Great warships

Chapter 806 I agree with the conditions

Chapter 806 I agree with the conditions
Speaking of now, everything is logical.

The big guys started discussing the 22350 warship project, and they were so excited for a while that they forgot the theme of the meeting: they wanted to persuade the Orientals to only charge [-] million salvage fees, and the last [-] million was used to build warships!

However, the Orientals insisted on [-] million, and this created a contradiction.

And now, there is a solution to the contradiction!
[-] million to Dongfang, and the warships they need will be built by Dongfang!
In this way, both sides have suffered a bit, and both sides seem to have taken advantage of it. Negotiations, it should be like this, but, for some reason, some people are still in a trance, so the negotiation is over. Does it fit?

"Mr. Qin, if we provide these equipments, we still need to spend money. What we want is not to spend any money."

"Then use our weapons and equipment." Qin Tao replied very simply: "We can no longer spend money to purchase your equipment. A frigate can displace no more than [-] tons, you can choose the equipment yourself!"

"President Qin, is this your final decision?"


"How about this, let's have a meeting to discuss it first, and then report to you when we have the results, how about it?"

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then I'll go to the Bolshoi Theater to watch the ballet performance first. Xiaoling, let's go."

As Qin Tao's secretary, Zhao Ling also attended the meeting, but she didn't say anything, and quietly played the role of secretary. Now that the meeting is over, it's time for the two of them to relax.

Xu Zhengyang was waiting outside, and the three of them went out together, got into the car, and went to the Grand Theater to watch the ballet.

Zhao Ling didn't say a word, just looking at Qin Tao's confident face, she knew there was no problem. After all, the most important thing now is the issue of money. Without the participation of Mingzhou Group, the old man would not be able to get money at all. Without money, How does the old man build warships?
In the meeting room, there has been an argument.

"Our domestic shipbuilding industry is waiting for the construction contract of this warship. Now that the construction contract is handed over to Mingzhou Group, they will all be disappointed."

"Yes, they are waiting. They still have a lot of holes to fill. Our budget of [-] million US dollars is definitely not enough. It would be good if [-] to [-] million US dollars can meet their needs. Everyone, our navy is also short of money. We Why not get the most advanced warships at the lowest cost?"

"Hmph, if you want me to say, if we get the money, it's enough to just send out a salvage ship to pretend it's enough, and then find a reason to shirk responsibility and eat [-] million dollars in our own mouths, wouldn't that be better? "

It can be said that this plan is the most explosive. When he heard this statement, even Nicholas was stunned, ruthless, this is really ruthless!
"No, we can't do this, it will ruin our country's reputation! In the future, we will be boycotted if we have any business internationally. How can customers do business with us when they think that we cheated customers this time? In [-], they just forgot about how we cheated Ah San back then, do we want them to recall these terrible past events?" Someone immediately expressed objection.

Once the international reputation is gone, all roads will become narrower and narrower.

"Memories are memories, what are we afraid of, we are bears, who are we afraid of?"

Everyone quarreled for a while, and Nicholas saw that it would not be a problem if it continued like this, so he said: "Everyone, our time is precious, I think we should vote with a show of hands!"

If the quarrel continues like this, there will be no result after half a month of arguing, and the client over there is still waiting to salvage the submarine!
"Okay, I support Mingzhou Group to build us the most powerful warship!"

"I support it too!"

Several people who were entrusted in advance raised their hands immediately, but others were still hesitating. Seeing this situation, Nicholas slowly raised his right hand: "As the leader of the navy, my first consideration is The interests of the navy, followed by the interests of the shipbuilding industry, I also support, let the Orientals help us build a warship!"

Well, this statement, the dust has settled, the big guys are working under Nicholas, Nicholas agrees, they don't agree, isn't this against Nicholas?Nicholas got to this position not only by qualifications!
"I agree!"

"I agree!"

The last few also raised their hands.

"Okay, since we have passed the unanimous vote, let's move on to the next topic. What weapon systems do we need to install on this warship, what does the East provide us, and what do we provide? I will report to the superior after everything is negotiated."

This matter cannot be directly decided by the Navy. After all, it concerns the entire country, so it must be decided by the boss.

