I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 133 Your Mission Completed

Chapter 133 Your mission is complete (three in one)

Soon, the five met again.

They looked at the dilapidated wooden box in the middle of the pool with hesitant expressions.

"——I'm [-]% sure that there are definitely monsters in the water, as long as we get close to the treasure chest, we will be slaughtered."

Goutoujin sent a text message.

"—But we don't have any extra time to continue exploring, even if we know it's a trap, we still have to... (helpless expression)"

The horseman replied.

"—You only have this life left, and I still have one chance to be resurrected. It just so happens that this life doesn't have much sense, so I'll go to thunder."

After Polaris sent the message, he walked forward without looking back.

"—be careful, Polaris."

Su Keying asked.

Polaris nodded silently. As he walked forward, afterimages began to appear in his vision, and he felt that he was going crazy soon.

When I came to the pool, I took a closer look, and found that the water in the pool was very muddy, and I couldn't see what was underneath.There was no wind at the moment, and the entire water surface was quite calm, without any waves, just like the mouth of a giant beast, quietly waiting for the prey to come.

Polaris took a deep breath, jumped directly in the next second, and dived into the water.


The pool splashes.

Without wasting any time, he swam straight to the small piece of land in the middle of the pool.

The pool is not big, only the size of two or three basketball courts, Polaris will be able to swim to the destination soon.

But when he was halfway through the swim, he suddenly felt that his leg was entangled by a huge and soft object, and then a huge force came.

With no room to struggle, he was dragged down.


A few people by the pool saw Polaris swimming, suddenly sank, a few bubbles appeared on the surface of the water, and the whole pool returned to a deathly tranquility.


"—There is something strange in this pool! What happened? Polaris?"

Several people looked at each other, and the horseman asked eagerly.

"—I don't know, but I suspect it's some kind of large creature... an octopus? Maybe something else, I can't see clearly."

"——Then we won't wait for you, sanity has been diminishing, we can't waste time."

"—Let's fight, get some things back."

"—Go into the water at a distance, so as not to be caught by the monsters under the water."

The players exchanged a few words briefly in the public chat.

They ran around the edge of the pool, each of them was about ten meters apart.

"—I count to three, jump into the water at the same time, and then forget about everything and swim straight to the treasure chest!"

The horseman commanded in the public chat.

"—Okay, received!"


"--let's start."

However, just as the horsemen were about to count down, the pool suddenly changed dramatically.

The surface of the water seemed to be boiling, splashing out.

Dozens of densely packed little black figures jumped out of the water and rushed towards the players on the shore.

"It's strange! They're coming ashore! Back off!"

The horseman didn't have time to speak in the public chat, so he shouted directly.

The others didn't need to remind them. They were shocked at first when they saw this scene, and then quickly backed away.

After they regained their composure, they saw clearly what it was that came out of the pool, and they couldn't help being startled.

They were "murlocs" less than one meter tall. Their torsos were similar to those of a human body, and they were covered with disgusting scales. They had webbed membranes on their palms and toes, and they carried all kinds of rusty kitchen knives and harpoons.

croak! !
Their fish heads are huge, almost equal to the torso, and their mouths are constantly opening and closing, making weird frog-like calls while revealing the fine fangs inside.

The gills trembled and sprayed water.

They raised the weapons in their hands and rushed towards the players almost insanely.

Bang! !

The centaur was the first to pull out [Rage], and pulled the trigger at a murloc.

Small steel balls sprayed on it, sending it flying several meters away.The rusty iron hook in the murloc's hand fell, and the whole body fell to the ground and turned over and over again. Disgusting dark red blood flowed out from those holes, soaking the ground on the ground.

What made the centaur feel flustered was that the eyes on both sides of the murloc's head turned and stared at him with malice and madness in his eyes.

A row of fins on its back drew in, its body stopped twisting, and it died.

[Kill the tainted extraordinary creature "Walking Fish" and get 120 experience points! 】

"—Don't be afraid, they are actually very weak, but their experience points are good, kill them all!"

The centaur grabbed a steel ball and loaded it, fired another shot, killed a walking fish, and took time to issue a reminder in the public chat.

Bang!Bang bang! !
Others shot one after another, and the dense steel balls sprayed killed several walking fish in an instant.

