The next morning.

Outside Jack's winery, four or five players from the Heroes' Hall gathered, both men and women.

"What if we make a mistake? We won't be arrested by the shelter?"

"What are you afraid of, let's go."

After a few people exchanged a few words, they went straight to the gate of the winery.

bang bang!

One of the male players named "Smoke Bomb" slammed on the iron gate twice, but after a while, no one came out, and the winery was dead silent.

"Why is there no one? It's strange... I saw people coming in and out yesterday."

The player who knocked on the door looked puzzled.

At this time, two more teams of players came here, adding up to more than a dozen players, and the three players looked at each other vigilantly.

"Hey, brother, you are also here to find Mr. Jack...?"

The leader of one of the players asked aloud.

Several people in the Pavilion of Yingling looked at each other, but shook their heads in denial.

"No, let's just see if there are any side missions."

"Come on, there's nothing to hide here. In fact, many players in Peacock City already know that Jack's Circus has come here and performed in a theater in the city center..."

The leader of "Her Stores Are Diamonds" smiled and continued.

"We just want to come here to try our luck and see if we can join this faction... I heard that Polaris Boss is a member of this organization. Speaking of which, we haven't even started the main mission yet. Your Hall of Heroes is a grand guild. Wouldn't you not even give this chance?"

With that said, he looked at the last team of players again, and said to them:
"Brother, you can also say something."

The leader of this player is called "Unknown Old Age". He was silent for a few seconds, and then said:
"Well, we also want to join the circus... If your Hall of Heroes plans to book out the venue, then we might as well have a fight here."

Seeing this, several people in the Pavilion of Yingling immediately communicated with each other through the team channel.

They found that these two teams of new casual players were all around level [-], which was the average level of players.Although one's own level and equipment are leading, but they are not extraordinary, and they are also absolutely inferior in numbers, so there is no need to conflict.

So the smoke bomb laughed and said:

"You have too much prejudice against the Hall of Heroes, and we will not bully others like the 'Lost Name' guild..."

He then pointed to the gate of the winery and sighed.

"We would like to cooperate with you, but unfortunately, there seems to be no one in the winery today. I knocked on the door just now, but there was no response from inside."

"Win-win cooperation, no, it's a win-win situation now..."

The diamond-encrusted smile.

"It's okay, let's jump over the fence and go in...Anyway, it's just to have a look, and we don't want to steal or rob."

He enthusiastically waved to the ominous and smoke bombs.

"Let's go, let's go in together."

As he said that, he led a few players around him, and took the lead in climbing over the two-meter-high spiked fence into the winery.

Seeing the situation, the smoke bomb and the unknown simply followed this suggestion and followed closely behind.

When all the players entered the winery from the fence, they walked along the trail while looking at the quiet and beautiful environment. …

"I heard that the power of the circus is more difficult to enter than the Orthodox Church and the shelter."

"Yeah, as far as I know, most of the players who can join the circus are masters...but some of them started to rise after joining, and now they have become regulars in the top [-] rankings."

"There are rumors that the circus can not only directly buy supernatural knowledge, but also some cost-effective equipment and props, as well as special independent copies, which can be entered anytime, anywhere to fight monsters and upgrade... That's why the progress of those big bosses Incredibly fast."

"Zhuo, so top?! If we can successfully join, maybe we can take off!"

This group of players talked and laughed.

But soon, they all stopped.

Because straight ahead, three tall black dolls suddenly appeared.

"Look! What is that?!"

Diamond shouted loudly.

"The Sombra Artisan Puppet?!"

"Crimson danger! How could there be such a monster in the winery?!"

"Don't be dazed, run, they are chasing you!"

The smoke bomb quickly reminded.

As he spoke, he turned and ran away with several players from the Heroic Spiritual Guild.

Seeing this, the rest of the casual players also retreated in the same way as they came and went.

But those tall black dolls looked bulky, but they were not slow. They stomped on the ground and made a dull sound. They chased after them madly, and their dark eyes glowed red, as if they had activated some killing mechanism.

One of the black crystal craftsmen raised its hand and pointed at the inlaid diamond, and a black and red lightning shot out from the palm of the hand, hitting the opponent's back directly.

Puff - sizzle!
With a slap, Xiang Diamond only had time to scream, and was instantly killed, turning into white light and dissipating on the spot.When the rest of the people saw this scene, they were terrified and ran even faster.

But they soon found out in despair that four or five terrifying black crystal craftsmen also appeared on the escape route, blocking their retreat.

"Can't run away!"

The smoke bomb yelled.

"Restrict them by hand and see if there is any chance!"

He and his companions tacitly stared at one of the crafting puppets, pulled out the flintlock gun and pulled the trigger. After a few clicks, the bullets fell on the crafting puppets.