"In terms of anti-aircraft missiles, we use the S400 to modify the best. The biggest feature of this air defense missile system is that it not only has long-range missiles with a range of more than two hundred kilometers, but also medium-range missiles with a range of tens of kilometers. Our navy needs a This is a brand new launching device that can be loaded with different missiles at will to meet diversified needs."

Although the 22350 frigate has been announced, many people know that because there is not enough funds, their warship will not be on the right track, so when designing, it is also a powerful and unconstrained style, and all kinds of high-end equipment want to be stuffed into it .

Among them, the most popular one is, of course, the S-400. This air defense missile system was developed only this year. It was originally called the S-300PMU3, but it felt that the changes were too large, so it simply gave it a new serial number: S-400 .(These are still in English, Russian should be C300ПМУ3, C400.)

Of course, the Lao Maozi Navy also took a fancy to this air defense missile system. Its biggest feature is that it integrates regional air defense, low-level anti-missile at the end, and short-range ultra-low-altitude interception capabilities. It can deal with various targets, from high-altitude reconnaissance From aircraft to high-speed medium- and short-range ballistic missiles, from hypersonic targets to ultra-low-altitude targets, there is nothing it cannot hit.

When it arrives, the Lao Maozi Navy will give this missile a brand new name, called the Rudout ship-to-air missile system.

In the past, Lao Maozi's air defense missiles were completely independent, including the long-range S-300F, the medium-range 3K90 (Shikili), and the short-range 3K95 (Short Sword), etc. All kinds of missile systems are independent Radar, a separate console, is simply not compatible.

They have long realized that this system has serious problems, so they are also looking forward to changes. This Rudout developed from the land-based S-400 missile is their best choice.

This air defense system has as many as eight types of missiles, and it can be loaded as you like when it is used. It has completely reached the level of the American MK41. However, the key to this thing is still a PPT project.

"Do you think there is enough time to equip our warship with a missile system that has just begun to be developed? The Mingzhou Group is very fast, and the warship hull we need can be built within a year and a half. Come out, what's next? Shall we wait?" Immediately someone objected: "I think we should use a mature missile system. Now that we have Shijili's vertical launch system, we can completely install this kind of missile system." The system can be used at any time, and Dongfang’s 054 also uses this kind of missile system, and they have mature experience.”

"No, this kind of missile is too backward. The key is that if we want to have the ability to intercept multiple targets, we need to use a missile that actively guides the radar! Shi Keli needs the target to illuminate the radar, so it cannot have the ability to resist saturation strikes! And the range is too short. too close!"

They want a four-sided phased array radar, and they only intend to provide guidance at a long distance. When the missile flies near the target, it can lock the target by its own seeker. In this way, there is no need for a special target irradiation radar. This is also the ability they are most looking forward to.

Over the years, they have been living on their laurels, and the ship-to-air missile system has not made any progress. Now when they meet the demand, they start to catch up.

"As for the missiles that actively guide the radar, currently there is only the R-77 missile of the Air Force. Can this kind of missile be installed on our warships?" Some people began to come up with ideas.

"That's right, the U.S. Navy has Sea Sparrows, so of course we have to have Sea Vipers!" Viper is the code name given to the R77 missile by NATO, but now Da Mao's media has begun to widely use the nickname given by the West, and they also Get used to it slowly.

The R77 missile came from the 80s and was developed by the Pennant Design Bureau. It was a product that competed with the US-made AIM-120 missile. Unfortunately, when the research and development was completed, the Red Empire collapsed. In Ermao, it was not easy to start the R-77 production. Now, this missile has been completely produced by the Moscow factory.So, they don't have to worry about production issues.

"What is the range of this kind of missile?" Nikolai was also tempted. Since he became the leader, he seldom has a deep understanding of the front line. Even if the navy's Su-30 is equipped with this kind of missile, he still doesn't know.

"The current version using the rocket engine has a range of not very far, the maximum range is only [-] kilometers. When it is improved into a ship-to-air missile, the maximum range will be reduced to less than [-] kilometers. However, in addition to the rocket engine, when it was developed There’s a ramjet version, and that version has a lot more range.”

From the appearance point of view, the biggest feature of the R-77 is the use of the grille tail. This tail makes the missile's operation very easy. Compared with dedicated combat missiles with thrust vectoring capabilities, however, this tail fin also has drawbacks. For example, its resistance is a bit high, resulting in a short range.

