Great warships

Chapter 860 Immature Speech System

Chapter 860 Immature Speech System
"Hey, what are you doing? It's my turn!" James shouted from behind.

Only then did the big guys recover from seeing off the first plane, and hurriedly operated the second plane, dragged it until it took off, and aligned it with the runway. A few minutes later, the second plane also took off in front of their eyes.

"This is the real carrier-based aircraft, we need this kind of aircraft! I really hope that these two planes will remain in our naval order!" Lacourt was extremely excited.

"There is no ablation on the deck, this aircraft is amazing!" Soracha was also very excited.

They only operated the J-31 for a period of time before putting it back on land. There are many reasons for this, but the problem of ablated decks does exist. Now this aircraft has successfully solved their problems and made them very satisfied.

Two fighter planes formed a formation in the sky and rushed towards the sea area where the target ship was located.

In the distant sky, the early warning aircraft disappeared again after briefly receiving the signal of two fighter planes taking off.

"No wonder the Navy asked us for help. Their E-2 should not be able to detect the takeoff and landing of fighter jets at all."

"Yeah, the Navy's AWACS is a joke."

They are relaxed again, and it is also very good to belittle the Navy.

"A new sea target is heading to the exercise area, and it is now [-] kilometers away from the Siam aircraft carrier formation!"

"It should be that the warships of Ah San's navy used to join in the fun. This matter is getting more and more interesting!"

"That's right, the Siamese navy can't find the warships two hundred kilometers away from them. If it comes to war, they will be sunk to the bottom of the sea in minutes!"

For the U.S. Navy, [-] kilometers is their first defense circle. Their fighter planes can easily find targets [-] kilometers away, and then call the fighter planes to intercept or attack. So if you want to fight the U.S. Navy, you have to Missiles with a range of five hundred kilometers.

However, other countries do not have this ability, and the aircraft carrier formation of the Siamese Navy has been approached to 802 kilometers!They didn't realize it. At this distance, ordinary anti-ship missiles can attack them. Whether it's Harpoon, Flying Fish, or C100, they all have a range of more than [-] kilometers. Uranus anti-ship missiles are also at this level. superior.

At this time, if the bright spot on the radar screen is enlarged to become a warship, you can see its chaotic deck superstructure, densely covered with various weapons, full of the style of old Maozi weapons in the 70s and [-]s.

Four quadruple-installed anti-ship missile launchers are located in the space on both sides of the front bridge, tilted outwards at a [-]-degree angle, although they are not big, there are a lot of them.

Just by looking at this arrangement, you can guess its model: Ah San's most advanced Derry-class destroyer!

Ah San has been seeking hegemony in the Indian Ocean, and has been purchasing warships. After purchasing five Lao Maozi's Type 61 destroyers, which are NATO codenamed Kassin-class, they decided to do it themselves. In 77 At that time, their "Project 15" shipbuilding plan officially started. The goal of this plan was to build a domestically produced destroyer, which was later the Delhi class.

It is said that it is to be manufactured by itself, but considering Ah San's industrial level, it is nothing more than building a shell and installing various imported weapons on it. In fact, Ah San has a special status and can purchase various weapons and equipment from the East and the West. , such a fusion is also a good choice.

However, the key point is that Ah San procrastinates in everything he does. This project started construction in 87, ten years later, but there were still twists and turns in the construction process. There were fires and design modifications, and finally in 97 In the era when stealth was popular all over the world, this brand new destroyer Ah San is still full of the violent aesthetics of the Lao Maozi era, which makes people feel emotional.

Looking at the Aegis ship launched in the East, we can see how big the gap between the two sides is.

However, Ah San didn't think so.

On the bridge of the destroyer Delhi, Captain Jamwal looked at the ocean outside with great interest, with excitement on his face: "See? The ocean here is ours, and no one can challenge our ocean hegemony." , Pakistan is impossible, and Siam is even more impossible. Now, we will let them know who is the real ocean overlord!"

What is Siam?A dilapidated aircraft carrier that costs about the same as a frigate, a few outdated frigates, what kind of canal do they want to rely on to maintain the safety of the canal?Do not make jokes!
Jamwal was born in 52 and is now in his 40s. It is the golden age of a person, mature, stable and full of courage.

"Captain, why do we listen to the Americans?" asked the first officer on the side.

They want to show their existence, but they are independent. Why do Americans have to run over if they say a word?This is so embarrassing!
"Why do you listen to the Americans? Of course, it is to gain the support of the United States. At the beginning, we detonated the mushroom bomb, and then attracted the opposition of the whole world, especially the United States, which actually imposed sanctions on us. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can cooperate with the United States. Re-establish a good relationship, as long as this mission is completed well, we will hold joint military exercises here next, so that we will become allies again, and we can continue to purchase various weapons from the West."

Jamwal looked further, and when these things were said, the first officer agreed very much: "Yes, it is indeed the case."

