Chapter 132 Quietly Into My Dreams ([-] in [-])

A green light bloomed from the hand of the black-haired youth.

From the cuffs of the shirt, countless filamentous emerald green vines protruded. They were shaped like small snakes, intertwined and intertwined, gradually forming a rectangular object.

The five players didn't dare to blink, they stared at the vine snake in the hands of the black-haired young man, and finally formed a "book".

A quaint but weird "book".

The little vine snake is wriggling non-stop, giving people the illusion that this book is alive.

These are the illusory branches that Chen Lun mobilized [Jingzhe] to cover up the appearance of "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland", making players mistakenly think that all these are his own extraordinary power.


The book was suddenly opened, and the pages slid across, making noises.

"Sneak into my dreams..."

Mr. Jack's deep voice came slowly.

Immediately afterwards, a white light suddenly appeared, and the eyes of the five players suddenly blurred.

When they came back to their senses, they were already in a dark forest.


Everyone took a breath.

This kind of a bit scary!

The group of five players raised their heads and looked around, not daring to make too much noise.

The shadows of the trees whirled, the light was dim, and there was silence all around. As far as the eyes could see, there were only countless tall trees.Except for the five of them, no other creatures were found.

"We...have entered the 'copy'?"

The centaur asked cautiously in a low voice.

"It should be, be careful."

Polaris replied briefly.

A few people took a few steps, and found that it was meaningless to walk aimlessly, so they stopped again.

"What the hell is this place, there is no road at all."

Goutoujin whispered.

"And it's so gloomy... By the way, where should we go?"

Forget about it.

Polaris thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"There are no hints, and there are no tasks. It's very strange... How about we split up first? If there is any special situation, contact us in the chat room."


The horseman nodded.

But at this moment, Su Keying exclaimed.

"what happened?"

Others looked at her one after another.

"My sanity has somehow decreased by 1 point!"

She said.

The others were also startled, and quickly checked their own panels.Sure enough, just as Su Keying said, the sanity value dropped by 1 out of thin air.

"It's not right! Staying in this place for a long time will keep deducting our sanity!"

The horseman said in a low voice.

"If we continue like this, we won't last long before our sanity will be cleared, and we will die when we trigger it."

Polaris calmly analyzed, and then added:
"Don't waste time, everyone, act now, fast!"

Following his words, the others stopped talking and immediately scattered around.

Polaris ran straight forward. During this process, he was always paying attention to his panel, and found that the frequency of sanity point reduction was about 1 point per minute.

According to their current attributes, the sanity limit is only 6 to 7 points, that is to say, each life can only stay here for a few minutes!

time is too short!
"What can I do with this little time? Alas...!"

Polaris frowned, feeling a little depressed.

This is obviously an excellent opportunity, but it came when I was so weak. If I didn't grasp it and wasted it, it would be a pity.

At this moment, Su Keying's text message appeared in the chat room.

"--I am dead!"

Soon, other people also saw this message, and the horseman asked quickly:
"—Dead? How did you die?! What did you encounter...?!"

"—I don't know, I just ran and suddenly felt a pain in my neck, then I lost consciousness, and then I came back to life. (Speechless expression)"

Su Keying replied.

While running, Polaris sent out his own message in the chat room:

"—Where are you after you were resurrected? Have you recorded what happened just now?"

"—I don't know, the surrounding area is still the same, full of gray woods. It must have been recorded. I have started recording since I entered here."

Su Keying replied.

At this moment, Gou Tou Jin and Wang Wang Wuji sent text messages:
"—I'm dead too, what the hell, I don't know what happened! It's inexplicable!"

"—Same death, same as Su Keying, the neck hurts, and then the screen goes black... I see you, Su Keying!"

Polaris glanced at the message and thought to himself, it seems that they are still together after resurrection.

In the next second, his pupils shrank.

Because he also felt a stabbing pain in his neck, and his vision immediately went dark.

At the last moment, he noticed a detail, and before he had time to think about it, he was prompted:
【You are dead! 】

After his vision returned to normal, Polaris shook his head.

He found that the place where he was resurrected was still in the dark forest, not far away, surrounded by the centaur, the dog head gold, Wang Wang Wuji and Su Keying.

"You all died once?"

Polaris walked over and asked in a deep voice.

"Hmm... It's the same as what Su Keying said."

The horseman's face was not very good-looking.

Gou Tou Jin and Wang Wang Wuji frowned, thinking about how they died.

