Great warships

Chapter 783

Chapter 783
"Well, there is a lot of dust-covered history." Wang Lao continued: "At the beginning, during the Prague Spring, this old expert was arrested and imprisoned. After he came out, he never worked for the old man again. Of course, In a few years, the Red Empire was gone. At that time, Fu Pech joined the Tesla company and continued to study this radar, model KRTP-86. Its antenna was erected high and there was a cylinder on the top. NATO It is called a trash can. This kind of radar has advanced technology. It is said that it can automatically track 32 radar targets and up to 48 air radiation signals. However, because of the high price, a few were not sold. Most of them are equipped by the Czech Republic. "

"Then, the local missile force bought this radar from the Czech Republic?"

"It is said to be like this. It cost 400 million US dollars. For people at that time, this was definitely a high expenditure. But now it seems that no matter how much it costs, it is worth it, because it broke the myth of the stealth machine. , In the past, we all thought that the stealth machine was omnipotent, but now, we have also seen its weakness."

"So, does it mean that the stealth aircraft has lost its role in future wars?"

"Of course not. A weapon may lead the world temporarily, but it cannot lead forever. In our eastern words, the Tao is one foot high, the devil is one foot high, and one thing falls one thing. No weapon can It will always create myths." Wang Lao said: "The F-117 crashed into the sand this time, it can only show that this kind of aircraft designed decades ago is out of date. Next, there will be more and more advanced weapons. Research and development, and be used. We hope for world peace, but we also see that the weak will be bullied, and the truth is only when we become strong.”

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Wang, this is the end of Zhang Zhong's shattered myth. See you next time."

the rest of the world.

"Is our F-117 really discovered by this passive radar?" A cold voice sounded.

"It's unlikely. Even if this kind of radar can really detect the stealth aircraft, it's only a detection. It's not a fire control radar. It's impossible to guide missiles or even anti-aircraft guns to shoot down our stealth aircraft."

"So, could it be that after discovering the location of the stealth plane, we used searchlights to find our plane?"

"This is even more impossible! However, according to our investigation, apart from the old SAM missiles from the Red Empire era, the only advanced missile the other party has on hand is the Kaishan missile bought from the East a few years ago."

"Dongfang bought it? Hmph, meddling in other people's business will not end well."

"Now don't worry about how that plane was found. Now, stop all F-117s. Since this kind of plane is outdated, let's let our B-2 go! We need to find a few special targets bombing!"

East, the land of abundance.

"This fuselage is actually made of composite materials. In terms of materials, the Yankees are amazing." Elder Song said holding a black fragment in his hand.

"Of course. Although we also have the fourth-generation aircraft, there is still a gap between us and the Yankees. Mr. Song, you have to work hard. The fourth-generation heavy-duty aircraft is still waiting for you." Qin Tao held another piece in his hand. Fragments, while watching, while talking.

The other party kept its promise and handed over some of the fragments to our own side. Of course, the most useful thing for our own side is the coating on it. The other fragments have been handed over to relevant departments for research, and the rest will be shown to the big guys to open their eyes. .

"Well, we have to work harder." Song Lao said: "We are currently researching tirelessly. The aerodynamic layout has almost been blown through the blowhole. Our new fighter will be a combination of many technologies. It is said that the MiG 1.44 aerodynamic Complicated, the aerodynamic layout of our new fighter is even more complicated than that."

"Really? Tell us about it?" Qin Tao said.

Plesakov on the other side immediately turned his head and looked at Song Lao with piercing eyes.

Now, those who can get access to these wreckages are of course the most reliable group of people in the country. Plesakov has already proved his reliability with his actions, and he even undertook the next research and development of bombers. Although the mission, this fourth-generation heavy-duty machine is kept secret, he has the authority to know it.

So, Mr. Song talked about various technologies, such as canard wings with a medium sweep angle, side strip wings, various aerodynamic rudder surfaces, etc., all of which have been tested in the wind tunnel, and the detailed design of the aircraft should be carried out next. up!

"Now, our turbofan [-] has matured, and we are starting to match twin-engine fighters. We are also waiting for the modification of turbofan [-], which will reduce weight and increase thrust. By then, our fourth-generation heavy-duty aircraft will have better performance." performance!"

"Boss Qin, just received the latest news." At this moment, Xu Zhengyang came running again, and it seemed that there was an important situation.

"Well, let's talk."

