I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 308 Where's Mr. Jack?

Chen Lunman clicked open out of curiosity.

The first thing that catches the eye is a chicken.

Immediately, the background music played a very rhythmic melody.

Just when he thought the chicken would start dancing, a few large characters flashing with light popped up on the screen——

"False beast tamer."

Zoom out.

A group of players hunting in the forest were revealed.

One of the male players named "Meet the Dragon King" is commanding seven or eight ferocious wild roosters to attack a giant mouse over three meters high, but the latter swings its huge body at will, or opens its mouth to bite. These pheasants were killed.

Then he heard his companion shout:
"Dragon King, the task you restrained is complete, go back!"

However, the male player named Dragon King couldn't dodge in time, and was knocked down by the big mouse. He had just turned his right arm into a sharp dagger-like cassowary claw, and before he could resist, he was bitten off by the big mouse The head died suddenly on the spot.

At this time, the bullet screens flashed densely, all of them were "negative teaching materials", "breaking the show", "I'm full" and "Dragon King, you are so fucking embarrassing!"

Then, the screen changed.

From the perspective of two female players, they are "Bald" from the Heroes' Guild and "Kucha Nana" from the Chuxi Guild.

Together with their teammates, the two also besieged another giant mouse, and each commanded a tiger and three cheetahs to attack the big mouse from all directions.But these beasts in nature still cannot stand the rampage and gnawing of big rats.

In just ten seconds, they were all killed on the spot, and their bodies were mutilated.

Seeing this, Kucha Nana and Bald had no choice but to transform. One of them had bee tail needles in their palms, their legs were feline hind legs, and the other turned their arms into jagged tongs, with dark red all over their bodies. Shiny carapace.

The two then launched a pincer attack on the big mouse.

Kucha Nana leaped to the side of the big rat with her light legs, and plunged the bee stinger in her palm into its body, as if injecting some venom, causing its body to fester, and even large pieces of fur and muscle fell off, decomposing into pus.

On the other hand, Bald chose to be straight-on and stiff, with his arms closed, like the mouthparts of a big-toothed ant, he directly chopped the forelimb of the big mouse at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and "bite" it off.

But the next moment.

The big rat wagged its tail in pain. It was five or six meters long and thick as a bucket. It was like a giant concrete pillar. It rushed over and killed Kucha Nana and Tutu in an instant.

At this time, the barrage was surging again, "I can see that you have tried your best, but I just want to say, relieve your worries.", and "What kind of beast did you tame? You are useless. Brother Beizi next door has already Cleared alone!"

The screen goes black.

Then another line of shiny characters popped up——

"A real beast tamer!"

The background music suddenly lit up.

The deadpan face of Polaris appears in the center.

With the rhythm of the drums, the screen began to flicker and zoom out, revealing his body.The dark green tough cuticle gradually covered his whole body, and Polaris' entire cheek became narrow and long, turning into the head of a crocodile, and his legs became the hoofs of antelope. …

The bullet screen was marked with "The crocodile is coming!

. "

I saw his Polaris leap treacherously, avoiding the big mouse's bite, and then opened his big hand, turned into a crocodile snout, nibbling on the big mouse's neck, spinning his body gorgeously, and directly tore off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Blood fell like rain.

The big rat fought back, but was easily dodged by Polaris.

One big and one small fought fiercely like this, but the rhythm was all under the control of Polaris. After a while, the big mouse fell to the ground in tatters.

Only the hideous dark green figure of Polaris was left, stepping on the corpse of the big rat.

In the next second, the entire screen was filled with barrage——

"Brother Beizi!" "Eternal God!" "I didn't eat for a day, Zhuo Nima crocodile killed me!" "What is a real animal trainer (international back)!" "Handsome! Ah Bei!" "Beast trainer on the path of destiny, you have to look at my brother Beizi!"

But it didn't end there.

At the end of the film, a man with pale scales all over his body appeared, under the messy and slightly curly black hair, there was a perfect face, and a pair of emerald green indifferent childish eyes.

This person was dressed in a black dress, elegant yet tyrannical, with eight pale giant pythons shooting up into the sky from behind, dancing recklessly, confronting Archbishop Rafa in the ruins of the manor.

The screen flashed away in just two seconds.

But those barrages almost completely covered the screen——

"Ahhh my Mr. Jack!" "This...isn't it right?" "World-class players are off, I will really thank you!" "Good guy, I'm direct good guy, compare the players on both sides, you put the referee in ""Don't do it, I feel that Brother Beizi is not up to the mark." "It's too exaggerated, this is a beast trainer? This is a god trainer!" "Teacher, he cheated!"

Chen Lun smiled as he looked at the barrage.

Then he turned it off and glanced at the name of the poster... Oh, Su Keying, that's all right.

Chen Lun then looked at those popular posts.

One of the posts was about the mysterious character "Joco the Spade Knight" who appeared recently. The host analyzed the identity of this murderer and expressed doubts that Joko and the circus master Jack have many similarities, maybe they are the same person .

Most of the replies below are mocking and questioning.

But the poster did not lose his temper, but calmly cited many examples, and gave extremely detailed clue analysis in a tone of "I have seen through the truth".

