I became the king of villains in the game

Chapter 310 New skills taught by Jack

Chen Lun looked away from his withered statue, feeling a little complicated.

I don't know if those shiny parts are better for reflecting light, but he thinks it's a bit glaring.

"Long time no see, warriors from other lands."

Chen Lun smiled and said to Polaris and Dongyang.

"Mr. Jack, what have you been doing since you left Amber City during this time?"

Dongyang asked aloud.

The rest of the players are also curious.

For the boss of their own forces, they are actually very concerned about their movements. After all, this is related to whether they can get information on major events in the first place and how much they can participate in the plot.

Chen Lun smiled and was silent for a few seconds.

"I once said that the Red Apple Church will be the source of turmoil in the empire... Now that the Red Plague has completely broken out, it confirms the guidance of fate, so I am working hard to eliminate them."

After hearing this, the players immediately looked at each other.

Of course they know this.

Because the second ring of the main task that Mr. Jack had released to them was to participate in the action against the Red Apple Church, and obtain corresponding contribution points by killing the church's clergy and superhumans.

But they all remembered another matter, and there was an argument over this matter two days ago, that is, a post that appeared on the game forum.

About whether Joe, the knight of spades, is Mr. Jack or not.

The members of the Heroes' Pavilion, Chuxi, and God's Love Guild are all over the empire. Some time ago, in the Yanbang area, the story of the spades knight frantically hunting the Red Apple Church spread through the mouths of the players.

From this point of view, it is also in line with Mr. Jack's motivation.

So Dongyang was the first to raise this question.

"Mr. Jack, is that the Knight of Spades, is it you?"

The rest of the players looked at Chen Lun with burning eyes, as if eager to know the answer.

The fierce battle back then had already been recorded by players and posted on the forum. The boss of the Church of the Sun was beheaded by the Knight of Spades and fell into the lake near the ruins of the manor.

They didn't know that it was just an incarnation of Terrence, but this did not prevent the awe and worship of the Knight of Spades.

They are also willing to believe that such a powerful person is Mr. Jack in disguise!
But Chen Lun did not answer this question.

With a smile on his face, he turned to say:
"I entered Wonderland this time to look for you, because the Red Apple Church is becoming more and more rampant... and you are still too weak, so I want to teach you some skills, so that you can have the power to defeat evil as soon as possible."

When the players heard this, surprise expressions appeared on their faces.

Immediately, they were extremely suspicious again.

"Mr. Jack avoided answering, do you think this counts as tacit consent?"

"—Actually, I think it doesn't matter whether he is the Knight of Spades or not, because we can't judge whether he is a strong player of his level... But what is certain is that Mr. Jack appeared in the opening cg The characters will definitely not be weak."

"—That's right, I don't think Mr. Jack has ever taken a serious shot. Maybe the Knight of Spades can't beat him!"

A group of high-level players communicated in the chat room. …

Polaris has already stepped forward and said to Mr. Jack:
"Teacher, I found myself... Well, I have entered a bottleneck and I cannot get an effective improvement for the time being. Can you give me some guidance?"

His statement was very euphemistic. After all, "Mr. Jack is an npc", and he didn't understand what the upper limit of the version level was.

However, Chen Lun is very clear, but he also cooperates with acting.

"Well... you belong to a special group, undead from other lands, even the Orthodox Church and the Asylum have not figured out your origin, maybe you are humans born in the spirit world... so the laws of the mysterious field seem to restrict your growth."

Chen Lun pondered, showing a look of thinking.

Immediately he added:

"As I said just now, I can teach you some skills... Polaris, you are my student, and I think there is a skill that will suit you very well."

A golden exclamation mark appeared on Chen Lun's head.

Polaris was overjoyed, and quickly focused on triggering it.

[Would you like to spend 300 contribution points to learn the skill "The weak eat the strong (passive)" from the mentor Jack? 】

This is a skill that Chen Lun learned in the Viscount Pompeii's study when he first arrived in Amber City. He learned from a mysterious book of the natural faction. It can improve five attributes of his strength, dexterity, endurance, charm and insight. a little.

It can be regarded as a superb passive skill.


Polaris was elated after reading the skill description.

When a burst of insight poured into his mind, his heart was almost trembling with excitement.

"Great skill..."

With the passive of "the weak eat the strong", Polaris has several levels more attributes than other players, which is a kind of gap on the board.

Referred to as numerical monsters, supermodel monsters.

At this time, other players also noticed the golden exclamation mark above Mr. Jack's head, and hurried forward to interact.

"——Fuck?! Passive skills that add attributes?! Only extraordinary people with the paths of magic, nature, and destiny can learn it. Zhuo, I would have known that I would not have chosen the sun!"

After Dongyang saw it, he regretted it.

The rest of the high-level players who did not use these three paths also feel very regretful and disappointed.

"——No, this is too expensive, right? 3000 contribution points! Where can I get so much? Now I only have more than [-] contribution points..."

