 Mr. Qin directly flipped the table

Chapter 769 Mr. Qin directly flipped the table
"Damn it, what's going on?" Yin Jinlong stood up suddenly: "Quick, go put out the fire immediately!"

Mr. Li's expression also changed. He walked quickly to the window and looked in the direction of the flames. Fortunately, that was not the main factory for their most important memory chip production, but waste water treatment equipment. Just go to the main factory area.

The siren of the fire engine sounded, and the entire South Kimchi Country attached great importance to the largest group in the country, and rushed to put out the fire immediately.

"Report to the president. At present, the fire department has dispatched 48 fire trucks and 124 firefighters to put out the fire urgently. It is estimated that the fire will not affect us too much." After investigating the situation, Yin Jinlong said to Mr. Li: "The cause of the fire was caused by the welding of the ventilation pipes of our sewage treatment plant. It was an accident."

This side was planning to increase production, and a fire broke out, but the fire was not in their production workshop, but in the sewage treatment plant, so it didn't have a big impact. They were indeed welding ventilation pipes today, which was the direct cause of the accident.

Mr. Li nodded, but he thought of something in his heart. If he wants to reduce production and increase the price of memory in the future, this method is not bad, just make a small fire.

At this moment, the computer screen on the side suddenly went black.

Yin Jinlong was the first to observe this situation, and his face changed greatly: "Damn it, why is the power cut off? Quickly, switch to the backup power supply!"

Steel factories and glass factories are most afraid of power outages. Once the power goes out, the production line will be completely scrapped. However, chip factories are still afraid of power outages. On their production lines, the silicon pillars that are being produced cannot continue to stack single crystals once the power goes out. Silicon is gone, and such a batch that is in production will be scrapped.Wafers that have been sliced ​​cannot continue to the next step of the process, so they are broken.

However, of course they also know the terrible risks that a power outage may bring, so they designed two sets of power supply circuits, powered by two different power supply systems, which can be switched at any time, so that even if there is a problem with one of them, there is no problem. will affect them.

Now, Mr. Li is still relatively calm, but he was completely dumbfounded by the following news: "When the fire brigade was putting out the fire, it accidentally affected our substation, and the substation cannot restore power supply now!"

"Damn it, we should have built the substations of the two sets of circuits in different places a long time ago. Who designed it?" He was thoroughly annoyed.

The two sets of circuits can play the role of power supply redundancy, but the substations of these two sets of circuits are set up together.

This is of course for the convenience of the electrician. When the electric switch of one circuit is pulled down, the electric switch of the other circuit can be closed at the same time. As a result, it has been tricked at the same time!

"The power supply personnel are working hard, and the power supply is expected to be restored in half an hour. However, we have lost a lot." Yin Jinlong quickly got a definite answer.

The losses on the production line are huge.

They damaged five or six thousand wafers, equivalent to 11.00% of their monthly chip production, equivalent to 500% of the global supply that month, and in this accident, they lost [-] billion won!
Moreover, the recovery of the production line will take time.

Two hours later, James, who was stationed in the island country, came to Sanhang Electronics. Looking at the waste products on the production line and listening to Mr. Li's report, his face was terribly dark: "Mr. Li, you don't want to increase the production of chips, and you don't need to make more Is this kind of thing coming?"

"No, it was an accident, and we don't want this kind of thing to happen." Mr. Li said: "Our loss this time is huge, definitely much greater than the loss of production increase, so we don't need to do this at all. , Mr. James, have you ever seen that in order to avoid a loss of 100 billion, you burned your own factory and caused a loss of 500 billion?"

"I don't want to care about your losses. In short, your current behavior has brought a huge threat to our entire plan. Due to your suspension of production, the increase in production of other factories has no meaning. In the international market , memory prices will rise because of this!" James said: "You are responsible for this!"

In fact, suppressing the chip industry in the East has nothing to do with the steel industry. The main reason they do this is that the domestic chip industry can't stand it anymore.

As the big brother of processor production, Intel has been losing money year after year. If it were not for orders from defense, commerce, taxation, education and other departments, they would not be able to sell a single processor. The performance is not as good as that of Godson, and the price is higher than that of Godson. , who will use it?

