Peacock City.

Residence of the Society of History and Ritual.

Because the operation encountered an unprecedented blow, the branch president Pearson was furious.

It was originally thought to be a trivial matter, but it led to the death of Osmond, the vice president of the branch, and fourteen extraordinary members.Pearson immediately dispatched two other vice presidents to lead a team to investigate the matter.

But the result surprised everyone.

"Joke the Spade Knight! How could it be him?!"

After Pearson learned who the perpetrator was, he felt a chill down his spine.

He didn't expect that the vicious people in this mysterious field would wander into Peacock City. What kind of bad luck did Osmond and his party have to encounter such a disaster.

Pearson couldn't help suppressing a cloud of anger in his heart, and he needed to vent it.

Of course he didn't dare to trouble the Knight of Spades just like this. With the power of the Peacock City Association, even if all of them were mobilized, it might not be enough to kill the opponent with one hand.

Therefore, he reported the situation, hoping that the high-level executives would send out an "Ancient Reader Squad" composed of elite extraordinary people to pursue them, while Pearson vented his anger on Tang Maren and the entire Simon family.

Although the Simon family is a well-known wealthy businessman in Peacock City, second only to the branch of the "Moses Voyage" group, in the final analysis, they are just ordinary people.

Facing the deliberate targeting of the Association of History and Rituals, let alone their business failure, even their original decent life will cease to exist.

As the various industries under the Simon family were blocked, the entire family began to panic. Tang Maen personally visited his former friends, hoping to get some help, but in the end they all returned without success.

The Simon family has a big event!
No one in Peacock City is willing to help them!
Tang Ma En seems to have aged ten years overnight, his hair has turned gray a lot, his whole body is depressed, and he has lost his former fighting spirit and passion. Now he just wants to find a way out for his family.

But the people inside didn't appreciate it, and even began to complain about him, saying that those useless collections should have been sent directly to the History and Ritual Association, otherwise the current embarrassing situation would not have occurred.

Even among those who complained about him were his own son and daughter.

Tang Maen secretly hated the short-sightedness of these tribesmen, who did not understand the mystery hidden in it.Of course he knew that the three collections were nothing, but if he handed them over so easily, it would mean that the other party would feel that the Simon family was weak and deceitful, and he was afraid that they would make more progress in the future.

It was the best way for him to show his attitude at that time.

Who knew that the History and Ceremony Association would dare to take a big disgrace and directly use the name and power of the Orthodox Church to ruthlessly suppress the Simon family.

In desperation, Tang Maen turned to the head of the Peacock City Shelter for help.

After the group leader Amos got the news, he started the meeting as soon as possible, and angrily slapped the table on the spot, angrily denouncing the History and Ritual Association as not worthy of being one of the Orthodox Churches.

Since they were in Peacock City, they have never done a single thing that is conducive to the stability of the empire. Every time there is a mysterious hazard, they have various excuses to shirk and sit on the sidelines.Although the Madman School remains neutral most of the time, at least they do not cause trouble. They also support the establishment of Omto Academy and have cultivated many talents. …

But the History and Ritual Association is completely occupying the position of the Orthodox Church and not doing business.

after the meeting.

Amos personally led the investigator team to the residence of the History and Ritual Association, negotiated with the president Pearson, and warned the other party not to use the power of the Orthodox Church to interfere in the lives of civilians.

Pearson smiled and agreed.

However, the situation of the Simon family has not improved substantially.

On this day, Chen Lun received an invitation from Mr. Huo Yiner.

He asked Golov to drive the carriage himself and sent him to the agreed tavern.

As soon as he entered, he saw Huo Yiner sitting in the corner, getting drunk alone.

"Mr. Jack, you are here."

Huo Yiner drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said drunkenly.

The wine glass hit the table heavily, and the ice cubes hit the inner wall of the glass, making a crisp sound.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Jack, I... I regret to say that the performance can no longer continue... The City Garden Theater is over, and it is now closed."

Huo Yiner smiled wryly, and rubbed his cheek vigorously with his hand.

"Even the Simon family, it's almost over."

Chen Lun sat down opposite Huo Yiner, poured himself a glass of water, and listened silently to the other party's talk.

Huo Yiner seemed a little decadent and depressed because of the difficulties encountered by the family, and he no longer had so many scruples, and directly told Chen Lun all about the suppression of the History and Ritual Association.

"Why... Shouldn't the Orthodox Church protect the world? Why do they want to oppress us... We are just ordinary businessmen."

Huo Yin'er supported his heavy head, and spoke vaguely.

The scene was silent for a few seconds.

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Lun asked aloud.

"No...don't know."

Huo Yiner shook his head in confusion.

"Perhaps, my father will take us out of Peacock City and start from scratch a place where there is no association of history and rituals."

Chen Lun looked at the other party, thought for a while, and said:
"Mr. Huo Yiner, maybe you don't have to be so pessimistic. Maybe in two days, everything will be fine."