But the walking fish behind did not stop at all. They didn't care about the death of their companions, and continued to charge forward with rusty weapons.

"—It's really weak, basically one shot can kill one."

Forgot to reply.

"—Kill more! More than one hundred experience points, where can I find such an easy experience monster?"

Goutoujin looked very excited.

It is also counted that he has the most enthusiasm for fighting. After firing a shot with a bang, he reloads skillfully with his left hand without stopping at all.

However, there are a large number of walking fish, and soon, they have approached the players, raising their weapons and slashing at the players.


Wang Wang Wuji accidentally cut his arm with a knife.

While the blood spattered, he also received a [Continuous Bleeding] debuff effect.

Bang! !

Forget the walking fish in front of Wuji, the huge head of the fish suddenly shattered, and countless yellow-brown things splashed out.Its body flew backwards, rolled over, and finally struggled a few times and became stiff.

Looking back, Polaris panted and rushed to the scene.

"Thank you Beizi..."

Forgotten Wuji greeted with a smile.

"Don't be distracted, act quickly!"

Polaris stepped past him and put on his [Connie One] mechanical gloves.

boom! !

Flames shot out from the glove, Polaris waved his hand, and the flames formed a curtain, covering the few walking fish that rushed forward.

croak! !
The walking fish was scorched by the fire, screaming and crackling, then ran forward a few steps, and fell to the ground burnt all over.

With a cold face, Polaris fired two high-temperature fireballs in the left and right directions again.

boom--! !

The walking fish in front of the other players exploded, croaking like fire.

"——Well, you Polaris, you don't help me!"

Goutoujin was covered in blood and was being chased and chopped by two walking fish with rusty kitchen knives.

Seeing his miserable appearance, Su Keying couldn't help laughing.

"——Didn't you brush very hard, this is a monster that he doesn't want to steal from you."

The centaur had already put away the [anger], and took out the spoon monster. After it became bigger, it seemed to be holding a "shovel" in his hand.He swung the big spoon and hit the heads of the two walking fish with a loud bang.

It seems that this weird thing has a strength bonus, the walking fish couldn't stand it after a few hits, the big fish's head was smashed to pieces, and soon fell to the ground and died.

With the strong participation of Polaris, the walking fish were quickly killed.

The people who had freed their hands rushed to Goutoujin and helped him kill the two walking fish, and the pool fell into silence again.

There were only strange corpses left on the ground, and the disgusting smell of fish and burnt smelled all around.

"Huh... NND, I was almost killed by two experience monsters."

Goutoujin sat on the ground, wiped his sweat, but his hands were covered with blood.

He hissed and yelped a few more times in pain.

"The pain in this game is too real. I have turned it to the lowest level, but I still can't stand it."

Polaris turned his head and looked around, and found that the walking fish corpse on the ground began to disintegrate slowly, and immediately turned into fine particles and sank, blending into the ground.

A curious remnant of scales, teeth, viscera, and some unrecognizable flesh and tissue remained in place.

But soon, these remnants also began to become illusory, and some of them slowly disappeared.

"Quick! Pick up the loot, these things have a time limit!"

The horseman also noticed this detail, and he reminded him.

Everyone was startled, and ran over quickly, bending down on the ground to pick up the residue.

The picture fluctuates.

Under the statue by the lake, Chen Lun frowned, holding a piece of gill-shaped tissue in his hand.

[Extraordinary Material - Walking Fish Gills]

Item description: Biological tissue that contains a trace of deep sea power. It is gill-shaped. It seems to be the underwater breathing organ of fish supernatural creatures. It can be used for potion refining, monster forging and other supernatural blending rituals.


Chen Lun put away the extraordinary materials in his hand, and pondered.

"I seem to have absolute control over the spoils of the players in 'Wonderland'...?"

He looked at the lake again.

The Polaris five were cleaning up the leftovers of walking fish by the pool, moving quickly, like a few hardworking old farmers.

"Try it again."

Chen Lun focused on a kidney-shaped object next to the dog's head and golden feet, and it immediately became unreal.

Goutoujin looked down, his face changed drastically.

"Don't go!"

He pounced forward and reached out to grab the kidney-shaped object the size of the baby's palm.

