I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 305 Fate is Like a Circle

The development of the situation was just as Chen Lun predicted.

After the Peacock City History and Ceremony Association was hit hard, it immediately died down, stopped all activities outside, and took a retreating posture, becoming extremely low-key.

The sudden attack by the bishop of the Red Apple Church directly led to the death of the branch president here, and the martyrdom of many extraordinary members. It cannot be said that the loss was heavy, but it can only be said that they lost their pants.

The biggest problem is that no one knows how the bishop suddenly appeared in the resident building, and he looks like a mad dog, killing anyone he sees, it is inexplicable and extremely weird.In order to suppress him, the asylum and the school of madmen did not dare to hold back at all, and in the end they could only kill him. This problem has become an insoluble mystery.

Former vice president Osmond led his team to encounter the Knight of Spades and was wiped out.Later, there was President Pearson, who was sitting in the resident. The bishop came from heaven and died extremely unjustly.

The whole Society of History and Ritual seems to be shrouded in terrible bad luck.

The one who benefited the most from this accident was the Simon family.

The History and Ceremony Association finally had no time to suppress them. The various industries of the Simon family also resumed normal operations. The City Garden Grand Theater opened again. The decadence and frustration on Ho Yin'er's face disappeared, and he put on a smile again.

this day.

Ho Yiner came to visit Jack's winery in a carriage.

"Mr. Jack! Good news! The City Garden Theater is open again! Haha!"

Huo Yiner hugged Chen Lun happily, and then said excitedly:

"As you said, everything is fine! Something happened to the History and Ritual Association, and even the resident building collapsed. Now I am not in the mood to target the Simon family again."

Keeping a smile on his face, Chen Lun invited Huo Yiner to sit in the living room of the villa in the main building.

"It's really good news."

Chen Lun made a cup of tea for Huo Yiner and said casually.

"I heard that the History and Ritual Association will be evacuated from Peacock City in the near future, and another Orthodox Church will come to take over."

"Yes, my father has already checked. Next month, the Hailing Regiment will come over to replace the History and Ceremony Association in Peacock City."

Huo Yiner took the teacup, thanked him, and said with a smile.

"In this way, our Simon family doesn't have to move the whole family anymore. I don't know how much loss has been recovered."

As the saying goes, people are refreshed when they have happy events, and Huo Yiner's current state is like this.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he didn't stop, and kept rambling, telling Chen Lun what happened in the past two days.

Huo Yiner said that his father, Tang Maen Simon, was physically and mentally exhausted during this period. It seemed that because of the catastrophe encountered by the family, he had seen through many things and decided to abdicate for the elderly, and handed over the helm of the family to the heir.

However, Tang Maen has five sons and two daughters. Among them, Huo Yiner's two elder brothers, Gardson and Lance, are mentally broken, and their intelligence is not as good as a child. They are recuperating at home, and everyone hates dogs.The other son and daughter were also involved in this incident, complaining about their father's wrongdoing, which made him feel bored.

Only Huo Yiner, who has always supported his father, and runs the City Garden Theater, is also the best among all the brothers and sisters. …

Therefore, Huo Yiner told Chen Lun that he was about to become the next helm of the Simon family.

"Mr. Jack, I never thought that my father would hand over the family business to me..."

He shook his head, seemingly feeling a little emotional.

Immediately, he took out two more things and solemnly placed them on the table.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Jack, if it weren't for your joining, the City Garden Theater would not have been brought back to life, and even became the most popular theater in Peacock City... This is a collection I got from my father, and it will be used as A present for you."

He laughed.

"These days, my father is always frowning, and it is rare to see him smile once when it comes to the City Garden Theater... I guess this is why my father readily gave me the collection."

"Thank you."

Chen Lun responded with a smile and took two things into his hands.

They are a stone tablet fragment and an ancient book respectively.

It is another fragment of the "Monument of Destiny", and the last volume of "Carmen's Codex"!
Originally, I just helped Huo Yin'er, but I didn't expect that this won Tang Maen's approval and handed over the remaining treasures at hand to him... Destiny is really like a circle. '

Chen Lun secretly sighed.

"The Codex of Carmen" is collected in this way. '

Things went much smoother than expected, and he was pleasantly surprised by such a harvest.

Huo Yiner had just taken over the family business, and he still had a lot of work to do, so he didn't stay at Jack's Winery for a long time. After the two chatted for a while, he said goodbye and left.

Chen Lun sent him to the gate until Huo Yin'er got into the carriage and went away.

Turning back to the villa, he immediately checked two things.

