Chapter 21
Chen Lun stood by the window, looking at the purple moon in the night sky.

"[High-sequence flesh and blood faction mysterious substance]..."

This extraordinary substance is generally transformed by an extraordinary person or an extraordinary creature after death.

The corpse that has lost its spirituality can no longer restrain the mystery in the body, and thus it is precipitated and left as a [creepy thing].

If the corpse is seriously damaged, or the process of separating out into [Surprise] is interrupted, then this mysterious legacy will be incomplete, and it will only become a mysterious substance.

In addition, if the [Scary Thing] is attacked by a much stronger force than itself, and its structure is completely destroyed, it will also be transformed into the corresponding mysterious substance, ranging from one to several copies.

But the mysterious substance cannot be destroyed, it seems that it is already the most basic materialized unit in the extraordinary field.

Chen Lun calmed down and thought about it for a while, and indeed thought of a few ways to obtain [High-sequence Flesh and Flesh Faction Mysterious Substance].

But most of the tasks, events, and locations involved in these methods are far away and cannot be visited at all for the time being.

Or it was too dangerous. With his current strength, the possibility of even prying it was almost zero.

Even the risk of death is too great to be worth the risk.

After rounds of screening, as far as Chen Lun knows, there is only one way to obtain this high-sequence substance at this stage.

"Amber City, 'Big Eater' Dolly!"

The reason why I remember it so clearly is because of an incident at that time, which caused quite a stir on the forum.

In the previous life, a small guild inadvertently triggered a side mission in Amber City, asking to protect a member of parliament.

I thought it was not difficult at first, but the members of the guild who participated in the mission died one after another, which finally led to the failure of the mission.

He didn't get any rewards, but was investigated by the government because of the death of the councilor, and the level of the guild members almost dropped by one level.

The president of this small guild complained on the forum, and later it really attracted the attention of many big guilds and great players.

With in-depth understanding, the players unearthed a killer organization called "Circus".

Among them, the assassin in charge of assassinating the congressman was named Dolly, nicknamed "Big Eater", and he was a [Flesh and Flesh faction] Transcendent with half a foot in the mid-sequence.

Although Dolly is strong, he is not yet invincible.

In the face of the fourth natural disaster who is not afraid of death, he quickly sent it.

After killing him, one of the Lone Ranger players who was originally joining in the fun was lucky enough to get a loot.

What everyone didn't expect was that it turned out to be a piece of [High Sequence Flesh Faction Mysterious Substance]!
At that time, the player tactfully sneaked away, hid, and went offline. A series of operations can be regarded as a model for the sixth child.

It wasn't until a period of time later that the player handed over the high-sequence material to the faction he joined and reaped enough benefits before it was accidentally exposed.

Some people are angry, some are jealous, some are envious and some are puzzled.

How could a mid-to-low sequence NPC drop high-sequence substances?

No one knows, and it's an unsolved mystery.

There is another reason why Chen Lun chose to go to this "big stomach king" Dolly.

It is where [Philip's Legacy] is buried, and the Viscount Pompeii's home is in Amber City.

Therefore, although Amber City is far away, it is also an imperative location for Chen Lun.

Dolly has also become one of the most likely to be realized among many options.

But what is uncertain is whether Dolly is in Amber City at this time point.

Even now, it is not clear whether he has [High Sequence Flesh Faction Mysterious Substance] on him.

Because that incident happened one year after the public beta, and there are still more than two years from now.

"I don't think so much anymore. Nothing is [-]% sure. It's better to try than to do nothing."

Chen Lun made up his mind and planned to leave immediately.

"But before that, I have one more thing to do..."

In the evening, Chen Lun went to the Yinlong Chamber of Commerce in the town beforehand.

I met Walsh again with the silver dragon coin and issued a request to him.

Thinking of this incident, he felt a heartache.

"5 gold pounds, the assets have shrunk by half!"

He picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of water to quench the depression in his heart.

Then he glanced at Floy who was sleeping soundly on the bed, put on his cloak, and jumped directly from the window.

After landing, a few flashes disappeared into the night.

After Chen Lun left, Floy on the bed turned her head slightly and "stared" at the window.

"I hope you can return safely..."

The bewitching Ziyue cast moonlight into the room from the window.

Under the faint light, a broad figure was leaning on the chair behind the desk.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and a young man in a white uniform walked in.

He came to the desk without stopping, and placed a letter in his hand on it.

"Leader Ralph, this is a report letter I just received..."


The middle-aged man named Ralph sat up, and the moonlight shone on his face, revealing the face of a tough man with beards.

He picked up the letter and asked in a deep voice:
"Who sent it?"

"The on-site investigator saw that it was Friar Stoulton of the Red Apple Church."

Poor Sturton, he thought that no one would find out about his snitching behavior, but in fact, his every move was watched.

Ralph sneered, then opened the envelope and checked it.

It's no wonder that his subordinates specially brought it to him. Generally, the investigators below review the report letters.

Since it is related to the Red Apple Church, it must not be a trivial matter.

After a while, Ralph put down the letter paper, and the disdainful smile on his face became more obvious.

"He actually said that a dangerous wild Transcendent appeared in the town, and he hoped that I could find this guy out."

In the letter, Stilton denounced the arrogance of the wild transcendent.

And it is speculated that there may be a bigger conspiracy, which may cause unimaginable harm to Emerald Town.

Although the shelter is indeed the official superhuman organization of the empire, its function is to contain and suppress [creatures] and wild superhumans that appear in various places, and kill all unstable factors in their cradles.

But Ralph couldn't figure out why the Red Apple Church was not an association of zealous people, so why did they disclose this information for no reason.

"Either it's a problem that even the Red Apple Church can't solve itself, or it wants to use our hands to achieve something."

Ralph lit a cigar.

He tapped on the table with his finger and knocked twice.

"Send a few investigators to stand near the Red Apple Church to monitor their every move."

"Yes, Captain."

The young investigator in white uniform put his left hand on his right chest, bowed slightly, turned and left.

"Remember, don't draw the attention of Father Carter of the Red Apple Church."

The investigator answered again, left the room, and closed the door behind him.


Ralph turned the chair, facing the Ziyue outside the window, puffing out the smoke.

"That old guy dared to kill the believers of the Moon Church, he is really a lunatic.

Observe for a period of time first, let them dog bite dog. "

(End of this chapter)

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