I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 20 Why are you so nice to me

Chapter 20 Why are you so nice to me
Floyd stood up weakly.

She first "looked" around the environment, and seemed to find herself in the dark, so she reached out and touched the sackcloth wrapped around her face.

Then she fell silent.

Chen Lun walked up to her slowly, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of her.

"Can't you see it... yes, both eyes are destroyed."

He leaned on his elbow and rested his chin, looking at the nun sitting on the edge of the bed in a thoughtful manner.

Although she is still young and wears loose robes, she already has the prototype of the Yujie Fan from her previous life.

With Froy's current favorability towards me, it shouldn't be a problem for me to do something...

"Are you looking at me like that to do something shameful?"

Floy shook her head, raised her head to face Chen Lun, and "stared" at him.

"Um...you can't see it?"

Chen Lun was startled, could it be that his thoughts were seen through?
"I'm only blind, but not really blind."

Floy stroked her hair, brushing the messy light blonde strands behind her ears.

"It gave me a super sense. Although I can't see it, I can feel it."

The "it" in Floy's mouth obviously refers to [potted plants in the sun].

Chen Lun rolled his eyes.

"Say it earlier, I'm planning to buy you a new set of clothes, and you can buy them yourself in a while."

"new clothes……?"

Floyd looked puzzled, this guy was staring at him just now to buy clothes?

Chen Lun pulled the chair over, placed it beside the bed and sat down.

"Do you want to wear the nun's gown of the Red Apple Church and wander around? I'm afraid they won't find us!"

He grabbed his sackcloth and smelled it, the smell of sweat almost suffocated him.

"I need to change my clothes too.

The hotel has a shower service, I'll take you there after you have something to eat. "

Floy "looked" at him quietly, and after a while, said softly:

"Thank you."


The food delivered by the hotel owner was not bad.

Perhaps because of Chen Lun's extravagant spending, besides bread and water, there were two large pieces of grilled lamb chops and a pot of stewed meat.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Lun took Floye downstairs.

The bathhouse is a separate bungalow on the side of the hotel.

After all, he was still a bit of a gentleman, and he didn't let the blind girl go shopping for clothes by herself.

After sending Floy to the bathhouse, Chen Lun went to do some shopping nearby.

In addition to buying a few ready-to-wear outfits at the tailor, he bought shoes, a backpack, and a few miscellaneous items he might need.

He folded Floy's clothes in advance and put them outside the door, pressed them down with a pair of ladies' leather shoes, and then went to take a shower by himself.

Coming out of the bathhouse, Chen Lun saw Floyd in a long black dress standing outside waiting for him.

Under the setting sun, her long pale golden hair fluttered in the wind, and a black satin was still covering her face.

That was when Chen Lun was in the tailor shop, and he gave it to Floyd while the proprietress was not paying attention.

"Good, very nice."

Chen Lun commented.

Not only is it beautiful, but it is also big.

It was he who underestimated Floyd's strength, he was guilty.

Floyd looked a little surprised.


Speaking of which, she hasn't worn good-looking clothes so far, and she has been wearing a nun's robe after being sold to the Red Apple Church.

But soon her tone became a little low again.

"Unfortunately I can't see it."

Chen Lun secretly sighed.

"You still have a chance to recover in the future...

Now that you know extraordinary people, you must also know that there are too many possibilities in the mysterious field.

Restoring the light is, in a way, easy. "

Floy seemed to be convinced by Chen Lun's words, a smile appeared on her white face.

"It doesn't matter, in fact, I already know from it that I may not live long..."

She slowly opened her arms, letting the breeze blow over her body.

Chen Lun could see that she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

"But even if it's just a month or two of freedom, I'm very happy, and it doesn't matter so much whether I can see it or not."

Chen Lun shook his head.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die."

Floy was slightly taken aback, put down her hands, and walked slowly in front of Chen Lun.

"Why...why are you so nice to me?

I don't seem to have anything worth what you have to pay for me. "


Chen Lun was dumbfounded for a moment.

He can't say because I have seen your unfortunate future.

In order to prevent you from becoming a big villain boss and being sent by the Red Apple Church to hunt me down in the future, I have to rewrite your fate.

Of course, Chen Lun has other careful thoughts.

That's because Floy's popularity is too high, maybe he can use her to act as his "kanban lady" after the player arrives.

In short, it is definitely not because of the rewards of A-level hidden chain missions...

I, Chen Lun, am a simple, kind and righteous man!

"Floy...because you remind me of my sister."

Chen Lun said seriously.

Floy was slightly taken aback, seemingly convinced.

She lowered her head and pursed her lips, whispering in an ethereal voice:

"Thank you...except for my brother, no one treats me so well."


In the middle of the night, the purple moon hangs high.

Brother Stilton walked quickly to an unremarkable apartment.

He hesitated, paced a few times, and kept wiping his sweat.

"Although the situation has been reported to the bishop before, the bishop is far away in Amber City... he won't be able to make it in a while."

The fat monk looked around.

This is the central area of ​​Emerald Town, and the environment is relatively good. You can occasionally see guards patrolling with lanterns on the empty streets.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he stuffed a letter into the mailbox outside the fence, then turned and left.

"To be on the safe side, let the shelter know and let them search the town."

Stilton walked quickly, as if something terrible was chasing after him.

"The guy who killed Father Carter and destroyed Apple Orchard Prison is probably hiding in town.

For Qiangwei, please don't let me meet him. "

In Emerald Town, there are only three forces that possess supernatural beings on the surface.

The Red Apple Church, the Moon Church, and the Empire's official organization shelter.

Because the relationship between the churches was not good, Stilton chose to seek help from a neutral shelter when his bishop could not arrive in time.

It might be embarrassing to tell a small report or something, but Stilton didn't care at all.

Even if it is the face of the Red Apple Church, it is nothing compared to his precious life.

Stilton walked a few blocks and returned to the Red Apple Church on the west side of the town.

He suddenly found a figure staggering and falling at the door of the church.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

The figure fell to the ground, short of breath, and seemed to be in great pain.

Stilton approached slowly cautiously.

Soon he finds out it's just a drunk alcoholic.

He breathed a sigh of relief and cursed secretly.

Just as he was about to pass this guy into the church, the alcoholic suddenly stopped him.

"Wait...wait a minute!"

"If you want to accept Rose's relief and listen to Madam's gospel, please come here early tomorrow and line up."

Stilton said something impatiently, then turned and left.

"Don't go!"

The drunkard grabbed Stilton's robe.

The fat monk frowned immediately, and shook him away in disgust.

"Go away! Damn drunkard! Be careful, I will immediately call the church guards to lock you up!"

"Master Monk! I...I want to report on a guy!"

The drunkard raised his head, and it was Old Ham who was making trouble at the Machete Hotel during the day.

At this time, he was sweating profusely, his face was dark, and he was trembling when he spoke, as if he had some strange disease.

"He...he kidnapped a nun from your church...just before..."

Before he finished speaking, Ham suddenly screamed.

Immediately afterwards, he collapsed to the ground, spitting black blood at the mouth, and died of exhaustion.

Stilton was taken aback, and after taking a closer look, he found that this guy had been poisoned to death!

"This...couldn't be the warning that the Transcendent gave me!?"

The fat monk was horrified by his guess.

"No, I want to call back all the church guards outside!"

He turned immediately and ran towards the church.

He stumbled all the way, almost bumping his forehead against the door.

(End of this chapter)

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