Great warships

Chapter 805 22350 Frigate

Chapter 805 22350 Frigate

"Can we really build a warship for Lao Maozi?" In the luxurious hotel, Zhao Ling couldn't believe her ears. Qin Tao went to drink with Nicholas alone, and Zhao Ling came to arrange accommodation. She was not the first I came to Moscow once, and it was arranged quickly, and various inspections were done to ensure that there is no problem here.

"If everything goes well, we should be able to get the order." Qin Tao said.

"Well, even if we don't make money this time, we will do it!" Zhao Ling nodded: "If the cost is handled well for a frigate worth 8000 million, it shouldn't lose money."

"What are you thinking about? 8000 million is the price of the hull. All kinds of weapons and equipment, as well as the engine, are all theirs. This order should make half of the profit. When did I ever do a loss-making business, Nikolai can't let it go. I'm at a loss."

"Hull? All kinds of weapons for old men?" Zhao Ling's eyes widened. She thought she was building a whole ship, but it turned out to be just a shell. It would be much easier if there was only one shell.

"That's right, of course it's the hull. If you think about it, even if we are willing to make the supporting equipment for them, will they accept it?" Qin Tao said: "They will definitely worry that it is not compatible with their weapons and equipment. You have to fiddle with the supporting equipment yourself."

"Do they have this ability? Among other things, they can't produce just four-sided phased array radar."

In the era of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi had a sky sentinel radar, but this is a four-sided passive phased array radar, which is large in size, heavy in weight, consumes a lot of power, and the data is not compatible. The four-sided phased array radar processes its own signals separately. , is not integrated at all.

This kind of radar definitely cannot be carried on a [-]-ton warship. The old man needs a new design. With the old man's electronic technology level, can he handle the active phased array radar?
"Old Maozi is also in the process of research. Over the years, there is still progress in the continuous research." Qin Tao said: "A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. We can't underestimate Lao Maozi."

In Qin Tao’s original time and space, Lao Maozi started the 2003 project in July 7. The weapons and equipment on this warship are really self-produced. Except for the engine, this warship originally used Ermao Later, the two brothers had an awkward dispute, and gas turbines were no longer imported. At that time, many people were full of expectations, thinking that Da Mao would use Dongfang gas turbines, but Da Mao also had an aero-engine research and development unit, and the Saturn Design Bureau took care of it.

Therefore, from engines to radars and missiles, these are old-fashioned goods. Mingzhou Group is only responsible for developing the hull. The price of 8000 million US dollars is not low, and they can still make a lot of money.

Zhao Ling nodded. Since Qin Tao had the chance to win, she didn't say anything. Over the years, all projects presided over by Qin Tao have not turned over. She just reminded her as a secretary, and now she has fulfilled her responsibility. up.

"For Lao Maozi, the most difficult thing is money. This time the money was given by someone else. Their dream of the navy is finally coming true!"

"I don't know if Kangaroo Country is willing to spend this money." Zhao Ling was still a little worried.

"If they refuse, then let those family members continue to make trouble." Qin Tao said it very easily, in his eyes, this is indeed a very easy matter.

This incident has now become known to the whole world. If they refuse to spend money to salvage it, it will be embarrassing in front of the whole world. Therefore, Qin Tao is not worried that the other party will not spend money. They have nothing else to do. chosen.

Now, he is more worried about Nicholas. He wonders if he can lay the groundwork. Only after he has laid the groundwork can he continue to the next step. Otherwise, even if he takes the money, it is not perfect. After all Building a warship for Lao Maozi is of great significance!

Somewhere in Moscow, Nicholas came to see the boss.

"Today, Kewell found me, the person in charge of the wrecked submarine, and he asked us to salvage it." Nicholas said.

"Ask us to salvage? Why don't they ask Americans? Europeans?" The boss is very curious, we are not in the same camp, and they come to ask us?
"Because after the rescue of the submarine crew, these sailors once said some nasty words, which prevented the Americans from stepping down, so the Americans were unwilling to intervene in this matter. Withdrew from the salvage operation, and they are in a lawsuit with them because of the salvage cost, and Germany did not dare to intervene, so it is only us and Dongfang."

"But, we don't have the ability to salvage at that depth, right?" The boss is very cautious, obviously he is not ignorant of this matter, he is still clear about many things.

