Great warships

Chapter 807 Threat?no it's just a reminder

Chapter 807 Threat?no it's just a reminder
"Come on, Qin, thank you for your understanding." Nicholas raised his glass with gratitude on his face: "You were very cooperative in the office just now."

Qin Tao smiled: "Nicolas, do you have ears in your office?"

"I don't know either. In short, the first time we met, the higher-ups knew about it." Nicholas felt a little helpless. Now he has left his office, found a private room in a bar, and changed into casual clothes. There is still a problem with this, it can only be that his body has been implanted with bugs, if this is the case, then he will be living under surveillance completely, this kind of life is completely boring, it is better to take him directly The wealth is gone.

"You don't have dentures or something?" Qin Tao asked.

Nicholas shook his head: "My body parts are all good. By the way, Qin, I can't let you suffer, or, I will give you 2000 million in private as a design fee?"

When the two were negotiating, Qin Tao promised to give Nicholas 2000 million as a benefit fee. Now, Qin Tao was obviously at a disadvantage, and Nicholas felt embarrassed and decided to spit out the 2000 million to Qin Tao.

We don't want it!
"Nicolas, how can you subsidize the army with your own money? This is not acceptable." Qin Tao shook his head: "We are friends, as I have just said, I decided to do this entirely for your sake We have done it, since we have made a decision, we will never change it, we don’t want 2000 million, not a penny.”

Nicholas was very moved. The two still didn't talk about the rebate, but the 2000 million was clearly a rebate. Qin Tao's meaning was very simple. This rebate should be given to you, and we must give it to you. Mingzhou Group The family is big and the business is big, so don't care about it. Good friends are loyal.

There was gratitude in Nicholas' heart, and he raised his glass: "Come on, Mr. Qin, thank you for your support, we are good friends for life! Cheers!"


After drinking the wine happily, Nikolai was almost carried away by Zaitsev, and Qin Tao returned to the hotel with the help of Zhao Ling.

"Next, let's take out the design drawings of the warship as soon as possible and submit them to the Damao Navy for review. After the review is passed, we will start construction." Qin Tao said.

"Brother Tao, do you really want to hand over the design of the warship to Da Mao?" Zhao Ling was a little curious. If it was really handed over to them, wouldn't it be a one-shot deal?Our side also plans to build frigates for Da Mao in the future!
After getting the blueprints, Da Mao will definitely build it himself, and leave the Dongfang one behind!

"Of course, since you agreed, you have to do what you say." Qin Tao said: "To save money, the frigate's tonnage is limited to about [-] tons, but they still want to install a large number of weapons on it System, so, in order to reduce the weight of the superstructure of the warship, we can only use aluminum alloy, and the lower hull must also use high-strength steel, the thinner the better. The saved weight can be used to store more weapons.”

Zhao Ling's eyes lit up.

In the Falklands War in 82, the Shelfield was shot and caught fire. A very common argument is that the Shelfield used a large amount of aluminum alloy, which made the fire on the Shelfield impossible to extinguish.

In fact, aluminum alloys can't carry such a big pot, and the defects of the damage control system are the most important. After a while, some warships replaced the superstructure with steel, but within ten years, they began to use aluminum alloy again. .

After all, aluminum alloy is light. In order to reduce the structural weight of the upper layer of warships, aluminum alloy must be used.

Mingzhou Group has accumulated a lot of experience in building aluminum alloy warships. The bottom is steel, the top is aluminum alloy, and the middle is explosively welded. These are not big problems.However, the old man can't do it.With Lao Maozi's current archaeological technology, this kind of operation is impossible for archaeologists.Therefore, the old Maozi got the design drawing of the warship, even if he wanted to make it himself, they still had to modify it, and this modification would affect the whole body!

Therefore, the design drawings were given to Lao Maozi, and Lao Maozi could not use them directly, because their construction quality could not reach the level of Dongfang. Qin Tao had thought about it a long time ago, so he nodded in agreement. With such a character, he should really cheat the Kangaroo Country directly, and Qin Tao has to think about them.

Seeing that Qin Tao was ready, Zhao Ling didn't say anything.She knew that Qin Tao was very capable and would never have any problems, she was just worrying too much.

