Great warships

Chapter 773

Chapter 773 An Amphibious Assault Ship Is Better Than an Aircraft Carrier

Next, the Crying Country should be the most stimulated. They should come here to do a package of projects, right?

Qin Tao was expecting the Weeping Country to take the bait, but he didn't expect that another country would come over first.

Americo, the representative of the Guinea Navy with a dark body, showed his big white teeth: "Mr. Qin, I am very glad to meet you. I heard about your package project of a weak country and a strong army. We are very interested and hope that we can cooperate happily."

"Mr. Americo, you have abundant oil resources, so you shouldn't need to go this route, you can just purchase directly?" Qin Tao asked curiously.

Guinea is located on the west coast of Africa. The name of this country means the country of black people. It was originally a very poor and backward country, but it is one of the least developed countries announced by the United Nations.The economy is dominated by agriculture and mining, and the industrial base is weak.Food cannot be self-sufficient.Bauxite, coffee, cocoa and rubber are the main pillars of the Guinea economy, but the development of economic crops is small.Guinea relies entirely on imports for the vast majority of consumer goods.

However, in the past few years, earth-shaking changes have taken place in this country. In 96, oil fields were discovered in the territorial waters of this country, and they can finally get rich from oil!
Since 97, their average annual GDP growth rate has exceeded 40.00%!Now, they have become the third largest oil and gas exporter in West Africa.Moreover, their country only has a population of 130 million, which makes their per capita chicken farts exceed 2.2 US dollars, which is the envy of Western European countries.

"Oil? We do have oil wealth, but this wealth is not ours." Americo said: "We don't have to look at it. Fortunately, we have other wealth in our country. We are rich in mineral resources. You should know about these things, Mr. Qin."

Africa is poor and backward, and the only developed country has regressed back to a developing country. However, Africa's resources are very rich.

For example, they have the world's largest high-content alumina bauxite deposits, with more than 400 billion tons of bauxite reserves, accounting for more than one-third of the world's total reserves.They are also very rich in iron ore resources, with reserves estimated at around 200 billion tons. In particular, these iron ores are still of high grade.

However, these are not mined much. For Guinea, like the rainbow country, they are famous for their diamonds. They have huge diamond reserves. There are 4000 to [-] million carats of proven reserves, and the potential reserves are as high as [-] million carats. .

In addition to these, they also have gold, copper, uranium, cobalt, lead, zinc, etc., which can be said to be very rich in resources. Unfortunately, they have no good leaders in the country. After gaining benefits, ordinary people have no hair.

As for the Guinea navy, it is also very backward. According to many media, the navy only has a few hundred people. However, if you look at the ships they own, this number is not enough. There are still thousands of people, but they Still lagging behind.

Now, the Guinean Navy also wants to change the shotgun to the gun.

"Now, we have oil resources, but they are all at sea. If we want to protect our oil resources, we must have enough force. Therefore, we want to build a modern naval force, with aircraft carrier formations as the core. Core!" said Americo.

"Okay, we will do our best to meet your requirements. Now, you can talk to our design department first to determine what kind of warship you need. After the negotiation is completed, we will talk about yours. Mining issues." Qin Tao said: "I invite the most professional designers to connect with you."

So, the guests were sent away, and Zhao Ling looked at the figures of these people with worry in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Qin Tao looked at his wife: "Are you worried?"

"In West Africa, the Nigerian navy is the most powerful, and they only have a few frigates. Now, the Guinea navy wants an aircraft carrier." Zhao Ling said, "There is a problem here."

"Of course there is a problem. Uncle Hei is going to be a warlord." Qin Tao said.

Zhao Ling was even more worried: "Then if we do this, aren't we helping the bad guys?"

"Xiaoling, you are so old, why are you still so naive? In this world, there is no such thing as black and white. For us, whoever is the boss there has nothing to do with us? As long as we get the Mineral resources can be developed by themselves, isn’t that enough?”

Our own side has done a good job. Look at those arms dealers, who specifically instigate two forces to fight, and then sell arms to earn mineral resources. They are naked robbers!In places like Guinea, where diamonds are produced, I don’t know how many warlords have existed.

