Great warships

Chapter 782 The Contribution of Tamara Radar

Chapter 782 The Contribution of Tamara Radar
"Okay, your navy actually put up ballistic missiles!" The air force was immediately surprised.

"Yeah, you guys are still amazing, but how does this missile ignite in the air? Do you have any experience?"

"I'm still figuring this out. Anyway, I can't just hang it on the wing and ignite it. Even if the root of the wing is strong enough, I can't do it this way." Wu Shengli said: "Throw the missile down first and then ignite and fly. But it hasn't happened yet." Test, I don't know if it will work or not."

Lao Maozi hangs the air-launched dagger missile on the plane. There are only two types of aircraft that can be used. One is the MiG-31, which is hung directly on the centerline of the belly, and the other is the Tu-22M, which is usually hung on the wing. The wing box part, after all, is the strongest there, so you can still hang two pieces.

In the hands of the Lao Maozi Navy, the Tu-22M uses three mounting methods, one on each wing box and one on the belly. If the Navy mounts ordinary anti-ship cruise missiles, it is also mounted in this way, but Be careful with ballistic missiles.

"Leader Wu, do you have enough technical reserves? When will the test be?" Qin Tao was in high spirits. Originally, he only planned to show off the new H-[-] to fool the navy and air force. Excited.

It's not easy to fly across the ocean, but if you only fly here and can attack those giants on the sea at any time, you will have more confidence!After all, for a long time, the problem of the first island chain was solved.

Even with naval warships, these things sail slowly after all. The aircraft in the sky are different. They fly very fast and can reach the predetermined position to launch an attack at any time, and the combat efficiency is higher.

"I don't know about this yet, I have to ask the specific R&D personnel." Wu Shengli said: "Also, it's fine if we want to test-fire secretly. If we test-fire publicly, I'm afraid it will cause a bigger reaction, so we have to be cautious. "

"What's the matter, let's not call it a ballistic missile, but let's call it a super high-speed anti-ship missile?"

It is an anti-ship missile, and it is faster than ordinary supersonic anti-ship missiles, so it is better to call it an ultra-high-speed anti-ship missile.

No matter when and what the situation is, Qin Tao can always come up with a solution to the problem, and everyone feels fresh when they hear the idea he invented.

"President Qin, how is your brain so long? All kinds of problems are not a problem for you." Leader Liu said with emotion: "If our air force wants to show its sword this time, I'm afraid it will be a little inferior. We don't have any superpowers. For high-speed anti-ship missiles, we only have cruise missiles in our hands, so we just modified the pylons and hung the cruise missiles in the belly bomb bay."

All large bombers have a belly bomb bay, and the H-[-] also has one. However, the H-[-]'s belly bomb bay is not convenient to use, so in the later modification, the H-[-]'s belly bomb bay was sealed. There is just enough space to store more fuel. As for the weapons of the H-[-], they are mainly cruise missiles, which can be hung directly on the wing pylons.

The take-off weight of the Tu-22M is [-] to [-] tons larger than that of the H-[-], and the internal space of the belly bomb bay is larger, and cruise missiles can be mounted inside.

What are the benefits of hanging inside?Of course, it can reduce the air resistance, and the plug-in will definitely destroy the aerodynamic shape.The Tu-22M is a supersonic bomber capable of penetrating defenses at low altitudes and at high speeds. This capability will be limited after it is plugged in.

Therefore, if the bomb bay cannot be put down, then hang it outside, if it can be put down, try to put it inside the bomb bay.

The original design of the bomb bay was only used to mount ordinary iron bombs. In modern warfare, it is becoming more and more difficult to fly over the enemy's head and drop bombs. Launching cruise missiles outside the enemy's defense zone is the right way , In this way, the bomber's attack distance can be rapidly expanded.

If the combat radius of the bomber is four to five thousand kilometers, the attack distance using cruise missiles can be increased by half!This capability is quite powerful. As a carrier aircraft for cruise missiles, when needed, it can take off to the scheduled launch point at any time, and come back after shooting cruise missiles. It carries more missiles than H-[-], and its speed is faster than H-[-]. , the attack power is much stronger than Hong Liu.

Looking at the wars in the 90s, every vanguard is a cruise missile, and the Air Force must of course work towards this goal.

