Great warships

Chapter 861 The J-31A model has a new use

Chapter 861 The J-31A model has a new use

"Quickly, release the boat immediately and salvage those who fell into the water!" Jamwal shouted loudly.

The helicopter will definitely not be fished up, and even if it is fished up, it may not be usable, but those poor sailors and helicopter pilots must be fished up.

The sailors on the warship were in a hurry. They released the small boats, and some even threw lifebuoys directly. Fortunately, the wind and waves were not too strong today, so they could rescue the people who fell into the sea.

On the bridge, Jamwal clenched his fists and looked gloomy. What is the other party doing?
Obviously, this is threatening them and telling them not to try to trouble the Siamese navy, otherwise they will be attacked. They are definitely not talking about it, but they can do it. The missile just now is a proof!
"Where is the radar, have you found the target?" Jamwal loudly issued an order to his subordinates: "As long as the target can be locked, fire me the missile immediately!"

"We couldn't lock on to the target, there was nothing on the radar."

Nothing at all?Jamwar's eyes were gloomy. In the distant sky, the shadows of two fighter planes had already appeared, and the roar of engines could also be heard in the sky. The two planes were less than ten kilometers away from them, but their radar Unable to find target!

In fact, if they use older warships, such as the Cassin class purchased from Lao Maozi, and use that ancient meter wave antenna to search the sky, they should be able to find the target, but even if they find it, it is useless , because the accuracy of the meter wave radar cannot meet the needs of guided missiles, and their ship-borne air defense missile system can't find the target at all, and can only watch the target calmly turn from their front and then fly away.

How to do?
If we continue to move forward, will the opponent launch a second missile?
This first time was just a warning, so when the missile flew in front of them, it blew itself up and did not attack them. If the second missile flew over, it would probably beat them to pieces!
Jamwar's eyes were extremely gloomy, but there was no other way. He shouted loudly: "After salvaging our drowning personnel, return to the voyage and report this matter to your superiors. We protest against Siam!"

Protesting is a method only used by the weak. Any powerful country will do it if there is a disagreement. But now, the Asan have no other choice but to protest. They can only turn around and leave in despair. A stealth fighter perfectly restrained their seemingly powerful navy.

This is the advantage of generation difference!

On the E-3 early warning aircraft, the radar officers witnessed this process and felt the shock. When did the Siamese navy become so fierce?How dare they use anti-ship missiles to force back the approaching warships of the Asan Navy?

This is not scientific!
However, the facts are right in front of them, and they have to believe it even if they don’t believe it. On the Kra Canal project, Siam has made up its mind. Anyone who wants to put pressure on them to stop the canal project will fight these people to the end, even It is the most violent method!
Swift also received the news, and he fell silent.

Ask yourself, what would the U.S. Navy do if it encountered this situation?
The U.S. Navy has a powerful carrier-based aircraft force that can drive out stealth aircraft hundreds of kilometers away!

is that so?One of the prerequisites for expulsion is to find out. After all, when they are cruising in normal times, they only have two fighters, and at most four fighters cruise around the outer circle of the aircraft carrier.

Even if found, how to attack?There is no echo on the radar at all. They can only give up using radar-guided medium-range air-to-air missiles. They need to use infrared missiles for close-range combat, or even use machine guns. The battle is too intense if it is fought to this extent. ?
Isn't this a misfire and an upgrade at the end?

Now their most important target is still the imperial cemetery, where there are evil enemies, followed by a certain oil-producing country in the Middle East, who actually announced that the oil will be settled in euros. This is clearly looking for a fight. At this time, they still have energy Start a war with Siam?The question is what reason do they use?
What does it matter to them that they dig canals?

Just when Swift felt that the problem was difficult, someone on the aircraft carrier Chakri of the Siamese Navy was more entangled than him.

"What's going on? Wrong call?" Rakul looked at Solacha in surprise: "Where did the call go?"

"A warship of unknown nationality broke into our exercise area, not very far from our target ship. Therefore, the fighter plane that went to attack found the wrong target and fired missiles at the warship of unknown nationality."

Lacour only felt a sway in front of his eyes, Nima, which country is the unknown nationality?Could it be America?If the US warship is sunk, what kind of retaliation will be encountered next?The USS Cole was just bombed with a big hole, which has already made the US Navy feel a huge humiliation. If this warship is sunk...