Goutoujin withdrew his hand, spread it out, and only grabbed a handful of sand on the ground.


His hands trembled, and the sand shook all over his body, but he didn't realize it, his face twisted into a ball, revealing a pain mask.

"Goose dripping kidney!!"

When the others heard his wailing, they trembled all over, and the movements of their hands quickened, for fear that the spoils on the ground would disappear.

by the lake.

Chen Lun shrugged, and put away the kidney-shaped extraordinary material in his hand.

"it is as expected……"

He then looked at the lake again, his eyes fixed and his expression serious.

"In that case, I'm welcome."

The five members of Polaris froze in unison, their faces suddenly showing panic.

The most worrying thing happened, the leftovers on the ground are disappearing fast!
"Quick! Move faster!"

They no longer worry about how dirty the ground is, and they rush towards the remnants one by one, and the sand flies. They have changed from "old farmers in the field" to "dancers in the village" in an instant.

Soon, there was nothing left on the edge of the pool.

In the final "rescue stage" of the group of five players, each of them got one or two extraordinary materials on average, which made them feel a little better.

"Bah, bah, bah...!"

Goutoujin spat out the sand in his mouth, with a look of lingering fear on his face.

"It's a good thing you moved fast enough, otherwise all the shit would be gone!"

Polaris counted his gains, took a deep breath, looked at the others and said:
"We only have a few minutes left, let's make another wave at the end."

Everyone turned their heads to look at the dilapidated wooden box on the small piece of land in the middle of the pool, with fiery eyes.

"Try! If you can get the best, if you can't get it, we have gained something."

As the centaur spoke, he raised the two scales in his hand as a gesture.

"And the experience value of killing monsters is enough to raise a few levels."

Su Keying nodded, and pointed to the edge of the pool.

"Then let's follow the method just now, spread out our positions, and go into the water together."

"Be careful of the creatures under the water, whether it's the 'walking fish' just now, or the giant monster that dragged me down before, they are very dangerous."

A word from Polaris.

The others nodded, then dispersed and stood by the pool.

The horsemen counted down to three in the public chat, and then sent a message——


Whoa! !
After the five players fell into the water, they swam straight towards the dilapidated wooden box.

They remained vigilant, with strong unease in their hearts. The water pool felt too weird to them, and after experiencing the death of Polaris and the attack of walking fish just now, no one knew what would happen in the next second.

The pool water is muddy, giving people a feeling of being covered with dirt. As long as one thinks that there are strange creatures in the water, the whole person will feel bad.

I just feel hairy.

At this time, the dog-headed gold not far away suddenly looked stunned, slapped the water twice with his hand, and then made a grunt, dived down, and disappeared on the water surface.

"—What, I died first again... Just like what Polaris said, a huge tentacle dragged me away, you guys should hurry up!"

A text message came from the dog-headed blond.

His resurrection count has been used up and he cannot go online.

Wait until the next time we meet again, probably after the public beta.

Seeing Goutoujin's "last words", the others speeded up tacitly and swam desperately forward.


"It came to me!"

The horseman's face suddenly changed, and he felt the fluctuations in the water.

"Swim quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he sank and disappeared without a trace.

Only ripples were left on the surface of the water.

The remaining three people gritted their teeth and swam forward, and soon reached the central area of ​​the pool, the piece of land was close at hand!

Whoa! !
There was a violent shock, Polaris and Su Keying turned their heads to look, Wang Wang Wuji flew into the sky.


Wang Wang Wuji himself was taken aback and couldn't help shouting.

Immediately afterwards, a bluish-gray tentacle as thick as a bucket burst out of the water, capturing Wang Wangwuji who was still in the air, curled around his body, and pulled down violently.

The water splashed everywhere, as if it was raining lightly.

Su Keying turned her head to look, and found that Polaris had climbed up to the small piece of land in front of her without looking back, and had already reached the side of the dilapidated wooden box.

"- Well done! Polaris! You did it!"

Su Keying sent a message.

But the next moment, she noticed that Polaris' expression changed.

"--What's wrong?"

Polaris desperately tore at the dilapidated wooden box, but the latter remained motionless.

"—there's a lock! It can't be opened!"

He took out a small knife, pried it a few more times, and finally gave up.