The navy is not idle, and neither is the air force. Leader Liu said that he was showing off their cruise missiles!
Qin Tao was very moved. Over the years, both the navy and the air force have felt heavy pressure, and under this pressure, they have worked harder to enhance their strength.

If this is to show the sword to the outside world, the Navy will fight the Eagle-21, and the Air Force will fight the Long Sword-10?

In other words, I haven't participated in this project for a long time. I don't know if it is called Longjian-10?

"Does our Air Force have mature cruise missiles?" Qin Tao asked.

"Yes, I have to thank you Mingzhou Group." Leader Liu said: "Back then, there were several Tomahawk missiles that did not explode at the old bus. You Mingzhou Group and Laoba worked together on research and development. The R&D team of -10 has also passed by, working on this cruise missile together, and using the wreckage as data, our progress is very fast, and now, Longjian-10 has been born!"

Qin Tao nodded, and it really was this project: "Why wasn't it displayed at the Zhuhai Air Show last time?"

"This is our magic weapon, the Yitian sword, how can we show it." Leader Liu said: "However, if necessary this time, we can also show the H-[-]K launching cruise missiles."

"Leader Liu, is it the old Hong Liu K or the new Hong Liu K?"

"Of course it's all right." Leader Liu nodded: "In the process of our research and development, many subsystems are common and can be equipped. Needless to say, the new production of the old H-10 K, even the old H-30, after After upgrading, we can also mount Longjian-[-], our old equipment, we can fight for another [-] years!"

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, three years for the new, three years for the old, and three years for sewing and mending. This is our old tradition. It seems that now the navy and the air force can show their swords."

"Of course we want to show our swords. The key still depends on the meaning of the superior. After all, the superior must consider the overall situation."

Qin Tao knew that there was only so much he could do. He could persuade the army to report to his superiors. However, the superiors still had to consider various aspects. Qin Tao could not control the superiors' thoughts.

"By the way, that kind of jammer has already been sent over. I really didn't expect that our technical school could develop this kind of equipment." Leader Wu said: "In the future, our navy..."

In fact, the navy is really not very useful. After all, the navy will be dominated by the fleet in the future. When there are more aircraft carriers, the shore-based aviation will also transform into a carrier-based aviation. It is not fixed to operate on the ocean. Dum bombs are mainly aimed at fixed targets on land. For the navy, the most is that the base will be threatened.

This kind of equipment is best used in land fixed targets, that is to say, the army, especially the field air defense forces, need it most.

Therefore, Leader Wu felt that he couldn't go on talking about it.

"In the future, we also need to guard against other people's interference." Leader Liu said: "We have Beidou navigation, and we will gradually rely on this positioning device, but in the future, we may face the threat of other people's interference. Once we are interfered , that also requires combat without navigation."

Leader Liu's brains turned fast enough, but this is probably the result of discussions within the Air Force.

The air force relies more on navigation equipment. They want to attack from a long range, and they also need to drop precision-guided bombs. In these areas, satellite navigation systems will play a major role.

When there was no domestic navigation system, the Air Force had already started using GPS navigation.After the introduction of Su-27 fighter jets, due to the long range of this kind of aircraft, the previous navigation method relying on landmarks is not easy to use. In the past, the Air Force has installed GPS receiving terminals on Su-27 fighter jets. The position protruding from the instrument panel looks very abrupt. Of course, in the later stage, the self-produced fighter with improved avionics can put the navigation equipment inside, and even integrate it with the avionics system.

With the Beidou, the Air Force's brand new fighters will insert the Beidou navigation module, and then mainly use domestic navigation equipment.

In addition to fighter planes, there are also bombs. The Air Force has also modified iron bombs before, and installed GPS modules to become precision-guided bombs. Now, they have begun to modify Beidou modules. In the future, they will also face the problem of interference.

If you completely rely on this kind of equipment, it will be difficult to change it in the future. Fortunately, there is no complete dependence yet.

"That's right, we have to consider the situation of interference. Fortunately, our navy still focuses on inertial navigation." Wu Shengli nodded.

The big guys discussed it again, and this meeting is over.

Although I came here alone, when I left, it was like a family walking together.

"Taozi, the old leader admires your strategic insight." Wu Shengli walked and communicated with Qin Tao, and Zhao Ling could only follow behind as an audience.

