Chapter 31 Amber?Gotham!
at dusk.

Passers-by on the street are in a hurry and seem to be busy.Chen Lun walked among them with his pockets in his pocket, looking a bit out of place.

He planned to go out to do some shopping and walk around by the way.Familiarize yourself with your surroundings and see if you can get some useful information.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the gloomy young man he bumped into in the corridor when he went out.

When the other party saw Chen Lun, he didn't seem to care about his new neighbor.

Passing by in silence, he went straight into his own room.

The sound of closing the door was a little loud, making him a little irritable.

In that brief glance, Chen Lun saw anxiety and fear on his face, showing a worried look.

But Chen Lun was not curious about him, so he didn't take it to heart.

I just asked Mrs. Caroline casually when passing by the flower shop.

Mrs. Caroline told the young man that his name was Kent, and he seemed to be a middle-class kid who came to Amber City to study.

"Sorry sir, excuse me."

A man's voice came.

Chen Lun looked up and saw a group of people wearing short blue cloaks.

He sideways out of the way.

I saw one of them holding a long pole with a flaming tip, and the other tacitly lifted the cover on the street lamp so that his companion could ignite the wick inside.

With the lights on, they continued on to the next place.

"It turned out to be a group of lamp holders..."

Only then did Chen Lun realize that the sky had already darkened.

I wandered around for more than half an hour without knowing it, but found nothing.

On the contrary, the image of him looking around and looking around, seemed to have caught the attention of the patrolling guards.

Fortunately, seeing that he didn't look like a gangster in his attire, coupled with his good looks, dispelled their vigilance.

However, this also reminded Chen Lun that he had to get a formal identity for himself and Floyd as soon as possible, otherwise it would be troublesome to find out.

Just when he was about to go back the same way and go to the grocery store to buy some daily necessities, he suddenly frowned slightly.

Chen Lun walked back silently.

When passing an alley, he suddenly turned and walked in.

Not long after, four young men wearing fur caps and long linen tunics rushed to the entrance of the alley.

"Go in from here."

"Isn't it because he found us? He wants to run away?"

"It's okay, this is a dead end, he can't escape, chase after him!"

Several young people exchanged a few words briefly, then rushed in.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and you could not see your fingers in the cramped alley.

The four people rushed in and almost tripped over a trash can. After cursing, they had to slow down.

"Damn it, where did that kid go?"

"How can he see clearly when it's so dark..."

There was a muffled sound, followed by the sound of a person falling to the ground.

"what sound!?"

"Did you hear that?"

A voice similar to the one just now sounded again.

The remaining two just felt creepy.

"Hey guys, how about we go out first?"

"Mike, I just felt something around me..."

Bang! !

Halfway through the man's words, he stopped talking.

The last remaining Mike backed away tremblingly.

"Pol, Boom, Eleanor...are you still there?

Hey!Answer me quickly!Stop playing, damn it! "

Suddenly he saw a pair of emerald green vertical pupils glowing in the darkness in front of him.

He couldn't help his heart skipping a beat. The urban legends he had heard flashed through his mind, and he felt trembling all over his body and his heart stopped beating.

The next second, he heard a deep and cold voice from the darkness:

"Answer me, who are you? Why are you following me?"

Just as Mike was about to start talking nonsense, a faint blue light flickered in his eyes, and then he spoke the truth in a daze.

"My name is Mike, and they are my companions..."

five minutes later.

Chen Lun walked out of the alley as if nothing had happened, and walked towards No. [-] Denton Street, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

Through hypnosis just now, he already knew the information about those guys.

In fact, they were just four low-level gangsters. Seeing that he was alone and dressed like a rich man, they were going to blackmail him.

It's as simple as that, no intrigue, no mastermind.At first, he thought that some big fish would throw himself into the trap, but it turned out to make him happy for nothing.

But he didn't kill them either.

After all, you are new here, so you can't make too much noise because of such a small matter.

The guy hypnotized by him won't remember anything when he wakes up.

"I have to remind Floyd when I go back, the security around here is too bad."

Chen Lun thought to himself.

Although there are also patrolling guards here, their work attitude is definitely not one-tenth that of the inner city.

When he was one block away from the flower shop, he suddenly heard a faint scream.

Through the light of a street lamp not far away, Chen Lun saw a beaten figure in the corner of the wall.

"Are you sure this isn't called Gotham City?"

A thought flashed through his mind.

Why did I come out for a casual stroll today, and encountered such a thing twice.

"...Remember, boy, if you don't pay the money tomorrow, there will be your dead body in the sewer at the lower beach."

"Cough, cough...don't hit me, I will definitely pay back the money tomorrow!"

As Chen Lun approached, he suddenly found that the guy who was beaten looked familiar.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be the neighbor I met when I went out, a young man named Kent.

He looked a bit miserable now, kneeling on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, begging the two men in leather jackets and leggings in front of him.

"Oh, we actually know that you have no money...

How about this, we'll give you an idea.

As long as you introduce the girl who lives in the same building as you to the Flower and Bird Tavern, you won't have to pay back the money for a while, how about it? "

The man said sullenly.

"You mean Connie? Cough... I don't know her very well."

"Unfamiliar? You are lying to ghosts!"

After all, the two punched and kicked Kent again.

It wasn't until Kent screamed that his voice was hoarse and kept begging, and the two stopped.

"I... I was indeed a classmate with her before, but I dropped out after only two months of class."

Kent gasped and spoke with difficulty.

Seeing that the two men were about to raise their hands to hit him again, Kent said quickly:

"But I know where she works, and I know the boss there.

I can make her lose her job first, and then... Then force her to go to your territory! "

After speaking, Kent seemed to be relieved, he let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall to rest.

"Very well, then we will wait for your news, be careful not to delay for too long, otherwise you will see it!"

The two men threatened, turned and left.

Chen Lun seemed to have heard something, so he didn't plan to ignore it and go straight back.But in the spirit of being a neighbor, he stepped forward to ask about the situation.

"Hey, need help?"

Chen Lun tried his best to speak in a gentle tone.

Unexpectedly, Kent gave him a hard look, lowered his head sullenly, and muttered something in his mouth.

Chen Lun silently shrugged, it seemed that he didn't need it.

At this time, footsteps came from the side of the street, Chen Lun looked along, and saw a young girl passing by, just looking this way.

She had a small and attractive face, but at this moment she glanced at Chen Lun with disgust, and then left quickly.


Chen Lun was stunned.

Why are you looking at me like that?

He turned his head and glanced at the pig-headed Kent, and immediately understood what was going on.

I won't be regarded as a gangster who blackmails others, will I?

The clown is me! ?

(End of this chapter)

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