"In the past, when we were building the Delhi-class destroyers, it was enough to rely on Da Mao's weapons and equipment, but it is no longer possible. Many of Da Mao's things are seriously behind, and we even have to purchase them from the East. Their newly built 22350 frigate is the key We have encountered difficulties on the radar of our country. I heard that we spend a lot of money to purchase from the East. We must not want things from the East. Only Western weapons can lead the East. Whether it is radar or gas turbines, we need to purchase from the West. This is a rare opportunity. great opportunity."

"So, shall we simulate the attack now?"

"Of course, take off the helicopter now and prepare to relay guidance to our anti-ship missiles."

When the Delhi-class destroyer was being developed, it was planned to install the famous 3M80 Sandfly anti-ship missile, but I don’t know what Ah San’s mind was thinking. In the later stage, it was actually replaced with the 3M24 Uranus subsonic anti-ship missile.Of course, this kind of missile didn't exist for long, and it was quickly replaced with the anti-ship missile jointly developed by Da Mao and Ah San.

The 3M24 anti-ship missile is a different kind. The old man has always liked big, thick and long guys. He has always liked supersonic anti-ship missiles. However, since the United States has Harpoons, they must have similar missiles, so The Uranus missile was developed in this way. Lao Maozi's own main warship is not equipped with much equipment, but there are many exports.

Although the 3M 80 missile is not installed, if there is a music station over-the-horizon radar dedicated to guiding this missile, it can also meet the needs of guiding anti-ship missiles with a range of more than 100 kilometers, but they do not have it. They use Thin plate fire control radar. (I’m from Baidu. I really don’t know which radar this is. According to the introduction, it should be the downgraded single-sided roof radar on the top of the mast, right?)

This kind of radar has no over-the-horizon attack capability, so if you want to launch a simulated attack on a surface target [-] kilometers away, you need relay guidance. This requires the anti-submarine helicopter on the warship to come as a guest.

Following his orders, the helicopter at the stern began to get ready. For Ah San, these movements were always slow.

In the sky, two fighter planes roared towards the target.

"Attention caddy, don't be in a hurry to turn on the radar. Let's fly to about [-] kilometers near the target, and then use the radar to search for a short time."

Using radar will expose your target, so a professional attack aircraft like F117 does not have radar at all. As for fighter jets, radar is definitely needed, but it is not always on, it is only on when needed.

"If there is no problem with the course of their target ship, then we can find the target visually without turning on the radar at all, so we can use my mounted TV to guide the missile." James is also a bold man of high art, he While speaking, he looked at the vast sea.

In the fighters of the two, each carried a different C704 missile. Delano carried a conventional radar seeker model, and James carried a TV-guided model with a maximum range of only 35 kilometers. Therefore, the optical guidance system is also completely However, at this time, James hopes that his missiles can hit the target ship, and also make a splash. It can't always be Draenor's limelight.

"I found the target, the direction at eleven o'clock!" With this look, he actually found the target!It's actually on the left front of the flight path?
"Something's wrong. There seems to be something wrong with this target ship. It didn't follow the pre-specified route." Delano said.

"The Siamese must have misremembered, and now request to launch an attack!" James said while trying to open the weapon safety, but at this moment, a voice came: "The weapon has been unlocked."

Voice operation!

This is a function that Qin Tao fooled when he proposed the J-31A project. Although he was fooling at the time, the relevant technical teams have been developing it over the years. James's aircraft is just Equipped with a voice assistant 1.0 system.

At this moment, the voice startled him.

"The target has been locked, do you want to launch an attack?" The voice assistant continued to ask.

"Attack?" James was just wondering, but he didn't expect that the fuselage vibrated with a bang as soon as he finished speaking.

The weapon hatch was opened, and the anti-ship missile was ejected!

"The wild dog called the caddy, why did you launch the missile?" Delano was anxious.

From his perspective, he could clearly see the entire launch process: the bomb bay opened, and a sky-blue missile came out from inside. The red warhead was so conspicuous. Then, hot flames emerged from its tail, and the missile started Accelerate forward!
Looking at the white smoke coming out of the sky, James was completely dumbfounded: "No, it wasn't me, I didn't launch the missile."

"How did the missile fly out?"

"It flew out by itself, I swear, I didn't touch any buttons."

Of course he didn't move, he just said a few words, and he still spoke in a questioning tone, but the voice operation of this era is still very imperfect, it would be good to understand the meaning of the command, it is impossible to listen To understand the tone, James is just a question, but in the computer system, it has become a definite order.

This is trouble.

Delano turned on the radar, and two clear bright spots appeared on the screen. One of the bright spots was in the originally planned sea area, which was the scheduled target ship, and the other bright spot was the target of James' missile attack!
"The wild dog calls the caddy, you hit the wrong target, activate the missile self-destruct program, activate the missile self-destruct program, hurry up!"

