Great warships

Chapter 781

Chapter 781 Elder Lin's Suggestion (Fifth Change)

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, I am very excited today. We accepted the invitation of the relevant departments and participated in the most commemorative first flight ceremony of the Baidi aerospace plane. Now, the plane behind me is the Baidi The aerospace plane, at the air show a few months ago, it was exhibited as a model, but now, it already has the ability to fly!"

Zhang Zhong stood in front of the camera with a microphone in his hand. Behind him was the famous Baidi aerospace plane. At this moment, he was very excited.

"After the air show ended, many people had doubts about our Baidi aerospace plane, thinking that this kind of aerospace plane is impossible to appear, and it should appear in science fiction. Now, we use facts To break some people's arbitrariness, since we can develop the fourth-generation aircraft, we can still develop the fifth-generation aircraft. In the fourth-generation aircraft, we have already caught up with the world's number one. In the field of the fifth-generation aircraft, we have begun to surpass !"

"Now, let's go around the plane and photograph the details of this plane."

"As you can see, its nose pitot tube is somewhat complicated. For an aircraft under test, a lot of data needs to be measured, so it needs to have a complicated pitot tube, just like antlers. However, After the official mass production, this device will definitely be cancelled.”

"Let's continue to look at its fuselage. This machine is too huge. Every time I stand next to it, I feel how small I am."

"Let's look at its wings again. The butterfly wings are the best choice for stealth aircraft. Although it is an aerospace aircraft, it still has not given up its pursuit of stealth capabilities."

"Finally, the engine. In our last interview, we saw the core engine of the engine being tested. The development of this engine will take a long time. Therefore, the first flight of the aerospace plane uses a Ordinary turbofan engines, first carry out the test flight in the atmosphere. After the test flight work in the past few years is over, our engine has matured. At that time, we will carry out the test flight outside the atmosphere. Therefore, when the first flight, everyone You can't see the detonation engine on camera, and the pilot can't experience the unique rhythmic propulsion of the detonation engine. Now, it's time for us to interview the chief test pilot of this aircraft!"

"In the east, there is already a complete flight test team, and the Comrade Lei we are interviewing now is even more outstanding in this area." Zhang Zhong said eloquently: "He has tested many fighter planes, and we imported them in the early years. When the Snake-3 could not be matched to the J-31 fighter, he found the root cause of the problem during the test flight and solved the problem that the engine would shut down every time he hit the missile. After that, he tried to fly many aircrafts, including ours. He is also the chief test pilot of the J-[-]A, and now, he is also the chief test pilot of our Baidi aerospace aircraft, he will not only fly in the sky, but also fly to outer space!"

The camera has panned to a pilot wearing a unique one-piece flight suit.

He was holding the helmet, and he could see the smile on his face.

"Lei Zi, today we are about to test fly this most advanced aerospace plane, what do you think?" Zhang Zhong asked Lei Qiang.

"This kind of flight suit is too bulky." Lei Qiang said: "It took me half an hour to put it on with the help of others, and this is because I only fly in the atmosphere and the flight altitude is low, so there is no oxygen inhalation." Nitrogen removal, if it is an official flight, then my pre-flight preparations will be more cumbersome."

"Excuse me, why is this flight suit so complicated?"

"Of course it's because I'm going to fly into outer space. Although this is an airplane, the specific operation is similar to the requirements of an astronaut. The flight suit I wear is like an astronaut's in-cabin spacesuit. , At that time, the pilots of U-2 and SR-71 in the United States were also dressed like this. However, these aircraft have been retired now, and only our aircraft has repeated this process. Fortunately, the technology is more advanced now, such as It is said that this helmet of mine is made with 3D printing technology and matches my head shape exactly..."

Lei Qiang talked about it for a long time, including a few laughs and several reshoots. After all, he is not as professional as others, and he will not feel ridiculous when he talks nonsense in a serious manner.

"Thank you Comrade Lei for the introduction. Now, the first flight is about to begin. Let us wish him success!"

As soon as the camera turned, some people appeared beside the plane.

If it is an aircraft developed by the military, a large group of military leaders should come here to see him off at this time. It is a member of the Mingzhou Group.

Qin Tao stood at the front, shaking hands with Lei Qiang, and then the chief designer. After everyone shook hands, Lei Qiang gave a military salute and walked towards the plane.

The canopy closed slowly, and Lei Qiang finally waved goodbye to the outside, and after that, he couldn't see anything.

"Card!" Someone called the doctor.