"First of all, our jammers are working..."

Precision-guided bombs rely on satellite navigation and positioning systems. As long as this system is interfered, key targets can be protected.


"That's right, has B-2 been shot down?"

Xu Zhengyang shook his head: "No."


Qin Tao knew that although he had made a lot of foreshadowing, it was still too difficult to take down B-2 directly. However, it was good to teach those guys who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth a lesson.

"what reason?"

"The other party has learned a lot this time. Next to the B-2 that rushed over a long distance, there were two F-16s accompanying it. When the ground missile was launched, the two F-16s rushed up to block the missile. These two The planes were all shot down, and the B-2 ran away." Xu Zhengyang said: "But it is enough for them, and they may not dare to send B-2 to the battlefield in the future."

It didn't shoot down the B-2, but it turned them into frightened birds. In this way, they would suspect that their route was wrong. What kind of stealth machine is it useful?In front of the anti-stealth radar, it is scum!
Qin Tao nodded: "Well, it's not bad to be able to achieve such a result."

"The superior seems to have made up his mind." Xu Zhengyang said, "It won't be long before our H[-]K and H[-]J will be displayed publicly."

Although the jammer worked, some people should be woken up, right?Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, it's time for us to show our swords, shall we show them directly?"

"The Navy will conduct a joint exercise to display these new equipment, and after the exercise, there will be a military parade at sea," Xu Zhengyang said.

The military parade at sea has been brought up by Qin Tao long ago, and the navy has also applied for it several times, but due to various reasons, it has not been held. This time, taking this opportunity, it will finally be held!
Qin Tao was very excited: "Can we participate?"

"If we want to participate, we can only board No. 112. This warship is used as the flagship for the leader to inspect other warships."

Different arms have different inspection methods, the common one is the army, the leader first takes the inspection car, inspects the troops, and then returns to the rostrum, the troops under review line up and salute through the rostrum, which is very grand.

The fighter planes in the air are also very convenient, as long as they fly over the reviewing stand.

The navy is complicated, how does the navy inspect?
Transplanting experience from land, there are also two methods at sea. One is the ordinary military parade, that is, all the ships undergoing review do not move, and they line up in a single line at sea, leading the Chen Cuo review ship from the front of these review warships. opened.

One is the split type, where the inspecting ship does not move, and the warships undergoing inspection line up in a column and move past the reviewing ship.

Generally speaking, the latter is more powerful, so there are more inspection methods using the latter, but no matter which inspection method, the leader has to take an additional warship.

Those modern warships are used for inspections, and the leaders are on ordinary warships.

Therefore, it is a supreme honor for them to undertake this mission again.

"Okay, then let's go to ship 112 to join in the fun." Qin Tao said, he knew that it is normal for the technicians of the shipyard to stay on the warship during the sea trial and other links of the warship. In the exercise session, it's not appropriate to just join in the fun, it's better to just be a spectator at the side.

5 month 10 day.

The blue waves are rippling on the blue sea, and a fleet braves the wind and waves on the sea, marching forward bravely.

In the center of the entire fleet, the aircraft carrier with the ski jump deck is so majestic. The 001 on the bow is very dazzling. It is also the strongest warship in the entire fleet. With it, the navy has the Great Wall of Steel at sea!

On the deck, vests of various colors were busy. Among several twin-engine J-32 fighters, the black single-engine J-[-] was very dazzling.

That's right, after a long period of running-in, the Navy has finally been able to move this kind of stealth machine to the No. 001 aircraft carrier!This aircraft acts as a sharp knife on the ship. Once it encounters a difficult target, it will be the first wave of attack force.

However, when the AWACS carrying the large plate was lifted from the elevator to the deck, these carrier-based fighter jets became dim. What are those, the carrier-based AWACS is shining!
On the bridge, Wu Shengli was very emotional. The navy has undergone earth-shaking changes in just ten years. Now it not only has an aircraft carrier, but also a fully equipped aircraft carrier. The combat effectiveness of the navy has improved to a higher level!

He looked around again, and there was an Aegis warship on each side of the aircraft carrier. These two warships were enough to undertake the air defense mission. In addition, there were two 051C destroyers in the front and back, and two 054 frigates on the side. , forming an aircraft carrier formation with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

They didn't mobilize more warships, just relying on the northern fleet to organize this aircraft carrier formation. After all, other warships have their own missions, but these alone are enough, unlike before, To form an aircraft carrier formation, the main force must be drawn from the three major fleets.

