Great warships

Chapter 772 Delivery Ceremony of USS Sao Paulo

Chapter 772 Delivery Ceremony of USS Sao Paulo
When Sanders returned to AMD from SMIC, he saw the guests who had been waiting there.

"Wayne, are you making trouble? Damn it, you dare to use us!" Sanders started complaining mode.

"Cooperating with the Orientals will destroy the interests of the entire United States. It is already a kind of forgiveness not to hold you accountable." Wayne said: "What's wrong with using you?"

"Destroy the interests of the entire United States? What are you kidding, we are helping our American electronic technology to prevent our market from being filled with computers from the East!" Sanders said: "Why do we hand over to the East OEMs? Is it? Only you conspirators can cast a political shadow over all of this. Now these are just business cooperation. We can cooperate with Europe and the island nation of kimchi. Why can’t we cooperate with the East? Technology has no borders !"

"Sanders, I wonder if there is something wrong with your brain. You used to shout in Silicon Valley that men should have their own fabs. Now? How do you go to the East now? Your own wafers Where is the factory?"

"We are for our own fab." Saunders said: "The Orientals have promised us to export our brand-new 0.18-micron production line, and also help us debug so that we can fully master this production process. This production process will be used in the production of processors, and it will definitely not be inferior to Intel. SMIC manufactures the most advanced processors, and we produce mid-range processors ourselves. When will we give up our own wafers? factory?"

"Damn it, how can you find Easterners to cooperate?"

"Then who do we turn to? Ask Intel to help us debug the existing 0.18 micron production line? Will they? You only know that you support Intel, when did you support us?"

and many more!

Wayne felt that it was meaningless to continue, and he accurately grasped the key point: "The production of the Orientals is still going on? How much photoresist do they have in stock?"

He looked at Sanders coldly. Could it be that you want to help the Easterners obtain photoresist?

"They don't have a lot of inventory, but they have their own photoresist production factory." Sanders said: "You guys are so stupid. The global industrial chain has been formed a long time ago. Now look, where A country has a complete industrial chain? But because of you, the Orientals have established their complete industrial chain! The power of the Easterns is caused by you conspirators!"

Sanders looked at Wayne with some contempt, look at how many stupid things you have done!Want to get stuck in the iron ore Mingzhou Group's lifeline, the result?All domestic iron and steel factories have united and relied on this huge market to compete with iron ore suppliers. They have achieved very good results, and the price of iron ore purchases has dropped significantly.Now, they still want to tamper with the chip, which forced Dongfang to form a complete industrial chain.

That JSR company is even more stupid, they will not even try to sell a barrel of photoresist to the East in the future!

The Orientals have it themselves?
Wayne's mind is also in a mess, and this trick has failed again!

Next, what method should be used to curb the continued growth of the Mingzhou Group?

"Have you met Mr. Qin of the Mingzhou Group?" Wei En asked, perhaps through a meeting between the two parties, we can find out what kind of person this Mr. Qin is, and then consider the solution to the problem.

"I haven't seen it. I heard that he returned to Mingzhou Group, where warships are being delivered to customers. It seems to be an aircraft carrier."

"Aircraft carrier? Sao Paulo?"

That's right, the Sao Paulo.

The construction work of Mingzhou Group is quite efficient. Among other things, just a three-dimensional CNC bending machine can shorten the construction period of the aircraft carrier by one year. In addition, Mingzhou Group has been building aircraft carriers in recent years, so , their progress is quite fast.

The construction of this aircraft carrier started in 96, and in 99 this year, it was ready for delivery in less than three years, which is more than two years less than originally agreed!
The football navy was very excited. They used to look for a second-hand aircraft carrier all over the world, but they still couldn't find a suitable one. Finally, they followed the suggestion of Mr. Qin of Mingzhou Group and ordered a brand new aircraft carrier.

Facts have proved that this is an extremely wise decision. Their aircraft carrier looks much more beautiful, and the new one is better!

Sagas Tres personally came to attend the receiving ceremony. At this time, on the stage specially set up for the delivery ceremony at the sea trial dock, he was delivering an impassioned speech.