After the Dragon King saw the price tag, he was so loud.

Not only him, but also Chenxi who took the magic path, as well as Tutu and Kucha Nana who also took the fate path, were a little surprised when they saw the price.

"—It's okay, contribution points can be exchanged for gold pounds. This skill is very precious and worth buying!"

Chenxi made a decisive decision and boldly spent a sum of money from the guild treasury in exchange for enough contribution points to buy skills for herself and Kucha Nana.

Of course, Dongyang of the Heroic Pavilion was not to be outdone, he couldn't learn it by himself, so he had to let the guild's only two destiny path transcendents, Bald and Dragon King, learn this skill.

Chen Lun saw another income of nearly [-] pounds in his pocket, and the smile on his face was even wider.

"Brother Beizi, by the way, where did you get so much money..."

The Dragon King glanced gratefully at Dongyang Vice President, and then asked Polaris suspiciously. …

"Huh? I didn't spend any money... I was more diligent in doing tasks a while ago, and I saved up to 300 contribution points."

Polaris said calmly.


A group of people stared at him with mixed eyes of grief and indignation, which made Polaris quite puzzled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"—Damn Versailles! Damn connections! Damn Polaris!"

Gou Tou Jin deducted this line in the chat room.

Then he added a "dog head expression", anyway, he couldn't learn it, so he just fanned the flames here and gloated.

But this is indeed the voice of other Gao Wan.

They have envied and hated Polaris more than once, just because they have become Mr. Jack's students, so he can get any benefits immediately.

There is even a discount for learning a skill now!

[-]% off!
"—Hey, look, there's another skill, it's universal, everyone can use it!"

Su Keying reminded me at this time.

Everyone regained their spirits immediately, and quickly looked at the interactive panel.

【Are you willing to spend 200 contribution points to learn the skill "Knight Swordsmanship" from Jack, the head of the circus? 】

"—really versatile! And it's cheap!"

"—It can improve melee combat ability and master superb sword skills!"

"—Cry to death, I will really thank you, Jack knows we can't learn that passive skill, so did you release the general skill?"

All the high-level players standing in front of Chen Lun bought this skill one after another, and then they all showed joyful smiles on their faces.

But they soon discovered the clue, and stared at Chen Lun in unison again.

That look seemed to say, "You said you're not the knight of spades, so you've been exposed." But Chen Lun still smiled as if he didn't see it.

Let them fantasize.

At this time, the Dragon King didn't know what he thought of, and he turned to the Polaris again to confirm:

"Brother Beizi, you won't tell me that you only spent 20 contribution points to learn this skill?"

Polaris was very surprised, he shook his head.

"I didn't spend any money."


The rest of the players fell into silence on the spot.

After a while.

Chen Lun encouraged the players a few words, and then left the fairyland.

He came here this time, in fact, to clear the contribution points of the players, and to collect the gold pounds by the way, for no other purpose.If there is another reason, it can be said that he has not shown up for a long time, so he came to see his presence, and by the way, improve the strength of Polaris, so that he can always be in the leading position and always give himself a brand name.

After he leaves.

The high players in the lake house sat down on the lawn.

"By the way, what do you think, why does Mr. Jack hate the Red Apple Church so much?"

Dongyang said.

"Because I can't understand what they are doing, Mr. Jack has great strength, so he wants to save the world..."

The end sound answered.

She thought about it and added another sentence.

"Like a savior?"

Dongyang didn't refute, but he didn't agree either. He asked another question.

"Then what do you think is the difference between the position of the circus and the asylum and the Orthodox Church?"...

Others did not speak.

Polaris, on the other hand, pondered for a moment and expressed his opinion:

"I am more inclined to the initial feeling, which is neutral... The circus led by Mr. Jack does not favor any side, but will make some decisions that are beneficial to itself."

He shrugged.

"Perhaps in the eyes of most people, Mr. Jack is maintaining the order of the empire and attacking the Red Apple Church as a version boss, but I think... this may just be because he saw the future of the Red Calamity Society according to the guidance of fate. Only when it affected him did he choose to make a move."

Others didn't expect Polaris to hold such a view, and they all found it a bit novel.

Dongyang nodded in surprise.

"Yes, our think tank of the Hall of Heroes analyzed it some time ago...and came to the same conclusion as you."

He smiled.

"This is also what I want to say... From the main task, we can see that the growth of each player is related to the position of his own faction, and also related to their rise and fall... It is precisely because the circus is neutral that our future There are more choices and more potential.”

"I think you just want to play around with the Heroic Hall Guild in a different way, and by the way, blow up a wave of Mr. Jack."

Tail said contemptuously.

"My Jack, don't brag, he is my eternal god..."

As she spoke, a flushed smile appeared on her face again, and her eyes were blurred.

"If you want to blow it, I will blow it..."

The other players suddenly became cold.

Crazy again, right?

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