Sparks sputtered from the puppet's head and chest, but they were intact.

The resistance of the players had no effect at all, and they were surrounded by groups in the end.

"What the hell is this! It can't be touched at all...!"

The smoke bomb looked horrified.

The rest of the players also felt powerless. They were sure that even one of these black crystal craftsmen puppets would be elite-level monsters, and they were not strong enough for players at this stage.

If you encounter it, you will die!
Without any hesitation, the seven or eight black crystal smith puppets pointed at them and raised their hands. In the terrified eyes of these players, a red light bloomed.

Puff zip!

The red lightning struck intensively, and a dozen players were instantly killed without any suspense, and all of them turned into white light and disappeared.

After the resurrection of several players of the Heroic Pavilion, they returned to the gate of the winery unwillingly.

Here, they met the diamond-encrusted and unknown team again, and even added two other player teams, all of them scattered. …

After some exchanges, I learned that these people also came on the wind.

Jack's Circus, a transcendent force, is quite well-known among the player community, and can even be compared with the Orthodox Church and the Asylum... Leaving aside the public beta, the first batch of Transcendents were born from here, and now they are ranked first in the rankings. "Polaris" is Mr. Jack's student.

Now that the circus has arrived in Peacock City, none of the nearby players want to try it.Maybe I can become the second North Star and reach the pinnacle of my life from then on.

"By the way, we all fell on the road before we saw Mr. Jack's shadow. Those big black guys are too frightening! If you touch them, you will die..."

Diamond Diamond said a little speechlessly.

"Let's try again, but this time we have to learn a lesson and not be spotted by those black crystal craftsmen... I suspect that those monsters are patrolling guards in the winery, and they will clear them out once they find outsiders."

said the smoke bomb.

"Makes sense..."

Unknown nodded.

"In this case, we will split up and sneak in... As long as we can reach the villa in the main building and see the npc of the circus, we will be successful."

"Okay! That's the decision!"

Smoke Bomb approved of the proposal.

"This time we will definitely succeed!"

The others nodded as well, with smiles on their faces.

five minutes later.

There were faint screams and the sound of electric current in the winery.

Then there was dead silence.

Everyone appeared at the gate of the winery again, and everyone's faces were a little ugly.

They found that no matter how careful they were, they would eventually be discovered by the black crystal craftsman in the winery, and then they would receive a red electrotherapy, obediently killing them in seconds and returning to their resurrection points.

"There are more and more people... I don't know if they didn't come, they should have given up."

The smoke bomb looked at the many players at the gate of the winery and sighed.

At this time, Xiang Diamond came to his side and asked in a deep voice:
"How? Do you want to try?"


Unexpectedly, the smoke bomb shook his head, he said with a wry smile:

"There is only one chance to be resurrected, and I plan to go to the suburbs to upgrade... Although I still died on the way just now, I saw an NPC standing at the door of the villa."

He used a private chat to send a screenshot of a mock lake to Diamond, on which was a blind blonde woman in a black dress.

"Is this Jack's nun?"

"Yes, our mission has been completed. It is enough to confirm that Mr. Jack is in Peacock City... I wish you good luck."

The smoke bomb shrugged and left with the companions from the Hall of Heroes.

But he knew very well in his heart that not only the diamond-encrusted group, but also the other players gathered at the entrance of the winery, let alone joining the circus, even meeting Mr. Jack was not very realistic.

The commotion just now was not small, the circus would definitely not be unaware of someone entering the winery, but Mr. Jack still did not show up, probably because their level and strength were not enough, or the regional popularity did not meet the standard, so they did not meet the conditions for joining , not even given a chance to interact.

"Sigh... the distance from the entrance of the winery to the villa building is only a few hundred meters, but it is actually like a gap."

The smoke bomb sighed.

Afterwards, he sent the results of his investigation and confirmation to the vice president Dongyang.

"—Vice President, it has been confirmed that Jack's Circus is in Peacock City. It is located in a winery, but there are many machine guards named 'Black Crystal Craftsmen' inside, whose strength is comparable to that of elite monsters. There is no way touch."

After personal testing by countless players, the winery in Peacock City is simply a terrifying place that cannot be penetrated.

Jack's Circus is close, but far away.

Some players even called this winery a restricted area.

Polaris, who was far away in Amber City, shook his head with some regret after hearing the news.The two cities are separated by a state city. With their current capabilities, they don't know how long it will take to pass.

Obviously, in a short time, Mr. Jack will not be seen.

But they didn't expect that on the second day, when they entered the fairyland as usual, they saw that familiar and friendly figure in front of the wooden house.


Polaris looked surprised and shouted hastily.

"Mr. Jack?!"

Dongyang and the others were also a little surprised.

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