"If we don't figure it out, we may still be like this in the future... It's fine if we encounter high-level monsters. It's really annoying to die inexplicably like this."

Goutoujin tore off his hat and complained.

The level is not high, and all the accumulated experience points are lost.

"I seem to have discovered something, but I'm not sure yet... Su Keying, show me your video."

Polaris said.

When the others heard this, they immediately turned their attention to him.

"Okay, I'll post it in the public chat."

Su Keying operated her own panel and sent the recorded video.

Polaris clicked on the video and watched it intently, and the others followed suit.

After a while.

"I seem to see a line! It's reflected, look here!"

Goutoujin said loudly.

"Keep your voice down! Who knows what strange dangers are here, don't draw attention!"

The horseman reminded me.

According to Goutoujin's reminder, everyone did notice that there was a flash of light in Su Keying's first-person vision.Between the two trees, there is an extremely thin silk thread, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

"It's spider silk..."

Polaris turned off the video and looked up at them.

"Before I died, I noticed it."

The others were taken aback.

"So, the surrounding woods are full of this kind of... spider silk?! As long as we don't pay attention, we will be cut to death?!"

Goutoujin exclaimed.

Polaris nodded silently.

"So we can't run, and we have to be aware of our surroundings at all times."

"Shut up! There's not much time in the first place, so it's too inefficient to act like this...!"

Goutoujin was extremely depressed.

The faces of the horsemen and Wang Wangwuji were not good-looking either.

"Since there is no way to leave too far away, it doesn't make much sense for us to act separately. Let's go together in the future, and we can take care of each other in case of danger."

Polaris calmly analyzed.

The others nodded silently.

Immediately afterwards, the group of five players acted vigilantly and walked slowly in one direction.

Their figures twisted and fluctuated, reflected in a lake.

A black-haired young man stood by the lake.


Chen Lun groaned with his chin in his hands.

"It seems that every time I enter the 'Wonderland', the dangers around me will be different. I didn't encounter this kind of spider silk last time... Will it be reset?"

He frowned.

"And...their deaths will be counted on my head!"

Chen Lun looked at the prompt box and showed a strange smile.

[You killed the players Polaris, Su Keying, Horseman, Goutoujin and Forgotten Wuji!Get 500 experience points and 2 attribute points! 】

"Is it because I am the owner of 'Wonderland'? So they die in it, and I can also get kill rewards..."

Chen Lun thought about it.

"The player brushes monsters to upgrade, I brush players to upgrade...?"

When he went to rescue Pompey's family before, he used a flintlock to kill three guild players of the Centaur once. The prompt box at that time inspired him, and now he has verified this point again.

"I originally planned to wait until the public beta to try again, but now it seems that it is indeed the case... and with "Philip's Adventures in Wonderland", I don't have to kill them one by one, which is tiring and easy to attract hatred.

As long as the 'Wonderland' is made into an 'advanced copy' of the future team, it will attract players to come... They die here, their heads are counted on me, and they must be grateful to me. "

Chen Lun shook his head, feeling a little pity again.

Because when he sent five players into Wonderland just now, he felt a little pressure. It seems that because of his own sequence, the current control of "Wonderland" is not thorough enough.

He has a vague intuition that at this stage, the number of players he can accommodate in "Wonderland" is around ten. If it exceeds this number, he will no longer be able to control some switches freely.

"So when the time comes, the strategy will have to be changed..."

Chen Lun conceived in his heart, and after a while, he smiled.

"Since there are not many people, let's take the elite route and set the price of 'Wonderland' tickets higher. This will not only select a group of top-notch players, but also make them cherish the opportunity to enter..."

The more Chen Lun thought about it, the more feasible it became.

"Only the best players are qualified to explore the way for me."

He had this idea long ago, because it was too inefficient to explore the vast and dangerous "Wonderland" by himself.He didn't want to be like Philip, who couldn't see the end of his life.

As a group of players, there are many talented and talented people. They can definitely rely on their minds to find the correct shortcut for themselves, and they can also use their resurrection advantages to dig out hidden minefields for themselves.

Then in the end, a clear strategy will be placed in front of Chen Lun.

"Of course, the most important point is that the statue of Maggie will continuously drain their sanity... This efficiency is much higher than 'recharging' the statue myself!"

With a smile on his face, Chen Lun walked to the statue by the lake.

Stretching out his fingers to touch the base lightly, he sat on it casually, leaning against Maggie's fish tail, looking at the lake.