"Now, the design will take some time. For our Mingzhou Group, the most important thing is to complete this salvage operation. This is our most beautiful moment, and let those people see how stupid their choices are. .”

In the southern waters, where the submarine sank, a rescue ship was on board.

"It may take a long time for Da Mao's salvage ship to come from Vladivostok?" Michael said with a frown. Recently, he has been so anxious that he can't sleep at night, and now his eyes are red of.

"Anyway, they have already promised that they will definitely salvage it within the specified time. Da Mao also wants to save face, and it is impossible not to do it." Kewell said.

While the two were communicating, someone ran into the cabin and shouted loudly: "The salvage ship is here, the salvage ship is here!"

The salvage ship is different from ordinary ships. The huge crane occupies half of the ship, which can be recognized from a distance. After the crew saw it, they immediately ran to report. The salvage ship could only come to salvage the submarine for them.

Da Mao came too fast.

Kewell and Michael both ran out of the cabin and came to the deck, looking at the giant salvage ship approaching in the distance, feeling very moved.

This thing may be able to salvage more than [-] tons of ships at one time!
Seeing it approaching slowly, everyone was very excited, but someone saw something and became suspicious again: "Why is the flag hanging on its mast red?"

"Red? Red is the most conspicuous, nothing to worry about."

"Looks like there are yellow accents on it?"

Michael raised the binoculars and adjusted the focus. When he saw it clearly, his face became ugly: "The salvage ship from the Mingzhou Group came. Why did they come? We didn't invite them!"

"Report, there is a call from the radio, and the other party wants to invite us to board their boat and observe the entire salvage process!"

Step on the other side's boat?
Michael's face was black: "I won't go, Kewell, you go and see what's going on."

The helicopter landed on the huge helicopter platform of the salvage ship. When Cowell walked down, he saw all oriental faces.

"Mr. Kewell, we meet again." Opposite was a familiar face.

"I want to know, what's going on here?" Kewell said with a gloomy face, "We hired Da Mao's salvage ship, why are you here?"

"Contract subcontracting, don't you even know about this?" The person on the opposite side smiled: "Da Mao received your contract and knew that he could not complete the salvage operation, so he simply subcontracted the contract to us. , we are the most professional.”

"Damn it, how could Da Mao do this?"

"When you first negotiated the contract, did you prohibit third-party subcontracting?"

Kewell shook his head, that's not true, after all they didn't expect that Da Mao would do such a thing!What did he think of: "Then how much is your subcontracting fee?"

Da Mao didn't do anything, just subcontracted a contract and made a lot of money.

"Five million."

"[-] million? Da Mao doesn't earn a penny? It's unscientific." Kewell was surprised.

"We learned that Da Mao contracted the salvage project and came to us to work. We were very angry. We had to ask for [-] million US dollars, and Da Mao agreed."

Kewell breathed a sigh of relief, which made it easier for him to accept.

"But Da Mao put forward a new condition, asking us to help them design and build a warship. After careful consideration, we agreed."


Kewell's eyes widened. This contract also includes a warship?How many millions does this warship cost?

They lost ah!
"Kewell, I really don't know what you are thinking. Wouldn't it be good to come to us directly to salvage? If you come to us directly, [-] million is enough. You spent more money, but we still come to work in the end. Why bother? "

On the other ship, Michael answered the radio and was extremely angry when he heard about it.

"It's too much, it's too much. Da Mao is just teasing us by doing this. We trusted them so much and raised the money for them. They actually passed it on to the Orientals!"

"Then what do we do now?"


What else can we do, can we drive away the Orientals?Of course not!After all, the salvage level of the Easterners is still very high, and now, they can't delay the time. Now Michael dare not go back, and he will be questioned endlessly when he goes back. He has been waiting at sea, waiting for the submarine to be salvaged. How can I go to talk to Da Mao again.

Now, since the Orientals are here, let them salvage!
"Let them salvage and salvage the submarine as soon as possible. If they miss the time, they will be compensated by us!"

After saying this, Michael hung up the phone.

On the first day of the new millennium, the salvage ship from the Mingzhou Group officially started operations. At the same time, Qin Tao also presided over the design of Da Mao's [-]-ton frigate in the first design office of the Mingzhou Group. .