This Americo is neither the first nor the last. How can I control so much.

"But, someone will throw dirty water on us." Zhao Ling said.

"If we don't do this, it seems that no one will pour dirty water on us." Qin Tao said: "Now, we are doing business with the official personnel of the other party, and everything is logical. We don't know if the other party wants to make trouble. Big deal, let's sell weapons to others."

Zhao Ling didn't say anything anymore, she knew that what Qin Tao said made sense, that's how the arms business is.

"However, if they want an aircraft carrier, how much minerals will they need?" Zhao Ling thought of other questions: "Their oil wealth has been divided up, and their domestic diamonds and gold must also be divided up. If we want minerals, Only iron ore is left."

"Iron ore is also good." Qin Tao said: "Now there is no force to develop iron ore, let's be the first one, where we can be more comfortable, and their bauxite, We can develop it too."

"Brother Tao, we already have a lot of iron ore, so if we continue to expand imports, will it be useless?" Zhao Ling asked.

"Can't use it? I'm only worried that it won't be enough in the future, and I will be robbed by the Kangaroo Country." Qin Tao said: "We don't want too much of this thing. We have enough money in the Mingzhou Group. At worst, we will pile up a mountain of ore in the future. "

How much is it now?In the future, the demand for iron ore will be ten times that of the present!Qin Tao knows this, so now it's time to make the layout.

Zhao Ling nodded, she listened to Qin Tao.

Over there, Yang Dawei personally received Americo.

"Let's talk about the aircraft carrier first. What kind of aircraft carrier do you need? How big is the displacement and the number of aircraft?"

"This, we don't understand very well, let's listen to your introduction first." Americo said.

"From the perspective of your surroundings, I think it is enough for you to have an aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 3 tons, which can be the same size as the one in the football country..."

"Can this aircraft carrier carry marines?" Americo asked, "For example, amphibious tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment?"

Carriers equipped with amphibious tanks?This is not an aircraft carrier, this is clearly an amphibious assault ship!Yang Dawei nodded immediately: "Our Mingzhou Group is the most powerful. No matter what requirements customers put forward, we can meet them. We can also produce the things you want. Now, let's introduce our four The design plan of the 075-ton Type [-]... aircraft carrier."

The design plan of 075 has been prepared a long time ago, but the navy does not have the funds to build this kind of warship for the time being, so it can only be studied as a theory, and the design drawings have been drawn. Can start building.

Although Yang Dawei called it an aircraft carrier, it is actually an amphibious assault ship with a displacement of [-] tons, which can fully meet the great historical mission entrusted to the army by the motherland. Of course, since the navy has not yet ordered it, it can be exported There is still no problem, and, in the process of exporting, you can also check whether the design is flawed, so that it is convenient to modify the design drawings for domestic construction in the future.

The design drawing appeared on the screen, and Americo looked at it seriously: "The island of your aircraft carrier looks a bit big!"

Looking at the appearance of the amphibious assault ships of various countries, one can find a special feature: the island of this kind of amphibious assault ship is very large, and it has the style of the old Maozi Kiev-class heavy-duty aircraft cruiser, occupying such a large deck area , don't you know it should be smaller?

This is of course due to different design solutions.

The amphibious assault ship has a hangar below the deck, but there is also a dock under the hangar!After all, a large number of amphibious combat vehicles, hovercraft, etc., all need to be driven out of the dock. After the door of this dock is opened, it needs to come into contact with sea water, and it must be arranged below.

Ordinary aircraft carriers generally only have a hangar under the deck, and there is nothing under the hangar.

This means that the lower space of the amphibious assault ship is limited. In this case, it can only develop to the upper space and occupy the deck area to build the ship island. (This is guessed by the hero of East China, I don't know if it is right.)
Will this allow the amphibious assault ship to reduce the number of aircraft it can carry and operate?That is for sure, but the problem is that the number of aircraft carried on the amphibious assault ship is limited. Many even use ordinary helicopters because they do not have vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. Don't worry too much about wasting deck space.

In short, various reasons have led to the large direct-deck amphibious assault ships of various countries having a large island with a long vertical axis.

