I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 19 The Boss Opens a Room

Chapter 19 The Boss Opens a Room

Pushing open the shutter of the hotel door, the old bell rang.

It was still afternoon, and there were only a few scattered guests on the first floor.

Most of them were old drunks, slovenly.

They looked up at Chen Lun and stopped paying attention. They lowered their heads and continued to drink low-quality drinks.

A few guests smelled of alcohol and noticed Floyd in Chen Lun's arms, showing a knowing smile.

The hotel owner is a fat middle-aged woman who is sleeping behind the counter in a headscarf.

There was also a big orange and white cat on the counter, staring lazily at Chen Lun.

The fat woman looked up when she heard the noise.

"what do you need?"

She glanced at Floyd who fell asleep in Chen Lun's arms, and gave a chuckle with disdain.

"The second floor is basically empty rooms, 30 copper crowns a night."

Chen Lun didn't talk nonsense with her, pretended to take money out of his pocket, and secretly took out a few silver nobility from the panel.

A few silver coins appeared out of nowhere in his palm, and then placed them on the counter.

"Choose me a quieter room, stay for two days... and then prepare some food and water, and the rest will be tips."

The monetary system of this world is unified.

Bronze Crowe, Silver Jue and Gold Pound are exchanged at a rate of one hundred to one.

According to the general consumption level, 10 to 20 Yinjue can fully meet the living needs of a family of three for a month.

The panel is very user-friendly at this point, and the currency can be freely accessed.

It can be converted between the panel and the reality, which is equivalent to an alternative currency backpack.

The fat woman frowned, a little surprised at Chen Lun's generosity.

She pulled it with her big hand, and a few silver coins fell into the drawer under the counter, with a clang.

Then turn around and look for the key on the wall.


The big orange-white cat took the initiative to lean in front of Chen Lun and rubbed its head against his fingers.

Chen Lun smiled and teased it a few times.

The fat woman took down a bunch of old-fashioned keys and handed one of them to Chen Lun. She was a little surprised when she saw her cat's reaction.

"It seems to like you very much, it's strange..."

Then she pointed in the direction upstairs.

"The third to last room in the corridor."

"Thank you."

While a young man bringing a wounded Red Apple nun to the hotel seems suspicious, there are more magical things in this world.

What's more, Emerald Town is just a remote town in the eastern part of the empire, and the sheriff here is basically a fake.

As long as there is money to be made, the hotel owner will not care so much.

"Hey boy, you're much bolder than I was when I was younger!"

Chen Lun was about to go upstairs when he suddenly heard a drunkard talking loudly.

"Church nuns... Aha, this is a woman who serves God, who doesn't want to be a god again...?"

Chen Lun turned around and glanced at him. The old alcoholic smiled, showing his jagged yellow teeth.

"What do you want to say, sir?"

"10 Bronze Crowes, how about making my old Ham look like a god?"

He gulped down the wine and drank the wine in the wooden cup in one gulp.

After hiccupping, he wandered to Chen Lun.

Then he leaned over and whispered:

"Don't worry, this is our secret, I will not report you to the Red Apple Church..."

"Damn it! Ham, I advise you to stop making trouble in my mother's shop!"

The fat woman is angry, puts her hips on her hips and yells.

Ham shrugged innocently, not the innkeeper at all.

He chuckled softly, and stretched out his hand to touch Floy's face, but stopped half way through.

Meow - ouch!

The fat woman's cat suddenly exploded, screamed, and jumped on the drunkard's head, scratching his face like crazy.

"Oh! You dead cat! Get the hell out of here!"

The drunkard was thrown to the ground, struggling desperately.

Instead of helping, the other surrounding guests backed away, laughing loudly.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Chen Lun kicked the alcoholic lightly. It was neither painful nor itchy, and the latter didn't notice it at all.

Then he turned and went upstairs holding Floyd as if nothing had happened.

Since he wanted to die, he couldn't blame him.


Chen Lun gently put Floyd on the bed and poured himself a glass of water.


He pulled out his chair and sat down, taking a sip of water.

Name: Chen Lun

Race: Human (eastern part of the continent)

Rating: 16
Experience: 7000/240
Life: 140/230
Stamina: 90/150
Sanity: 4/6
Main occupation: [Sequence 9 Beast Tamer LV10 (MAX)] (Fate faction)

Sub-occupation: [Fisherman LV6]

Remaining points: 7 skill points, 3 attribute points
Remaining property: 10 gold pounds, 37 silver lords, 800 copper kroes, [low-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance]*3
Skills: Quick Eyes LV1 (Passive), Sea Balance LV1 (Passive), Animal Language LV1, Animal Imitation LVMAX, Animal Friends LVMAX (Passive)
Combat power: 21
[Comment: The extraordinary is ashamed of you, but at least you have learned how to climb in the mysterious field. 】

Chen Lun wiped out the surplus experience points, and directly upgraded the sub-profession [Fisherman] that he brought with him, bringing the total level to level 20.

The attributes rose accordingly, and he gained 2 skill points and 2 attribute points.

[Fisherman] This sub-profession belongs to the life profession of the bad street, so the growth attribute is not strong.

It's quite satisfactory, every two levels up gives Chen Lun 1 point of dexterity and 1 point of stamina, which is better than nothing.

Then he maxed out the skill [Beast Language LV1]. The upper limit of this skill is level 3, and it only cost Chen Lun 2 skill points.

The full-level [Animal Language] is no longer limited to ordinary animals. Chen Lun has the ability to communicate with some extraordinary animals or conceptual animals.

As for the two passive skills of [Fisherman], Chen Lun did not intend to waste skill points on them, because there are still many places where skill points can be used in the future.

In this way, there are 7 remaining skill points and 5 attribute points.

He will not use these reserved points now, they can be used as cards to deal with various accidents.

Chen Lun nodded in satisfaction. So far, he has improved everything he can improve himself.

If you still want to upgrade, you can only add a sub-profession, or consider the promotion of the main profession.

"It's still early for sequence promotion, and I also lack the corresponding extraordinary knowledge as a prerequisite..."

Chen Lun sighed.

In my previous life, I took the mysterious path of the [Moon faction], but now it is the [Fate faction].

Because [Fate faction] is a hidden path, Chen Lun is very unfamiliar with it.

There are not no related posts and players who have taken this path, but they are quite rare.

Chen Lun has no impression of this approach.

Because [Fate Faction] had no sense of existence in the game version at that time, whether it was a player or an NPC.

Maybe it will be very eye-catching in future versions, but that has nothing to do with Chen Lun, and he can't see it either.

"From now on, I can only cross the river by feeling the stones by myself..."

Chen Lun didn't think this path was weak.

Compared to the low-sequence stage of other pathways, he currently has a high evaluation of the main profession of [Sequence 9 Beast Tamer].

Adaptability and flexibility are extremely strong, and the upper and lower limits depend on the individual.

Take the [Animal Imitation] skill as an example. Although it can only retain no more than 10 animal characteristics, the effect of free matching and combination is quite nice.

Chen Lun got up and walked to the window, thinking about the next plan.


At this moment, Floy on the bed made a slight noise and woke up leisurely.

"where is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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