When the air-to-air missile is launched, it can get the initial speed given by the carrier aircraft. Even if a booster is added to the warship, the effect is limited, and it is impossible to send the missile to a very high altitude, so the range will be reduced.

However, when it was designed, there were many versions of this missile, and the ramjet version could fly more than 100 kilometers.

Nicholas thought about it seriously: "It sounds like this, it is still possible to use this kind of missile. Fazolon, which produces the radar, is also in Moscow, and it is convenient for them to communicate."

Missiles and radars need to be produced by Da Mao himself. This is a matter of principle and must not be changed.

However, other things are easy to say, such as the engine.

"Currently we don't have mature gas turbines for ships here. Can we ask Mingzhou Group to install their gas turbines for us? This way we can save the cost of purchasing gas turbines."

In the era of the Red Empire, the gas turbines were all produced by Ermao. After the separation, Ermao also got a lot of good things. It's a pity that Ermao will lose his fortune if he doesn't live up to it.

In the era of the Red Empire, Lao Maozi did not put all the good things on the land of Da Mao. Brezhnev said a very classic saying: "The economy should be very economical." Therefore, Lao Maozi It is also necessary to consider the economic cost. The design and production of the marine gas turbine are placed in Nikolayev.

In fact, at the very beginning, design and production were separated, the special design bureau was called "Mashproekt", and the manufacturing plant was called "Zorya".After the separation, the two companies were merged immediately, and the full name is "Zorya-Mashproekt", which is Shuguang-Machine Design, Research and Production Consortium.

If it wasn't for Qin Tao's reasons, the Suguang Consortium would still have a good prospect. After all, all the naval gas turbines needed by the East have to be purchased from them, and they can also get funds to improve their GT-15000 gas turbines and become the famous GT. -25000.
However, Qin Tao got all the capable experts and technical materials to the East, and the Shuguang Consortium fell. After all, the East did not purchase their gas turbines, and it was impossible for them to get orders from the West. Da Mao hasn't built a brand new warship in the past ten years, so it's not their turn at all.

Now Lao Maozi wants to build a frigate of more than 4000 tons, and they must have qualified gas turbines, which is also a headache for them.

Of course, Da Mao also has the research and development of gas turbines. As early as 92, Rybinsk began the design of the Da Mao Navy gas turbine engine. They mainly developed 77 horsepower on the basis of the gas turbine "product 7000" of the Red Empire era. The M75RU marine gas turbine and the 14 hp M000FRU.But because there was no money and no demand, progress on these gas turbines was slow.

Moreover, the output power of these gas turbines is too low to meet the needs of their [-]-ton frigate.

Since it's inconvenient for them, let Dongfang provide it!

Nicholas frowned, didn't tell Qin about this, would he suffer?However, since the big guy brought it up, he can't object, after all, his butt is sitting here.

"We have a good choice of power for diesel engines. We can use two gas turbines and two diesel engines to form a diesel-fuel alternate power system. Easterners are also familiar with these powers. If we send them diesel engines, they can assemble them for us. Get up, and we can finish the work before we go into the water." The big guys started discussing again, and from this point of view, it seems that there is nothing wrong with letting the Orientals give birth.

Finally, the meeting was over, and Nicholas came to report to the boss with the final documents formed from the meeting.

"Didn't it mean that we built it ourselves? Why did we ask the Orientals to help us build it?" asked the boss.

"Boss Qin was very angry, thinking that we had robbed them of their business. He insisted that a salvage fee of [-] million U.S. dollars was needed. We had no choice but to back down. Fortunately, they promised to design and produce a warship for us for free, so that we The goal can still be achieved." Nicholas said.

"Really?" The boss gave Nicholas a meaningful look: "I thought you two had discussed it in advance."

As soon as this sentence came out, Nicholas could only feel the sweat on his forehead swishing out. He thought he was doing it very covertly, but he didn't expect the boss to know it!However, the boss certainly doesn't know the details!I just know that before this, I have talked with Mr. Qin.