Wu Shengli looked into the distance again. No. 122 was also sailing. Their exercise this time was just for the people on that warship!

112 number.

"When we built this warship, we planned to make it the first ship in China. I didn't expect it to be completely outdated soon after it was built." At the head of the ship, a leader said with emotion: "Over the years, the development of our navy It's too fast."

"Yeah, this No. 112 ship is already a thing of the past, Mr. Qin, do you think we can upgrade our No. 112 ship?"

"If it is modified, it can still be positioned as a command ship." Qin Tao said: "Install a powerful combat command system on this warship, and then upgrade the close-in defense system, just like the American command ship. It can be used exclusively for special ships.”

"Is the command ship a little too extravagant? Can't we install a Hongqi-16 vertical engine and upgrade it to something like 054? Its displacement is much larger than that of 054, and it still uses gas turbines."

Qin Tao shook his head: "If you install vertical hair, you will have to undergo major surgery. This warship originally did not plan to install vertical hair. The change is too complicated, and the gain is not worth the loss. It is not a luxury to be a command ship. We will definitely need it in the future, okay. , let’s watch the exercise first, I think the J-[-] should be the first to take off.”

As soon as Qin Tao finished speaking, flames rose from the aircraft carrier, and a fighter jet sprinted towards the flying deck of the ship's bow like a flying arrow, and then pierced straight into the sky.

"Sure enough, it's J-[-], the second one, the second one took off!"

In just a few seconds, two J-[-]s flew into the sky, what next?
Of course it is an early warning machine.

The two J-[-]s are at the short point, while the AWACS is at the far point.

Before the Air Police-600, few people would have thought that the bulky early warning aircraft could actually take off with a ski jump!And now, KJ-600 has achieved this capability.

After the test was completed from Huangdi Village, the KJ-600 went on board, and the test flight officially started on the 001 aircraft carrier. Of course, it has not been finalized for service so far, and the KJ-600 is still testing various performances. It will be improved and improved, and it will not be officially put into service until the 002 aircraft carrier is in service, and it will be mass-produced.

However, in various tests, the KJ-600 has demonstrated its powerful performance, and combat under its command has become a frequent training subject for naval pilots. The navy's long-range attack capability, with the cooperation of early warning aircraft , has made great progress.

Now such an important exercise, the KJ-600 will of course be on the stage.

The two engines started up in sequence, and under the skilled body movements of the yellow vest on the deck, the pilot released the brakes, and the AWACS quickly accelerated along the take-off line, slid onto the jump deck, and then successfully left the deck.

"An early warning aircraft is a multiplier of air combat power. We had no choice but to make do with carrier-based helicopters for early warning. At that time, we never dreamed that we would have a fixed-wing early warning aircraft so soon."

"Yes, thanks to the Mingzhou Group, without them, the modernization of our navy would have been delayed by ten or twenty years." Everyone was very emotional.

"Everyone, don't praise in person, or I will be proud." Qin Tao looked at the crowd and said: "Moreover, this early warning aircraft is not only due to us, but also a large number of technical personnel. It is all our military workers. Work hard to modernize our military."

"Well said, Mr. Qin is still so humble after doing so much." A voice came from behind.

Everyone turned their heads, with excitement on their faces.

"Old leader, why did you come out?"

"Old leader, it's windy outside."

"What's wrong with the strong wind? I'm not weak enough to become a flower in a greenhouse. I'm too lonely on the bridge. None of you can go up and avoid me. I have no choice but to come down." After the old leader finished speaking, he looked To Qin Tao: "Especially you, Mr. Qin, why don't you want to talk to me?"

"Of course I do. I'm afraid there will be too many people and it will be too crowded, so I'll accompany you now." Qin Tao said, sitting next to the old leader.

At this time, the first wave had already been released, and two J-600 companions flew beside the KJ-[-], forming a formation of air early warning aircraft at sea.

Then it was time for the second wave. The two near-point take-off positions were both J-32 fighters. When the black-skinned J-32 fighters took off into the sky, everyone looked at the sky and praised.

"This black-skinned fighter is just beautiful."

"That's right, if there is a war in the future, this kind of aircraft will be the first attack force!"

"However, the F-117 fell into the sand recently."

"Can it compare with ours?"

"Boss Qin, what do you think of recent events?" the old leader asked.