"Yes, we don't have this kind of salvage capability, but Dongfang has it." Nicholas said: "I asked them for a salvage fee of 22350 million U.S. dollars, and then planned to spend [-] million U.S. dollars to hire Dongfang to salvage. We can have [-] million left over to build our Type [-] frigate, we can’t wait any longer, we must have new ships enter service as soon as possible, so as not to be pointed at and said that we are weak.”

The boss nodded: "If you can make money, all the money you earn can be invested in warship manufacturing."

Of course, the Damao Navy wants to build warships, but they have no money, so they have been waiting for a long time, and now, the waiting has finally come to fruition!

Not only the navy is happy, but the most exciting thing is of course Lao Maozi's design and construction unit.

St. Petersburg, Northern Design Bureau.

Shishkin's face was full of excitement. He specially called all the designers in the design bureau to the meeting room. The newly cleaned meeting room seemed a bit empty. He couldn't help but think about ten years ago, In that age full of talents, now, they are really lonely!
"Everyone, the Navy is about to raise enough funds. The 22350 frigate is definitely not a frigate on paper. It is possible to build it!" Shishkin said very excitedly: "This is a brand new warship. To change the previous image of five big and three rough, what we want to build is a brand new stealth shield ship! We will install four-sided phased array radar on the warship, with omni-directional air defense capabilities, and we also need to carry as many weapons as possible to make this warship Become the main product in the next few decades!"

The people below are also excited. Since the collapse of the Red Empire, they have started to tinker with brand new warships, and even designed several aircraft carriers, but what is the use?Except that the submarine is still under construction, everything else is down!
Now, I finally have the opportunity to develop a brand new warship, which is still a tall stealth shield ship!
"Now, let me show you some of the most popular shield ship designs recently. We will brainstorm and try to come up with the best plan to satisfy the Navy. First of all, the first one is the Eastern Aegis warship."

That's right, the first model is the Aegis battleship, which is the most representative!

The American Aegis is a passive phased array radar, and there is no stealth design yet. European stealth active phased array radar warships are still in development, not produced, and many of them cannot afford to install four-sided phased arrays. Not only do the East have, Also mass-produced, is the most mature.

The projector was turned on, and Shishkin put on the first slide. However, the projector was old and the brightness was not enough, so the screen was somewhat unclear.

An assistant next to him hurried to draw the curtains.

Crash, clatter!The curtains were drawn, but the light still passed through the large and small holes and shone in from the outside. In the beam of light, there were still some dust dancing. This scene made some people want to laugh, and some people felt sad.

How long has it been since they had a meeting here?How long has it been since you studied warship blueprints?I don't even know that the curtain was bitten by a mouse like this!

The assistant who pulled the curtain was also a little at a loss. He originally wanted to help, but now he feels that this has become a disservice. Fortunately, there are no naval officers here. Otherwise, if he saw it, he would doubt their research and development capabilities. up.

Seeing all this, Shishkin was also a little sad, but he quickly adjusted his mentality: "Everyone, it seems that we have to work hard. Only by working hard can we replace our curtains that transmit light everywhere. Come on, let's Then, after talking about the recently popular types, let’s talk about the frigate designed for Ah San.”

Not only the units responsible for the design, but also many shipyards have heard the news and started to move in Moscow. They all want the next frigate construction contract.

Nikolai came from the Far East, so theoretically speaking, Nikolai would definitely prefer to put the construction of frigates in the shipyards in the Far East. However, when it comes to building destroyers, their shipyard in St. Petersburg is the main force. They have With a lot of construction experience, what can the Far East build?There was an accident when the aircraft carrier was refitted. Thanks to it, it was for Ah San. If a similar accident happened to the frigate built for our own side, it would be a crime.

Therefore, they have to fight for it, as long as they fight for it, there will be hope!
Various supporting factories are also excited.

The Navy is going to build warships. They need advanced radars, advanced missiles, and advanced engines. For these supporting factories in China, this is a big deal. You know, the Navy intends to use 22350 frigates as future For the main warships of China, there may be dozens of construction contracts.

Although it is a question of whether such a huge number can be implemented, but let's put it aside, at least the first frigate is about to start!

The time to wait came to December 12th, Christmas.