It is said that no other ships can enter the vicinity of the exercise area. Siam has announced the exercise area in advance, but there will always be accidents. If this missile sinks the ship that strayed into the sea area, the consequences will be disastrous. It will definitely cause an uproar internationally. Those conspirators will not say that it is the ship's fault, but will only blame the drill party.

"Understood, start the self-destruct program!" James replied.

At this critical point, the voice assistant can't understand: "Excuse me, what are you talking about? I can't understand, you can try to say this..."

"Shut up!" James cursed while frantically pressing the buttons on the screen.

The missile is still flying forward.

In the sky, the people on the early warning aircraft were dumbfounded, what's going on?

The missile appeared out of thin air, and a bright spot suddenly appeared on the sea, and then rushed towards the warship of the Asan Navy. According to the reflected echo of the target, it should be an ordinary small anti-ship missile, but, that It will also pose a threat to destroyers.

What happened to the Siamese?Want to sink Ah San's destroyer?If they take out the Derry, the next thing will definitely escalate!
"Quick, we need to notify Ah San Navy immediately that their warships are under attack!"

The radar officer was in a hurry.

But the commander was not in a hurry: "It's too late at this time. As the most powerful presence in the region, how could the Asan Navy fail to detect even an anti-ship missile? There is no need to notify them."

It was indeed too late. After all, Ah San was not their real ally, and there was no integrated data link. If they wanted to be notified, they had to pass it through the official first. By the time it was slowly delivered to the warship, the missile had already flown there.

However, his unhurried attitude obviously has other intentions: it is not a big deal to watch the excitement. Under the current situation, if the tragedy of the Delhi being hit or even sunk really happened, then Ah San and Siam started to fight, so naturally the canal couldn't be built!
Therefore, at such a time, there was no need for them to remind Ah San, Ah San wished for good luck!
The Delhi-class destroyer is Ah San's first self-made destroyer, carrying Ah San's dream. During the development, various technical indicators are constantly changing. After all, they hope that the performance of this warship will be as advanced as possible, and the more weapons it has. The better, although the displacement is only five or six thousand tons, but it is eager to get the performance of a [-]-ton warship.

Take air defense as an example. This warship is equipped with two Shikili air defense missile launchers, one on the platform behind the main gun and one on the helicopter hangar, with 48 ammunition. The overall data is the same as that of the modern class, but However, it is equipped with a total of six MR-90 "nuts" ("front cover") irradiation radars on both sides of the front mast, both sides of the rear mast, and both sides of the front bridge to guide air defense missiles!
Ah San is the only one in the whole world who plays like this. He is afraid that he will encounter a saturation attack. The target illumination radar is not enough. Even the Hyundai class only has two installed. On average, the US Aegis warships only have three target illumination. radar.

There are so many radars installed, and a lot of equipment comes from different countries. Therefore, the Delhi-class destroyers have serious electromagnetic compatibility problems. For Ah San, these are not a problem. Since there is a problem with electromagnetic compatibility, they should not be used at all.

This mission was originally a simulated attack mission, so only the "thin plate" radar was working on their warship, and the other radars were not moving.

The anti-ship missiles flying over the sea at ultra-low altitude were difficult to spot, and Ah San was not prepared for this. They didn't know that there were already big killers coming from the sea!

At this critical moment, the chief mate on the bridge looked at the sea, staring fixedly at a unique scene on the sea. His brain shut down first, and then he reacted and shouted loudly: "Attack alarm, there is an attack!" An anti-ship missile is flying over!"

He couldn't see the anti-ship missiles, but he could see the white smoke coming out from the back of the anti-ship missiles. The white smoke was still extending towards their warships. This scene was similar to that of Sheffield in the Falklands War in 82. No. was attacked exactly the same!
What the hell is going on?

Jamwar also looked over, and when he saw the flying missile, he immediately shouted: "Quick, full left rudder!"

Now, that missile is coming from the direction of their one o'clock. If it is headed towards it, it will definitely be unavoidable, but if it is turned around, it will be even more unavoidable, because after turning, they will turn their own missiles. The side of the hull is exposed in front of the missile, and the radar reflection area is larger.

However, now it is too late for them to activate the air defense system, so they can only look forward to evading in this way!

At this moment, the flying missile exploded when it was one kilometer away from them!The fireball appeared in front of them, making them feel in a trance, what's going on?How did it detonate early?
Clap clap clap!

There was still a sound. After the explosion, some fragments continued to fly forward and accelerated, hitting the destroyer Derry and colliding with the steel warship. The sound made people feel frightened.


There was a scream from behind.

"What's going on? Is anyone hurt?"

"No, it fell into the sea. Our helicopter fell too."

Do a full rudder operation before the helicopter takes off, isn't this the person behind the pit?
(End of this chapter)

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