He sat down on the ground, clenched his fist and beat the lid of the wooden box a few times, waiting to die on the spot.

Su Keying's smile gradually disappeared.

A huge force struck, and before she had time to shout out, she stepped into the footsteps of the three centaur.

Polaris watched Su Keying sink into the water calmly, and sighed.

"The level is still too low..."

With a sigh of emotion, he watched seven or eight giant tentacles appearing all around, and slammed towards him.

"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't..."


Before Polaris died, he took one last regretful look at the treasure chest, but he was puzzled that the dilapidated wooden treasure chest had started to become unreal.

With doubts, he turned into a white light.

Lakeside in a safe area.

Chen Lun spread his legs and sat under the statue. A wooden treasure chest suddenly appeared at his feet.He reached out to touch the lid and clicked his tongue.

"No poking, no needle poking..."

He also only tentatively focused his attention on the treasure box next to Polaris, but he didn't expect to be able to take it over.

"So this box has been judged to be the loot of Polaris? It's just that he can't take it away... then it's up to me."

Chen Lun nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't take all the Transcendent materials by the pool before, but he was merciful and let go about one-third to the five players.

As a human being, you should not be too selfish, and your vision should not be too short-sighted, and you must know how to cultivate reasonably.Think of it as watering the five internal beta players, so that they can thrive in the future.

The treasure chest in front of them was their first reward for themselves.

"Before opening the box, I still have something to do..."

Chen Lun stood up and walked to the lake.

Looking at the picture of the lake gradually disappearing, the water pool, and the huge tentacles stretched out.

The eyes are deep.


Dark Forest.

The small pool was like a pool of stagnant water, and the black-haired young man slowly walked to the edge of the pool.

"That's right here, the giant polluting creature that looks like an 'octopus'... is hiding in the pool."

Chen Lun looked at the water and thought to himself.

A pair of black wings emerged from behind him, flapping, took him off the ground, and slowly flew over the water pool.

Chen Lun's eyes trembled, and instantly turned into snake pupils, and a fog of chaos filled the surface.

In his field of vision, the water pool turned into a piece of black, and there were densely hidden orange-red light spots underneath, and one of the light spots was the largest.


A huge blue-gray tentacle jumped out of the water, causing countless splashes.

The tentacles are covered with suckers, and in the middle of each sucker, there is a barb-like fang, which looks very terrifying.

Chen Lun kicked out with a blank expression.

boom! !

The tentacle seemed to be hit by a battering hammer, bounced away with a loud noise, and fell back into the water with a crash, causing huge waves.

"The name is 'Dagon', an extraordinary creature polluted by the mysterious power of the [Deep Sea faction]... the strength is probably at the level of [Sequence 8], but it is much stronger than the ordinary [Sequence 8] extraordinary."

Through the eye of fate, Chen Lun learned some information about the octopus monster.

After the octopus monster's temptation was roughly cracked by Chen Lun, it seemed to arouse its anger. The next moment, the pool trembled, and four or five tentacles flew out together, slapping Chen Lun in midair.

Click!Ka Ka Ka... Bang!

The silver cane in Chen Lun's hand disintegrated by itself, sparks splashed and turned into a long silver whip.Immediately afterwards, flames spewed out from the leather glove, staining the silver whip with a layer of burning fire.

Shhhhhh!Clap! !

A few streaks of silver light accompanied by high temperature collided with the flying giant and made a loud noise.

The thick tentacles snapped at the sound, and the wound was bloody and mashed by the sharp thorns and blades of the silver whip.The broken tentacles were burning with extraordinary flames, and fell into the water with a squeak. Even though the flames hadn't been extinguished, they were still burning, causing violent bubbles to appear on the surface of the water.

A few bloody tentacles waved wantonly, causing bursts of water splashes, and immediately, a huge spherical head emerged from the water.

On the surface of the blue-gray octopus head, there are azure blue ring patterns, and two black horizontal eyes, staring straight at Chen Lun.

A deep sense of madness and the desire to kill rushed over.

"Want to kill me?"

A smile appeared on Chen Lun's face, dark golden scales slowly covered his face, he raised the flaming silver whip in his hand, and slammed it down.

"Then let's try it!"

call out--! !