For the West, this is a very important holiday, but for Lao Maozi, this day is no different from usual. Of course, this is not because Lao Maozi does not celebrate Christmas, but because their Christmas is different: January 1.

For them, December 12th was the same as usual, no difference, but, for the shipbuilding industry, this day was very meaningful, and they got an important message: the money is in place!
Once the money is in place, it means you can start working!Although they have not received any news from the navy, many people have come to Moscow. They have a hunch that it is time to hold a special warship design and construction meeting.

Everyone in the design bureau and shipyard is full of enthusiasm, and they are confident that their design plan is the best.

However, an unexpected conflict broke out in Moscow.

"Mr. Qin, I'm very glad that we can hold a formal meeting with you here." There were 30 people in the conference room, all of whom were senior officials from the navy or even the government. Nicholas sat at one end of the oval conference table, and Qin Tao sat across from him, and the two reed performances began like this.

"I'm also very happy. Your side hastily found me. What's the important thing?" Qin Tao asked.

"President Qin, it's like this. We heard that your side has rich experience in seabed salvage, so we want to ask you to help us salvage a sunken submarine." Nicholas said.

"Sunken submarine? Did any of your submarines crash? Please rest assured that we are good friends, and your affairs are our affairs. Since you need it, we will definitely cooperate fully and salvage your submarine as soon as possible." Come out." Qin Tao said.

Seeing Qin Tao's statement, everyone present was very moved. Mr. Qin is our real good friend. He heard that we were going to salvage the submarine, and he was more anxious than us. Mr. Qin is a good person and worthy of deep friendship!

"Not our submarine, but the Collins-class submarine HMS Farncombe."

Qin Tao's face changed when he heard this: "What? The Farncombe? Why are you salvaging this submarine? This submarine has nothing to do with you, right?"

"It didn't matter at first, but the people in the Kangaroo Country were very anxious and asked us to salvage it, so we agreed. Now, we want to entrust you with this salvage task, and let you share a share of it. This will also reflect the friendly relationship between our two parties.”

This was originally just a normal conversation, and everyone present thought it was nothing, but when Qin Tao heard this sentence, his expression changed.

"Nicolas, we have been good friends for many years. I never expected that you would do such a thing! A normal good friend should stab a knife in both sides, but you are so good, you actually want to stab a good friend twice!"

Nicholas was taken aback immediately: "Boss Qin, what do you mean by that? Since when have we ever betrayed a good friend? We received the order and immediately thought of transferring the order to you, so that you can also Let's make money together."

"Why make money together? If you reject Kangaroo Country, then they have no choice but to come to us for help!" Qin Tao said: "They have fallen out with the United States and Norway, and the Germans dare not end, as long as no one After accepting the order, they have to obediently hand over the salvage contract to us, we have already planned it out, and asked them for [-] million yuan! It's a good thing now, but you have snatched it from us!"


Everyone present changed their expressions.

We never thought of grabbing the Mingzhou Group's business, good business is coming to our door, can we not take it?After picking it up, I still think about you Mingzhou Group!

"Since you treat your good friends like this, then I have nothing to say. Is there anything else? If not, I will leave!"

Obviously, Mr. Qin was very angry.

"President Qin, don't do this, we can still discuss it." Nicholas said: "Although the business has been taken over by us, you still have to do the specific salvage! We have already promised the customer that within half a month, we will Helping them fish out the submarine, looking at the world, only you can do it."

"Us? We can do it too. You must have cheated the client a lot of money, right? Give us [-] million, we don't want more, as long as we reach the salvage cost we want in advance, we can start, whether it's from you, It's the same whether you take over from a real customer, we don't care how much you make from it, we only need [-] million."

Nicholas couldn't help but patted himself on the head: "No, we have fewer customers. Mr. Qin, to tell you the truth, we only asked for [-] million from customers!"

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we plan to give you [-] million, and we have to keep [-] million to develop our navy." Another officer said.

"Boss Qin, we have been in a cooperative relationship for so many years, so you should earn less."

Qin Tao sneered: "Hmph, earn less? You don't do anything, you can earn [-] million if you just use your words here. Our Mingzhou Group has used a lot of manpower and material resources, and we may have to risk our lives. You only made [-] million in the end? You also know that the customer first found us, and we rescued the first batch of submarine soldiers. The job of salvaging the submarine was originally ours! Now, you have taken advantage of it for nothing. , you really like stabbing your friends twice if you have nothing to do!"