When Loongson first appeared, it was only spread out in their domestic market, which resulted in great damage to Intel's interests. After all, the Eastern market contributed a lot of profits to Intel. Later, Loongson's performance was stronger and its output was larger. When it started to distribute goods in the international market, Intel began to be beaten.

They have to stop this from happening, they have to fix it!

Therefore, taking advantage of the situation in the steel industry, they planned to launch operations in the chip field. Unexpectedly, such an accident occurred just after the layout was just started.

The planners on the other side of the ocean were already furious and put pressure on James, who then transferred his dissatisfaction to Sanxing Electronics.

The sweat on Mr. Li's forehead came out, responsible?How is this responsible?

"Has the cause of the accident been investigated?"

Mr. Li just wanted to answer, but he thought of something: "Mr. James, what do you think is the best way to announce the cause of this accident?"

"Of course this was done by our competitors!" James said, "They tried to dominate the market, but they were destroyed by your three electronic companies, so they planned this conspiracy!"

conspiracy?If this is announced, it will be endless chatter!Moreover, they and the Mingzhou Group have completely torn skins!

"Think about it, as Mingzhou Group grows stronger, can your production still be the same as before? Your profits are getting less and less, and you will definitely be squeezed out in the future! The memory production line of Mingzhou Group was still yours. What you provided, you cultivated a competitor, and then broke yourself, now, don’t you have the courage to confront them?”

Mr. Li nodded solemnly. He knew that he had no other choice. He was just a puppet of the other party. He had to do whatever the other party asked him to do. Otherwise, he would not Accidents happen at any time.

It was already mid-December, and Qin Tao was standing on the pier of Mingzhou Group, looking at a large bulk carrier, the warehouse was full of shiny steel ingots!

This is the first shipment of crude steel from the Urals!

This is a moment of great commemorative significance!

A lot of reporters came, and they took crazy pictures of the ship, and then, in anticipation, President Qin's speech was ushered in.

"Today, we are very happy that our steel import channel has another stable source of goods. The first shipment of crude steel we imported from Damao will land from here, transport it to our steel factory, and then smelt it into fine steel " Qin Tao looked at the reporter below, his face full of confidence: "For us, this is an important period for the transformation of the steel industry. We need to shift from high-energy-consuming crude steel production to refined steel with higher added value. Smelting!"

All the reporters know what happened recently, and of course they also know that what Mingzhou Group is doing now is the way to break the situation!

The iron ore giants in the Kangaroo Country are very sad. They just want to stumbling the Mingzhou Group. They don't want to offend the entire eastern steel company. After all, they have digested a huge amount of iron ore.

There is no technical content in the process of smelting iron ore into pig iron or crude steel. As long as it is not the kind of earth-made steel-making furnace in the era of great iron and steel smelting, steel can be smelted. However, this process pollutes High, high energy consumption, small profits.

Therefore, many developed countries have transferred this industry and kept it for refined steel smelting and industrial upgrading.

The steel performance steel produced from refined steel has higher price and higher profit, and belongs to high value-added.

Now, Mingzhou Group is also going to transform in this direction!
They still import crude steel from abroad for refined steel smelting, and they will gradually reduce their demand for iron ore. Therefore, some people's conspiracy has been completely shattered!
"With the development of our Mingzhou Group, there will always be some people who will look at us with colored glasses and try to suppress us. Now, I want to say that our Mingzhou Group cannot be defeated, it cannot be overwhelmed Yes, without experiencing wind and rain, how can we see a rainbow, after such wind and rain, we will develop better and be healthier!"

There was applause below, and amidst the applause, the ship slowly docked, and then the electromagnetic crane began to lift, transferring the steel ingots to the train carriages on the side, and transported them directly to the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant by train.

They have opened a new chapter!
"May I ask Mr. Qin, will you continue to expand steel production?"

"Yes, we will shrink crude steel production, but refined steel production will expand. We expect to double our steel production within five years."

"Mr. Qin, will your industrial transformation lead to an increase in product prices?"

"Every signed agreement, we will manufacture according to the agreed price. We have the confidence and ability to do so."

"May I ask Mr. Qin, what do you think about the recent fire and production suspension of Sanxing Electronics?"

When he heard this question, Qin Tao's face became serious, and he looked at the reporter: "Your neighbor's sow gave birth to piglets, what do you think about it?"

"Mr. Qin, please don't confuse the issue. Sanxing Electronics claimed that their fire was caused by malicious competition among their peers, and many of them pointed at you."