"No, it won't get better..."

Huo Yiner scratched his hair in pain.

"They are the Orthodox Church, and there is no one in Kongque City who is willing to help us...Even if it is a shelter, there is nothing they can do about it."

He refilled himself a glass of spirits and looked at Chen Lun with apologetic expression.

"The family has been in a mess these past few days, my father is too busy, and I have no chance to talk to him about the collection... But please rest assured, if you really want to leave Peacock City, I will definitely help you get there before leaving collection."

Chen Lun secretly sighed.

He comforted Huo Yiner, so that the other party didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Huo Yin'er probably didn't know that the three collections had already been snatched away by the History and Ritual Association, and now they are in the hands of Chen Lun.

After a while.

Huo Yin'er passed out on the table because he drank too much.

Chen Lun asked Golov to come into the tavern, helped move Ho Yiner to the carriage, and then sent him back to the Simon family's manor.

'Although I snatched those three collections from the History and Ritual Association, I still owe a favor to the Simon family. '...

Chen Lun left in the carriage, looking at the deserted manor through the window of the carriage.

'Since the History and Ceremony Association is stalking, I will help Huo Yiner solve this trouble... I will feel better if I pay back the favor. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

It is actually very simple to help the Simon family relieve the suppression of the History and Ceremony Association.

All they need to do is cause internal chaos and even be severely injured, so they don't have so much free time to take care of the Simon family's affairs.It would be best to get rid of the president of the Peacock Branch of the History and Ritual Association once and for all.

Chen Lun didn't intend to fight with them either.

The next day, he accepted a commission to murder the bishop of the Red Apple Church from the "commission menu" of the Murder Club, and then reincarnated as the spade knight, Qiao Ke, and went to another city in Yanbang.

In a disaster-stricken city named Yuhua City, Chen Lun found the bishop.

'【Sequence 6-Bloodborn】? ……enough. '

In the church where corpses were strewn all over the place, Chen Lun dragged the silver giant sword all the way to the bishop.

This bishop named Cliff has obviously heard of the reputation of the Knight of Spades. Perhaps it should be said that there is no one in the senior management of the Red Apple Church who does not know this ruthless man.

But Cliff never expected that the other party would suddenly appear in front of him in Yuhua City.

Some time ago, the church had just organized an ambush and siege against the Knight of Spades. Although the opponent escaped by chance, but how long has passed now, this guy dared to show up again and continued to hunt the church.

Cliff's heart was inexplicably shocked, he just wanted to growl loudly.

How dare? !

How dare this guy? !

After a while.

The bishop of the Red Apple Church collapsed to the ground like a dead dog, spitting blood, his face ashen.

The knight of spades in rusty armor bent down slowly, grabbed Cliff by the neck, lifted him up, and then took one step forward, leading him and disappearing on the spot.

Leap through the clouds!

Chen Lun used four cloud leaps in a row, crossing the distance between the two urban areas of Yanbang in a straight line, and returned to the bronze city of Peacock City.

The whole process consumed a lot of physical strength. Chen Lun suppressed the exhaustion all over his body and the desire to kill in his heart, and threw the bishop in his hand into the resident of the History and Ceremony Association.

Before that, he also used "mindshare" for the first time.

After some judgment, Cliff, the bishop of the Red Apple Church, failed to compete with Chen Lun's will and weight, and was invaded by thinking.

The majestic killing desire was instilled from Chen Lun's body, and instantly filled the opponent's mind.Cliff's eyes turned red immediately, bloodthirsty murderous intent appeared on his face, and he even appeared in a state of madness.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lun made the final "boost", which was to use the power of the bookmark to heal the opponent's injury.

After doing all this, Chen Lun quickly left here.

The bishop of the Red Apple Church, who was in a state of bloodthirsty madness, and a group of people from the History and Ritual Association who heard the sound and were terrified were left behind.

Among them, Pearson, the president, was the most puzzled and outraged.

He couldn't figure out how the bishop of the Red Apple Church could kill Peacock City, and even the association's resident building!

I didn't even hear the wind, it came so suddenly.

So appalling!
There was a loud noise, accompanied by angry howls and screams.

In downtown Peacock, a building two streets away from Jack's Winery suffered a violent explosion and severe collapse.

The incident made headlines the next day.

"Good job, Cliff."

Chen Lun was eating breakfast in the living room, reading the newspaper with great interest.

"Mr. Jack, who is Cliff?"

Noah asked suspiciously.

Chen Lun chuckled, stuffed a croquette into his mouth, chewed and said:
"A venerable bishop of the Red Apple Church, he heroically stormed into the building of the Society for History and Rituals, maimed President Pearson with two punches, and then drained the other man's blood."

He shook his head and said with emotion:

"It was so tragic. Although the asylum and the Madman School arrived in time to suppress Bishop Cliff...but nearly half of the people in the History and Ritual Association were massacred."

Noah blinked, he always felt that Mr. Jack was gloating.

But there is little evidence.

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