The silver light suddenly appeared, the octopus monster was too big to dodge at all, and could only lift the other intact tentacles to resist.

Snapped! !

Amidst the loud noise, its tentacles broke again.

hold head high--! !

The octopus monster made a strange cry, and the entire small water pool rippled.

Chen Lun flapped the black wings behind his back, and he swooped down, retracting the silver whip in his hand, turning into a thin sword, with blazing flames burning on it.

--puff! !
A big round mouth suddenly opened on the top of the octopus monster's head, and the dense sawtooth squirmed inside, and immediately sprayed out a cloud of thick black mist.

Chen Lun's figure was immediately submerged by the black mist.

As the black mist spread, the soil and weeds by the pool turned black and rotted instantly after being contaminated, and then disintegrated. It seemed that the black mist contained extremely strong extraordinary toxins.

The black mist dissipated, and a figure suddenly appeared, raising the silver sword in his hand and slashing down on his head.

"This level of poison can't help me..."

Chen Lun grinned, and the fiery silver sword had sliced ​​through the octopus monster's head.

The silver sword seemed to cut through a piece of tough leather, and dark green thick slurry shot out, and was immediately burned by the flame, making a sizzling sound.

hold head high--! !

The octopus monster struggled frantically, and the whole pool trembled, like several depth charges exploded, water sprayed into the sky, and light rain fell.

Immediately afterwards, it dived suddenly, as if preparing to flee for its life.

Chen Lun flapped his black wings, swooped down with the silver sword in his hand, and dived into the water with a bang.

At the bottom of the turbid water, three cracks appeared on both sides of his cheeks, and when he gently flapped it, fine air bubbles appeared.

As a man with the ability to fight in the sea, land and air, it is impossible for the octopus monster to dive and slip away in front of him!

In the dark and cloudy vision, Chen Lun stared at the huge red silhouette in front of him and chased after him.

A few walking fish, which he had seen from the lake before, swam past him and were grabbed by him.The walking fish struggled in his hands, but it couldn't shake the iron-like palms at all.

The ring on the finger bloomed with a coquettish red light, and immediately the walking fish twisted and was rolled into a cloud of blood mist, which was sucked into the blood poem ring.

[Kill the polluting creature "walking fish" and get 10 experience points! 】

A blush flashed across Chen Lun's face, and the snake pupils became more energetic.

Through the ability of the blood poem ring, he swallowed the walking fish and recovered part of his physical strength and spiritual consumption.

"It seems that because there is too much difference in level, income penalties have already occurred..."

Chen Lun noticed the prompt box and thought to himself.

He stepped on a ring-shaped bubble, and immediately accelerated, chasing forward.

During this process, he repeated his old tricks, catching and "eating" walking fish passing by, so that other walking fish panicked and fled in all directions.

Whether it was the octopus monster or the strange creature that was chasing after it, they all exuded a terrifying aura, and the walking fish did not dare to get closer and hid far away.

Soon, Chen Lun gradually caught up with the octopus monster, and at the same time, the two had reached the depths of the pool, and there was no light around them, and it was pitch black.

This made Chen Lun feel a little surprised, because he never expected that a small pool of water would be bottomless.

But on second thought, in this weird "wonderland", it seems that everything is possible.

Chen Lun smiled, and his big hand had already dug into the flesh of the octopus monster.

[You used the skill [Animal Imitation LVMAX+2], and learned the corresponding characteristics from the target]

【Touch of the Abyss】

Feature description: Part of your body can be tentacled, and will temporarily have the ability of extraordinary flexibility, high activity, powerful grabbing and underwater breathing!
This is Chen Lun's reward for the first ring of the main task. After adding that 1 blessing point to [Natural Favor], the exclusive skills of [Beast Tamer] have been improved again. In the memory slot of [Animal Imitation], Extraordinary characteristics have been added.

Chen Lun removed [Fish Gills] and kept [Touch of the Abyss].

In the next second, the three cracks on his cheeks dissipated, replaced by two azure blue circular patterns that emerged, wriggling, providing Chen Lun with the ability to breathe underwater.

All this was within his expectations.

"This feature is great... [Touch of the Abyss] plus [Snake Body Incarnation], what kind of wonderful changes will there be..."

(End of this chapter)

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