"As Zhang Zhong said, there is no weapon that can always keep ahead, there is always a more advanced technology to replace it, and what we have to do is to keep our technology at the most advanced level, so that we can To form an overwhelming advantage over others, future wars will be fought with high technology, even if the stealth aircraft is shot down, it is still very important, it is difficult for ordinary countries to obtain anti-stealth technology, and it still has the value of existence.”

The old leader nodded.

"Leaders, after the J-32 takes off, it will form a formation with the H-[-] J. Now, the H-[-] J is flying towards us!" A voice sounded from the bridge.

There is a radio on the bridge, so you can know the progress of the exercise at any time. On the deck, you have a wide view, but the message transmission is slow.

Boom Six J!

In this exercise, Dongfang's H[-]J was officially on display!

"We in the East have been producing the H-16 for decades. The Tu-[-] bomber from the Red Empire has been seriously outdated. Therefore, we have been continuously improving over the years. The H-[-] J used by the navy is The latest variant of this bomber!"

The military parade at sea needs to be announced to the public. At this time, a beautiful female military reporter is holding a microphone and introducing to the camera. Amidst her introduction, there is a roar above her head.

"Now, let's take a look at the demeanor of H[-]J!"

The photographer raised the camera lens on his shoulder, facing the sky, carefully adjusted the focus a few times, and finally captured the shadow of Hong LiuJ.

Through radio waves, this shot was transmitted back to the TV station, and after processing, it was broadcast to the outside world that night.

On the TV screen, a H-[-] with a special shape appeared. Its nose is more pointed, and its sides have huge rectangular air intakes, which extend backwards to the tail, and two huge engines spew out flames.

Is this a modified version of the H-[-]?Can H-[-]'s fuselage become like this?

The most astonishing thing, of course, is that there are two huge missiles hanging under the huge triangular wing box behind its air intake. swept wing.

What is this missile?
The exercise continues.

"Old leader, our H[-]J is here." An assistant said to the old leader, and handed over a high-magnification military telescope.

Qin Tao doesn't need binoculars anymore. His eyesight is good. Even without binoculars, he can see clearly. The huge bomber roared through the sky above the exercise. The missiles hanging under the wing box are so beautiful. spectacular.

It has been a long time since the last proposal and the public display to the public. There are many reasons for this. However, after this period of time, the exercise has become more sufficient. It's more mature.

Two J-32s flew up and down, accompanying the H-[-]J on both sides of the rear. Professional cameras were also installed on their planes to film the entire launch process.

This is the first time that China has launched an air-launched ballistic missile!
In the 50s, the two superpowers produced a large number of nuclear weapons, which were enough to destroy each other many times. They realized that it was meaningless to simply increase the number. They had to improve the chances of survival. How to avoid the first round of strikes from the other side and then launch a counterattack .

Under this guiding ideology, the two sides set their sights on the sky. If a large number of aircraft can cruise in the air and launch missiles immediately when needed, then this task can be completed. After all, aircraft have high maneuverability and can avoid Take the enemy's first nuclear strike.

If you want to launch a bulky ballistic missile, you need a large aircraft. The Yankees researched the technology on the C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft. At that time, the Minuteman-1 missile launched was still a liquid missile. After several experiments, they finally dared to use it on the aircraft. Fill up the fuel, then throw the missile out and fire it up.

But then the two giants signed a relevant agreement, and air-based ballistic missiles were banned. In 13, after the relevant agreement expired, the Americans continued to carry out experiments. At that time, there were already qualified solid missiles, which could also be installed on smaller C- 17 is in the transport plane.

However, they are all studying intercontinental ballistic missiles, and there are very few medium-range missiles like the East.

"The biggest feature of ballistic missiles is that they are difficult to intercept. Even if a superpower has researched the relevant interception technology, we can easily break through. As long as there is a change of orbit during the flight, the interception can be invalidated." Beside the old leader, Qin Tao began to point out Jiangshan: "And once our hypersonic missile falls, it can smash the aircraft carrier in half just by kinetic energy."

"If we want to protect our motherland well, we must have some killer weapons. This kind of missile is good. It cooperates with bombers, so that we can handle threats more easily." The old leader nodded.

In the sky, after flying [-] kilometers over the exercise area, the air experiment officially started.

"Attention, the Eagle-21 air-launch experiment is about to start, and the countdown is now..."

(End of this chapter)

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