The canopy was opened again, and Lei Qiang took off his helmet. At this time, dense beads of sweat had already oozed from his head.

"I'm so hot, quickly, help me take off this clothes!" Lei Qiang shouted.

Astronauts' flight suits in the cabin are also very complicated. Not only must they be sealed, they must be insulated, and they must also dissipate heat. Therefore, there is a circle of water pipes wrapped around them. Now, Lei Qiang's flight suit only looks like That's it, there's nothing inside, it's airtight, of course it will be very hot.

In particular, there is no air-conditioning equipment in the cockpit. After the lid is closed, it becomes a steamer.

The ground staff helped Lei Qiang out, and then quickly took off his clothes. After taking them off, he finally let out a long breath: "Mr. Qin, if there is another event like this in the future, let someone else participate, I will I don’t want to suffer.”

"You are our chief test pilot, who do you look for? Is it convincing to look for someone else? This is your honor."

"In the future, if the cowhide is punctured, I should be accused by thousands of people."

"Then how could it be? If you want to talk about bragging, Reagan boasted that Star Wars was even bigger. Look, is anyone speaking ill of him now? In the future, even if the truth is revealed, no one will speak ill of you. In the future, let’s say that the research and development of this project has failed, who can guarantee that every project will be successful?”

Looking at the planes flying in the sky now, it seems that there are many models. In fact, there are more planes that have not reached the final finalization state!All kinds of testing machines were dust-sealed after testing.

F-16 has verified the canard layout, Sukhoi has developed forward-swept wings, and there are countless models that have not succeeded in China. It is very common for a model to fail.

Now, hearing what Qin Tao said, Lei Qiang nodded, well, what President Qin said seems to make sense.

While the two were chatting, other people were busy and continued to test other components. Half an hour later, Zhao Dangsheng came to report: "Mr. Qin, the final inspection before take-off has been completed, and it can take off!"

"Okay, then fly up and have a look." Qin Tao said.


The camera is aimed at the Baidi aerospace plane, and the first flight is about to begin!
The engines roared one by one, and the aerospace plane that had aligned itself with the center line of the runway, after a few seconds of idling test, opened the throttle at full throttle and began to taxi on the runway.

Forward, further forward, faster and faster, faster and faster, the front landing gear was raised, followed by the rear landing gear, and finally, the entire plane left the runway.


"Everyone, this is a memorable moment. The Baidi aerospace plane has left the runway and is flying!" Zhang Zhong's voice was very excited: "The era of aerospace planes has arrived!"

"Oh, damn it!" Just then, a voice followed.

Everyone watched in amazement that the Baidi aerospace plane had just left the runway when the nose suddenly drooped down.

There must be a problem with the modification in such a short time. The flight control program is from the drone of the brother unit. After transplanting it, it can be used after simple modifications.

Of course, the biggest possibility is not the flight control program, but the aerodynamic layout of the aircraft itself. Only by blowing through the wind tunnel tens of thousands of times can the aircraft's shape be thoroughly understood, and then the corresponding control program can be written.

The current way of making do with it is really unreliable!
The nose hit the ground, snapped off, and flew out, the front gear was strong enough, the struts took the impact of the fall, and then the main gear hit the ground, and the plane began to roll down the runway.

The noseless plane slid forward. The sight was so spectacular that the big guy kept pulling his heart as he watched the plane crash into a row of scrapped car tires at the end of the runway and finally stopped.

Fortunately, nothing major happened!Zhao Dangsheng felt a lingering fear in his heart, and he must not accompany Mr. Qin so crazy next time.

"It looks pretty good, the nose should still be connected, right?" Qin Tao didn't care at all: "In the future, I will occasionally pull it out for a walk, which proves that our plane is still being tested."

"Boss Qin, you have such a big heart." Zhao Dangsheng couldn't help complaining.

"Think about it, we can break the nose on our first flight. If foreigners copy cats and cats and build aerospace planes similar to ours, I'm afraid even their pilots will fall to death on the runway. Thinking about this scene, I will full of expectation."

Zhang Zhong felt a chill in his heart, Boss Qin is ruthless enough!
Qin Tao turned to look at Zhang Zhong: "The next thing is up to you, edit it as soon as possible, broadcast it as soon as possible, and want the outside world to show the power of our aircraft."

"Understood." Zhang Zhong said: "Boss Qin, we are professionals in doing this kind of thing, and we promise not to reveal our secrets."