[Current stored sanity value: 28]

This is the sanity gained from Polaris and his party. Excluding the loss of opening and maintaining the "Wonderland", all the surplus is stored.

"Come on, five warriors from other places..."

Chen Lun's eyes fixed on the lake, and through the sparkling light, they fell on the five figures in the dark forest.


Footsteps lightly stepped on dead branches and leaves.

Polaris and his party moved slowly, but they were steady, and there were no more inexplicable attrition.

They encountered "spider silk" twice along the way. Fortunately, all five of them raised their vigilance and discovered and avoided this deadly trap in time.

When it was first discovered, Polaris stopped for a while and took a closer look.

He found that this "spider silk" was very fine and tough, and a leaf fell on it without any stagnation, and it directly became two halves.

At that moment, the spider silk seemed to vibrate slightly, like a cutting line vibrating at high frequency, very scary.

The five did not dare to make a sound, and even controlled their breathing.

"—Although we won't be hit like this, but the sanity value is deducted too quickly, I already feel a little headache now, and I will go crazy after a while... I can't go very far."

Horse people send text messages in the public chat.

"——I have an idea...we can let a person explore the way ahead, as fast as possible, and if he dies, we will know where the 'spider silk' is.

When the person who explores the path in front dies, the person behind will replace him, and the cycle goes on and on, so that our efficiency will increase a lot. "

Polaris voiced his thoughts.

Several people were silent for a few seconds, Su Keying sent out a message cautiously:
"—Then who goes first?"


Everyone has only three chances to revive, and one was wasted just now.The person who finds the way next is very likely to die first, so the time for this dungeon event will be sharply reduced.

"—Let's go first, you can assign people to replace me later... Now is not the time to be selfish, we can only gain something if we work together."

The horseman took a deep breath, and after sending the text message, he walked out of the team and ran forward.

The others looked at each other, fell silent for a moment, and hurriedly followed, but deliberately kept a distance from the centaur, so as not to be too late to react when encountering the "spider silk".

After running several hundred meters like this, the centaur suddenly fell to the ground.

The people behind could see clearly that his body was cut horizontally from the waist, turned into two pieces, and immediately turned into white light and dissipated.

"—I'm dead, be careful... I'll be here soon."

The horseman sent a text message.

"—I'll be the next one, Brother Polaris is rich in experience, let him stay at the end."

Perhaps Arima took the lead, but Wang Wang Wuji volunteered to take the lead.

After they avoided the "spider silk" at the place where the centaur died, Forgotten Wuji began to sprint.In this way, after a few cycles, everyone was killed once.

But the players have already pushed the path for a long distance, and they are full of confidence, and they use this method again to explore the path forward.

After another round, this time only Polaris was left.

"——I've walked a long way, and it seems that this place has been out of the range of 'spider silk', and there is no danger."

He sent a message in the public chat.

"——Great! Finally walked out of the 'spider silk' area... The few of us have already joined up behind and are approaching you."

Su Keying replied.

Polaris took a deep breath and stepped forward.

He participated in the gang fight at Xiashuitan in the outer city before and reached level 10, but because of these two deaths, he fell back to level 8.

So far, there is no substantial gain, which makes him a little depressed.

"I hope to gain something in the future..."

Soon, he felt his field of vision suddenly widen, and a small pool of water appeared in the woods in front of him.In the middle of the pool, there is a small piece of land with an old wooden box placed on it.

In this scene, two words popped out of Polaris' mind - "trap".

He has countless game experiences, but he has seen this kind of scene quite often.

He stopped, stood far away from the pool, and posted what he saw and heard in the public chat.

"—Treasure chest? Pool? This must be a trap..."

The horseman replied.

"—Polaris, just wait for us, we will be there soon."

Just at this time, Polaris started to have a splitting headache. He opened the panel to check, and his sanity had dropped below half.

He resisted the pain and sent out the message with difficulty.

"— hurry up, we're running out of time!"

 Thanks to Cai Xiaoqia for rewarding 5000 tickets with 5 points, Xiaoshi for rewarding 1500 points, Yu Yuan said that he was rewarded with 500 points, his eyes were hurt by fireworks, and he was envious of Yu Yu in Linyuan, it is better to retreat and form a net, Wei Xiao, Chunming Ten Disasters , How Fat Si 13125, book friend 20220527125919781 for tipping, all beauties for tipping and monthly tickets~
  Too much, I can't thank you enough, forgive me~
(End of this chapter)

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