In fact, there is nothing to design, just take the design of 054 directly, and modify what needs to be modified. Anyway, it is all modified in the computer, and the speed is very fast.

However, they can't be too anxious, the money is already in place, and the work has to be done slowly, so as to show that they attach great importance to this warship.

At the same time, there was a lot of noise in Damao.

A large number of ship design and construction units gathered in Moscow, originally planning to get a share of the domestic frigate project, the result?It was snatched away by the Orientals!
"Your Excellency Nikolai, the Navy can't do this!"

"That's right, as the most important main warship, how can it be produced by others!"

"What about the pride in our hearts?"

These people united and came to Nicholas.

Facing these people, Nicholas said: "This warship is free."

Everyone is dumbfounded, free?If it's free, what else can they say?They came here to ask for production, just want to make money, but the navy has no money, they know it, now, the navy can get warships for free, how can they pay for the construction?
"Your Excellency Nikolai, is it really free? How could Mingzhou Group build it for us for free?" Shishkin asked.

"That's right, didn't you mean to use the remaining funds from salvaging the submarine to build it?"

Nicholas looked ugly, how did these people know?Has the navy become a sieve, infiltrated everywhere?
"That's right, that's what we said at the beginning, but when we found the Mingzhou Group to salvage, they insisted on a salvage fee of [-] million U.S. dollars, and they would never give in. So we talked, [-] million is fine, but we have to give We will build a frigate." Nicholas said: "So, theoretically, this project was given to us by Mingzhou Group for free."

Looking at the excited people, Nicholas knew that the boss's decision was wise: "However, the Mingzhou Group has agreed that when the construction is completed, it will hand over the warship and all the blueprints to us, except for the first ship. , the next warships will be built here.”

At this moment, the people in the shipyard and supporting factories were relieved, and only the design was left.

"So, we want to use the design scheme of the Orientals? For us, this is simply an insult!" As the head of the famous Northern Design Bureau, Shishkin is proud, and he will never allow the design scheme to be handed over to Orientals, is it necessary for their Northern Design Bureau to exist?

"Insult?" Nicholas gave him a blank look: "For the Navy, getting a warship for free is actually an insult? Do you want to design it? It's okay, you don't need money, you give us a detailed copy of the ship. design diagram!"

Shishkin took a deep breath: "Okay, then we will submit the design drawings, and we will ask for bids! Orientals can build, but they must use our design drawings to build!"

Even if the belt is tightened, Shishkin has to fiddle with the design drawings. This is the last hope of their Northern Design Bureau!Let the superiors and the whole world see that their Northern Design Bureau is the most powerful!
The Mingzhou Group is very powerful, but they still have to use Da Mao's design drawings on the warships built for Da Mao. Although Da Mao has fallen, they still have a lot of background!

Shishkin clenched his fists.

"Okay, half a month later, come here to bid, if your plan is approved, then we can use your plan, and even allocate a research and development fund for you, if your plan is ridiculously bad, then Don't worry about it anymore."

Shishkin nodded.

At this critical moment, the Northern Design Bureau burst out with great energy. They are proud, and they must rebuild their glory!
And, they have their advantages!
"Orientals have to use our weapon systems to design warships, and they are not familiar with weapon systems, so they are definitely not as good as us in terms of cooperation." Shishkin said to his subordinates: "Now, we need to design the advanced equipment of our brothers. Tu wants to come over and perfect our design, we must defeat the Mingzhou Group! We must fight for our honor!"

The subordinates must work hard, they must be stronger than the Mingzhou Group!
A few days later, big news.

The front half of the Collins-class submarine Farncombe, which has been underwater for two months, was first salvaged. When the submarine crashed, most people gathered in the front half and waited for rescue. Therefore, the salvaged part now has some Lots of remains.

However, how to organize the remains is not the responsibility of the Orientals. They only need to put the salvaged parts on the semi-submersible ship, and someone will go up and sort them out. After the front half of the submarine is removed, there is still a large space behind, and it will not be transported away until the second half is salvaged.

Countless media people boarded the semi-submersible ship. Many people climbed into the first half of the wreckage, and then crawled out vomiting. At a depth of 800 meters, there were no complete people inside, almost all of them were minced meat. A photo was found inside, which was of all the crew members, and the captain Peter was impressively in it.