Qin Tao nodded: "Then I'll leave it to you. Remember, this matter is of great importance and must be done well!"

At this time, it is of great significance to show the first flight of the aerospace plane to the outside world!This is to tell certain countries that if they are uneasy and kind, they should think about the consequences, and we also have the ability to reach the world!
"Boss Qin, you're playing tricks!" Just when Qin Tao was about to return to the capital, someone came to make fun of him.

"Elder Lin?"

If he hadn't met a real person, Qin Tao would have forgotten: after Mr. Lin retired, he came to develop the H-20 together!Mr. Lin was very excited to be able to personally participate in this project, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to it, forgetting about other things.

It was originally a secret that Qin Tao came here, so he didn't tell Mr. Lin. It was only now that something happened during the flight test and the place was busy. Only then did Mr. Lin notice what happened and Qin Tao had come, so he ran over up.

How clever Mr. Lin was, he quickly understood the intentions of Qin Tao's actions and was very moved.

"Why are you so surprised to see me? You must have forgotten me, right?" Elder Lin said with a smile.

Of course he was joking, but seeing Qin Tao's apologetic expression, he also muttered, did this kid really forget me?
"Recently, the world is not peaceful. At this time, it is completely okay to show our strength. However, the Baidi aerospace plane has just made its first flight after all, and there is still a long way to go before it enters service. If you want to If it is more deterrent, it is better to take this opportunity to publicly display the H-[-]K and H-[-]J. This kind of aircraft used to be very secretive, and pilot training and the like had to be carried out at night. Now that it is public, it can When it turns into daylight, it can also be on the right track."

Qin Tao's eyes suddenly lit up, yes, this is a good opportunity!
In the past, the H-22 K has been displayed to the outside world. However, this product is a modification of the engine on the basis of the H-[-], not a copy of the Tu-[-]M. Although the R&D team has long wanted to make it public, it has been Neither had a chance.

Now, it's finally here!

If you don't show it now, when are you waiting? When it's time to show your sword, you have to show your sword!

Qin Tao is full of expectations.

"Mr. Lin, your proposal is very good, and I will propose it to my superiors."

Elder Lin nodded: "I have also written a letter and forwarded it to the relevant department on my behalf. Although I am no longer working in these institutions, I still have some face."

Seeing the sealed letter that Mr. Lin took out from his pocket, Qin Tao was very surprised: "Mr. Lin, you are here to build bombers, and you still care about the outside world?"

Mr. Lin smiled: "Why do we build bombers? It's not for the peace of the world. Although I'm retired, I don't have dementia yet. I still pay attention to the international situation. Some people still have illusions, thinking that it can be like Like in the 80s, hmph, we are not the same people after all, and our rise will inevitably attract the special attention of many people. At critical times, we still have to rely on ourselves.”

Qin Tao nodded: "Old Lin, if you don't retire, you can still work for another 20 years!"

"Do it for another 20 years? Then it will become a red empire?" Elder Lin shook his head with a smile.

The two met in a hurry this time, and they didn't sit down and drink together. However, everyone is working hard for the same cause, that is, for the strength of the motherland!Therefore, everyone will no longer be entangled in those vain things.

When Qin Tao returned to the capital, he was greeted by a team composed of the Navy and the Air Force.

"President Qin, we have already heard Secretary Zhao's report." Elder Liu, the leader of the Air Force, said to Qin Tao: "You predicted the next change in the situation. After careful deduction, we believe that this situation is likely to happen. .”

The big guys attach great importance to it. The Gulf War in 91 woke up all those with illusions. Since then, a new military reform has begun, and efforts have been made to build a modern army. Now, nine years have passed, those powerful The power has become even stronger now, what about our side?
"Yes, Mr. Qin, we are wondering if it is possible for your Mingzhou Group to send one or two stealth aircraft to test the combat capability of our stealth aircraft on the battlefield." Another air force leader said.

He said it was the Mingzhou Group, but in fact the allusion was very clear.

Qin Tao shook his head.

"Why, Mr. Qin, you don't have confidence in the fourth-generation stealth machine you produced?"

"No, everyone, after these years of research, everyone should know that air combat is definitely not a confrontation between a few aircraft, but a confrontation of the entire system. Even if we send a few stealth aircraft over, there is no Any power to return to the sky, without electromagnetic power, there is no air dominance, the most stealth aircraft can go up is to act as an assassin in the dark, maybe it can shoot down a few planes, but does it make sense?"

Everyone stopped talking.