"Fortunately, at the last moment, they discovered a mistake and urgently activated the self-destruct procedure of the missile. The missile did not hit the warship of unknown nationality, but the target warship suddenly turned around and threw off the ship-borne helicopter they were carrying."

Shipboard helicopter?Although it is a loss to fall, the loss is much smaller than the sinking of the entire warship!Lacour finally breathed a sigh of relief: "When will they come back?"

"They asked on the radio whether to continue attacking the target ship."

"No, come back."

The two J-31A flew back to the deck and continued to land with a beautiful attitude. Lacourt immediately issued an order: "The exercise is over, return at full speed!"

James got off the plane with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"What happened just now?" Delano asked him, "Why are you so quick?"

"You can't blame me. I don't know why. The voice system was activated. I just said it casually, and it actually shot out the missile. There is a video in the cockpit. You can watch the video after you go back."

The two were talking, and Lacourt had already stepped onto the deck.

"The two heroes are back? Do you know which country the unknown warship belongs to?"

"I don't know, this can only be discerned visually." Delano replied: "In order not to expose ourselves, we didn't get too close. If someone makes trouble next time, we just need to insist that we hit the target ship. They Why our warships were attacked, we don't know!"

Delano has worked at the naval base for many years. As a subordinate recruited by Qin Tao, he has naturally learned Qin Tao's skills. It is too easy to throw the pot away.

Is it their fault?of course not!They have already announced to the outside world that the navy needs to conduct exercises in a certain sea area and will also shoot targets with live ammunition. Those unsightly ships broke into the exercise sea area and are still with the target ship. Isn't this here to touch porcelain?We are hitting the target ship, if your warship is attacked, it has nothing to do with us!

Even if it belongs to the US Navy, they can be justified!
Lacour nodded: "That's right, that's all we can do now. However, we are still a little worried, will we be retaliated against?"

"They dare. When it's critical, you can shine your sword."

"How bright?"

"If there are dozens of them in your aviation base, no, you don't need that many, just a dozen or so J-31As, do you think those people with ulterior motives dare to make trouble?"

Lacour's eyes brightened: "Can you lend us more fighters?"

"Of course not."


"There are still a lot of models in our domestic bases. As long as you use the An-225 to transport those models at once and put them in your base, you can scare those guys with ulterior motives."

This is what Dongfang did at the beginning. When the number of aircraft was still relatively small, many models were arranged in the wasteland village base. It seems that the fourth-generation stealth aircraft has been put into large-scale production, and some people are afraid of it. Now, those models are no longer available. I have used it, but it can be sent to Siam.

The small aircraft carrier Chakri can carry 14 helicopters in extreme cases, and four to six vertical take-off and landing fighters and four to six helicopters in mixed cases. If it carries the powerful J-31A, the limit It would be good to be able to carry seven or eight aircraft. If there are more than a dozen advanced fourth-generation stealth aircraft in the aviation base of Siam, it means that they can not only be carried by ships, but also be deployed on land. Under such circumstances, their ability to protect their own airspace will increase rapidly, and they also have powerful attack capabilities. After all, this is a stealth aircraft that other radars cannot detect!

Qin Tao did not personally participate in the recent series of operations, but he has been paying attention to everything that happened here, and was making suggestions for Siam. When he received a request to transport the fourth-generation stealth aircraft model, Qin Tao immediately arranged for the plane to fly overnight. take off.

"Will things escalate now?" Wu Shengli asked Qin Tao worriedly.

"It may be upgraded, but this is a hurdle that Siam has to cross. If they don't have the courage, why build a canal?" Qin Tao said: "If they don't build a canal, then the people in power will Being scolded to death by the people, their election is about to begin."

Who knew that the voice system of the J-31A fighter was not perfect, and it was suddenly activated during the tense exercise?This system still needs to continue to be developed, with more advanced processors and better programs. However, this time it was a mistake, and it was wrong, and time cannot be turned back.

Wu Shengli nodded. This is a very good time. In order to win votes, the person in power now must grit his teeth and persist, otherwise his competitors will use this matter to criticize him. Moreover, the reason for this matter is very simple. The canal is an internal affair, and now it is facing interference from other countries, and they are the party that occupies the right.