There are already two fragments of the Monument of Destiny, but it is still far from being restored. Chen Lun does not know how many pieces it has been broken into, so he can only save it for the time being.

As for the third volume of "Carmen's Letters", Chen Lun once again learned a lot of basic knowledge about magic and Carmen's insights on another way after reading it.

The content recorded in this manuscript is the knowledge about "enchanting".

Carmen emphasized that everything in the world can be enchanted, which is the opposite of the madman school.The latter thought that this could only be done with specially crafted wands or weapons, but in reality it was nothing more than a formality.

In Carmen's point of view, it means that not only physical objects, even the simplest acid technique, can be enchanted to increase its power or characteristics, but it is not cost-effective to do so.

Chen Lun had been sitting on the sofa and flipping through the notebooks, during which Fu Luoyin made lunch, but seeing that he was so devoted, he didn't bother him, but silently left food for him and kept it warm.

Around three thirty in the afternoon.

Chen Lun suddenly felt something, followed by a prompt box on the panel——

[You have learned and comprehended the skill "Magic Flying Card" through careful reading! 】

[Magic flying card lv1]

Skill description: You have spent a long time trekking on the path of destiny, and you already have a very thorough understanding of [magician], and you have mastered all kinds of magic to perfection.After in-depth research on magic, you have some insights from the knowledge of "enchantment", and try to integrate it with the magic "card throwing knife" to create this brand new ability. …

Skill effect: You have mastered the power to enchant cards, and distinguish them with four different suits——

Square piece flying card, sharp enchantment, increase cutting ability.

Plum Blossom Flying Card, sticky enchantment, amplifies strong control ability.

Red Heart Flying Cards, Healing Enchantment, Increase Recovery Ability.

Spades flying card, energy enchantment, increase explosive ability.

"What a powerful skill..."

Chen Lun looked at the skill description in a daze and sighed.

The appearance of "Magic Flying Card" can be said to have greatly improved his long-range combat ability, and it looks very comprehensive!
Single-point attack, range damage, restriction and self-healing are all available, and this skill can even be split into four skills for use.

Chen Lun was secretly delighted, and took out the remaining 4 skill points to upgrade it.

But he soon discovered that the "Magic Flying Card" was unsustainable after it was upgraded to lv3, because it needed 2 skill points for every level up.

'Sure enough, this skill requires more skill points...'

Chen Lun had no choice but to use more than half of the stored experience points to upgrade the main profession by 4 levels, gaining 4 skill points and attribute points, and then fully upgraded the "Magic Flying Card".

At the same time, his main occupation has also become [Sequence 6 - Flying trapeze lv30]!
'There are still 10 levels left to reach the full level. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

He then read the third volume of "Carmen's Codex", and at the same end, he found some fragments left by Carmen.

This time it was not a poem praising the teacher Frederick, but a request.

"——Reader, if you have benefited a lot from my handwriting, please do me a favor. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to... If you can, please help me convey the poems to my teacher, Fei Lei Decui, this is my last farewell."

Carmen also said that in the extreme north of the Trisul Empire, at the junction of the Kingdom of Byron, at the top of the Augusta Mountains outside the Coleridge Forest, there is a wizard tower.

The teacher Frederick has been living there.

[Trigger A-level mission: The messenger of the love letter! 】

Mission description: In "Carmen's Letters", you saw the message from the magician Carmen. She asked you to help convey the content of the poem and let her teacher Frederick know.

"I have never violated your teachings, and have been pursuing knowledge...or, knowledge is pursuing me. However, there is never a day when I don't miss you."

Mission objective: successfully arrive at the Meteor Mage Tower and deliver the poetry to Frederick. (Note: The current task is dangerous!)

Mission rewards: 100000 experience points, 100 gold pounds, the favorability of Carmen and Frederick, and unknown rewards.

'Errand missions? '

Chen Lun rubbed his chin and accepted the task.

'For [The Flying Man], sending a letter is really not a difficult task. I can fly through the clouds and reach my destination quickly... But the Meteor Mage Tower where Carmen's teacher Frederick is located is located on the northern border of the empire. The side is not safe, and the distance is long, I need to rest several times. '

He thought about it for a while, and didn't plan to do this task for the time being. Anyway, there was no time limit, so I'll talk about it later.

At the same time, Chen Lun also got a glimpse of some details from the mission description.

For example, referring to Carmen as "she" means that this magician is indeed a high-ranking Transcendent, at worst a Sequence 4 Magic Saint, and her teacher, Frederick, is very likely to be a higher Sequence The presence.

'It's still dangerous to meet such a strange high-ranking person rashly, let's talk about it when I am stronger. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

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