Behind is the huge aircraft carrier, just facing the position of the elevator. At that position, a red banner is hung, which reads in Chinese and Portuguese respectively: The large characters of the delivery ceremony of the USS Sao Paulo aircraft carrier. In front of this banner, stand There is a row of people, the ones on the left are almost all in suits and leather shoes, and the eight wolves are wearing men's clothing on them, they are very handsome, and on the right is a row of soldiers in navy uniforms, their faces are somewhat different from those of the orientals.

In front of these people was a large long table covered with red silk cloth, on which people were sitting, and beside the table, there was a podium for standing and speaking, with a microphone placed on it.

"Today, we are very happy. After less than three years of construction, the Sao Paulo aircraft carrier has completed all the construction and sea trials. The country with the most powerful navy in the Americas! Here, we would like to thank Mingzhou Group, they put forward the plan of exchanging iron ore for aircraft carriers, and they also developed a new iron ore mining area. They are responsible for the construction of a train. China won this aircraft carrier without spending any extra money, which is also a manifestation of the friendship between our two countries!"

How did the aircraft carrier come about?Iron ore for it!Where did the iron ore come from?Mined by Mingzhou Group!During the whole process, their football country did not spend a penny, which means that this aircraft carrier came for nothing!This kind of transaction can only be done by Mingzhou Group!
They are full of gratitude to Mingzhou Group.

After Sagas Tres finished his speech, Qin Tao went up and took the microphone.

"This aircraft carrier is indeed a testimony of the friendship between our Mingzhou Group and the football country. Just a while ago, we suffered brutal and rude accusations. Throughout the process, the football country has always stood by our side. We are very Touched, when we needed enough iron ore, Vale extended a hand of friendship to help us through the crisis. We in the East know how to be grateful. Next, we will have more Investment plan, we will continue to participate in the infrastructure projects of the football country to make the football country better, and we are here to repeat our package of projects for a weak country and a strong army.”

Qin Tao looked at the countless reporters below: "We are serious about helping weak countries improve their national strength. In this plan, the main body is an aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 3 tons, a surface ship that undertakes the task of escorting the aircraft carrier. It is our 054 frigate, and our latest Type 039 AIP submarine is responsible for the underwater escort mission. Together with one or two comprehensive supply ships, this forms a powerful aircraft carrier formation. In terms of carrier-based aircraft, we mainly promote J-31A and J-32A [-] fighters. If the customer has no funds, don’t worry about it, as long as there are minerals, our Mingzhou Group is responsible for mining and transportation, as long as we sign the contract, we can give weak countries the power to protect their own country!”

Sagas Tres was also moved.

Now, they only have an aircraft carrier, and they have chosen the J-31A as a carrier-based aircraft. However, due to the tight demand for this aircraft, they cannot get it for the time being. deliver.

In the past few years, it happened that the Mingzhou Group continued to mine their iron ore in exchange for sufficient funds.

However, only aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft are not enough. An aircraft carrier formation is required to form a complete combat force.

What else are they missing?
Advanced Surface Ships!
China's navy has surface ships. After the end of World War II, the main force of China's navy's surface fleet was only 14 US-made destroyers of World War II that were partially modified in accordance with the requirements of anti-submarine warfare, which has long been outdated.

After repeated comparisons, the Chinese Navy chose the MK21A frigate plan developed by the British Vosper-Thornycroft shipyard based on the Type 10 "Lady Admiral" frigate, with a total budget of 2.5 million Cruzeiro. The frigate is the "Niteroi" class frigate that is currently the main force of the Chinese navy. On November 1976, 11, the first ship of this class, the "Niteroi", was officially commissioned, with a total of seven ships.

Because of the emphasis on anti-submarine, this kind of warship does not have anti-ship missiles, and the anti-aircraft is also backward Aspide, which has long been unable to adapt to modern naval warfare.

In 86 after the construction of this kind of frigate was completed, the Chinese Navy built the Inyauma-class light frigate. Not even anti-aircraft missiles!

At present, the latest frigate built by the football country itself is the Barroso-class light frigate improved from the former. The construction process is very procrastinated. It started in December 94, but it has not been launched on the berth until now, and there are still no anti-aircraft missiles. .

In other words, after the Sao Paulo went back, it ran naked for a long time, and there was no suitable professional air defense ship!

They need advanced frigate warships. The 054 frigate of the Orientals is very suitable. This warship is equipped with 32 vertical missile launchers. It has purchased the "mosquito fish-Ⅲ" class and "Oberon" from the United States and the United Kingdom. Class submarine, the former is the product of the American Electric Boat Company in the 40s, and the latter is the product of the British Vickers Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. in the 70s, but the technology is very backward.