"They only have a dozen MiG-29s, and they can't stop the enemy's attack at all. It is doomed to rely on ground air defense." After a long time, one person felt emotional.

"This is the tragedy of a weak country, so we need to build a strong motherland and a strong air power." Qin Tao said: "What we can do is to observe the whole world quietly and grow slowly. Now, when it's time to shine the sword, let's shine the sword."

"Bright sword?"

"Mr. Qin, you publicly demonstrated the first flight of the Baidi aerospace plane. Is this a bright sword?"

"This is not enough." Qin Tao said: "We have to do more. Now, taking this opportunity, our H[-]K and H[-]J should be displayed to the outside world."

If you talk about the H[-]K alone, it may be understood as a modification of the old model, but if you talk about the two together, there is only one model!

"Until now, these models are still very concealed, which has brought a great burden to our aviation forces. Operations need to be carried out at night, which is more dangerous. With the expansion of the fleet size, it is no longer possible for us to continue to do this It is done, and now it is necessary to take this opportunity to publicly display our achievements." Qin Tao said: "I have a letter from Mr. Lin here, and now I will pass it on to everyone."

Old Lin's letter?
Everyone got serious.

Leader Liu personally took the letter, opened it, and inside was his familiar handwriting.

Dear Air Force Leaders, Colleagues:

The world is undergoing tremendous changes. I am very fortunate that our air force has developed. We have four generations of stealth aircraft, we have strategic bombers, and we are still developing stealth bombers. We have better capabilities. Protect the skies of our homeland.Now, I think it’s time for the new H[-]K to be displayed publicly, for the following reasons.


Leader Liu finished reading it and passed it to the people around him: "Read it to everyone!"

Everyone present held their breath and listened carefully.

"The biggest function of the H-[-]K is strategic deterrence. It has a long range, a large ammunition load, and strong penetration capabilities. It can fully undertake the task of deterring potential enemies. This is something that the H-[-] cannot match. Now, we will publicly display it. This kind of bomber can greatly enhance our national prestige and military prestige, and deter some people who are against us..."

After reading the letter, the conference room fell into silence again.

This matter is not small, once it is really displayed publicly, it will definitely cause a global sensation. Of course, the old Maozi's feelings don't need to be considered.

The mass-produced J-22 and J-[-] are not authorized by the old Maozi. They are produced by their own side, and the old Maozi dare not say anything. The same is true for the Tu-[-]M. The Tupolev Design Bureau dared to come to ask for infringement Say it?If he dares to come, then our own side will respond in a grandiose manner: What is the bomber we improved on the basis of the H-[-], what does it matter to you?

What, not like?Why not?Didn't you also improve the Tu-22M on the basis of the Tu-22?You can all improve, why can't we?

The key now is whether they dare to show their swords.

Qin Tao's mission was over. He looked at the people present and waited quietly.

"Old Wu, what do you think?" Leader Liu asked.

Ever since Qin Tao came in, the leaders of the air force have almost always asked Qin Tao, and the navy was just listening. Now, leader Liu is going to kick the ball. Let's see how the navy responds.

Leader Wu smiled: "Currently our navy has very few H-[-]Js, and your air force has a larger fleet of H-[-]Ks. You have the final say. Anyway, this plan was also proposed by Lao Lin, and your air force will play the leading role."

"Old Wu, don't play tricks." Leader Liu said: "Anyway, if it is made public, we will make it public together. We will jointly write a document and report to the superior. When the time comes, my name will be written in front of you."

"Our navy is currently debugging and plans to mount the YJ-21 on our H-21J. If we want to make it public, we can display it together with the YJ-[-]."

The Eagle-21 is an anti-ship ballistic missile. After years of development, this missile has gradually matured. The navy will be equipped with a vertical launching compartment for attacking nuclear submarines and a large vertical launching device with a large drive of [-] tons, so as to obtain more powerful missiles. Sea anti-ship capabilities, however, these are not enough, in addition to these, the Navy also plans to deploy such devices in the air.

There are not many bombers that can mount anti-ship missile missiles, but H-[-] cannot. There is no space under the belly, and it is mounted on the wings between them. It is too big and inappropriate. H-[-] J is the most suitable choice.

After all, Lao Maozi also mounts air-launched dagger missiles on their own Tu-22M3, which is almost the same type as the Eagle-21. Since Lao Maozi can mount it, then our own side can also mount it.

Qin Tao's eyes lit up, it seems that the navy knows what to do without pushing himself!

(End of this chapter)

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