Now, Americo can see this problem, not because he is a professional, but because he has studied the aircraft carriers of various countries before coming here, and now looking at the design drawings, he feels a little uncomfortable.

So, Yang Dawei started to introduce. Listening to his introduction, Americo kept nodding: "Well, that's right, that's it."

Did he understand?Still don't know how to pretend to understand?Yang Dawei was very curious about this man's behavior.

However, since the customer understands it, it is easy to say.

"Are you satisfied with the design?"

"Well, we are very satisfied with its overall design. It can hold less aircraft, but it must be able to hold amphibious equipment." Americo nodded: "You continue."

"Okay, let's talk about power. There are currently two power schemes. One is a mature steam turbine. This power scheme has been used in a variety of equipment, and its reliability and fuel economy are very good. The other is the gas turbine, which is a new generation of gas turbine developed by Genghis Khan Aviation, which was jointly established by us and Ermao.”

In the past, there was only one way to burn boilers, but now, with the advancement of technology, they finally have other power solutions to choose from. This 40-ton amphibious assault ship only needs two [-] megawatts The gas turbine is enough. Although it cannot propel the warship to a high speed of [-] knots, on this kind of flat deck, even fixed-wing aircraft can take off and land vertically, and the speed of the aircraft carrier is not required.

Although the gas turbine is still under development, with Lao Maozi's technology, there should be no major problems.

"Among them, the former is cheap and the latter is expensive, so we still recommend you to choose the former."

"No, we want gas turbines. The way to burn boilers is too outdated." Americo shook his head. The price is not a problem at all. After all, they don't need to spend money. We only need to let Mingzhou Group mine more ore. .

"Okay, then let's tentatively decide on the gas turbine. Let's talk about the aircraft on board. This type of aircraft carrier will mainly be helicopters, and can carry [-] helicopters and [-] vertical take-off and landing fighter jets..."

In another office, Qin Tao had a smile on his face after hearing what was discussed at the meeting. It seemed that it was the same as what he had guessed. product.

For small and medium-sized countries, aircraft carriers are not suitable for them. In contrast, amphibious assault ships are more suitable. After all, the aircraft on the aircraft carrier cannot compete for air supremacy, and it is unnecessary in many cases. It is a waste. Look around Guinea We know the environment, those neighboring countries are already very strong with a few MiG-21s, they hardly have any opponents, carrying dozens of vertical take-off and landing fighters is not only expensive, but also unnecessary, besides Well, relying on those black uncles, they don't even know how to fly this kind of vertical take-off and landing fighter jets. At that time, they will still have to search for hired pilots all over the world.

Helicopters fly better than fighter jets.

"It seems that, just like what you said, this guy wants to be a warlord." Zhao Ling said.

The other party offered to be able to carry some amphibious equipment. This is clearly not only for the protection of offshore oil, but also for cross-sea landings and to become the boss on land. The motive is not pure.

Qin Tao smiled: "This guy still has brains, you should know that the capital of Guinea is on the island."

If any coastal country has a large area of ​​land and some islands, the capital will undoubtedly be designed on land, after all, land is safer.

However, there are exceptions. Guinea is a wonderful thing. They designed the capital on the island. The good mainland can't live, so they have to live on the island.

Considering the political situation in African countries, it seems that living on the island is safer, but now, with the navy having a powerful amphibious landing ship, the island is not safe anymore.

"Yes, what you said is correct, but it is also a good opportunity for us. Through this transaction, we can finally start building an amphibious assault ship. In the future, the navy's order for amphibious assault ships will also be ours. "Zhao Ling has seen this.

Regardless of what others do, self-development is the kingly way.

"Yes, it's just for practice. In this way, they will have to pay more money. We have to mine iron ore and bauxite together. We don't touch those valuable ones, but touch these undeveloped ones. , so that the resistance is even smaller.”

After talking about the model and configuration of the warship for two days, on the third day, Americo came to Qin Tao.

"Mr. Qin, we have already negotiated, one 075, four 054, four 039, plus one supply ship." Americo said: "The whole project plus supporting carrier-based aircraft and amphibious combat vehicles , with a total amount of 65 billion U.S. dollars."