For example, Mr. Jack's common weapon is a silver cane, which is suspected to be a high-level monster and can be transformed into other forms.Before he left Amber City, when he finally fought against Rafa, the archbishop of the Red Apple Church in the manor, he used the silver giant sword and slashed with purple-red flames.

And the iconic weapon of Joko, the knight of spades, is a silver-white giant sword that can burn purple-red flames.

Another example is that both are extraordinary people of the path of destiny, and they also appeared in the ruins of Jack's manor on the same day, fighting with people, etc.

After looking at the many reasonable analysis, the post-repliers were dubious, and some even agreed with the author's point of view.But the player base has yet to take the post as fact due to lack of definitive evidence. …

After reading the whole post, Chen Lun was stunned and reflected on his carelessness.

Fortunately, there is no official evidence, otherwise, I am afraid that I will become an S-rank wanted criminal in the empire.

He paid attention to the id of the host, who was called an "ordinary operator".Chen Lun felt a little familiar, and after thinking about it, he suddenly realized... Isn't this the old "Jiantie" old man in his previous life!The three opportunity posts in Peacock City were found by this person.

'Sure enough, the player group is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. This guy is a talent... If I meet him in the future, I will reward him with a Clarenso story package. '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

In the fairyland at this time.

Forest of nature.

Dongyang, Kuangbenkuang, Horseman, Meet the Dragon King and Tutu from Yingling Pavilion, Chenxi, Honey Grapefruit and Kucha Nana from Chuxi Guild, Goutoujin and Forgotten Wuji from God's Love Guild, and casual players Polaris, Su More than a dozen high-level players, including Ke Ying and Wei Yin, are forming a team to explore.

Their team is all extraordinary, and they have become more and more tacit, and they have always remained at the top of the entire player pyramid, and have always been in the top [-] positions on the leaderboard.

Among them, Dragon King, Tutu and Nana, surrounded Polaris, like his fans, asking questions and asking for advice.

"Brother Beizi, by the way, why do you upgrade so fast? We usually download and upgrade together..."

The Dragon King asked with a bitter face.

Bald and Nana glanced at him and rolled their eyes undisguisedly.

They really wanted to say "it's just because you are lazy, there are so many reasons.", but they kept silent because they were worried that it would affect the harmony of the team.

Polaris shook his head and said simply:

"I just spent the time everyone spent drinking the happy water in the fat house on clearing tasks, so I was able to level up a little faster than you..."

After the rest of the players heard it, they couldn't help curling their lips.

At the same time, it's also a little strange, why they don't know what task can have so many experience points.

Seeing this, Polaris explained to them with a slightly emotional tone.

This stemmed from an unexpected harvest some time ago. After a customary next meeting, he was wandering in the city of Amber and stumbled across the call-up announcement posted by the security office.

As an undisciplined player, Polaris already possessed a keen sense of mission, and soon smelled the atmosphere of the mysterious field from that announcement.

So he volunteered to sign up.

Then, as expected, the call-up notice was actually a call-up order for the shelter. Because of the rampage of the Red Apple Church, various cult organizations took advantage of the trend and caused disasters everywhere.Due to the lack of manpower in the shelter, extraordinary people from the wild were summoned to help eradicate these cancerous tumors.

The experience value of this mission is extremely rich, but there was an accident in the process of accepting the mission, that is, the regional popularity is not enough!

Asylum investigators coldly dismiss Polaris.

He originally thought that this matter was dead, but his strong unwillingness prompted him to make one last attempt, which was to speak a word to the investigator who handed over the task.

"What are you talking about? So clever! Quickly teach me, Brother Beizi...I'll try it too!"

The Dragon King quickly licked.

Not only Bald and Kucha Nana, but even Dongyang Chenxi and the others pricked up their ears. …

Polaris chuckled, as if he had returned to that day, his expression became calm, and he just said lightly:
"It doesn't matter, I will make a move... because I am a student of Mr. Jack."


"Cut! What's the big deal!"

"I seem to have been pretended by you."

"Hey! What works for you is mainly because of the last sentence!"

"Damn Polaris, I hate you so much! Don't think that you are Mr. Jack's student, I dare not... lick you! Chiliu!"

"Hey...that's disgusting, Dragon King, put your tongue back quickly, you look like a hanged ghost."

Bald looked at the appearance of the Dragon King, and turned his head in disgust.

Everyone chatted and laughed and hurried on their way, surrounded by a happy atmosphere.

At this time, Wei Yin said a little lonely:

"Ah, I really miss Mr. Jack, where did he go? I can't see him, and my house has no water again."

When Polaris heard this, he was a little dazed.

He is now stuck at level 30, the upper limit of the version level, and it is difficult to improve, so he has been looking for Mr. Jack to see if he can get some inspiration from the teacher.

But since the circus left Amber City, these high-flying players have never seen Mr. Jack again... It's been almost a month, and even the statue of Jack in the lake house has been disturbed by the end sound. Bright.

Especially the pectoral muscles, buttocks, and other parts of the body are almost full of oil.

"Hehe, don't worry, our Heroic Hall players seem to have spotted Mr. Jack in Peacock City recently..."

Dongyang laughed at this moment.

"I'll ask them to confirm it tomorrow."

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