"At present, there are still many people who have illusions about the outside world, thinking that they cannot be offended, and even our military should not develop too strong, so as to win the living space."

"This is pure nonsense. If you have no strength, you will be bullied like some countries." Qin Tao said: "People who have such thoughts should be punished as treason!"

Wu Shengli was taken aback, he didn't expect his son-in-law to be so extreme?
However, with the existence of these people, I am afraid that the bright swords of the navy and air force will have to wait for a while.

Qin Tao has this patience.

When the warplanes whizzed over the heads of innocent people, Zhang Zhong said that the Baidi Aerospace Plane program was officially launched.

"The Baidi Aerospace plane has already started its first flight. We believe that this plane will turn into a messenger of justice and appear where it is needed." Zhang Zhong said with great enthusiasm during the program.

Aerospace aircraft can quickly achieve global reach, wherever it is needed!
The broadcast of this program immediately caused a sensation. Originally, many media judged sourly: Dongfang does not have this ability, and this project is a scam.

But now, the scene of the engine test run and the scene of the first flight are available, can this still be fake?
The aviation technology of the East has changed from weak to strong, and has reached the most advanced field in the world. If countries do not want to be left behind, they must catch up!
"Many powerful countries have begun to announce their aerospace aircraft plans." In the small courtyard of the Huilou, Wu Shengli said to Qin Tao: "If this plan can lead them astray and make them pay huge sums of money on the wrong path Time and time are naturally good, but they won't go all the way to the dark, and then get out of it?"

"Of course it is impossible. Aerospace planes are facing many technical problems, which cannot be solved in this era." Qin Tao said: "As long as you fool them to click the wrong technology tree, we can make great strides forward."

The worst thing about an aerospace plane is the engine. It is not easy at all to take off from the runway and enter the orbit of outer space. If you invest tens of billions, even hundreds of billions will not produce results. Rapid development in the right direction.

What path is right?Just look at the trends of later generations to know.

Wu Shengli nodded: "Reagan's Star Wars plan made the old man spend a lot of money on the wrong path. I hope that our plans will also cost those countries a huge amount of money, so that we can develop rapidly. "

The two were chatting about this matter when Xu Zhengyang came over.

"Report, Leader Wu, Mr. Qin, the flag has been won, we are about to get the wreckage of the first F-117!"

"Okay!" Wu Shengli became excited instantly: "Good job!"

For more than ten years, stealth machines have been dominating the sky, like the sword of Damocles hanging above everyone's heads, making everyone feel heavy.

Dongfang has been working hard to find a way to fight against stealth machines, but theory is theory, and practice is practice. Only when it is really done, will people have a bottom line.

Stealth machine cattle and horses?Of course not, there is still a way to shoot it down. The F-117 has been showing off its power on the battlefield for more than ten years, and it's time for it to crash!

The whole world was shocked.

Under air strikes, Xiaoguo looked so pale and powerless. The only few MiG-29 fighters were shot down after taking off, leaving only passive ground air defense. Ordinarily, Xiaoguo was already a soft persimmon. , Actually stabbed the F-117 down!
How to shoot down the F-117?

The whole world has noticed this place, and some people have even begun to think: Is the Baidi space plane flying over?

The repressed mood of the local people was finally released. Right in front of the wreckage of the stealth plane, the local people pulled out a banner: "Sorry, we didn't know you were invisible!", this banner is more like a kind of Like ruthless ridicule, the face of the world's number one army was disgraced. At the same time, how the plane was shot down became the most curious topic of all.

"Some people say that this plane was shot down by the Baidi Aerospace plane. Everyone, I am very sorry to disappoint you. At present, the Baidi Aerospace plane is still using a conventional engine. It is impossible for it to fly beyond the atmosphere. It is even more impossible to fly to a place thousands of miles away." Zhang Zhong said that the program started again: "At present, there are many explanations for the results of this battle, so let's introduce them one by one. First, the most famous and most likely one is the infinite Source Radar."

Although Zhang Zhong wanted to introduce the Kaishan missile very much, it's better not to expose it now. Anyway, they are just a TV program, and what they have collected is just ordinary information.He did not go to interview local officers and soldiers.

"For this reason, we invited Mr. Wang, a well-known domestic radar expert, to introduce passive radar to us."