"The sow in your neighbor's house gave birth to piglets, but there is no boar in your neighbor's house. Does your neighbor suspect that you did it?"

There was a burst of laughter from the other reporters.

Qin Tao has never been polite to this kind of nonsense reporters, and his metaphor is very appropriate.

"We can see pictures of the fire scene, it started from the sewage treatment plant, it is said that they were welding the ventilation pipes at the time, they used substandard materials, they used workers without welding qualifications, and finally started this fire , What does it have to do with our Mingzhou Group? If all this can be blamed on us, then you are responsible for the pregnancy of your neighbor's sow."

"This is different. All memory factories are producing memory at full speed and want to give users a cheap memory. However, this will damage the interests of your Mingzhou Group, so you have motives!"

"Every time you pass by your neighbor's house, you will find that the neighbor's sow is beautiful and delicious. Your eyes have already betrayed you, so you have a motive!"

This reporter obviously already understood Qin Tao's speaking style. Under Qin Tao's various insults, he still did not forget his original intention: "This is different, don't confuse right and wrong!"

"As for our memory, the production cost is not high. Even if the price is reduced by half, we can still maintain a certain profit. Therefore, we have never been afraid of a price war." Qin Tao also became serious: "Everyone, what do you think? Think about it, our Oriental products rely on the high quality and low price to enter the international market, what we are best at is to fight price wars, and if we fight a price war with us, we will only lose our pants!"

For other reporters, just watch the show.They were all waiting for Qin Tao's next words.

"Moreover, in order to maintain the healthy development of the chip industry, we will never fight a price war. Therefore, the memory we produce will maintain the original price, with a maximum fluctuation of 5.00%."

Now, Qin Tao has confidence. With the shutdown of the Sanhang electronics factory, the price of memory chips has begun to rise. No matter how other factories produce, they will not hit the price in a low range.

Therefore, he does not need to fight a price war at all.

"At the same time, in view of the slander against us by Sanxing Electronics, we need to re-examine the project of purchasing 0.13 micron lithography machines. We have always believed that one more friend can lead to a better road. However, if a friend stabs us in the back, Then we can't continue to give smiles."

Although Sanxing Electronics is developing rapidly, they are not all advanced in technology. In terms of lithography machines, they have just begun to master 0.18 micron technology, and 0.13 micron is still early.

Looking at the world, only the East has this kind of technology.

Therefore, Sanxing Electronics wants to purchase this level of lithography machine from the East. This project has been discussed, but of course there will be no results. Only when Sanxing Electronics is about to develop a lithography machine of this level, Mingzhou Group will consider selling technology.

Now, it happens to be used as a punitive measure, with a smile on the surface and a stabbing knife in the back, let's not sell it!
"Also, at the end of this year, we will release a new product to the public!"

The news of Qin Tao quickly spread all over the world.

Facing the suppression from all sides, the Mingzhou Group has also launched a comprehensive counterattack, and they have obviously been prepared for a long time.

In the field of chips, what countermeasures will they have?
Everyone opened their eyes wide and waited quietly.

This kind of slander is nothing to Mingzhou Group, because Mingzhou Group will defeat them with powerful facts!
However, more than 20 memory chip manufacturers have become cautious because of this sentence. They are afraid that the memory chips produced by expanding their production capacity will end up being cheaper for others.

Looking at the development history of Mingzhou Group, such myths have happened too many times.

Of course, there are exceptions.

Germany, Infineon.

The name Infineon has just appeared. It was spun off from Siemens Semiconductor. The first CEO was Schumacher, who was only 41 years old. Although he did not play racing cars, he was also very adventurous.

"Infineon will spend 11 billion euros to build a 12-inch fab. We will surpass Micron and Hyundai, as well as Sanhang Electronics, and become the second strongest in the memory chip market!"

They won't be called the first, because the first is the memory chip produced by SMIC.

They don't want to be the boss, they are content to be the second child.

This news has stirred up waves in the memory market, which means that fierce and brutal competition in the memory market is about to begin!

However, in just a dozen days, Schumacher's ambitions were completely wiped out.

East, Huating.

In the most famous Huating Hotel, a press conference was grandly held.

At the beginning, Qin Tao just took a sip, which whetted everyone's appetite. Next, the press conference of Godson Company is the most important thing.