Nicholas shook his head: "Of course not. My status and status now do not allow me to do things that are sorry for the country. Moreover, I think our cooperation is beneficial. For example, in terms of marine gas turbines, we originally needed Purchase from Ermao. Over the years, Ermao has not produced a brand new gas turbine. We suspect that they no longer have this capability. If you order from them, it will definitely cost a lot. Now, we directly let Mingzhou Group build It doesn’t cost money to provide it to us when it’s ready. Of course, it’s not just these, our domestic shipbuilding industry is also facing big problems, and the cost of building it ourselves is much more expensive than purchasing it from Mingzhou Group.”

The boss shook his head: "Nicolas, you are only thinking about the problem from the perspective of your own navy. You can look at it from a higher height. Even if you pay more, we should support the domestic shipbuilding industry. If our domestic shipbuilding industry It’s broken, so do we need to keep purchasing from the East? Even if we spend more money this time, we have to produce it ourselves. Our defense industry must be independent, do you understand?”

The sweat on Nicholas's back also came out, big brother, what does this mean?Do you disagree?If he disagrees, what shall we do?The Mingzhou Group will definitely not salvage it for free, so let's just cheat customers directly. If the submarine cannot be salvaged, the money will not be refunded?

The problem is, the contract was signed by him, Nikola. At that time, the client will come to trouble him for Nikola, and even when the trouble becomes serious, he, Nikola, will be pushed out as a scapegoat. The boss is a fart Nothing happened, [-] million US dollars was taken for nothing, even if the cost was overrun, the first frigate could be built.

This is a trap, did you cheat yourself in the end?Nicholas was speechless.

Fortunately, before Nicholas could think about what he should do, the boss spoke again.

"However, since you have all decided this time, let's do it, but we need to add a condition."

"What conditions?"

"After Dongfang has built this first warship, it needs to hand over the design drawings to us." The boss said.

Nicholas was stunned: "Design? It would be nice if we let the Orientals design it for us for free! The design fee for a warship is also very expensive. Now, do we still need to ask the Orientals for the design?"

"Aren't you and Mr. Qin on good terms? I guess he should give it." The boss said: "If he doesn't give it, then we will send the salvage boat out to sea by ourselves."

"Okay, I will tell Mr. Qin what you mean."

When Qin Tao finished watching the ballet performance, he came outside, and the heavy snow in Moscow fell again. Qin Tao looked at Zaitsev who appeared in front of him: "Nikolai asked you to come?"

"Yes, there are already results. Your Excellency Nicholas invites you to go."

"Well, I guess it's good news."

It was already night, and there were not many people on the street. Qin Tao came to Nikolai's office and saw a strange expression on Nicholas' face.

"President Qin, I'm very sorry. If we want to cooperate, we need to add some additional conditions. I hope you can agree to it because we are old friends."

"What conditions?"

"You also need to provide the gas turbine above, and we will provide the diesel engine to complete the matching of the power system."

"Any more?"

"We hope to get the design drawing of the warship." Nicholas said: "I know that this request is very embarrassing for you, and I don't want to embarrass my old friend, but there is no way, I hope you can understand to my troubles."

Qin Tao nodded: "I know, if it weren't for our friendship, I would never get involved in this matter at all. If it was someone else's request, I would never agree, but since it is you, then I can only Nod."

"Qin, we are really best friends!" Nicholas said: "The most correct thing I have done in my life is to meet you as a friend! We have known each other for more than ten years, Qin, do you know? When I first saw you, I thought we would be good friends!"

"Nicholas, do you know why we became good friends?"


"There are many reasons. For example, we are all honest people. For example, we can all help each other, but this is only from a personal point of view. If we look at it from a larger perspective, we, Dongfang and Da Mao, can only go together. Together, we can deal with this ever-changing world together.”

"Yeah, you are right." Nicholas said: "A few years ago, we blindly leaned towards the West, and even tried to integrate into the Western world. Looking back now, we were really stupid at that time. Now , we will firmly follow our own path, and we will be able to realize the great rejuvenation of the nation just like you!"

"That's right, how about having a drink together for our great revival?"

"Okay, then let's sign the contract first, and then go to celebrate. Your rescue ship has to set off quickly to rescue."

"This has to wait until the funds arrive."

"Didn't you just say that we are still good friends?"

"Friends are friends, business is business."

(End of this chapter)

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