"Isn't it enough to have only fighter opportunities?" Wu Shengli asked, "Do you think they need an advanced early warning aircraft?"

This time, Ah San's warship approached the [-]-kilometer sea area where they were exercising, but they didn't notice it. If Ah San fired anti-ship missiles, then their pocket aircraft carrier would probably be sunk!
"Dad, you mean lend them an AWACS helicopter?"

"Helicopters are not enough. We have fixed-wing early warning aircraft, which we can lend them temporarily. Yes, the balance beam is good. As long as you fly over the border, you can scan the surrounding waters." Wu Shengli said.

"They don't necessarily have money."

"If we don't have money, we can borrow it, so that their position will be more inclined to us." Wu Shengli said.

Arms sales have never been simple arms sales, but have been linked to politics. Now that the East has advanced weapons and equipment, it can completely arm Siam. It is close to oneself.

After this incident, they will go further and further away from the West, and their relationship with the East will become closer.

"Dad, you are too kind to Siam, will the navy hold a joint military exercise with Siam?"

"If the Americans hold military exercises with Asan, then we can hold military exercises with Siam. They dispatch aircraft carriers, and we also dispatch aircraft carriers. They are to the west of Siam, and we are to the east of Siam." Wu Shengli said confidently that he had made this plan a long time ago!
So far, the Navy's aircraft carrier has only been walking around at home, and has not traveled far.

The 002 aircraft carrier has been launched, and the confidentiality of the 001 aircraft carrier is no longer so important. It can be opened freely. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I can just go out for activities. Such an opportunity is too rare.

The incidents here have intensified, but no one has paid attention to the Anxi Nation, and the Cole incident has come to an end.

The capital of Siam.

"Our navy's warships were suddenly attacked by your anti-ship missiles during their normal voyage, which caused the shipboard helicopter on our warship to crash into the sea and caused the whereabouts of three sailors to be unknown. You must bear full responsibility!"

Looking at the roaring Ah San's representative on the opposite side, Lacourt finally breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he was aiming at the US Navy warship, but it turned out that it was only Ah San's navy warship.

"What? Your side suffered an anti-ship missile attack? This is really a serious incident, but what does this have to do with us, why should we be held responsible?"

"Of course you are responsible! The missile was launched by you!"

"Really? Do you have evidence?"

evidence?Where is the evidence!
"At that time, everyone on our warship saw it, it was your missile!"

"Really? Then tell me, how can the human naked eye see the missile clearly? Can you still see the spray-painted words on the missile?"

The other party was dumbfounded, rolled his eyes, and continued: "In short, you launched the missile, and you must be responsible for this incident!"

"You can't produce any evidence, so you slander our missiles for launching. No matter where you go, you can't justify it. I also said that you launched missiles and hit our aircraft carrier!"

"At that time, our warship was less than [-] kilometers away from your aircraft carrier formation. It wasn't you who fought it, but who did it?" The other party was anxious.

"What? We announced the exercise sea area to the public, and you actually broke into our exercise sea area? What a pity. According to international practice, you are fully responsible for this matter. Even if it is sunk, it has nothing to do with us , Missiles don’t have long eyes.” Lacour said: “However, I can guarantee that we only fired one missile, and it attacked our target ship, and the exercise was a complete success. As for your so-called warship being attacked , we don’t know, could it be that you yourself dropped the helicopter and asked us to take the blame? Let me tell you, we won’t take the blame for you.”

"You, you are ignoring our Ah San Navy. We will dispatch all warships, including aircraft carriers, to your coastline for exercises!" Representative Ah San was anxious.

"Really? Then come on, we will also announce to the public that we will hold an exercise on the coastline and dispatch our 31 J-[-]A fighters to try to conduct a saturation attack. By the way, our fighter can still Carrying a special ground-penetrating bomb, I don’t know if it can directly smash through the aircraft carrier, but I personally look forward to it.”


"That's right, twenty. All the fighters we just purchased have arrived."

In this maritime exercise, Siam only used two fighter planes, and Ah San suffered a big loss. They couldn't find the stealth plane at all, so they could only be beaten. The stealth plane was only about ten kilometers away from them !

Now, if they send a large number of warships over and a naval battle breaks out, Ah San's main naval force will probably be sent into the sea!