Mr. Ni is very excited. He has always hoped to engage in R&D and rejuvenate the country through modern technology. Now, his dream has come true!

"Welcome to the reporters. Today we hold this press conference to announce our next-generation chip development plan to you. Moreover, through this plan, everyone will know that we have no reason to do anything secretly to our colleagues. , because it is not necessary at all. To be honest, the behavior of your colleagues to increase the production of memory chips is tantamount to suicide, so we want to remind you here to stop as soon as possible.”

The reporters were very excited. They knew that there would be heavy news in this press conference. Now, this opening statement was shocking enough.

"Okay, first let's introduce our flagship product. Next year, we will officially launch the Godson-[-] processor."

On the LCD screen behind Mr. Ni, the words "Gold son 4" were typed out. (Some people don't like the sound of dog leftovers, so let's forget it, we don't need it.)
"Our Godson-100 processor is currently designed with an initial index of 17 MHz FSB and a multiplier of [-]."

"1.7GHZ?" Someone below exclaimed immediately, isn't this too advanced?
Their strongest competitor, that is, Intel, is still struggling to break through the limit of 1GHZ with its current processors, while Dongfang's Godson has already advanced to 2GHZ!No, this is just the take-off frequency!
The performance of the Godson processor is very advanced, and the FSB can be easily adjusted to 133 MHz, or even higher!Therefore, this processor of Godson, in the hands of hardware players, might be able to soar to 3GHZ!

This is too outrageous!
"Our processor not only has stronger computing performance, but also integrates two cores inside." Mr. Ni continued to introduce, and the people present were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

In the era of Loongson-[-] and Loongson-[-], there was still a single core. In order to achieve the effect of comparable performance to Intel, Loongson computers adopted a multi-CPU solution, so that multi-tasking can be processed very quickly.

Many customers are also used to it. Turn on the computer to see how many CPUs there are in it. The more CPUs there are, the stronger the performance will be.

Now, Godson-[-] directly integrates two cores inside, and one CPU is equivalent to two!

If you want to integrate multiple cores, you need to improve the process technology, the chip occupies a small area, and the number of integrations is large, which is possible.

SMIC has mastered the immersion lithography machine, so it is so awesome!
"However, this has also led to an increase in our demand for memory." Mr. Ni continued: "The existing PC100 and PC133 cannot meet the massive data throughput of our processor, so we need more advanced For memory, we decided to choose DDR memory as the memory to match our Loongson-[-], and we hope that various memory manufacturers can switch to this kind of memory to facilitate the performance of our Loongson-[-]."

The faster the data processed by the CPU, the faster the data transmission is required, otherwise, the CPU will always be in a waiting state.

The existing PC133 will not work, at least double it!
What does this news portend?
Memory with existing specifications will soon become an outcast in the market!
If the Mingzhou Group is ruthless enough, it can completely hide this news and let various memory manufacturers mass-produce SDR memory, and then suddenly find that this kind of memory is not popular!In this way, the price of SDR memory will drop rapidly to the price of cabbage, causing all memory manufacturers to jump off the building.

They didn't do it, they were responsible!
"As long as you get the authorization from us, you can produce the supporting DDR memory, and we promise that the authorization fee will be the lowest within three months after the news is released."

This standard is formulated by Godson Corporation!Therefore, if other memory manufacturers want to produce, they must be authorized!
Can those memory manufacturers accept it?
If you don't accept it, you will have to pay a high licensing fee in the future, or you will completely withdraw from this market.

Some people want to squeeze out Mingzhou Group by increasing memory production?Alright, Mr. Qin turned the table directly, let's play in another venue, we have the final say on this standard!
Why can the West make money lying down?Not because they are the standard setters!The East can only earn hard money at the low end of the industrial chain. What about patent rights, it is only because they are the ones who collect the money. When the East wants to formulate standards to collect money, their nature of barbaric predators should be exposed. .

This news was announced to the whole world, once again arousing a huge storm in the industry.

Intel, which has been struggling for a long time, finally became completely irritable this time. The launch of the Godson-[-] is to make their Intel company completely bankrupt and bankrupt!
"No, we must not let the Oriental conspiracy come true! We must deny the DDR memory specification, and we must promote our brand new memory specification!" Barrett, the leader at the helm, roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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