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, don't get angry." Nicholas said, "The boat of our friendship for so many years, is it going to capsize at [-] million dollars? We do business, so we have to bargain, you give Make an offer, let's pay back."

"Haggling? You signed the contract, and you can't let you do it for nothing. How about giving you 100 million?"

Seeing the changes in the faces of everyone present, Qin Tao said: "Okay, let's have more, 200 million, no, 300 million, no more!"

"President Qin, we have been old friends for many years, so I won't beat around the bush with you. Our navy got 22350 million dollars, and it's to build a new generation of stealth shield ships for our navy. You know, over the years, Our navy has been weeding out old ships, but we have never entered service with new ones, making it a joke for the outside world." Nicholas said: "Our navy has proposed a new generation of [-] frigate plan, intending to develop and produce a brand new warship for Looking at the West, this [-] million US dollars can just be used as the construction fund for the first warship. So..."

"It costs you 054 million to build a frigate? You might as well buy it from us in the east. Our [-] frigate is much cheaper than this!"

As soon as these words came out, many people present were not happy.

In the early 90s, you still purchased the Hyundai class from us. Now, you actually want to sell your warships to us?Isn't this too ironic?
The pride of the big country made them unable to agree with Qin Tao's statement. If it wasn't for Nicholas' face, the big guy would probably protest with Qin Tao immediately.

"Mr. Qin, your Mingzhou Group has developed rapidly over the years. You have a lot of advanced warships, and even aircraft carriers have begun to export in large quantities. We are really envious." Nicholas' words sounded like they were addressed to the Mingzhou Group. However, the development of Mingzhou Group to the present is indeed powerful enough.

"That's right, Mingzhou Group is now able to produce [-] megawatts of gas turbines, which is indeed very strong."

"The number of shield ships built by the Mingzhou Group has exceeded four, and it is considered to be rich in experience. I heard that the installation of the phased array radar is very particular. If there is a difference of a few millimeters, the error of the search for the aircraft may be dozens of kilometer."

These speeches were made by officers from the Far East. They were prepared in advance and entrusted here.

When everyone heard these words, they thought about it carefully, and it seems that there is such a reason. If they are experienced, they must be from the East.

"However, our own warships must be built in our own shipyards. If we let the Orientals help with the construction, how will our shipbuilding industry develop?"

"Excuse me, are you from the navy or the shipbuilding industry?" Qin Tao looked at this person.


"Then why do you care about the shipbuilding industry? What is your navy's value? Is the warship handed over to you qualified? Can it become the strongest warship in this era! You should also know it well. If you let your own shipbuilding industry build it, then How long will it take, and how much money will be wasted? Many shipyards have been abandoned, and skilled workers have also left. If they want to restart work, they have to update equipment and recruit new workers. Your navy fought over The construction funds may have to be used by them to fill in the holes first, and they will have to ask you for money when they build later. You have budgeted [-] million yuan, and in the end, maybe [-] to [-] million yuan will not be enough to spend , do you believe it or not?"

Those present fell silent.

They know that President Qin is right. They know how bad their own domestic enterprises are. If they want to build their own, [-] million US dollars may not be enough.

However, if they want to spend money to purchase warships built by the East, they still can't get over the hurdle in their hearts.

"Boss Qin, we must use our own weapon system and combat command system." Another officer said, "We will never use your weapons, otherwise we will have to continue to use weapons from your company in the future." It’s not cost-effective for you to purchase ammunition there.”

"That's right, we can't spend too much money yet! It's better not to spend money."

Did you say all the shameless things?

The big guy looked over and found that the last sentence was said by Nicholas.

"Nicolas, we are old friends for many years. Now that we have encountered a problem, I am still willing to solve this problem. I have a solution now. If you think it is suitable, then we will trade. If it is not suitable, then we will trade together." Take two shots."


"Equipment such as engines, electronics, and weapons are provided by you. Our Mingzhou Group is responsible for building the hull and assembling, as well as designing and so on. We do not charge any fees for this first warship, but the salvage fee must be [-] million, not a single point less, this is related to our honor."

(End of this chapter)

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