"Okay, we admire your generosity." Qin Tao said: "Next, it's time to calculate our ore transaction. If we only mine your iron ore, the current price is about forty dollars a ton , so we need 16 billion tons, plus the cost of our mining, at least 30 billion tons are enough, if the project agrees on a ten-year period, then every year..."

"No, ten years is too long, five years, at most five years!" Americo said, "We can't wait that long."

"Five years? That means that [-] million tons need to be mined every year. This is an impossible number. After all, the mining area of ​​the mine is certain. Therefore, in addition to iron ore, we also need to mine your bauxite. , [-] to [-] million tons are mined each year."

"Yes." Americo has no hesitation about mining the minerals in their country. Anyway, the things are there, and they can't mine them. If the Easterners can mine, let them mine.

What [-] million tons, [-] million tons, even if it is a billion tons, he doesn't care about things that can only be mined in decades.

In this way, the agreement was reached, and holding the contract, Americo muttered: "It's a pity that I don't count now, and I have to take it back to sign for the dead old man. Maybe the old man will have doubts about such a huge equipment purchase."

This was his only headache. Would the old man agree to such a large order?If the old man disagrees, what should he do?
"The sea is not peaceful now, there are always some pirates at work." Qin Tao said: "Some pirates are very rampant, and they will occupy oil drilling platforms, and demand high ransom from oil companies. If there is no strong navy, how can we protect them? Your maritime rights?"

Americo's eyes lit up. Most of the income from the oil business went into the old man's family's pockets. This is a good idea!
With a huge order, Americo returned.

"Report, our navy and Mingzhou Group have already negotiated a cooperation plan, please have a look." Americo handed the plan to the old man.

The old man took it over, looked at the thickness of the plan, and became a little suspicious. After opening it, he looked even more ugly when he saw the contents inside.

"Didn't we say that it is enough to purchase two frigates? Why are there so many?"

What decent military force can there be around West Africa?Everyone is equally poor!
For a long time, Guinea, which was completely destitute, had no ability to develop a navy at all. It would be good to have some patrol boats. After 96, when oil resources were developed, their country was rich. In order to protect oil resources, they felt that they should develop Get into the navy.

However, in the old man's plan, the purchase of two [-]-ton frigates is enough, and they can completely walk sideways along the coastline of the entire West Africa. He never thought that the navy would have such a big appetite.

If these equipments are in the hands of the navy, the navy will become the most powerful force among the three armies. How can this be done?If this Americo has an idea, wouldn't he be very dangerous?

No, absolutely not!
The old man gave Americo an annoyed look: "This plan is abolished, and we will purchase from the Orientals again. We only need two frigates!"

"Okay, let's talk again."

After leaving the old man's office, Americo's face darkened. He greeted his subordinates and gave them some instructions.

The oil wealth has not made this country rich. It is still poor and backward. The equatorial sunshine does not bring them warmth, only a hot feeling.

Underneath a desolate land, a young lad is agitating the others.

"Oil resources in the sea are not owned by some people, but by all of us, but now, all the money has flowed into the pockets of a few people, which is not fair!"

"We are still worried about not being able to eat enough, and those rulers are spending their days and nights abroad. We want to change all this!"

"Yeah, it's time for us to change this, but how are we going to do it?" one person asked in confusion.

"Use our swords and our plows to obtain land, in exchange for tomorrow's bread!" The young man said: "I have obtained a batch of AKs through various means, and we can use these AKs to live a good life. "

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the sea in the distance: "The drilling platform standing there is our target!"

That night, a small sampan left the coast and embarked on the road of getting rich. The next day, a surprising news reached the old man.

"What, our offshore oil rig was hijacked?"

"Yes, a group of unknown armed men boarded the drilling platform and robbed the staff of money and personal belongings."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, only money and personal belongings were robbed. Our drilling platform did not suffer any losses, right?"

"No, it's still in production."

On the other side, Americo, who got the news, cursed angrily: "Those idiots, they don't know what is the most profitable, why don't they take away the oil storage tanks floating there, and just rob some personal items, they really Never seen money!"

(End of this chapter)

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