"Hello, everyone, audience. I'm Wang Gong." Wang Lao said: "We know that since the invention of radar, it has used the technology of electromagnetic wave reflection to emit electromagnetic waves. If it encounters obstacles and reflects them back, the radar will It can be received, thus completing the purpose of detection, this type of radar can be called active radar, besides this, there is also passive radar.”

"Passive radar, as the name implies, does not emit radar waves, but only receives radar waves. Then, where does this electromagnetic wave come from? It can be emitted by other radar tubes. Passive phased array radar is based on this principle. It could be other radio stations, TV stations, etc.”

"Old Wang, this sounds a little new, can you use electromagnetic waves from other radio stations, TV stations, etc. as signals?" Zhang Zhong asked.

"That's right, our current space is filled with electromagnetic waves everywhere. If we arrange radar antennas to monitor the distribution of this electromagnetic wave, within a certain period of time, it should be dynamically balanced. However, when there is When the plane passes by, it will affect the distribution of electromagnetic waves in space, so that it can be received by this special passive radar, and then analyzed to finally determine the position of the target."

"It turned out to be like this, because this method does not emit electromagnetic waves at all, so all the means of the stealth machine will be invalid. It is useless to absorb waves and reflect to other directions. No wonder the stealth opportunity cannot escape its eyes. However, this technology sounds very new, is there really such a radar?"

"This kind of radar is not common, and we have never had it in the east. However, there is an old engineer who has been studying this kind of radar for decades."


"The Czech V-Pech, because of this success, he has been called the father of anti-stealth radar by many media." Wang Lao said: "This old engineer was born in an ordinary family in 1919. During this period, he began to play a huge role in the electronic field, and later in the radar field of the Red Empire, he was even called a radar wizard."

"Wait, Mr. Wang, he was born in 1919. Doesn't that mean he is 80 years old now?"

"That's right, at the age of 80, he must be very pleased to see that his research results have finally been achieved." Wang Lao said with emotion.

"Let's talk about it from the Cold War period. In the 60s, Lao Maozi needed a radar-guided weapon system capable of long-range early warning. So Fer-Pech played his talent in the field of radar research, and finally came up with the world's first Passive surveillance radar, code-named PRP-1 Capacci radar. Unlike any radar in the world, it does not emit electromagnetic waves, but only receives electromagnetic waves, and then reversely traces and tracks these signals. Simply put, PRP-1 is just a It is a monitor in the dark, so it will not be detected by any electronic warfare equipment, and it will not be attacked by anti-radiation missiles."

"Wait, Mr. Wang, we know that it is impossible to accurately see the target distance and other parameters with only one human eye. If this kind of radar is just a monitor, I am afraid that it only knows that the target is in a certain range, so it cannot be accurately judged." ?”

"That's right, that's right. So, F-Pecher soon developed a second-generation passive radar." Wang Lao and Zhang Zhong sang together. Of course, the content to be broadcast had been discussed long ago.

"This radar is code-named KRTP-81 Ramona Strategic Electronic Intelligence System, and the West calls it softball. Unlike the first-generation radar, it has two receivers, which are like two eyes of a person, and can judge It became clearer, and Fer-Pech created a set of electromagnetic signal arrival difference algorithm, which improved the accurate positioning of air targets. When it developed to the 80s, this kind of system was finally considered mature.”

"Speaking of which, this set of radar was developed after decades of evolution. It seems that if you want to study a certain technology, you can't do it overnight. It requires painstaking research, and even decades of unknown work. , to be a blockbuster."

"Of course." Wang Lao said: "Fo-Pech will continue to work hard and continue to improve. Although there are algorithms in the past, but manual calculations are still required. He introduced computers in the improvement and simplified a large number of algorithms to automatically generate results. The detection and tracking efficiency has been greatly improved. This system has also been renamed Tamara Passive Surveillance Radar, which consists of 4 parts: ground radar system, two monitoring stations send and receive difference signals, central main detection system, and evaluation tracking The control station has evolved from a simple electromagnetic wave detector to a real modern radar."

"Is this radar the credit for shooting down the F-117?"

"We don't know about this. After all, we are all guessing."

"Well, one last question, why does the local missile force have such a radar?"

(End of this chapter)

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