The main force of their submarines are four Type 209 submarines.If you mentioned conventional submarines in the past, everyone would definitely give a thumbs up to the 209 submarine, but now, the 209 submarine has long been out of date!Doesn't even have an AIP system, can it be called a modern submarine?
They also plan to build their own "Tikuna" class submarines on the basis of the 209 submarines. Construction started in 96, but like the frigates, it was very procrastinated, and the delivery time was delayed by 7 years.

To realize the modernization of China's navy, we can only rely on the East. The most important thing is that the construction of the East does not cost money!Iron ore is in their country, and it is worthless if it cannot be mined. Mingzhou Group provides one-stop service. What else are they dissatisfied with?
Just as Sagas Tres was dreaming, Qin Tao finished his speech and returned to his seat.

"Now proceed to the delivery signing ceremony!"

Qin Tao and Sagas Tres signed the documents in front of them respectively, and then exchanged signatures. From this moment on, the aircraft carrier behind them became the property of the football country's navy and had nothing to do with the Mingzhou Group!

Mingzhou Group has delivered another aircraft carrier. This aircraft carrier is of even greater significance. It was built according to a brand-new cooperation method!

The iron ore piled up in the Mingzhou Group was not only purchased from the Kangaroo Country these years, but also a large part was dug out from the Football Country. Because it was not needed, it was temporarily piled up there, but usually no one Note that it was not until the Mingzhou Group was suppressed that the bright sword began to appear in front of everyone.

Of course, the output of iron ore mined by Mingzhou Group in Football Country is definitely incomparable with that of Vale, which is the most important iron ore miner in Football Country. Mingzhou Group can only be regarded as a small business. Therefore, in the iron ore import agreement of China Iron and Steel Association, Vale has obtained a large share.

As for why Mingzhou Group didn't bid?Changxie Mine is negotiated with foreign companies. The iron ore mined by Mingzhou Group is treated the same as domestic iron ore suppliers, and it is not considered an import!
After the signing was completed, the people behind applauded.

Amidst the warm applause, Sagas Tres stood up: "Mr. Qin, before the aircraft carrier leaves the port, how about we step on the aircraft carrier again and enjoy this work together?"

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course."

The 3-ton Sao Paulo is the most suitable choice for a medium-sized country. Its bow is raised high, and it adopts a ski jump to take off, which can meet the various needs of users. Its left side is an angled deck. In this way, whether it is an intercepted landing or a vertical landing, it is not like the Queen-class aircraft carrier that can only operate vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. At this time, standing on the wide flight deck and looking at the bridge on the side, everyone is excited.

"President Qin, we still have to thank you for your support for our navy to obtain such a powerful aircraft carrier." Sagas Tres said: "Next, the modernization of our navy will require your support."

Qin Tao was overjoyed. He actually told Shagastres about the package project, and now he was really tempted.

"Don't worry, no matter what your needs are, we can meet them."

"Our navy wants to organize a strong aircraft carrier formation, and we need four 054 frigates and four 039 foreign trade submarines." Sagas Tres said: "I wonder if you can start work for us as soon as possible?"

"Well, the berth is currently occupied, and we have to wait until the current berth is empty to start construction. Moreover, you should also know that with our current scale of iron ore mining, the funds for the aircraft carrier will not be in place until two years later. Next is The diameter of the carrier-based aircraft and the funds for these frigates and submarines may take seven years to raise. If we start construction now, almost all of them will have to be funded by our Mingzhou Group. This scale is a bit large."

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Qin Tao's face, Sagas Tres said: "President Qin, we will apply with the country to double your mining scale, so that within seven years, not only can you What do you think of solving the funding problem of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft, and also solve the funding problem of the escort formation for us?"

"Double mining?" Qin Tao thought for a while, and then said: "In this way, Mingzhou Group will have to spend more money on the mining and transportation of the mine, but since we are friends, this is of course a busy We want to help, after you go back this time, go through the process as soon as possible, as long as the government approval procedures are passed, we will send people to go there!"

The iron ore in Football Country is rich in iron ore, which is the most needed raw material for Mingzhou Group. If the mining scale is doubled, their iron ore will be more abundant. It is absolutely impossible for Kangaroo Country to repeat the same trick in the future. Yes, it would be nice not to give them a price cut.