What can we do then?
"I guess you dare not, if you use the stealth aircraft, you will face the attack of our ballistic missiles!"

Ah San has ballistic missiles!
"Don't dare? Why don't we dare? What kind of ballistic missiles do you have that can hit our land?" Lakour gave the other side a blank look: "The kind of land missiles launched on the deck of a warship? At that time, will this kind of warship I don't even know it exists!"

Ah San’s currently finalized missile is the Earth, with a range of more than 300 kilometers. In order to increase the range, Ah San creatively installed it on the helicopter take-off and landing platform of the warship, and carried it to a certain sea area by the warship, and then launched the launch test.

It sounds awesome, but this method has no concealment. If you really dare to carry this kind of missile to the [-]-kilometer sea near Siam, you will definitely be attacked by Siam in advance.

"We still have fire!"

"What is Agni? Let's talk about it after the test is successful. Don't scare people with things on paper!" Lacourt said.

The development of Ah San's Agni missile is not too late. The first test launch was awakened as early as 89, and it also claimed that the maximum range reached 98 kilometers. However, due to the pressure of the United States, the development of this plan was suspended and has been In 2, Ah San detonated the mushroom bomb, and then began to develop the Agni-02 missile, which was used as a delivery tool.However, this kind of missile did not have the ability to be deployed until 2. After that, Ah San made a speech on the basis of Agni-1 and developed the Agni-2 missile with a range of seven to eight hundred kilometers. Therefore, among these models, Agni The development of -1 was earlier than that of Agni-[-], and it has not been successfully developed yet.

"Don't forget, we have a powerful navy and can land across the sea!"

"What? Are you going to directly invade with arms? Our Siamese country is not afraid of war! Can I understand your words as a declaration of war?"

The other party immediately shut up. A protest is a protest, and a declaration of war is a declaration of war. You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing!

"Okay, I'm tired. It's a waste of time to meet you. You can go now."

Ah San's representative was kicked out, and Ah San's navy was angry.

"Your Excellency Swift, when will we hold the joint military exercise?" Sunil looked at Swift who appeared in front of him, and asked immediately.

Now they can only find the US Navy to back them up.

"This requires authorization from the White House." Swift said, "However, if you give up the mushroom bombs now, our navy will be able to decide by itself and hold military exercises with you immediately."

Sunil's face changed: "That's absolutely impossible."

"Then we need to wait for the assessment from the White House."

"How can you do this? When you suggested that we send warships to the exercise area of ​​the Siamese Navy, we immediately agreed!"

Whatever you ask us to do, we will do it right away, but now we have something that needs to be handed over to you, and you are pushing back and forth, what is going on?

"You are also for your own interests, and you don't want a rising maritime power to emerge in the Indian Ocean." Swift said: "If there is no interest, can you move so fast?"

Sunil's face was serious: "Your Excellency Swift, it is completely irresponsible for you to say that!"

"The sea exercises will take some time, but the LM2500 gas turbine you ordered from us can be delivered, just as your aircraft carrier also needs outfitting. In the future, when you build a new warship, we can continue to provide gas turbines "Swift said: "This will always satisfy you, right?"

The aircraft carrier of the Asan Navy, as well as the subsequent warships, are all looking forward to using American-made LM2500 gas turbines. After all, except for American products, they are cheap ones. Ermao’s naval gas turbine company has been abolished, and they can’t produce them at all. Find Motor Sich to order. , maybe it is still produced in the East.

Since the detonation of the mushroom bomb, the Americans have frozen the procurement contract for this kind of naval gas turbine, and now they can be regarded as releasing some goodwill.

"Okay." Sunil nodded, and finally made some progress.

However, how to deal with the issue of Siam has not been settled.

The U.S. Navy is just using the White House as an excuse. After all, there are [-] stealth fighters there. If they start the exercise, those fighters will come to make trouble. It might mess up their exercise and make the U.S. Navy feel ashamed. .

Time passed day by day, and the canal in Siam was being built at an astonishing speed. Multiple working surfaces were started at the same time, and the efficiency was terribly high, which once again showed the strength of the Oriental infrastructure madman.

Every day that passes, the canal in Siam is one day closer to opening!
 PS: There was originally a chapter later, but I didn’t dare to post it after I finished writing it, so I decided to overthrow it and rewrite it, sorry. .There is only one chapter left tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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