I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 18 You Boy Wants to Harm Me

Chapter 18 You Boy Wants to Harm Me
"No one suspicious."

The guard moved the dagger away, and the curtain was lowered again.

"Neither here."

"Here too."

Several other guards reported loudly one after another.

Brother Stilton wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, and waved his hand to let him go.

"Okay, you go in."

"Praise Rose."

Walsh let out a long breath, took off his hat to the fat man, bowed slightly, and then called the caravan to move on.

Kit on the side was dumbfounded.

what happened! ?
No suspicious person! ?
My God, you Red Apple nuns are lying next to a homeless man, right under your noses!
Are you blind?Keep your eyes open!
Kit growled internally.

Half of the caravan's carriage was on the bridge, but the rotten hound led by the heavily armored guard became a little restless.

Wang!woof woof! !

At this moment, the Rotten Hound suddenly barked towards the carriage where Chen Lun was.

Chen Lun in the carriage frowned.

"Did you notice? These dogs are really annoying..."

Just now he used [Siren's Joyful Song] to hypnotize the church guards and escaped the search, but it also inevitably caused extraordinary power fluctuations.

Ordinary people can't feel it, and neither can ordinary extraordinary people, but extraordinary creatures like the Rotten Hound can smell the clues keenly.

The guards were startled.

As if they were facing an enemy, they all drew out their daggers and stood on guard against the carriage in front of them.

Two heavily armored spear guards approached with heavy steps, one left and one right surrounded.

The boy Kit was so excited to watch the excitement that he almost didn't applaud the dogs.

Well done!What a few fine dogs!
Sitting in the carriage, Chen Lun slowly straightened up, listening to the movement outside.

"There are still [-] experience points in reserve, which is enough to level up the sub-profession, and then increase a wave of attributes... It is not difficult to kill."

He didn't panic at all, and was ready to explode at any time.

"What are you doing!?"

Brother Stilton suddenly shouted at the guards.

The subordinates were stunned.

"I said let it go! Don't you take my words seriously!?"

The fat man scolded them angrily, and then ordered them to roll aside and get out of the way.

Kit was startled.

Did this fat man eat too much and make his brain stupid?

This shows that there is a problem in the compartment!

"My lord monk, I want to report! In that carriage..."

"Bring him to me!"

Stilton turned his head sharply, staring at Kit.

Two church guards immediately stepped forward and held down Kit, and the mushroom-headed youth was stunned.

"I suspect that this guy is connected with the murderer, first detain him here and shut his mouth!"

"No... no, my lord monk, I..."

Stilton ignored him, and waved his hands to let his subordinates gag his mouth.

Walsh, the steward of the caravan, was taken aback. He didn't know why his assistant was so crazy that he angered the Red Apple Church.

"My lord, Jitter..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

The fat man kept wiping his sweat with an impatient look on his face.

"You go in first, and come to lead people later."

Walsh seemed to see something, and was silent for a while.

He expressed his thanks to the fat monk, saluted and turned to leave.

He gave Kit a helpless look before leaving.

Watching the caravan slowly disappear at the end of the bridge, Brother Stilton let out a sigh of relief.

He had only been putting on a show so as not to be reprimanded by the Bishop.

Such a big incident happened in the Emerald Town branch, and the Apple Orchard Prison was almost wiped out.

Father Carter was killed, and the sacrifice was released...

The most serious thing is the theft of two [creepy things], especially the potted sunflower!
He knows how much the top church officials value that thing.

This matter has become a big deal, and he is afraid when he thinks about it.

But he also doesn't want to confront the culprit of all this.

Regardless of whether the Transcendent was hidden in the caravan or not, Stilton was unwilling to gamble, his own life was at stake!
"I don't plan to take this muddy water... report to the Bishop sooner."

With trembling fat hands, Stilton threw the wet handkerchief onto Kit's head.

Qiangwei, this guy almost killed me...

"Hit me hard, looking at his haircut reminds me of the roasted mushrooms I hated yesterday! It's disgusting!"

Kit suddenly cried aggrievedly.

You're going to hit me just because of this?


After entering the town, Chen Lun parted ways with the caravan.

Before leaving, Walsh, the caravan steward, stopped Chen Lun.

"You...you are an extraordinary person, right?"

Walsh asked with some uncertainty.

After all this car rubbing, even if he was investigated at the outpost, the bald steward did not expose himself.

Although there was a reason why he was hypnotized, Chen Lun still felt that the other party was a nice person who could get along with him.

So he graciously avoided it.

"Extraordinary...? What is that?"

Chen Lun waved his hands again and again.

"I'm just an ordinary peasant youth, I can't understand a single word you said."

Walsh was even more certain after hearing him say this.

So the bald steward quietly handed over a coin.

"My lord, this is the token certificate of our 'Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce', and upon presenting it, you can enjoy high-level treatment in each branch of the chamber of commerce.

Including but not limited to entrustment, deposit, auction and acquisition, etc..."

Chen Lun took the coin and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

This is a misunderstanding, I'm really not a transcendent... Well, I have to leave first. "

After Chen Lun finished speaking, he waved his hands, hugged Floyd and left quickly.

Walsh watched his disappearing back, smiled lightly, and beckoned the caravan towards the town's chamber of commerce.

"Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce..."

Chen Lun avoided the crowds, walked a few blocks and stopped in an alley.

He took out the coin just now and put it in his palm.

[You found the token: Silver Dragon Coin]

Item description: A rare coin carved from a special stone material, it is silvery white, and the surface is engraved with the unique dragon head logo of the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

Presented at the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce, one will enjoy high-level treatment that can only be accessed by a few people.

Chen Lun knew about this chamber of commerce organization, and he had dealt with them a lot in his previous life.

A profiteer is a profiteer, but as the saying goes, it all depends on the peers.

Compared with other small chambers of commerce, although the Silver Dragon Chamber of Commerce is a bit more ruthless in terms of price, it has never deceived anyone in terms of quality and service.

The point is that the forces behind them are not simple.

The headquarters of this Chamber of Commerce is in Tourmaline King City, and it has been standing for many years, which shows its strength.

And the bald steward didn't make any fuss when he saw through his identity as a transcendent just now.

Presumably he has also seen a lot about things in the mysterious field.

Chen Lun collected the coins.

"Alright... Now that I have this thing, I can try that plan..."

He spotted a nearby hotel and was about to settle down there.

Emerald Town is not prosperous, on the contrary it looks very desolate.

Moreover, this remote town is not as advanced as other big cities, and the sights are very backward.

The buildings are all old styles that have not been renovated for hundreds of years, and the dilapidated stone roads are full of excrement and garbage.

The residents here are dressed more like people from the Middle Ages in the previous life, not at all what Chen Lun remembered.

"Machete Hotel."

Chen Lun looked up at the dilapidated wooden signboard, then strode in with Floye in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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