Sagathress nodded: "Okay, Mr. Qin, you really are our true friend!"

"However, there are some things I still need to say." At this time, the two of them had already discussed while walking towards the island, planning to go to the bridge to have a look. When they climbed up and looked into the distance, they could just see the outline of the entire aircraft carrier clearly.

"President Qin, please speak."

"You also know that we have had some conflicts with certain countries recently. I guess the conspirators behind it will go to your side to lobby and want you to stop exporting iron ore to us..."

"Hmph, we won't change our position due to external pressure!" Shagastres became serious immediately: "We are an independent country, we are not puppets of some countries, we will do what is best for us. A choice of national interest, kangaroo country? Well, they're just a joke!"

"Okay, with your statement, I feel more at ease." Qin Tao said: "In the future, we need to cooperate in more fields, such as the field of agricultural products. The corn and soybeans you produce can all be exported. To our country, we welcome the agricultural products of football country!"

Sagas Tres nodded: "This is also good news for us. We can expand more export channels. It's a pity that you don't play football and your football team has also disbanded. Otherwise, I would be more I am willing to form a team with you."

Soccer country, I still like to play football.At the beginning, Qin Tao relied on football to open their door, but after that, Qin Tao forgot about this experience, and the football team disbanded. After all, he is not interested in football, and it is impossible to invest so much money to support a football team. A Dou who can't afford it, with that little money, wouldn't it be nice to build an extra warship for the motherland?

Hearing Shagastres' regret now, Qin Tao smiled: "Yes, your biggest advantage is football. In this respect, you are already number one in the world. If you use football to make money, The funds for the aircraft carrier have already been collected, but you have a devout belief in football, and you will definitely not do things that use football to make money."

Shagastress smiled too, with a proud look on his face.

At this time, the two had already walked to the bridge, looking at the modern equipment inside, Sagas Tres said: "Your biggest advantage is to build warships. In this respect, your side is already at the world's first level. I just don’t know if the warships we ordered can be produced in our domestic shipyards?”

Any country with ideals will not indulge in buying, buying, and buying. Even if it is a big dog, it also pursues its own production. If it cannot be produced, there is no way.Soccer countries naturally hope to build their own warships and submarines.

"If you have this idea, of course you can." Qin Tao said: "However, you should consider that the price of building in your side will be more expensive."

Mingzhou Group is a one-stop service, they only need to receive warships, and if they build it themselves, Mingzhou Group only provides design drawings, dispatches workers, and at most provides some steel plates. They have to pay for the construction themselves, which is not cost-effective at all. , it would be even more inappropriate if you take into account their usual procrastination.

Sagas Tres sighed helplessly: "Yes, we seek your help for the sake of cheapness. If we ask to build it ourselves, it will be more expensive and not worthwhile."

If you have no money in your pocket, you will have no confidence.

Other officers are already getting ready.


In the engine room, the engineers wore fireproof suits, held a point gun, and successfully ignited the furnace of the boiler.

Since the elimination of the old World War II destroyers, they obtained brand new warships in the 70s, which already used gas turbines. This ancient ignition method, they have long since given up, and they have only recently started training. Now it seems to be going well. .

The boiler was blazing, and black smoke kept coming out. Two hours later, when Qin Tao and Sagas Tres came down from the aircraft carrier, the pressure of the aircraft carrier's boiler was almost the same.


The aircraft carrier blew its whistle and bid farewell to the people on the pier.

Sagas Tres stood on the pier and waved, looking at the sailors standing around on the deck of the aircraft carrier. These sailors have stayed on the aircraft carrier since the sea trials. After this period of exploration, they have mastered The operation of this warship, now, they will drive this aircraft carrier, cross the vast Pacific Ocean, and return to their homeland!
In particular, they still need to detour around Cape Horn. At that time, they can just pass by the Weeping Country and show it in front of the Weeping Country, which is also very good.

That's right, they chose this route, so they wouldn't go to the Panama Canal, that would not be majestic enough.

The delivery of this aircraft carrier is also a new beginning for Mingzhou Group, and many small countries will see hope!

There can only be one superpower in the world, one ocean overlord?Mingzhou Group stated that we can help many countries safeguard their maritime rights and interests!

(End of this chapter)

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