This time, Peter was completely cleansed!

Michael declared to the outside world that the original announcement was wrong, and the answer was made under certain pressure. Now, he welcomes Peter and other crew members home, and they will be welcomed like heroes!

When the news reached Peter's ears, Peter couldn't help crying. Although he had made a lot of remarks, deep down, he still liked his country, and now, he also faintly felt that something was abnormal.

"Mr. Peter, congratulations, you can finally go back." In the cabin, an oriental man said to him with a smile.

"Yes, I can finally go back!" Peter said: "I am also grateful to the Orientals. Without you, I would have become a ghost at the bottom of the 800-meter sea like everyone else."

"It's good that you know it. When you go back, you won't overturn your previous speech, right?"

Peter shook his head again and again: "Of course not."

"By the way, we found something while sorting out the information, and now, we will show it to you."

A picture appeared on the TV screen.

The captain, Peter, held a pistol and was the first to climb into the rescue cabin, while the submarine soldiers below were in a mess without any discipline. When the rescue cabin was full, the submarine soldiers below wanted to climb up, so the people above started With a kick, Peter even fired a shot down below!
Peter's face was getting darker.

Until now, Peter’s image is still good, he is a soldier, he is a poor wretch who was rescued after being killed, but was slandered, he is the son of the mother, the father of the child, he has a home and cannot return, he is very miserable force.

However, until now, the media has not discredited him, and no one wondered why the captain came up, but the others did not.

Now, if this video is released, then Peter will completely fall into hell!
He is not qualified as a captain!

At a critical moment, every captain will let his submariners go up first, and he will stay last. Now, he is the first to escape and threatens his subordinates with a gun. Immediately be trampled underfoot!Not only will he be discredited, he'll be court-martialed!
"You threatened me?"

"No, no, we don't mean that, we just want you to stop talking nonsense."

"Okay, I got it." Peter nodded: "I promise I won't talk nonsense. After I go back, I will retire and spend the rest of my life in my hometown. I will refuse any media interviews. I just want to live a peaceful life. "

The helicopter came to pick them up.

After getting off the helicopter, Peter saw an officer from the Naval Staff Department, who took Peter into the car: "Peter, you will become a hero of our navy, but what you said made the navy feel ashamed. Now , you have come back, and the second half of our submarine is about to come out of the water. As long as the submarine is salvaged, you can announce to the public that you were forced to do that, and the Orientals asked you to do it, otherwise you will treated inhumanely."

"No, those words are my true thoughts in my heart, and I will not overturn my previous words." Peter's tone was very cold: "Don't have such thoughts. From now on, I just want to go back to my hometown and be safe and sound. Live in peace."

"Peter, don't forget your country! In such a short time, you were brainwashed by them?"

"No, I'm sick of it already." Peter said, "I just want to be a normal person, OK?"

Peter came back, but he declined all interviews, and he also refused to attend various activities. He returned to his hometown, ran a farm, and lived an ordinary life. For him, the past was a nightmare. He would often wake up from nightmares, gasping for breath, as long as he was alive, that would be the best thing.

But the work of others has to go on.

The second half of the submarine was salvaged. The Mingzhou Group’s salvage mission was successfully completed. The technicians in the Kangaroo Country were gearing up to find the technical defects of the submarine and then seek compensation from the Swedes. This time they spent so much money, and they are still Go to court with the Norwegians, they don't mind an extra court case.

However, there are still problems in front of them: after such a serious accident, their follow-up submarines must not be produced, so what should they do next?
They also need advanced submarines to expand their underwater forces, who should they go to for cooperation?
It seems that Europeans are not reliable.

After the salvage was completed, the Dongfang sent out an invitation, and they were welcome to purchase the 039 submarine produced by the Dongfang. This submarine would definitely meet their needs, but they refused without hesitation. No matter how thick-skinned they were, they could not do it. This kind of thing is coming.

However, since then, the submarine forces of various countries have been terrified when they mentioned the southern waters of the East. The cliffs in the sea are no joke, so it is best not to set foot in that sea area!
(End of this chapter)

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